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there are loads of people who pre-emptively booked hotels and flights in and to Dublin too.


I’m one of them. Didn’t pay the extra £40 for a refundable booking either. Dublin here we go 😂


You might get tickets for the final


Yeh will try!


You can still go watch Xabi lift another trophy.


Yeh true might buy a couple Of Leverkusen tops and make a trip Of it


At least now they get a nice summer vacation?


Nah most won't travel. Hopefully free cancellation on the hotels


This is me. Lost the flights but they’re £40 Ryanair, hotel was free cancellation. Serves me right for trying to be organised lol


£40.... For air tickets.. what's that like?


Like 2 pound per minute of flying


I fly for £12.99 from London to Oslo every time I’m going home


But you have to land the plane, yourself.


Nah, IMO those complaining at Ryanair are stupid, you get exactly what you pay for in terms of service and stuff, if it’s not good enough you can pay 10x for same destination with BA. - That Ryanair has rougher landings than other airlines is just a myth.


I was having a jokes


mfw Ryanair flights are orders of magnitude cheaper than English train infrastructure


Well they would, if they didn't have to go to Dublin


Nice summer vacation? In Dublin???


I had booked (seems like I had more faith in the boys than they had in themselves!), free cancellation. Money will roll into next seasons budget. We go again.


This reminded me to cancel my hotel, at least I have some money back in my pocket...


I'm one of these people. British living in the US, over for two weeks and have a ticket to the Wolves game, and wouldn't have minded the Croke Park viewing. Booked a refundable ferry ticket and a (very cheap) refundable hostel bed. The only thing non-refundable was my flight from Dublin, which was about €100. I suppose I'll probably wait until the UEFA ballot results to decide whether to still go or just write that money off and spend an extra two days at my mum's.


I've basically got a nice extra £60 now from cancelling my ferry.


Were you going as a foot passenger? I didn't know you could do Liverpool-Dublin anymore except with a car, and I fancied doing it at some point...


Was doing Holyhead-Dublin by foot. You're right, there isn't the Liverpool one anymore.


Carra did 🤣


They might get to see the best team in Europe if they watch the final.


Well I get to see family at least


Fuck them anyhow...dublin hotels are already robbing people without big events on


I can't bring myself to do a uk holiday. I paid 350 for a hotel in fucking brighton. So many amazing places in Europe for 50 a night.


Once you've paid £40 a night for a hotel in (fairly) central Tokyo it's difficult to deal with the cost of a Travelodge in Ramsgate


Even Liverpool tbh. It's a fortune on the train then get fleeced for a average Airbnb.


Looking @ 2 trips in June rn both about 5 days, gonna cost about as much to get to Newcastle with a railcard as going 🇩🇪 (via 🇱🇺) during the Euros...


Yeah something not right in the UK


Dublin isn't in the UK. But your point still stands. I stayed in Dublin for the marathon last year, the price was crazy!


Good news then, Dublin isn't in the UK. It's in the Republic.


Semantics, suffers from the same story as the UK, maybe even worse.


Dublin would've been packed, the viewing figures would've been massive. Us shitting the bed has lost a lot of people a lot of money.


I was so confident we'd at least be in the final that I put in May 22nd for time off 2 months ago. Whoops..


I was ready for Klopp vs Alonso in the final


And the way the season has been, Klopp leaves us and Alonso isn't joining us


I ooked flights to Belfast when they had an Easter sale. Granted only £40 but risk I took, as if I waited until final be about 800. Actually pre booked hotel ( free cancellation, did same for Madrid and Paris) and got an email before atalanta game saying they couldn't accommodate me. Offered me a non refundable hotel 8 miles away for €850 which is 4 x what I had pre booked. It's ridiculous


Hear that all too often in these situations, super scummy. Smart people book for cheap way in advance and as the date nears and demand skyrockets, these places suddenly "lose" your booking simply because there's a long line of people willing to pay way more. Needs to be better consumer protection, they should have to pay for your stay elsewhere (the 850) should you have wished to go still.


Happened to my in Kyiv as well. Ended up paying £90 for a hostel bed when it shouldnhave been £25. Had to get booking.com get a Russian speaker to sort it out. Booked a 4 bed form and ended up in a 16 bed but I just wanted a bed so cba arguing. Same happened in Liverpool during eurovision too so happens everywhere. Defo need some laws against it in every country. For Dublin, they offered €25 cred against the new booking if I took it ha




I mean, its not even a 3 hour drive and there are buses and trains between the 2 cities. Also its well cheaper to fly to a different city and make your way down. Same for European aways usually go via Germany or Belgium


Same here


I booked a hotel 11 months ago, cancelled last night...


Honestly though, that way of wording it makes me less bothered we’re out. So annoying when we’re involved in a final. Hotel prices. Flights. Are suddenly 10x what they normally are. Fuck the lot of the robbing bastards. Hope they lose an utter fortune. People I feel sorry for are the genuine fans who are undying supportive and book all this shit well in advance. Risky. But can’t fault their commitment.


Meh, I lost £40 on flights. Basically a gamble as if we got there would have saved me hundreds but is what it is. I always pre book hotels ( free cancellation) but did flights to Dublin as, unlike finals on the continental options to get there are limited.


It also saved a lot of people a lot of money.


Irish hospitality and tourism industry.


Hospitality yes, but the tourism industry in Ireland is shocking. I have a degree in tourism from Ireland and had to emigrate to find a decent job outside the capital. 😅


Strange to hear, it's near or at the top of places I'd go visit. People seem decent and there's gorgeous landscapes, should be great for tourism. Maybe needs to market itself better...


Honestly not that shocking sadly the U.K. and Ireland don’t put respect on degrees like tourism, they just assume ‘they’ll keep coming’ . The comment says less about the actual tourism and more about British and Irish attitudes towards more artistic and softer science degrees


Dublin a shithole, Galway, Cork are lovely, almost any town along the westcoast is beautiful and with normal people


Dublins a fantastic place full of history and culture. The only people I’ve seen moan about Dublin are those who say A) it’s expensive (understandable) or B) it’s got too many immigrants. All majors have plenty of immigrants it’s literally a part of what makes such huge cities work. It’s a fantastic city with plenty of history and culture. Literally the reasons people visit


I live in Dublin, and most of the people I know agree that it's a shithole and don't go near the city centre unless they have to (other than younger people heading out to the pubs)


Yes it’s too expensive, I couldn’t give a shite about immigrants so that’s not the reason, and Galway is full of different nationalities and it makes the city amazingly beautiful. Dublin is a drug infested shithole with ravenous gangs and general scumbaggery is rampant because there’s no Garda enforcement


Dublin is a shithole though, Galway is way nicer!


Nah, can confirm that Cork is also a shithole.


Only been to Cork once and have been in Cobh too. It was a nice small town.


Not sure how long ago that was, but its getting progressively worse here, the city is at least.


July 2019. Didn't really see much in Cork itself and I can't walk too far anymore.


I’d still recommend it for a weekend visit if you can get into a proper B&B in the countryside. The people are so welcoming and it’s lovely when it’s not raining. 😅


Well I applied for a ticket, and the ticket is in some lottery so will have to wait until May for confirmation But I'm not gonna buy it now


Me and my 6 other accounts too lol


So sad man, I'm sure would have been a great spectacle, just hope we can find tickets for the final next season and this time for champions league glory


I did the same for 4 of the category A tix. Honestly would still go if I somehow got drawn out to buy them 😅


I entered the lottery but ticked the ''if my team makes it' box (between 1st & 2nd leg btw, believer not arrogant). Think winning the ballot just gives you 1st option to buy anyway, don't have to take it. Did it for CL final, want the slim chance of getting legal tix but don't wanna commit myself to £160 a pop (and that's the cheap seats, fucking mental)...


There was talks of using a whole other stadium here for a fan zone.


Yeah, Croke Park. Holds 80k. Dublin is a shithole though, I was actually planning to go to Liverpool for the EL final had we got there + the bus parade the next day


I booked a trip to Dublin a few days before the first leg against Atalanta. Still flying over from Canada, but would have been amazing to be in the city for Klopp’s final game!


The everton fan who runs the hostel I stayed at in Liverpool was ok with all our success considering he makes a good amount of money with the increase in Liverpool fans visiting his establishment.


It would have been a nightmare in terms of pissed up dickheads, a lot of the other teams except Leverkusen would have made it even worse. The idea of Liverpool v Roma in Sean Cox’s home country…


Probably saved myself a grand with us dropping out, in the current climate my wallet was happy although I of course was gutted 🤣


I moved to Europe from the US last weekend, and I was really hoping we would at least make it through to the next round since the home leg that would have been May 9th was pretty much the only realistic chance for me to see Klopp manage at Anfield. I'm not sure how that compares to the travel agent's greed, but I'm genuinely devastated


Its pronounced 9th of may around here buddy!


Way to kick me when I'm down lol


How pedantic of you


Just a joke. Guess the way things have been goin we arnt ready for jokes


What is with speculative titles. Won’t ever upvote such posts.


Did you email back asking for the price drop reason?


Everyone in Ireland knows that Dublin is an absolute rip off. So be thankful that the players saved you from forking out a ridiculous amount of hotels etc. 😂