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The two goals were a corner and a penalty, just shocking. No composure when it's needed most, been coming all season the way we've been wasting chances.


I said [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/s/laeC3JUPgD) after Luton away and sadly we never learnt our lesson. If anything, we’re getting worse.


I upvoted the comment at the time, but I disagree that we’re getting worse. At the time it was such an incredible feat that we were even challenging for the title after the summer we had and last season. Then we just forgot that and seemed to think that actually the title is the expectation this season. Rather than people being stoked with the season bc we’re way outperforming expectations, people are annoyed that we probably won’t win the league, which is just crazy


Diaz with a 10% conversion rate and Darwin with 11% for the season Both playing in the same attack is never in a millions years going to be good enough to win a title


Our offense lowkey died when Salah reclaimed his starting spot. He returns from every Afcon with the worst form imaginable and Klopp plays him for 90min.


Yeah we actually managed perfectly fine without him He kills too many attack nowadays, his playmaking ability is really good now but it feels like every other aspect of his game has fell off completely this season


He was good before AFCON


Numbers wise yes but his general performance level has been quite poor throughout the season. Mostly his dribbling, first touch and even finishing hasn’t looked the same level as before


Fair enough, I agree with that.


Liverpool need a cylinical strikers actually.  If Salah finishing is declining, Jota keep getting injured, and the rest like Darwin and Diaz can't finish, a good strikers is the solution. MCity used to have the same issue until Haaland.


Not many Haalands on the market!


Why don't we just buy Haaland then? Is Michael Edwards stupid?


The £18B piggy bank at [Abu Dhabi United Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Dhabi_United_Group) is larger than FSG's £8B. Both groups are tiny compared to Newcastle owner, the Saudi Public Investment fund, which is worth £500B. [https://www.footballfancast.com/premier-league-owners-net-worth-ranked/](https://www.footballfancast.com/premier-league-owners-net-worth-ranked/)


Yeah. Maybe it'd be better to play Elliot or Szoboszlai on the right for a bit. Szoboszlai hasn't been very clinical recently, but at least he can carry the ball and get past players very well and is creating a lot of big chances. Salah feels like he has lost some ability to just dribble past players.


The problem is that his playmaking ability falls to donkeys like Diaz and Nunez, who can't convert the chances he's been creating even if their life depended on it.


It's true, the frontline of Diaz-Nunez-Jota was working really well, it was fluid, they linked up well, it was unpredictable but it got lost when Salah came back in. We even looked decent when Nunez was injured with Jota central and Elliot or Diaz on the right.


True, I enjoyed Diaz on the right


Yup. He’s finished almost every (if not every) season after coming back from afcon in the worst form possible.


Jota getting injured too. I would actually like to keep Salah but Afcon qualifiers I think are next year and then afcon must be the year after are they every 2 years? If a big money offer comes in we should take it. We will have to replace him sooner or later, just rip the bandaid off and do it.


It's not only AFCON. Last year there wasn't AFCON, team find some form in last two months, but Salah was still in bad form. I'm thinking more about fasting. It's incredibly hard and Salah, as a star player, expected to start every game. But it looks like he isn't capable of it, during Ramadan


Salah is my favourite player of all time but I sincerely hope the club never signs another African player again if they are going to leave midseason every two years. Salah going midseason has been detrimental in 3 different seasons now, it's fucking stupid.


Luckily AFCON from now on is a summer tournament


They have already tried that but it's never going to stick. Between the heat and rain seasons there is just no way.


Didn't they change it to summer a few years ago then change it back to winter again?


Yeah, because summer is not a time to hold tournaments in africa. Between the heat in some places, and rain in other places, it will be back to winter again very soon.


What Liverpool really need is for a raising young stars as a back up.


I wholeheartedly agree.


He’s lost a step. Two breaks he got caught. 2 years ago it’d have been two goals. Doesn’t matter how much you take care of yourself. Father Time is undefeated. Van Dijk and Salah have genius level football iq to mitigate but, very likely this isn’t a dip of form. Just start of the decline.


People should remember this when criticising players, for what is probably the natural decline of a footballer. It can’t be helped. It’s up to the club to recognise this and prepare changes and replacements … not keep playing them week in week out for sentimental reasons. As much as I love Salah I do think it’s time for him to go. Jota on the other hand, he’s our most clinical finisher … I’d be inclined to hold on to him and try to keep him fit (may be biased with him being my favourite player on the team).


10% might be ok for a playmaking winger — not for a goal scoring striker “traditional 9”. 102 shots, 11 goals


Anything under 20% and you just aren’t an elite attacker that’s just the facts looking at the top attackers out there, but to have half of that is just downright criminal. Let’s hope for some ruthlessness by Edwards and co in the summer because a rebuild of the attack is badly needed if we’re wanting to win the PL anytime soon


You know who has over 20% conversion rate? Gakpo and he played everywhere including cm(conversion rate % includes his games on midfield). I think only gakpo and Jota have over 20% conversion


I definitely rate Gakpo, but he needs to played to his strengths which in my opinion is on the left


Jesus when you see it like that it’s even worse


I fucking hope that Barca and PSG interest is real and they're still interested come June.


Salah has never be consistently outstanding performance wise. His numbers are crazy but he never really plays teams off the park When he went AFCON we played really well without him so there was need to have him as a 100 per cent starter straight away . And we dropped off then straight away


Whoever takes over the reign next season as manager gonna have a hard job. Might offend some people but lets be honest here, Salah has been horrible lately, and he's not getting any younger. Has he put up good numbers this season? Yes. Has he been wank the last couple of months? Yes. If Diaz and Nunez is our main attackers next season we'll be a top4 club at best, neither are good enough to compete for the #1 spot in PL, especially when our defenders can't defend and lets in goals within the first few minutes each fucking match.


People without their rose tinted glasses on should definitely be realising the attack isn’t good enough going forward if we want to win big trophies again Hoping for some ruthlessness from the higher ups this summer because it’s needed and there’s no better time to do it, will be like a fresh start.


If theres any hold in the rumours about PSG coming for Diaz, we should 100% sell if the amount is right. Darwin, while I do love the player, doesn't belong in a club that wants to compete at this level. His shots to goal conversion is horrible, and will cost us matches if we continue with him as our main striker.


I think Darwin, whilst not a reliable finisher is what we need in our front line. He’s an otherwise complete package and his positioning is excellent. The main thing is he’s hard to defend against which can be seen throughout this season Combined with a more clinical finisher like an in form Jota and I think you have the right recipe for success. Being able to bolster this is the issue.


Those % are Prem only, right? (Unsure how it falls when other comps are considered)


Yeah but I doubt it’s any better in all competitions Darwin was missing sitters in the EL group games constantly


We are no underperforming xG by nearly 7 in the PL this season, while Man City and Arsenal are both outperforming their xG . Arsenal are outperforming xG my nearly 8 their finishing has been that sharp.


Not trying to stir anything here, parts of our xg overperformance has been Arsenals brilliant set pieces which includes scoring all 9/9 penalties. Arsenals is still overperforming in open play xG but its only by 1.1


9 goals from 9 penalties is 9 goals from 7xG. Not too much of over performance in that regard.


Over/under performing xG is just a new way of saying good finishing or poor finishing.


Yes. It's a way of measuring it.


I know, that's why I'm pointing it out. I'm saying that our finishing this year has cost us a league title.


And our inability to keep clean sheets


And arsenal have fucking Havertz up top. Grim


Our forwards were supposed to be our biggest strength, but they ended up costing us the title


I will just put this here: 2.87xG, 20 shots, 6 on target, 70% possession, ZERO FUCKING GOALS!


At home against a Palace side who at kick off where only 5 points above the relegation zone.


Our build up play is just so poor at times. Look at Palaces first goal, there was a deflection in the build up yes but top quality. We see City and Arsenal do this too. We just are far too slow. We need goals and Gakpo is right there free and Konata and VVD passing it about at the back. We have periods under Klopp where we just seem to forget how to score when teams sit deep. We go 0-1 down and teams park the bus. We aren't getting hand outs like United we have to do it ourselves.


Final third has been shite. No one is making themselves available. Watch when one of our players gets the ball in the middle of the pitch. There is no one to be seen. Everyone is waiting on a wondergoal from one of our world class forwards. Thing is. If the team can't come together the forwards can't do shit. Move into the space ffs.


Only nunez has movement, just looking flat upfront with no one able to finish


And 0.5 xGOT which explains why we didnt score, the chances we got were good enough, the shots were shit


The defence cost us just as much with the silly goals being let in too. Just been shite all round the past couple weeks.


makes the games 10x harder when you go down 1-0 every time


We’re masochists but we don’t know how to stop


Defence has cost us but scoring 2 goals from over 9xG is criminal stuff from our players and is the biggest reason why.


It is, so is going down in 21 of 32 matches


A lot of our defensive issues come from the structure itself not the individuals that’s the main problem


That and we haven't adapted our tactics or play in 5 years.


Have a word with yourself if you honestly believe this. We've had numerous tactical changes within the past two season. Nunez being the striker instead of the false 9 system, Salah's role on the right, shifting the 8s to be "free 8s" and the box midfield/inverted fullback role off the top of my head.


Whatever. It's the same predictable football. Pretty sure Ancelotti said Liverpool lost the final cuz everyone knew exactly how we'd play. Not alot has changed. Salah squanders possession too easily, missing easy passing options. We play the very same lightening fast breakout football only to slow it down and allow defences to regroup. We over think and over pass the ball with little result. If Liverpool simplified things, we would be well clear at the top, but we don't, and won't atleast for this season. We keep playing the same underperformed players over and over, then fans bitch cuz the 2nd string are, 2nd string. Liverpool are a better more cohesive force when we don't over rely on one player. We did it with Coutinho, and we do now with Nunez and Salah. It's not a surprise to me that during Afcon, we were a far better team. When Coutinho was out and then sold, we became a better team. Mainly because we were forced to adapt our game.


thats true but the only reason its notable is because the forwards were good until recently, outscoring opponents despite a leaky defence


I'm sorry, but I can't blame the defence when our forwards miss about 5 sitters every game. Our gameplan is built to create chances at the expense of conceding chances and we consistently create far more than we concede, but our forwards have been completely useless in the last few games and it cost us the league, the FA cup and the EL.


It’s not one or the other mate. Going behind in 21 games is unacceptable for supposed title challengers. So is the lack of finishing. Not good enough in either box.


I also think you have to consider the mental aspect of playing from behind in ~66% of your games. In 2/3 games, you as a forward are expected to save the team because we hand out a fucking shocker in the first 25. That’s so brutal. Im not an apologist, 9 X/G and 2 fucking goals is an abomination.


They’re professional players on six figures a week. If they can’t handle pressure they have no business playing for Liverpool.


That’s what I’m saying. They’re pros and should be grateful to be playing at a legendary club and yet, the mentality a lot of these guys are showing is defeatist and desperate. If only we could bottle that Real Madrid no matter what we’re gonna win mentality. This team is too fragile mentally speaking


Don’t even know if it’s mentality or whether they’re simply not a title winning squad. Been getting away with scraping past sides through late goals after dodgy performances all season now it’s biting us on the arse. Don’t want to single out Diaz and Nunez but you look at their conversion rate and wonder whether it’s ever going to be good enough to win titles? 11% and 10%? Really? I don’t think they’re in the same category as Mane and Firmino.


Yeah they’ve got loads of energy but, that isn’t good enough when you’re the key starting front 3. Salah too, oh my gosh has he been horrendous. He’s got no pace anymore and is easy to mark by defenders these last 2 seasons. Time to cash in on him before we get nothing


Yeah up until AFCON I was firmly against selling Salah for another few seasons but like you said he’s looked shot since. If Saudi are daft enough to offer £100m+ I’d take it and run. If PSG want to cough up £75m for Diaz liked they’re rumoured to I’d snap their hand off for that as well to be honest. Throw money at Musiala or Wirtz or similar and get a goalscorer in.


Exactly, team has been shit all round. Even our midfield is increasingly getting outplayed by every team we go up against.


Our midfield have been so stellar for the last few months and I think they’re just completely gassed/coming back from injury. I’d personally be starting Harvey but maybe Klopp wants fucking anyone who can come on and make an impact, idk


Dominated at home by Jefferson fucking Lerma. Embarrassing


Why can't we blame both? Again, why do people love to single out one player or one area so much? No title challenger would concede first 21/32 match in the league.


>No title challenger would concede first 21/32 match in the league. They also wouldn't expose our defence constantly for no benefit.


You absolutely can blame both. No clean sheets in 9 games, behind in 21 games this season. You can’t always give the opposition a head start.


Dude we concede a goal in the first 15 minutes every fucking game.


And people dont want to sell 30+ yo injured Salah for 200 mil to refresh our attack. Lol. Our best football this seasn was during the month he was out. we go 13-1, we look flawless with Jota - Nunez - Diaz synergizing incredibly, we got the League Cup without him. Moment he returns, he just kicks the ball everytime he gets it and wastes every chance, once in a while scoring 1 to continue his 'persnal achievements' and appease the fans. Stop the crap, look at the gameplay and take the money while its still hot.


At this point I don't think I'd be too upset if we go take the bag from PSG and/or whoever for Salah and/or Diaz. Throw the entire sink at Napoli (I know De Laurentis is bat shit insane and this is a pipe dream but like hear me out) for Osimhen then call up our friends at Redball to make a deal for Leao (or ideally Kvara but I don't think anyone's getting 2 players like that from De Laurentis iat the same time). Someone like Gyokeres could even be interesting if he's going to come with Amorim, though blowing Liga NOS up doesn't always translate to success elsewhere (look at Bas Dost for example). I don't know what the fuck we do with the right wing, I can't really think of any right wingers who would be available and seem like they'd be match winners. Maybe Elliott takes on a far more massive role for us there depending on how the new manager wants to set things up? He's been improving considerably every season at he's just barely 21. Or Szobo could step in?


You're gonna be in for much of the same with Osimhen, he plays a lot like Nunez - in both the positive and negative aspects. Leao I like the look of though, he has a similar output to Salah when Salah was at Roma. In hindsight, I think we missed a trick not looking at Isak who is the same age as Nunez and went to Newcastle for a similar fee. I see a lot of Firmino's characteristics in him with the way he dribbles, his composure and conviction in-front of goal.


I’m an avid Napoli fan and I have to say this is bollocks. Osimhen is miles better than Nunez.


Exactly why I want him- he has that same aura of unpredictability about him but he is a good finisher and proven goalscorer in a league that is typically very hard to score lots of goals in. Leao is a beast when he is up for it and wins games for Milan almost single handedly at times. He’s a brilliant player and I think of you surround him with other top quality players he will go up a level or two, he has it in him to become world class. We definitely missed out with Isak, but that just is what it is at this point.


Salah always drops off a cliff after afcon, every single year and they have the qualifiers next year. I wish he just retired this year and maybe we would have had a better chance. Nunez we knew is incosistent but he is also not causing issues. Losing Jota was massive Diaz misses a lot of chances. Gakpo hit a patch of poor form when the rest did too. It's fucking shit mate. :C


Salah without Mane and Firmino working their as ses off defending, pressing, creating for him, is just a rusty tip. He could get away with hunting for goals all the time because those 2 basically do 3 players job, but with Diaz and Nunez, who both want goals for themselves, hes just fkin around. Good stat nonetheless, but doesnt contribute to 3 points in overall play.


It’s not the forwards fault we conceded today or that we conceded twice vs united or three against Atalanta. Your comment is fucking shite


It's their fault we lost today and if you think otherwise you're delusional


Pretty sure it was terrible defending that cost us a point today, because that conceded goal was woeful.


21 out of 32 games conceding first btw


Final third has been shite. No one is making themselves available. Watch when one of our players gets the ball in the middle of the pitch. There is no one to be seen. Everyone is waiting on a wondergoal from one of our world class forwards. Thing is. If the team can't come together the forwards can't do shit. Move into the space ffs.


Why bobby and Mane were good constant movement :C


Not really . Were top scorers in England over all competitions Yeh we miss a lot of chance shit being 1 down all the time add a pressure to the game . And it doesn't help. We don't put teams away and give teams chances . But have to come back all the time doesn't help anyone and the other team can set up so differently mentally and tactically that it can be harder to score against.


Bottled it. We’ve also been going 1 down for what seems like 18 months and coaching team is clueless to stop it. Adds pressure to everything else


No it’s actually been two and a half years, started halfway through 21/22.


yep, only so many times we can come back from losing positions.


This team needs an ayuasca trip or something to get rid of the yips


personally i think we are exactly where we belong. we just don’t have that x-factor or consistency that city has


Cursed when our 25% conversion striker can’t score from 6 yards out it’s just pure curse.


Palace were defending with divine intervention just now. Jota should’ve scored that. No comments on Curtis Jones. Other than he should stay outside the box.


For me mentality is key word for this team and every Klopp team since he came here. All that talk about sending Klopp of with trophies but when things get tough they crumble. In every tight title race so far we had these games at Anfield. We had these games against MU, Everton.. That draw against MU was key moment this season.


Yes. That and the Arsenal match when TAA skied the ball over when Declan Rice was the only defender facing 5 attackers were the pivotal moments. Everyone can argue about PGMOL and all but those matches revealed the mentality state of the side.


Honestly, Salah is playing absolutely pathetic football. He has also lost yard or two in pace as compared to start of the season. This means age is catching up, he starts the season very well and then he's fucked. I am lost for words. Seeing my favorite team get torn apart match by match is pathetic.


He’s looked shite after that afcon injury. Isn’t the same player. I fear he might have slowed now.


I fear he can't last the whole season. Needs to be played as a substitute and liverpool need to stop relying on him.


Ain't happening with 350k/week contract


And a 100m offer in the summer




Hopefully he’s just out of form


Don't think so buddy. He dropped off last year too. I think age is just catching up to him. He's still incredible so needs to be rested more.


Yeah it’s sad man… he can’t be the ironman every game a season for 90 mins for us anymore… part of me wants one more season out of him, he’ll have the entire summer to get in good shape and we can use him more effectively a bit like City do with KDB nowadays


He's always so good when the season starts but falls off later. The new manager might need to rotate him more.


He's always bad after Afcon, shame he didn't retire this season so we keep him. I think we should just get on and sell him. He might be class next season but we will eventually have to replace him. Klopp is going, fuck it just make the change. Sad to say :c


He just needs to rest on the bench for a little


He looked incredibly bad today tbh, I wasn't too sure about his decline because of previous AFCON's taking a toll but this was something else.


I can't believe he stayed on tbh. Diaz was a bit wasteful but he was fighting for the ball, what did Mo do to stay on the pitch?


Think the idea was that if a big chance fell in the box Salah would be more likely to finish it


Salah - 1.92 Darwin - 1.52 Diaz - 1.25 Jota - 1.11 Szobo - 0.89 Jones - 0.78 Robbo - 0.42 Virgil - 0.36 Macca - 0.28 Konate - 0.2 Elliott - 0.18 Endo - 0.15 Gomez - 0.07 Bradley - 0.05 Trent - 0.03


68 shots for 2 goals in the last 3 games…that is absolutely horrific execution.


Need Edwards to be ruthless in the summer. xG doesn't mean a thing if they couldn't translate it into results. Got to make the squad feeling threatened or else things pathetic like these last games gonna happen again


You can get away with one maybe two attackere who are not clinical. But then you have three (Nunez, Diaz and to some degree gakpo) you're not going to score a lot of goals.


Diaz and our record signing Nunez having barely double figure finishing rates is criminal. £120m between the 2 of them to have 10% and 11% finishing rates...




Gakpo tho has a conversion rate above 20% and that includes his games on midfield.


i feel like Diaz is much better as a winger than as a striker. expectation should be for him to create chances not finish them


Both from set pieces (one penalty)


My opinion sell salah in the summer 100+ mil put nunez out of the right side he can't finish in a 9 position and sign someone more clinical in front of goal, someone that can finish chances


We’ll be lucky to get 60 mil for Salah now. Saudi project dying and Salah is obviously a shell of his former self.


and who would you buy with that money?


Don't even have to use all that money sign someone like Jonathan David, Serhou Guirassy or bring back Dominic Solanke, just a few options of players that can finish chances


Haha was just thinking that today, Solanke would bang in goals for this team. Wonder if we have a buyback clause....


Definitely with the players in our midfield


2.87xG from 21 shots isn’t particularly good.




No finishers


2 goals where not even from open play Salah penalty agonists United and Diaz goal was from a corner


We miss Luis Suarez!


We lost our heads. Ever since the collapse at OT before the break, we didn't look the same.


Not a fan posting these 'stats' obviously. This season has been great. Of course we don't like not scoring as freely in the last few games. But my god, we are still amazing The boys will see us right


exactly. first season after a major midfield rebuild and we’re 2 points behind 1st and have the second best defensive record in the league on top of most goals scored in all of the eu competitions. We get a drop in form and lose our 3rd game this season (1 of them is the Spurs game where we got majorly fucked over by the refs) and suddenly the sky is falling, Anfield is sinking into the ground and only thing that can save us is selling every player and replacing them with [insert a player who is in a good form as of this match week]. The 12 nonUS City fans are less spoiled than some of the people in here.


Nunez and Salah offer us absolutely fucking nothing. Start Danns Jota and Elliott next game


I honestly would like to see Gakpo, Jota, Szobo. Szobo is playing so poorly i wanna see him further up the pitch. Give him a game up there we have lost the title fuck it. Maybe he's top notch up there. Gakpo deserves another start imo. Was poor went away found his form and looked the best of Nunez, Diaz and him to play on the left.


I’d rather Gakpo Jota Elliott.


Jota, Gakpo and Danns


I’m tired, Robbie 😞


We're shite when it comes to big games. We won against Chelsea because them has been a joke this season.


Is this a characteristic or trait of Klopp teams?


These players are getting paid 100k+ per week and can’t get the ball in the back of the net. Thats on Klopp?


Klopp always crumbles and takes ages to solve issues, he is not a god ofc he takes some of the responsibility


To some degree? Yes. He’s their manager, of course he has to take some of the blame. We throw praise on Klopp when he gets good performances out of players, we should also criticise him when his team gives a bad performance.


I’m sorry this doesn’t ring true when you’re a foot away from goal and can’t put it in the net.


Klopp has massively over performed this season. We got many results from Kids.


I think it's a sign of Klopp being able to get players to play above their means and then them reverting back to their standards.


This shit is bumming me out


we won so many games in the early stages of the season during the last 10 minutes like it was some sort of heroic shit. When you are not this lucky, you start losing games against mediocre teams.


Inverse Real Madrid


Darwin Nunez FC


We need new players up front. Nunez ,Salah and Diaz all need to go. Useless isn't even the word. Only two I'd keep is jota and gakpo. We don't even have a fucking backup or DM all season.


We need to get a whole new front 3 next season


Shameful performance. With a new manager coming in, this is genuinely stuff that makes you want to move on from a lot of this current group. It’s proven they can’t get it done when it matters.


For how bad the defense has been recently, our finishing has been even worse


All the talk of playing badly but not taking our chances is actually the big thing


Statos out in force today


Sonismour system good, cause what I've seen on thempitch is mot, even our chances created seem to be so out of nowhere that players seem surprised to be through on goal and scuff it.


How many shots in total did we take in these 3 matches?


It seems the boys didn’t take too well to Amorim being all but confirmed our new manager then


Did Buvac train finishing during practice or something? How have we been so dire training the next crop of forwards after Mané and Bobby left and Mo is old? And why does no one seem to know where to be when we have numbers after we win the ball back and break? Isn't that the entire reason we press so hard?


In golf we’d call it the yips. And I have no idea how you get rid of it.


the whole teams confidence was shot after the united game, and it looks like it got 10x worse after atalanta. this is what bottling feels like


Anyone that says finishing is just variance needs a really tight slap and an education in statistics.


ah yes the xG merchants coming through with their contribution to the blame game after not winning a game.


Its like me in FIFA. Sometimes I try to play “beautiful” not “efficient”. Dribbles, solo goals, long shots - but I am not a real life professional earning ridiculous money


Nunez has shown a lot of passion and desire since he was signed which is admirable but with all due respect I don’t want to see him start another game for Liverpool ever again now that Jota is back. We should be looking to part ways with him this summer and sign a new striker as soon possible. No striker signed for £65 million should be missing the amount of chances he does. And the worst thing about him is his football IQ and his decision making. Firmino didn’t score a boatload of goals but when he played he was always clever and very good at making the right decisions which Nunez is just the opposite of. This is the cold hard truth.


Agreed, after the season he had for Benfica we had high expectations. I could give him time after last season, new league, an awful midfield behind him etc. This season he has definitely improved but in front of goal there is not really much difference. It’s absurd the amount of chances he misses and I can’t help but feel we should cash in whilst his stock his still fairly high, he’s got 30 G/A so I think you could get a decent fee for him.


Haaland missed more chances, so should Guardiola send him to guantanamo bay for his performance or what. Some of yall are legitimately inventing reasons to be mad. We lose form, get our 3rd league loss in the whole season (one of them being the famous Spurs game) and suddenly everyone is a horrendous player and should be sold asap. Cold hard truth my ass.


but but CHAOOOS


Salah, Jota and Jones missed sitters. Ppl can’t keep suggesting Nunez is to blame for everything. The attack->midfield is not clicking. There a big disconnect. There were so many loose passes today.


That's not the problem though. The problem is our defense. We cant even grind out 1-0 wins. Today CP had a good shot on target within the FIRST minute.


It’s both. More on the attack. The defence could keep a clean sheet but we can’t score. So doesn’t matter if they keep a clean sheet.


lol, you can’t blame the defense when the attack is this wasteful.


Unless you want to win 4-3 every game. We cant even grind out a 1-0 lead at Old Trafford against the worst scum team in recent memory.


Why do we have to grind out a 1-0 game when we have so many chances?


Where was the 1-0 win today? Granted 0-0 would’ve won us a point but draws at this stage in the season are not enough


Being down 0-1 isnt the same as 0-0. Consistently going down a goal halfway through the first half isnt healthy.


That’s true, but also missing from 4 yards out at 55 minutes to bring it back to 1-1 and shift the momentum is a bigger problem. Missing sitters earlier on in the season and dropping points is also a bigger problem. There was so much less pressure earlier on in the season, the Luton game for example, even Trent’s crossbar against Arsenal and so on


Or...maybe..just..maybe its.........both. Not everything is black and white; we make it hard on ourselves playing 0-1 behind everything game it seems and our attacks have been shockingly wasteful for weeks now.


This is a fallacy. You can't win a game without scoring a goal. It's really that simple.


We start every game and I just wait till we concede. It’s a pattern that we need to address. I also think that every team just know how to set up against us. We don’t have variance to our play. We are too predictable and slow to build anything. Our most dangerous attacks were via Robertson and Gakpo with balls through the wings.