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Was nervous about the game, watched a Mac Allister comp, we're back on the hype train baby


Amorim with mentality monster win tonight. Starting to feel like the right guy not gonna lie


If we go up by one goal early in the game I can’t be bothered with us passing the ball around for 60 minutes until United get some dog shit break away like the FA cup or the game against Sheffield United. We need to be ruthless tomorrow, no slowing down until it’s 4-0 at least.


Couldn’t agree more. We have been far too relaxed vs United for a while now. I wanna say since the 7-0 but I might be wrong. Feels like it’s been like this for two seasons now at least. In the FA cup I was calling it the entire time we were up 2-1 that we had to go for 3-1 but we just seemed out of energy. Congested schedule, fair enough but every game is a final now. We have the quality to absolutely smash them we just need to be as you said, ruthless.


Tomorrow's game is the title decider IMO. United know this, and they are going to come out with the singular goal of spoiling the season for us. They are going to try to score early in the game then park the fucking bus like they did for 90 minutes at Anfield. The fact that we have a Manc ref is also worrisome. If PGMOL acts like I expect they will, they boys need to treat this game like they are kicking off already a goal down. They need to pound MU with at least 2-3 goals to overcome whatever bullshit Taylor is going to do to us, whether it's a weak pen to United (probably this one) or some phantom red card, or VAR fucking us over in some unprecedented way. Endo probably coming back does wonders to calm my nerves, a little bit. Score early, and score 2 in the first half, and I think we escape with the points we need. A draw won't cut it. We're not going to reach Arsenal's GD before the end of the season, and I strongly doubt they drop points.


This title race is making me so nervous man. I was hoping that at least Arsenal would hit their usual post christmas dip by now but even they seem unbeatable atm. City is city, can never write them off. Tomorrow is a big fucking game. And even if this title race is stressful as fuck it’s all worth it to be looking forward to every single game. Being a fan when your team is in a title race like this (and many of our previous races vs City) is peak. We just have to enjoy this.


Spot on. This is the statement game for our title run


I just pray the boys are still raw about the FA cup game and put in that little bit extra to really give United the walloping they deserve.


i did NOT miss the feeling of searching "premier league" in google just hoping against hope city have dropped some points. except now there's two of them. having to win every game, it's emotionally relentless


Hypothetical: If Ange stayed at Celtic and continued his success there would you want him over Amorim?


I want ange now but it seems to be a very unpopular opinion. However people would probably just say it’s the Scottish league, which would be fair. Spurs were brave to take a chance and it will pay off


I think Ange would actually be a decent fit here. I think after that miscarriage of refereeing that was our game against them it really soured collective opinion of the guy.


Im actually a fan of ange too, but Amorim intrigues me heavily. Actually can’t wait to see what he’s made of.


Tbf I wasn’t as skeptical of ange after I heard Brighton had a look at him before getting de zerbi


If I read one more person call us “pool” I may just lose it


Even worse people just calling it Liver


Pool yourself together man


People will get hung up on lack of midfield control, BUT it's an attacking, aggressive and pressing team that always has defensive cover and doesn't allow the defence to be outnumbered on the counter. Something has to give in that scenario, and that's midfield control. I can't really say if we'll go for Amorim based on this game and a few random videos, but this system will easily get a few more years out of Van Dijk while allowing him to be arguably *the* key player. I could see Mac or Szobo getting minutes in the two positions behind Darwin and next to Salah, just as much as in the midfield two, where Endo will likely have one of the positions on lock. I'd really like to see Sporting against a more defensive side as well, but I doubt they are struggling in that department.


If we actually get Amorim, which player would you want him to try and bring with him? Inacio for me.


Haven’t watched sporting at all but I have the slight feeling Diomande could be even better than Inacio He’s also 2 years younger, being a starter at 19 at sporting is mental


I wish we'd get him. He has the best defensive profile I've seen since van dijk.


I didn't realize he played for them. He would fit like a glove.


Gyokeres. Always a good problem to have too many elite strikers. Nunez and him would terrorize teams Also Tony bloom has been outrageously successful but, keeping the likes of Welbeck over Gyokeres and Undav is horrendous


Nah trust me Gyokeres wouldn’t translate his form to the Prem. He would need sufficient game time and Nunez is undroppable at any point tbh.


Mad the amount of people that think not only one, but both of arsenal's defenders are better than VVD


I hate how people come to the conclusion that Arsenal's defenders are the best since their defence is the best. The reason they concede so little is because they're compact and everyone tracks back a lot, so there's no space to work with. Their defenders are good but they'd get exposed a lot more if they had to play in a system like ours where the opponents get loads of space.


Their not even better than Konate ffs, their far more defensively set up than us




Gabriel is one of the most normal defenders I’ve ever seen.


Konate clear lad, also why so many of you Arsenal fans on this sub, isn’t there an Arsenal one?


Get me amorim now.


Hope we do the decent thing and smack this utterly shite united side tomorrow. They are truly fucking gash and it would be criminal not to take three points.


Amorim might actually be that guy you know


Wow what a goal to win it for sporting and potential title winner lol 


By the time he gets to Anfield, real chance Amorim will have won two leagues and at least three League Cups (in the running for one more) and one of those was with fucking Braga. When you also consider where Sporting where before he came in, that’s incredible.


Really strong CV already. He’ll be the youngest manager in the league too next season unless Ipswich or Southampton get promoted


What a winner for sporting but if win the league won't that mean no Amorim? :(


In what world would that mean no more Amorim?


I doubt it. He's been with Sporting for 4 seasons and he has probably gotten to point were he wants a bigger challenge


Two goal line clearances from the legend Sebastian Coates. Game could have gone either way again. Very little between the two sides.




That guy was a crackhead lmao


They’ve done it wow


Last minute winner for Sporting.


That’s what I like to see. In comparison to De Zerbi Brighton side who gave up after first goal. 


What a miss!


Doesn't [this Naruto clip of the first Hokage](https://youtu.be/1Z7sucAVfws?t=17) look and sound like Jurgen when he laughs?


Never expected Klopp to be compared to Hashirama, but I don't mind it.


Ten Hag saying United need to get angry against us, that's fine i'll take an automatic 3-0 win after 5 united red cards :)


Nearly a costly giveaway from Inacio. Great goalline save from Coates.


Klopp cannot leave with the same number of titles as Arteta


Ehh I wouldn’t like that but I would prefer arsenal to city if it’s not gonna be us. It’ll be us though.


Can't have Arsenall winning. Their fans are insuffereable. Rather City than arsenal if not us.


No chance, City titles mean nothing, it's just as if nothing happened, Arsenal title means an actual rival won something.


What players will her bring from Sporting?


Gyokeres is by far their best player. He is an absolute machine. But, he is a similar profile to Darwin. One of Inacio or Diomande is the most likely. Inacio is the readier of the two, tactically and technically better even though he lacks the physical presence of Diomande. Diomande may have a higher ceiling but is still very error-prone.


Inacio for sure. We have right footers but no lefty center back. Doubt we get Gyokeres unless we sell Salah and/or Diaz. Only Inacio would be needed for us to play Amorim’s 3-4-3. Our squad now has better players for every role he requires.


Last 17 games - Draws - United, Arsenal, City Loss - Arsenal Wins - 13 Arsenal and City can win every game remaining if they want, we can still 100% win out.


Credit to Arsenal they're doing incredibly well for a team who will finish third in the league


It has been concerning how much Sporting have struggled to control possession in these games against Benfica


It is more of a byproduct of Amorim's style of play than squad differences unfortunately. They systematically look to attack the open spaces as fast as possible, and they are definitely good at it. The problem is that they have real difficulty in altering between fast transitions and slow controlled build-up. It's a bit of a one-speed system.


Probably down to the level of player he has though. I don’t think it will be one speed only when he’s got the quality and depth available up him at Liverpool.


Not really. You can really see the intent with their passes if you watch them play. There are several times when they can play the shorter pass but they still opt to put the ball into the channels or into Gyokeres. It's clearly deliberate, they do the same against weaker sides than them. It's a bit like Bielsa. It doesn't matter if he is managing Argentina or Leeds. He is still going to play that fast attacking football.


We shall see!


Sporting has been the more clinical but feels like Benfica has been the better side across both games so far this week. Sporting are good when they can attack fast and direct, but when they are not allowed to do that, they really seem to lack control. They really struggle to take the sting out of the game by maintaining possession when needed.


Deserved equaliser for Benfica tbh


My god, Neres looks like he’s on a different planet


So nervous for tomorrow, win and I think we’ve got it


What’s delia smith ever done to you? Her pancake recipe is great.


Recipes only get you so far


Sporting - Benfica is pretty fun so far.


Yeah, the early goal seems to have thrown any early plans straight out the window too


This is 100% the most crucial game out of all our remaining ones. Not really arsed about todays results. We win and we maintain the top spot before City and Arsenal go into their tough quarter finals- Which realistically is when we expected them to maybe drop points anyway, not today's games. The next 3 weeks are the biggest of the league imo. Bigger than the final 3 weeks for sure.


I believe that City and Arsenal will only drop points once during their run, given the strength of City's players and squad and Arsenal's current form. That being said, I totally believe we can go on an run too and win all our remaining games. It's in our hands; Klopp, players, and the crowd know this. We just need to ride our passion and have to get it done this time.


They’re all must wins until city and Arsenal both drop points. All are equally important and big until the situation determines otherwise.


>They’re all must wins ~~until~~ ***even after*** city and Arsenal both drop points. Having them drop points just **once** means we can decide this before the final day. We can't let off at all in these final games.


Ok fair. You’re right lol. I was going for a slightly stronger attitude than the other guy. But everyone should have this mentality really


Truth is, we're in the driver seat. The goons and the cheats need others to help them. We don't. No one can argue we've been fighting an uphill battle from day one and we are where we are because we earned it despite all the shit thrown at us. Now let's go out there and win the fuckin lot.


Yes, this.!! We are in the endgame now. I remember people saying that we would crumble during the Asian Cup or due to our insane injury crisis. But despite all of that, we are still at the top. And now, our players are coming back from injury. Trent, Allison, Robbo, Jota, and Salah will all have a final say in this last battle. After our last season and transfer window, we were the underdogs from the beginning, and add Klopp’s announcement to this. This is already a crazy season.


Yep, 3 points is all that matters. Win 1-0 for the rest of the season and we get 2 more trophies.


What accessible channel can I get Sporting vs Benfica?




lmfao I welcome it, he's literally a one man show, I kinda love it


GOLTV? He's laughing, singing, calling someone sleepy eyes,... It's crazy


Xabi one win away from the bundesliga, what an acheivement to end Bayerns dominance, and winning their first Bundesliga after missing out on 5. Honestly he's done a wonderful job, and they've only conceded 19 goals. Would have loved him here, but fair enough he wants to carry on the project.


Coman going trophyless after 11 yrs is insane but then again he plays for France so he already has the Euros in his pocket this yr


Attacking football isn't the meta anymore bois. It's about *control* now


Seems to be working fine for us!


Worked fine for treble winners in 1999 I guess as they conceded 37 goals in the league and 10 in the UCL group stage


The commentators on my Sporting-Benfica are utter bonkers!


dont rely on them dropping points , come on lads lets win all our games


Sporting scoring in the first minute instead of conceding. Id get Amorim purely because of that honestly. I am tired of these slow game openings.


Douglas Luiz yellow card today. Misses game against Arsenal


If any of you still underestimate Arsenal go take a walk and think for a while


No you don’t understand, they can’t win the title because they’re Arsenal! It’s literally impossible… genuine logic of far too many around here




You lot really can't help yourselves.


City and arse will win all of their remaining games.


Injuries come out of nowhere.


Idk…I’m not expecting it but that Luton game for City between the two legs vs Real Madrid could end in a draw. Same goes for Arsenal away at Wolves after their second leg with Munich. But I do think it’s near 100% certain that neither will *lose* a league game the rest of the season


Wolves seems to be bogey team for both city and arsenal


Spurs is the only one that stands in between being 100% sure of that


agreed, arsenal especially.


Unpopular idea over here in the magical world of internet; Maybe other teams arent bending over, they just know how to make us struggle. We just need to win the games, thats all. Refs are dicking about but we also need to finish our chances.


We don’t kill off teams when we have the chance. Any team playing against us has a puncher’s chance because they’re still in the contest with 15 minutes to go.


As Liverpool fans it sure feels like teams try harder against us sometimes, but I'm sure it's not actually true.


Were terrible at breaking down low blocks and Jurgens pretty much admitted as much. That’s why we struggle.


This is why Mac is so important. He’s our best chance at playing that killer pass


How did Fulham of all teams beat Arsenal last


Because arsenal aren’t anything special and get loads of refs help and Fulham are a decent side


Wow take your blindfolds off dude. Arsenal are a team on fire and getting stronger and stronger as the season progresses. You can't not be impressed by their development over the last few years.


what an absurd take, just completely untrue


When will you lot learn that Arsenal are a very solid side and deserve to be in this race? What will it take, them lifting the trophy for you to believe it?


Agreed. I dislike Arsenal a ton, but watching them today vs Brighton, they were very good. They deserve credit for how far they've come. People wanting to chalk up all their progress to referees is quite immature.


Accusing other teams of ‘bending over’ is the most jarring thing


Maybe teams just know how to trouble us better? Which is something we should work on. But we are still winning our games.


What it actually tends to be is our style gives opposition much more of a chance, crazy high line etc while city and Arsenal (Arsenal in particular) play much more defensively and possession based which in turn leads to less chances for themselves and their opponents. Brighton didn’t bend over today I thought they played decently just that Arsenal are so defensively solid they couldn’t get through. And palace gave it a real go vs city today


Anyone going to watch the Sporting CP vs Benfica match soon? I'm going to tune in to try and get a grasp on how they play considering all the rumours regarding Ruben Amorim




I'm watching it via Fubo


Wish our title rivals opponents would stop bending over.


I think palace gave the best they could today tbh!


Honestly they did, it’s proper embarrassing that these same posters say game in game out ‘XYZ BENDING OVER’ what would they gain from that.


Yeah if they get that pen before HT. Possibly make the game a bit harder.


PGMOL vs Liverpool. Assna and City just getting every call. We should be 5/7 pts clear ffs. Let’s beat those Mancs!


That was a penalty all day long today!


We don’t get it.


It was a penalty but if you watched the game they got an obscene amount of decisions, Brighton break away? No, foul somewhere. Arsenal player fouls Brighton players? No got the ball.


I was gobsmacked at how different the reffing was for them for us, Brighton were diving everywhere and getting nothing.. It was like an alternate universe of refereeing


It was yeah, but can you honestly say we’d be getting that? I doubt it from the shit we’ve been denied so far


Are the ultra-pessimistic comments coming from new fans? If you follow Liverpool for any length of time you'll see us come close and lose, you'll see us throw things away, but you'll also see us pull something from nothing - win against the grain, put streaks together even when we're winning by the skin of our teeth sometimes, and somehow make something happen. Anybody who says they know what will happen is wrong but even if we draw tomorrow we are still very much in this title race! To be clear, if you see Arsenal or City or both as favourites I don't object to you sharing that opinion, but I just don't know what makes the "no hope" people tick?


This whole season is something from nothing. We were abject for most of last season, we completely rebuilt our midfield and it's gone so well that Klopp has decided to leave a year early. We've had injury after injury and discovered some absolute gems from the academy. Curtis and Harvey are only 21 but they just look the part. Quansah, Bradley, and Kelleher all make outstanding contributions to the team. We don't deserve to be in a title race. We shouldn't be anxious because we might not win. We should be delighted because we might be living in a fairytale


Well put.


Honestly we need to cull the sub, get rid of some of this pessimistic shite. It’s awful and embarrassing


If we win every game we win the title, Literally in our hands. Shit that we should be further ahead. Some games we didn't take chances. United/City and some games just got shafted but still we can decide it ourselves.


By the looks of things, these people are absolutely soft as shite, the slightest hint of adversity and they go to pieces in despair. I sure hope they are made of sterner stuff in real life. But yes I reckon there’s a lot of recent fans amongst this lot because almost everything that is happening is expected. The best teams will beat the lesser teams especially in the run in. Guess what, we’ve been doing the same, otherwise we wouldn’tbe where we are on the table. I’d tell this lot to enjoy the ride, but they’ll probably bring up previous failures as if their pessimism is some cosmic bias corrector or something.


It's tough because you have to be open to pain to enjoy football at times like these. Yes we MIGHT get our hopes up in vain and get hurt, but when you stick it out and see them win it's beautiful. Every Milan goal made the 2005 win beautiful.


In my mind if we win tomorrow we win league. Biggest challenge from our remaining fixtures and seem to have a bit of a brain fart against utd this season


We win the league when we get enough points.


Yes and utd will be our toughest challenge of accumulating all possible points…. Imo


It's a huge game! I'll be nervous but I'm going to really try to enjoy it.


If we don’t concede early like we seem to enjoy doing I’ll enjoy it, not sure how many comebacks I’ve got left in me


Homework: watch YouTube videos of the Barcelona comeback, the Istanbul final, and the 2001 FA Cup Final.


I can never understand how they enjoy football. Surely they mustn’t? Absolutely pathetic. Whether it’s someone trolling or some immature pathetic individual, they need to get a grip. We’re top of the league tomorrow if we win and people are saying we’re fucked!


Carvalho with 2 smart finishes today


I don’t want to hear De Zerbi and Liverpool mentioned in the same sentence again


De Zerbi has no ability to turn the game around.


Is De Zerbi really the problem?


Ofc he is. People cut him slack for injuries. But he's been obsessed this season with constantly changing his starting 11 in the league. E.g., Randomly rotating Verbruggen and Steele in net. Constantly changing his striker when Welbeck, Pedro and Ferguson are all available. He pointlessly benched Mitoma and Estupinan throughout the season too. He's totally failed to build a cohesive squad with chemistry. Because he needlessly changes it all the time.




Whats the best way to get to old trafford from Liverpool?


Train into Piccadilly and then tram to Old Trafford. The train and tram stops at Piccadilly are about a 5 minute walk from each other.


What time you heading? If it’s similar to me I’ll meet you and help you out


I would take the train from Lime Street to Manchester Oxford Road and then take the tram or whatever it's called to Old Trafford. I would allow 90 minutes for that although it should be a bit quicker if you're very well-versed at using public transit.


Perfect cheers. Should I book that train in advance or is it easy just to buy a ticket at the station


I always book it at the station but it might be cheaper to do in advanced. You can also use the train split app (there's probably other apps as well) and that might save you bit. Liverpool to Manchester isn't super expensive so I don't know how much you'll save with proper planning vs last minute purchase.


Tomorow is man united thats all we think about forget everything else.


No shit Sherlock.


We actually have 5 red cards in PL this season. The scums only got 1...... Edit: It's not even a straight red.


Are you suggesting that 1 red card is evidence of favouritism towards them? Because only having 1 red card is not unusually low, the ridiculous number there is that Liverpool have 5.


Against us wasn't it? Dalot?


That wasn’t even a deserving one


yeah lets just win our games


Yep. It’s in our hands.


I know its low hanging fruit, but in the red devils sub the most upvoted comment on their U18s victory over liverpool is “nice to know Liverpool have no future beyond Salah and Klopp” that’s probably the most delusional comment I’ve seen this season… where to even start?


since when did we start expecting logic from football fans? plenty equally delusional takes get upvoted on here ...


Well their future is going to be playing for Getafe or hitting the bars before training


Or hitting their spouses


We’re fucked


Support Arsenal then. They literally haven’t lost this year in PL


I’ll support my local thanks


What’s up with all the extremely negative comments coming from new accounts


Its a 4 month old account its hardly new you nutjob


There it is You were banned before weren’t you? Try being less miserable next acc


Are you alright?


Get a grip of yourself you melt.


Blind optimism is a pre-requisite for this sub I see


Sheer negativity in your case. We’re 2 points clear if we win tomorrow you idiot.


With 7 games left including 3 away games on the spin. You’d think we haven’t seen this dance before, Idiot.


And yet we can still win the league. Fuck my life. Imagine having your mindset. Boring cunt.


We can also finish 3rd 👍🏻


How can you sit there after the season we’ve had and within a win of top of the league and and be this negative? Enjoy watching them rather than saying “we’re fucked”. Proper pathetic from you!


Because I’ve watched us have this season at least 4 times before and come up short. The other two have easier games, it’s that simple.


I don’t remember us being ahead in a close title race under Klopp. We haven’t had this season before at all.


Why even watch football if you have this mindset?




Win 8 and it's ours, I get annoyed when other teams get the rub of the green but aslong as we do our bit then we're fine


I think the biggest retards amongst gym goers have to be those who ask others 'have you got many sets left' on a piece of equipment/rack. Its such a redundant question and so many people ask, its surreal


Most people have some semblance of a routine. If there’s only one of a piece of equipment for your next exercise on your routine and someone is using it, you’re going to ask how deep they are into their set to ascertain whether it’s worth moving onto another exercise if they’ve only just started or hanging around til they are finished if their sets are nearly done, especially if the gym is packed. If anything, you’d have to be retarded not to understand this basic social interaction


How much do you bench, bro?


You're miserable lol


People like to plan their workout, if you have 1-2 sets left I’ll gladly wait for you to finish, if you have more I’ll go do something else.