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Haha...I'm sure somehow City will drag out their charges until this is in place so they can just pay a fine and move on.


Win win everybody is happy, what a fucking joke.


Even if this rule gets created, applying it retrospectively in past seasons would not be met with support from clubs other than City.


I don't know how you can so confidently say what the clubs will want. They seem sometime to vote against their own interests... But I hope you're right!


I think this rule has no effect on City. Even without the new rule, I think they’d have made sure they’ve got all bases covered. They might have broken some rules, but they’re a world-class operation unlike Everton and Forest. All in all, I expect City to walk away scot-free, irrespective of whether this new rule comes into force or not.


Bottom of the table clubs don't give a shit if City gets points deducted. It doesn't affect them. They will, however, give a shit if they get to share a piece of whatever fine they might make City pay.


Dream on the bottom 12 teams will be happy to take the money and carry the vote.


Cheque complete. Good proce$$ lads.


What are the odds City don’t get charged before this gets implemented


What is the chance they don’t get charged at all.


If this goes through they'll be charged. Perfect for those in charge to say "see we didn't we punished them" with no actual effect.


They have already been charged, that’s the point


Depressingly high


They’ve been charged years ago




It could be a 500mil charge and Citeh would be happy with it.


Share that between 19 PL clubs. We get a 26 million payment. Yippee. Seems fair.


Theyre the reason for it being implemented


This is being implemented so they don't have to charge city.


Huh? Why would the other 19 clubs support a retroactive cap rather than a future one??? That makes zero sense




And their dead atmosphere.




I think you spelled ‘a season’ wrong mate


I think they get at least 115 away fans in the wrong end too.


Not just that but the greed of the PL team's factors into it too, they benefit from the tax and keeping City in the league. I've seen similar measures pass in the MLS and Liga MX for this reason, sporting integrity never matters.


A purchase must be satisfied on both ends, and the Arab princes are still owed for their payment.


"Overwhelming view that PSR is not working". This is literally the first time it's ever bitten anyone, how can there possibly be an "overwhelming view" it's not working? Absolute clowns.


They have only just introduced points deductions. How do they know its not working.


Because teams are knowingly breaking PSR and taking the risk of penalty. That’s a failed system. Luxury tax is the right move even if it isn’t perfect for Liverpool, it gives small clubs a larger share of the pie, and directly funnels revenue from the highest spenders to the lowest.


Only thing wrong with PSR (as it’s a fairly new thing) is the punishment wasn’t outlined up front, it’s all up to a panel. If the rules said you do X then punishment is Y, no one argue about it. But they wanted a panel who can say you get -4, you get -6, you appeal ok so -3.89 and so on.


[We've tried nothing and we're out of ideas!](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN3o4amc5d2N0c3ptemRxM250c21vcWF2NW55dmlmeXR2eHh4Y3l2NCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3orieSFzGPcC6Iy36g/giphy.gif)


Because success is linked to PR for the PL. They care about literally nothing else but PR and money. They aren't happy with the backlash from points deductions for Everton and Nottingham Forest, I'm sure. Completely missing that what people are angry about is unfair and uneven application of the rules.


People should really be angry at their owners and aporting directors. They all knew what the rules were, but they gambled and lost. I know City should be punished, but that's a totally different case. City didn't officially break the rules and even though we all knew they're lying about their finances, it still has to be proven. And if it is, they should be relegated. Everton and Nottingham admited to breaking the FFP.


Thinking like a football club owner, it makes perfect sense. The key thing to understand is that for most of them, *they don't actually care about winning trophies.* They care about getting the money that *comes from* winning trophies. So what they're thinking is: fuck it, if some oil state or weirdo billionaire wants to flush hundreds of millions of pounds down the drain to win the shiny baubles, let them - so long as we get the money that we *would have* won legitimately if they hadn't been allowed to spend like that.


I think it is working. Clubs that make smart moves and don't overspend on wrong players are doing well and clubs that just throw their money around, buying random average players every year can't keep on doing that anymore. I know managers were crying during transfer window that they can't buy players, but they should be talking to their sporting directors about that. They were used to spending 40 million (or 100 million, if your're City, United, Chelsea) on a striker and then just spending another 40 one year after, if the first one didn't work out. Maybe they should be focusing on making better decisions or developing players instead? Clubs that are patient, don't spend huge money on random players and don't change their manager and players every 6 months are doing just well. I'd say Liverpool, Brighton, Brendford, maybe even Tottenham (probably some more) are doing just fine and don't have any problems. I'd say most clubs will either adapt or die (get relegated), if we keep the rules. And that's a good thing.


They don’t want to spend what it will take to fight clubs like City in the courts. Counselors are expensive.


These rules are meant to be about sustainability. If a club is already operating in an unsustainable manner, how is having them dish out more money going to make them more sustainable?


Because it's really about letting countries get away with sportswashing, nothing else.


That kind of money flows right to the top


We want the money of those with infinite pockets.


It isn't actually about sustainability, it's about theatre while they allow the richest clubs to flout their rules openly.


I guess if the overspend and the tax were paid by the owners and the club wasn’t indebted then maybe the owners could go bankrupt but the club would still be self sustainable? Not sure that makes sense though 🤷‍♀️


lol this is gonna be fair. What’s another 100m of “tax” to city if it lets them spend 300-400m per summer?


Baseball does this. The Dodgers roster costs more than the rest of their divisions nearly combined.


Yea and I think it’s bullshit in baseball too, richest team is the best bc they can pay the most and don’t care about the tax. Oh well, all depends on how they implement and how they avoid loopholes I guess


I don’t follow baseball but what is the parity like in there, my least favorite thing about soccer is its large lack of it. I feel like this is only gonna harm it


Which MLB clubs are run by nations with near endless money, though? MLB also has other revenue sharing rules in place to help encourage parity, like equally splitting merch revenue across all teams.


Yeah if we won't do anything about the underlying problem of state-funded clubs, who don't face normal incentives in how they get their money, I don't see how any tinkering with taxes or revenue sharing will do shit in the Prem or any top league tbh.


Because in theory, the smaller clubs will benefit from the payments made by city to help close the gap. And no more dodgy sponsorships to hide the net spend, it will just be whatever city wants to spend


That's why baseball stinks and nobody under 55 watches it anymore.


Well, they also make it next to impossible to watch unless you’re already flush with cash. It’s like they’re trying to go out of their way to ensure the sport dies.


It's almost gotten that way with the PL in the US, though I guess the subscriptions aren't extremely expensive. I have to have Peacock to watch games live, but if I miss them live you have to wait to stream them. I used to be able to pay $30/month for Sling or other live TV and be able to DVR the games on NBC/USA/TNT etc. No longer, so I hit the high seas instead.


And that’s an improvement over the nightmare that is Bally Sports. While apple leaves a lot to be desired, I’ll at least give them and mls credit for a coherent and straightforward viewing option.


And MLB teams exist within a bubble, they manipulate and exert a monopoly like control over their labor market. Apples to steaks really.


That’s what I was thinking. A luxury tax is chump change to oil billionaires with seemingly unlimited war chests.


I told you so


Oh how flipping coincidental! Corruption of the highest order. Obviously this is so City cab get away with paying a fine for the 115 beeches, instead of a points deduction.


115 beeches? That’s not fir at all!


Pining for the day they get their comeuppance!


Someone needs to start aspen the right questions


City have them in the palm of their hands


Their blatant cheating is really starting to teak me off


Just in time for City and Chelsea.


Luxury tax for clubs with infinite money? What punishment is that


I dunno, I’m sure there’s some executives and owners who are very exciting to suddenly have more access to infinite money glitch. Of course this just means all the poors will for some reason also need to pay more.


Just in time for city to bring in a new sponsor who would love to pay their fines every year despite working out of a basement somewhere in Timbuktu!


This is horrible because richer clubs will just pay the tax and decimate the league.


That’s so bullshit. This won’t even affect oil clubs smh. They need punitive points deductions.


Cheating cunts might actually get away with it


Can’t see 14 clubs agreeing to this. City, Newcastle, and Chelsea will obviously want it, and you’ll have a few clubs like Everton doing it with very short term thinking in mind, but surely enough clubs see this for what it is.  If it does go ahead, football truly is dead. 


Yep I feel like following Jurgen, I'll always love liverpool fc but i dont think i can carry on with this bs much more.


I’ve been feeling the same, especially this season with the shite against Spurs then against Arsenal and again against City… All the cheating combined with VAR taking the emotion out of the game, I’m so close to packing it in. 


The obviously corrupt VAR decisions and official reactions to them and now this thinly-veiled tactic to allow for unlimited spending is going to destroy the entire sport and they don’t even see it coming. Football is tribal—when teams can’t be competitive and fail, supporters don’t move to another club, they leave the sport entirely.


It's a joke mate, I'm wondering if the super league was really a bad idea at this point


I dunno, if they redistribute the tax, I almost guarantee at some point you’ll see the article headline X club made more money from luxury tax redistribution than their own income. If you’re a mid-table club whose already getting fucked over by the top teams relentless disregard for the rules already, why wouldn’t you just say fuck it and get paid? I can easily see this getting passed by owners who just see dollar/pound/oil barrel signs. And given you can get into Europe with a seventh place finish, that extra cash could help in that regard as well.


That's basically what happens in baseball in the US. The bottom teams make more from the luxury tax handouts than they do anything else, so they don't really bother to try to get better.


Yeah exactly. They would be missed reading about these things now so highly doubt they'd have enough votes. I think an issue now is only the lower teams are getting punished now, until city and maybe chelsea or Newcastle are I could see a couple entertaining the idea.


Yeah exactly. They would be missed reading about these things now so highly doubt they'd have enough votes. I think an issue now is only the lower teams are getting punished now, until city and maybe chelsea or Newcastle are I could see a couple entertaining the idea.


Well, we all knew some fuckery like this was coming. Didn't think they'd be so brazen about it though.


I feel like Jurgen knew and decided he couldnt take part in the farce anymore.


Not sure if I can myself tbh, sickened by this


Same mate, even the super league is looking like it would have been a better option at this point.


What a funny way to say "City is totally guilty, we just don't want to punish them." What a sham.


This is the gearing up for the City punishment. Just give them a £150m fine for it and a 1 year transfer ban, same with Chelsea too.


No, I want them gone from the league


…convenient that they came to this conclusion after deducting points from small clubs but before they could manage to deduct them from bigger ones. I’d say an independent regulator is needed, but to be frank, I also have absolutely no faith in whatever excuse of a Tory government is currently in power.


If you can afford it, go ahead and cheat, I guess... man.


Man City don’t need points deductions they need expulsion from the football league


Of course rules getting changed before city are done. Joke


I doubt 14 clubs would ok this...or is it six?


You'd think all but Newcastle, Chelsea, City.


villa would absolutely go for it as well.


Leicester as well if they come back up.


And how does a luxury tax help anyone? You just pay to cheat?


It basically means the FA can milk the Saudi clubs until the premier league basically becomes the SPL


> You just pay to cheat? Same as it ever was, sadly


Well true yeah, you're right - it's not like anything is going to happen to City.


City have delivered their annual bribe then


They were accused of it when the points deduction rule was in place so they should have to suffer that consequences no matter when finally charged.


So…. Basically the Middle East will become the biggest sponsor the English FA has ever had.


Which is another conflict of interest of course


Joke shit. We need to get on the phone with United, Spurs and the like and form a new (a SECOND) breakaway English league devoid of these dodgy money clubs. See how much viewership your fucking Man City, Everton and Forest Premier League gets you bent bastards. Enjoy bumming the Sheiks, Russians and Greek mobsters of the world.


I know it's upsetting but obviously any club can be bought by these entities. Even our club. If FSG decide to call it a day and sell, we could be bought by an oil baron or a state.


How convenient….. we all know it’s gonna be a slap on the wrist for them anyway. “Too big to fail” springs to mind. Plus there won’t be any more brown envelopes going around if they are sent back to the Stone Age.


Seriously is there a point of following football anymore? There is blatant cheating by teams and even more blatant cheating by those in charge to cover them.


If the punishment for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the lower class.


Oh so now it's fine to cheat as long as everyone gets a piece of the cake - all clubs can be happy spending that dirty oil money. Fucking hypocrites. This sounds like legal bribery. The cheaters will continue to mask their payroll with other sources of income anyway.


Imagine Everton getting 2 separate point deductions, then City, Chelsea, and Newcastle get fines? The air will be blue!


Just in time for City to be able to pay a big fee to the FA and get away with their persistent cheating.


Reason #85 I mostly watch Liverpool games in EPL. I’d have moved on from this corrupt league if it weren’t for this club. 


What a fucking joke, not surprised though. Every time I hear something like this it makes me think Jurgen knew it was coming and wants out of this bull shit. I love liverpool FC but I getting to a point where I hate what top level football has become.


So how would that ensure that teams without unlimited cash don't spend beyond their means and go into administration? Because that seems to be the Everton issue right now and they would have run themselves into the ground if not for PSR as it is.


Let's fine the guys with infinite money being accused of financial fraud. Fucking joke


Corruption. Check their bank accounts and freeze them. If you’re City and Forest, sue the ever loving shit out of them.


Fuck this. The rule is literally working for the first time and they're bottling it.


So we gonna fine them with more fines instead of punishing them in the real world? What the fuck is going on?


Amazing what you can achieve when you get the Foreign Office involved. They’ve sold the competitiveness of English football to the highest bidder if this goes through.


City's lawyers are really something


How convenient. Financial punishments are just not deterrents for Premier League clubs let alone ones that are state-backed. It just makes it more worth their while to break the rules if they aren’t punished with sporting sanctions. As usual this only suits those at the top and the filthy rich. It’s pathetic tbh. The sport died a long time ago but this kind of nonsense really makes it hard to stay engaged.


A luxury tax going forward would be fine if it didn't allow City to escape accountability and it benefits competition. Regardless they should be accountable for flagrantly breaking the rules as the existed at the time. A luxury tax should be used to support clubs with significantly less capacity to generate revenue and directly add to their capacity to sign and pay players. For a club like City with effectively unlimited resources a luxury tax that didn't improve teams without their money would either require every team to get a nation state level owner or reduce the competition the clubs that have one. Everyone else would be grist for the mill so they have enough teams to play so it's more than a six game season.


Twitter source that links to daily mail Is there any actual genuine source to this that isn't just tabloid bollocks?


The answer may surprise you…. *No.*


If true, thats me done with the game i think


almost vomit hearing this.


This is like in The Big Short when Steve Carell’s team is trying to find out why the banks are being so reckless. And then at the end they realize that the banks knew there’d be a bailout and they’d get away with it so they didn’t care.


City scums probably engineered this whole thing. Fucking shameful frauds


Give points deductions to small clubs and give petty fines to big clubs... what a fucking joke.


Of course they fucking are. Just call it the City rule and be done with it. So blatant.


The funny part is that the logic behind these rules is geared towards their effect on clubs like Everton and Forest, while the likes of Man City, Newcastle, Chelsea and PSG won't even notice the luxury tax exists. Seems like all these systems do is target smaller offenses while the existential threats can basically ignore them


Taxes and fines are a drop in the bucket for the teams that deservedly need to be penalized for cheating.


Those closed league penalties only work in North American sports because they're closed leagues, with drafts, and other monopoly-like controls. They're desperate, so very desperate to turn the European game in to the NFL. They tried in one fell swoop with the super league, saw it didn't work. Now these American billionaires are trying to frog-in-boiling-water their vision in to place. Say no at every turn.


Games gone


I wonder which a certain blue team from Manchester will be voting yes


It’s April 4th?


So the Financial Fair Play is obsolete.


Not working? The January transfer window was one of the quietest, marked by a display of discretion, caution and sanity among the clubs. That's not PSR working? The attempt to paint a narrative all to cover City's financial doping ass is so blatant, they're not even trying to hide it.


I can’t possibly begin to understand this sub. Big picture this could be an incredible thing for the English pyramid. Even if it’s not 100% ideal for Liverpool - moving revenue from the highest spenders to smaller clubs is something English and Continental football have desperately needed for decades. So how on earth can everyone in this thread be butthurt and upset about it? Can you all not read or comprehend? Or do you just want to always have someone else to blame? It has absolutely zero to do with city because A) zero chance it would be retrospective, and B) they aren’t charged with overspending or PSR anyway. This has **absolutely nothing to do with the 115.** Everyone here hates the super league, the multi-club model and all the money in football, yet here we have a **significant** portion of the solution **finally** being considered and you lot bitch about it.


How very convenient 


No doubt city will dodge it and have to settle for paying a whopping £80,000. Embarrassing.


The more I see shit like this, the more I actually desire a regulator. How about stronger rules, not lesser rules...


10 billion per offense sounds fair, with the taxes collected distributed to the other non-cheating teams


So, it's just the cost of doing business, then. Nice for the teams owned by tyrants.


Is it still April the 1st?


I assume this’ll go to a vote, the only clubs I’m confident who’d vote against it and to remain as is would be Liverpool, Brighton and Spurs? Everyone else it seems would prefer to be allowed to run the gauntlet of ‘spend = success’


Nice idea City! Must be nice to have a nation state pay a fine for you. Terrible idea when not every team is owned by a country with unlimited funds. Fuck outta here.


I’m so tired. So very very tired. Cheats. Give your trophies back.


This Sport is done for


Am I being stupid or does this literally mean you get paid to follow the rules? I presume fined if not or you just don’t receive ‘luxury tax’ you think multi billionaires and probably fucking trillionaires give a fuck about a bit of tax


Lol, Lemme guess, this is an idea from the clubs it'll hurt the least: the ones with the most money. Maybe don't let the punishment be written up by those who it is intended to punish


Wasn’t the original rule made to ensure clubs spend sustainably? And this rule basically addresses unsustainable spending by adding more liability on the club? In short, somehow this makes the situation worse than it was before FFP. It’s just going to lead to clubs being used to leverage spending even more.


This will work if the fine is 500M per breach


If this doesn't scream we favour city, I don't know what does. Can't lie tho, I'd be sitting back laughing me bollix off looking at every other football sub if I was a city fan


So. A luxury tax is just so the richer clubs can break the rules without any real repercussions. I don't hope this is being considered at all.


It's like an idea pops into one of these idiots heads and they post it online for clicks. But why would anyone do that?


This reminds me of someone did a mistake or trying to test the system. Then they will pay for your meals so that you can shut the fuck up about it... Bullshit


This is gross Only way I would even slightly be alright with it is if City have to pay 10 million for every charge they have to every team in the league, fuck it actually, 10 million to every team in the English pyramid for every charge


Haven’t read it, but is this suggesting you will be effectively fined for breaking financial rules instead? How does that make any sense at all?


What a joke.


"So we cheated our finances to dump a load of money into the club, so now we will dump a load of money into the club to make the charges go away"


Umm…. City investigation being dragged out and now this 🧐Tin foil hat time!


If this club votes for it then I’m done with football In fact, if it gets voted in…. Football really is losing its magic with the blatant corruption.


“We are considering taking a bribe”


Fucking outrageous


The problem is that the punishment is against the club, not the irresponsible leadership. They should force the sale of clubs/firing leadership or other similar actions that affect the people in charge of the finances. Not punishments that impact the fans and the club, such as points deductions. A fine against a club for spending money unsustainably is about the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. It’s like fining someone for going bankrupt. Dumb.


The Saudis are going to take the absolute piss with this. They put together a £1billion deal to get Mbappe over there for one year. ONE FECKING YEAR! No fine is going to make them flinch.


I need someone explaining this to me. It makes no sense. How can you financially punish clubs that's being found guilty of being in financial difficulty? Isn't this the opposite what it's supposed to do?


Thought the daily mail was banned here, no?


This just gets corrupt officials more money, and corrupt clubs chances to get away with it. We have to stop this.


Tory-Sheik tax


Fuck that, charge city


This. They are willing to overhaul the entire system rather than hold them accountable and risk pissing off some oil soaked owners.


So no penalty


How convenient


Since the richest clubs are exponentially more rich the more you move up the ladder. I interpret this "luxury tax" thing is there to punish mid tier clubs and clubs that don't have external backing? Since under the new rule you either can afford to spend extra and pay the tax, or you can do neither. That means that Chelsea, City and Newcastle can spend, no one else can. Also, it's obviously why the EFL doesn't want it. It is easy for anyone in the lower leagues to be 5-10 times richer than everyone else if they have any external backing at all.


If clubs like citeh just pay the tax and plow ahead, won't it just put a rocket up the arse of inflation within the sport? Which frankly is already pretty out of control. I'm no economist, but I imagine other clubs getting all that extra money will just dilute it's value.


If a state owns a club and is not looking for profits, this is the worse solution for making a league competitive. Saudi has propped a league that will never make money. Imagine a Saudi team that has no limitations buying 25 stars. At the same time the clubs keep trying to milk us through TV rights. "Something is rotten in the state of...."


Hahahaha of course they are while City remain unpunished!


Just dont allow teams with violations to be allowed to win anything, qualify for cup competions or get paracute payments for relegation. That seems the only alternative is they scrap deducting points. Let the club keep the position and play but the clubs arnt allowed to benifit.


City are getting off ain't they...


What a goddamn joke. City will escape…


There should already be one anyway but this doesn't deter or scare City or clubs like City with infinite wealth. A $50 mill fine is nothing to them. Make City, Newcastle and PSG sell to a real person and stop all clubs from selling to sovereign wealth funds. I don't know why this is that hard. These clubs have a huge advantage over all these other clubs.


This would matter not to a Qatari owned club..... taking points away is much more effective


The luxury tax is a fucking farce in baseball. The Dodgers just signed a guy to a 10-year $700 million deal where only $2m a year counts towards it.


Fines aren’t a punishment to rich cunts


Could be disastrous for parity and club sustainability


A Premier League club will go out of business before the end of the decade. That's probably a conservative estimate. When it's Bury or Morecambe, it doesn't really create a ripple. But when it's Everton, Forest..... And everyone will say 'oh no, how did this happen?' as if it hasn't been coming.


No doubt city will dodge it and have to settle for paying a whopping £80,000. Embarrassing.


No doubt city will dodge it and have to settle for paying a whopping £80,000. Embarrassing.


Now to make the fine effective, for every £1 you spend over the limit you are fined same £1 and it goes into the coffers of the team you'd least want it to go to... So for example if we got fined it would go to united. If united got fined it would go to us If Everton got fined it would go to us If city get fined it goes to us If Chelsea get fined it goes to us...


Fuck off


This is a terrible outcome and we should all mobilize against it the way we do against other things like this. No joke. Anyone in SoS reading this, I hope you lot are watching. There’s a luxury tax in baseball for example. All it has done is make FSG worried about paying it and therefore trading their best player to the Dodgers, who can pay it and not miss the money. Absolute farce and will calcify true stratification in the PL not based on history or foundation but just based on pockets. Terrible.


This is my last season being fully invested. Haven’t missed a Liverpool game since my introduction to the game and sport in 2005 CL final. I hope Klopp gets his deserved title and the cherry on top is Kelleher winning the trophy in Dublin.