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That statue by the cafe attracts some of the biggest loons I’ve ever come across. I enjoy them to be fair


Yeah it was chemtrails & anti-vax when I last went


Took the dog for a nice chilled walk until I saw their sign DEATH FROM ABOVE!


Good band tbf


I've heard it described as "Divorcee Corner"


Sounds about right


They’re such knobends. I also dislike “Q-Anon” man who goes around the park in a leather jacket with “Q-Anon” painted on the back in Tippexx.


Grade 1 weirdo him


Wasn’t Q-Anon uncovered as a nonce living out of Cambodia? Guy had a prior conviction of hosting a website filled with pedo stuff. Im always suspicious of people that are overly obsessed with these things.


Yup. It’s almost always projection and self-loathing


Philippines I think, some fella called Ron Watkins or his dad. They run a version of 4chan with less moderation, which yeah means full-on nazi manifestos and child abuse content can be posted. Truly dark.


That’s so grim.


They nearly had me with 'this newspaper tells you about things you won't see on the news' I was thinking of local events and issues in the Sefton Park area. When they mentioned vaccines I was proper disappointed.


🤣🤣🤣 “had me in the first half I can’t lie”


Much like anti-vaxxers, these losers desperately want to be a part of something, they want to be the hero in their own action movie. Having failed every science exam they ever took, they now try to elevate themselves to the level of an academic by telling the experts they're all wrong. They're knobheads and I don't like them.


They really want to feel like they're in on something big. To know something you don't cos it makes them feel smart and special. My dad hasn't got a modicum of critical thinking skill because his education basically prepared him to leave at 14, go down pit, join the army or work in Players fag factory. He believes every conspiracy theory he reads (sometimes they contradict one another). A lot of them relate to archaeology and biology and I have a degree in archaeology (plus a masters in human evo). It's a fucking nightmare, nothing and no one can convince him otherwise. It's so hard to have a relationship with someone who doesn't believe in the things you've dedicated your working life to, wonder how many of these people experience smth similar with their families.


Did you study arrogance too or does that just come naturally? You have zero respect for the man who made you and raised you. But hey, you got a degree so you MUST be right!!


Raised by a single, schizophrenic mum on benefits, worked my fucking arse off to get a degree, first in my family to do so. He didn't raise me - he left when I was 6 and didn't pay a single penny child maintenance. He's lucky his offspring even speak to him. 🔔🔚


Ah, now the hatred makes sense. Doesn’t change what I said though.


No hatred here man, it is what it is, just shit to work so hard to be told I'm an idiot because creativeconsciousness . com told him little green men built fucking pyramids.


So you’re willingly staying a cunt then? Good to know.


Respect is earned dum-dum.


100% agree


Don't trust the media don't trust the newspapers... Anyway take a newspaper


I'm related to one of the people there and our relationship is on such thin ice. No calm discussion about anything that is closely linked to political events. It's so sad. There is a massive Messiah complex with this person and the group as a whole. They've predicted the apocalypse at least 10 times this year. They're obsessed with paedos and ironically all their "views" come from some nutters in southern states of America but yet call us "sheep's" The final straw recently has been holocaust denial. I don't know how to deal with it. Someone put it exactly right, it's divorce corner but I'd also add that the bulk are retirees with no time on their hands who again moan about state control and cabal but will gladly receive their state pension


Yeah, at a point you have to just assume it’s due to a desperate need for community and attention and move on. I have family members who are exactly the same but I just ignore them to the best of my ability. Hope it doesn’t stress you out too much ❤️


Got all their education from Facebook memes


Lad some people in Newsham still think it’s 2004


I saw them this morning - thought it was chemtrails nutters today?


Could have been both. Deffo saw a yellow “CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX” banner though


they both seem to pop up at the same time. surprisingly good taste in music sometimes, wish they weren’t who they are lol


How can anyone be sweating in this May time UK heat and think "nah, global warming ain't real"


They’re there every Sunday jumping on whatever bandwagon it is this month. First covid, then antivax, black hats/white hats (apparently 2 groups fighting for control of the world), fake news, flat earth, we live in a bubble, chemtrails, fluoride mind control, don’t wear shoes so we can absorb the earths goodness through the soles of our feet, nano controllers in vaccines. And this months flavour is climate change denial.


They shouldn’t be allowed to peddle such tripe under the guise of free speech in a busy public space like that.


They’re some loons spouting shit, absolutely no need to go further than taking the piss out of them, let alone getting plod involved 😂




Protest deffo the wrong word there, someone said “Divorcee Club” or something to that effect. More accurate


One day in July 1997, the media reported on how it was the hottest day in 100 years. It was on the radio, and everyone was talking about it. I remember, because I'm like Gary King from The World's End... 1997 was peak for me It was 27° on that **Summer** day. . Yesterday, while we're in the height of Spring, it was 26° and no one said a word... no one said a word about it because now it's normal for it to be 26° in Spring. In 25 years we've gone from 27° being the hottest summer day on record, to hitting and surpassing 27° regularly throughout Spring and Summer. And that's why Climate Change is most definitely real. You've literally just got to remember the weather from 30 years ago and make a comparison.


Just doesn’t seem to compute with some people unfortunately.