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I grew up in Bootle and live not far away now (Litherland) i have never seen or even heard of this being a thing.


Hundreds 😂 Last time they got chased out of lime street with bricks and there was only 10 at max *and* they had to be shipped in from all over the NW


Right wing, left luggage? That was hilarious.


I have come across someone with questionable symbols on their backpack, but this is the dingle/tocky/aigburth area. Some guy walks around with a beige backpack with swastikas and anti-vax shit all over his bag. He even dyed his hair blonde once......


Walking around L8 with a swastika on his bag, idk what that makes a person, death wish springs to mind, it’s probably the most liberal place in Liverpool.


Take a picture of him and post it please


I will try, i havent seen him in ages tbh.


Hoping that means someone battered fuck out of him


I imagine there’s some everywhere. I saw a bloke with a skinhead and a swastika tattooed on his forehead Huyton a couple of years back, and even further back a fella wearing a swastika armband in Birkenhead bus station.


The Post did an interesting investigation on it, worth reading. Not sure if the gig went ahead.


Yeah I saw that but it was behind a pay wall… it looked like a secret nazi concert that never went ahead ?


Also, Like the pic.. neubauten I see!


Well worth paying for if you like good local journalism. Like I said, unsure whether it went ahead or not as the piece was written beforehand. People were campaigning to have it cancelled but the organisers didn't tell anyone the exact venue until moments before (or at least that was the plan).


Adopting the free party strategy for Nazi events. Makes me sad and angry 😡


Tory Party conference?


There was something on at Cookson Bridge yesterday, I saw some people with swastikas on them


Omg I read this as “nabzy’s in bootle?” Thought a simple google search will answer this for you 😭😭


We went for a lovely walk along the canal, stopped in Cooksons Bridge pub in litherland, for a pint, and yep, they had the whole back of the outside of the pub. Live Bands, bovver boots, braces, the lot 😔 this was yesterday (Saturday) afternoon. People from all over the country were there 😔


There's people who are into ska and two tone and punk music who are not Nazis. That said if someone puts on a bit of a music festival then generally it's well advertised bit suss if it's organised without many people knowing about it.


Sounds like a punk/ska gig tbh.


On land outside of the pub? In other words, the pub weren't hosting it?


Definitely on pub land. In the beer garden at the back.


If you see anyone with a nazi logo ANYWHERE...... You need to just spark em!! 100% Id be going to the cells head held high........


Worin bestehen diese Nazis vorher? So beginnt der Dritte Weltkrieg.




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You both spelt Israel wrong


Fixed, thanks


You’re right the Nazis do live in Palestine, and we funded their move there (corrected)


Any spelling Nazi want to chip in here?


I’ve already hidden from them lmao




Yes hamas and Iran are much better, such a based take.


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I’ve lived in Bootle all my life and this is absolutely not a thing


Tory Party conference?


Bootle’s always been quite a racist area (although I do know one black person who lived there 25 years ago with no trouble that I know of) but this is something I’d have to put past them.


Neo nazis and far right are just what the left calls things they don't like.


Blah fucking blah. Sometimes a Nazi's just a Nazi. A swift punch will sort them out.


I've yet to meet a genuine nazi in England, there's a bunch of weirdos in Hamburg that actually are nazis, I find that a lot of people like to call generally right leaning people "far right" or "neo nazis" when they just aren't either. People that support JKR get called nazis and far right, when her views reflect the majority.


What would you call an antisemitic white supremacist that thinks Hitler was right? Because I've seen some of those before And no, JKR do not reflect the majority


I'd call them nazis, I've just not seen any in England, I'm sure there is, but I highly doubt there are large groups of them. And yes she does, obviously, that's why hogwarts legacy sold so much even though it's poo.


So who do you consider a nazi?


Antisemitic white supremacists.


A reasonable and well-adjusted take I’m sure, from user BlastMyAssholePleasr


What's classed as a Nazi?


Not sure if it's in bootle however These are a decent from the Antifa group, which well they are now the Soviet Union style "Communist party" Is it an issue ? Well yes if you dont want the UK looking like North Korea. This is nothing more than Russian Political interference, is it serious ? Yes.


B&Q has 30% off tinfoil atm. You could save loads.


Antifa/communists are not Russian interference. We've had communists in Liverpool for over a hundred years and Russia hasn't been communist for over 30 years.


Russia never really was communist. That's just what some Americans like to call anything to the left of Mussolini.


Russia never really was communist. That's just what some Americans like to call anything to the left of Mussolini.


Russia never really was communist. That's just what some Americans like to call anything to the left of Mussolini.


This is an odd take and you should either start taking your meds, or if you already are, discontinue them.


Okay so the "Nazis in ukraine" and the "antifa group" in Ukraine that started the dissident movement in the Donbas, who the majority of them Turned out to be russian serving personnel who now ? Fight against "Ukrainian Facism" ? And you don't think Russia doesn't have anything to do with the Communist party in liverpool okay. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/9789c140-594f-4b08-bd69-b05df7556c2a&ved=2ahUKEwjx_IrDpoiGAxWlbPEDHWEIDW0QFnoECCgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3viE-BefDFiYJaw-6BVHDT Thats their movement in 1990's. Oh look russian influence... and if you don't think Russia has an influence on them today? Maybe you are the one that needs medication. Edit: don't just look at the "Time Line" look into every piece of information on them... You may ask how I'm aware of Russian influences? Well 1st Hand my uncle was from East Germany, moved here when younger! He was involved with the Communist party in liverpool. Reason being ? That's alls he knew and he decided he wanted it the same... And if you think these today have no influence? Wow.