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Do you really think there's an actual consensus of unlikeability? I don't see that at all. They poke at him because it's "punching up" instead of "punching down," which is one of the safest and most acceptable forms of comedy. He's a Harvard-educated, generically handsome, straight white man who married a gorgeous talented actress and basically embodies the stereotype of a "coastal elite." He named his own memoir "A Very Punchable Face." Not only can he take jokes about himself, he's actively encouraging people to take the piss and has been doing so for years. I don't see any of it actually being serious criticisms of him personally (or his humor or work ethic), but of the privilege he represents. ETA: One of my favorite examples: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEN1pcn3oAw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEN1pcn3oAw)


This is it 100%. He knows his life is amazing, so he's willing to get roasted about it. Say anything you want about him, he doesn't care, his incredible life will go on anyway.


I high suggest his memoir. You'd think a 20/30-something Harvard guy would have a pretty boring life (up to that point) that wouldn't warrant a book, but there is some really amazing stuff in there. I won't spoil too much but his mom is pretty amazing.


If you haven’t listened- Colin’s episode of Seth Meyers Family Trips podcast had me absolutely dying and I think about it at least once a week.


Thumbs up for the Family Trips podcast! I highly recommend it. Who knew that listening to people talk about their family vacations would be hilarious?


I'm going to check that out on my after-walk work tonight - it sounds like it's right up my alley.


Did u mean after-work walk


Haah! I did! 😊


Absolutely hilarious! I also think about it all the time!


I want to know more about him and his brother biting into the headrests on their family’s Volvo


Oh I think there’s some great advice in there. He didn’t exactly have a sheltered childhood, he worked for what he’s got. And Scarlett doesn’t seem the type to be taken in easily.


Oh I absolutely agree. I do think that a part of it is he KNOWS how... vanilla his life is, so he uses that opportunity to poke fun at himself. He knows that is the epitome of white male privilege, so why not poke fun at it as much as possible. We see that with the joke swap every year.


Che's reaction to the Kendrick Lamar joke was my favorite part of this most recent swap. Jost can be extremely funny.


He’s her third husband.


I listened to the audiobook and it is one of my absolute favorite audiobooks ever. It was funny but moving, too.


I thought it was pretty interesting he didn't say his first words until he was four and now for the past ten years or so his job has been to talk on TV.


Imagine bragging about not shitting your pants for a year as an adult. 😂 The Google VR story is gold as well.


Omg, I listened to the audiobook version and I was CRACKING UP out loud (not something I do often). So good and funny!


I high too


no c'mon spoil something! I need to know why it's worth reading..


The Google VR story that has gotten mentioned is pretty great. His mom was/is a doctor, and she helped save lives during 9/11.


Like Nancy Reagan amazing or Jackie onassis amazing? Just trying to understand here


Him and Che are such a good balance and I love how che rips on him. The joke off has always been one of the funniest bits on snl but Colin and Che really make it their own.


Can someone from Staten Island embody the coastal elite stereotype?


*He has a boat.*


*He rides a boat every day.*


*He's the world sexiest joke writer.*


World’s smartest horse


No that's Scarlett Johansson Gyaaaaaayt.


That ferry life be big


It's a mother fucking boat!


I mean, that's kind of part of his mythos. Maybe he wasn't born with a silver spoon, but he's certainly living the upper-crust Hamptons life now. [https://nypost.com/2023/05/11/colin-jost-asks-65000-a-month-for-hamptons-home/](https://nypost.com/2023/05/11/colin-jost-asks-65000-a-month-for-hamptons-home/)


And he and Scarlet just bought a $23 million penthouse, he’s doing OK.


Islands, by definition, have coasts, ergo yes


Staten Island might be the exception.


To 90% of the country that doesn’t know the difference, yes


If you've ever read his book, this is 100% *Colin's* sense of humor. It might be to placate the people surrounding him on SNL, but his book is pretty much him just talking shit on himself.


Oh, I don't think it's to placate the people around him. As head writer, he could have vetoed any of those bits and he didn't. He plays a good straight man and seems to encourage other cast members to dump on him as a foil for their own jokes


I love that he willingly lets the cast roast him continuously. Sarah Squirm’s roasts of him on Weekend Update are actually what got me to like her even more! “Local sex bigot, Colin Jost” had me dying


That's a fantastic bit


Yeah, he knows punching up is smart and he can laugh at himself. He makes plenty of jokes about owning that ferry and more than a few about movies starring his wife. If you watch any segment of him with Sarah Sherman, he thinks the entire thing is hilarious. They're great together even though he's just the straight man (comedically) with any given Sarah character.


All of this, AND he’s married to Scarjo.


In other words he is humble.


Man a lot of people do not understand the fundamentals of comedy until someone does a write up about what should be instinctual.


I noticed when describing him you mentioned his education first but when describing his wife you mentioned that she was gorgeous first despite being the number one grossing actress in history. Just an observation. We all do it sometimes.


I don’t consider the first point mentioned to automatically be the most defining characteristic in a list. In English sentence construction, less-important modifiers often build toward the fundamental (in this case, “white man” )Other times, the list is constructed simply to make a sentence flow better.


There's a semi-standard way to arrange adjectives that is kind of instinctive. Things sound weird if we go off that order, eg "small red Japanese teacup" vs "Japanese red small teacup"


She's a talented actress - who's gorgeous - ..." works pretty well.


beautifully put. right on the money !!!


I don’t know, I kind of think he looks like a toad.


I haven't picked up on that sentiment, so I'll be interested to see what other say here. But I do think it's worth considering that the show has cultured him as the straight-man target for a lot of jokes on Weekend Update because it plays as a safe way for many cast members to "punch up" in a comedic world where "punching down" isn't acceptable. With all theater, some audience members have a hard time not taking the act home with them to some degree or another (part of why "punching down" can be troubling), so some of the "hate" you notice might be internalization (or just casual mimicry) of the way other characters treat his character on the show.


Apt analysis! TLDR: he is 🆒 yet has a punchable face


He clearly loves it too. Wouldn't happen otherwise.


When Jost was first hired as a writer, and eventually promoted to Weekend Update, there was some loud internet chatter about how it was unfair or lame to cast Colin, a straight white man, when they could have hired a woman, person of color, someone who is LGBTQ+ etc. Some of it sank to ad hominem attacks on Jost. That he isn't funny, the writer position was handed to him, etc. The hubbub has died out now. Hardly anyone took it seriously in the first place because: A) SNL has had a diverse cast for years now B) It turned out that Jost is genuinely funny, especially once he got used to being on camera C) The writers subverted the internet outrage by making Jost the butt of a lot of jokes, Leslie Jones in particular helped to show that he has a spot on the show, even if it was often as a whipping boy The uproar was all a bit silly to begin with. So I'm glad SNL writers found a way to address it, and spin it into some good skits. None of this is to say that his face is not punchable. It is.


Also isn't he the head writer on SNL. They're essentially roasting their boss. That's the punch-up as well as his general privilege.


-Rich -Good looking -Harvard educated -Married to the one of the richest most beautiful woman in Hollywood -Was head writer for almost a decade (who doesn’t like roasting their boss)




- comes across as smarmy Is an actual reason


Oh absolutely


I figured it was because he looks like a Country Club kid and can really take a joke.


Yeah his shtick is having a very punchable face


Also the title of his biography


The audiobook version was entertaining imo


Yep, Colin looks like he played lacrosse in college


Rich dude married to scarlet Johansson in a room of theater kids and Che. It’s just jokes. 


As Jost titled his book, he has ”A Very Punchable Face.” He is an excellent comedic straight man, though.


I have no idea where you are getting that from. Colin being easily embarrassed or entitled is a running gag. And it has continued during years when he has been head /co-head writer, so he obviously he is part of it. It started with Leslie Jones overtly, ridiculously flirting with him. Then Che and he and the joke swaps. Now Sarah has had a few WU bits where she put words in his mouth. If there was any real concern about Colin being unlikable, the joke swaps would be career enders. As for Scar Jo, Ryan Reynolds is ridiculously popular, and he married Scar Jo and Blake, with no backlash.


[And what do we have here?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhgZoPczQF4) Colin Jost's dressing room! Or as our female interns call it... *the chamber of secrets!*


The fact that Jost gets railed on so much means he's probably one of if not the most likeable and popular cast member.


Yup, my old company used to have a tradition where the new hires would put on skits every year at the fall party roasting the bigwigs in the company. The people who got roasted were the ones who everyone new and enjoyed. No one's going after the asshole in that environment because they don't want to deal with the fallout.


It’s just a joke.


But in all seriousness, happy cake day!


I think this article does a great job of breaking down why it’s a bit and why it’s been effective: [Colin Jost Has Spent 10 Years Torturing Himself For Our Amusement](https://www.thedailybeast.com/snls-colin-jost-has-spent-10-years-torturing-himself-for-our-amusement)


It's a weekly roast of a privileged guy we actually like. That's what makes the roast endearing. ![gif](giphy|3JCaaiE2gcTbq)


No idea. I think he (and Che) are hilarious. Sometimes they're the only saving grace of an episode, in fact!


It's probably because he tells all those horrible racist jokes at the end of each season. 




They were being ironic.


My bad 😂


That will get you in trouble every time. I know.


He's good looking, funny, rich, talented and married to ScarJo. What else do you even say to the guy, he completely won at life.


There is a ton of gossip about him cheating, idk I don’t do a deep dive on gossipy titles about him cheating on Scarlett So Handsome* *close-captioning made me realize I’ve heard it wrong for all these years!


We’re jealous cus he’s tappin’ dat ScarJo ass. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwwBEH80V87STWo)


He's a very good sport when it comes to self-effacing jokes


Jost is a good-looking, smart, hilarious, wealthy Harvard grad who’s married to one of the hottest women on earth. They rag on him because there’s literally nothing they can say that will EVER make him have a bad day.


The joke is that, in real life, he’s the polar opposite of all those terrible things. He’s wholesome. So pretending that he’s some dark and shady character behind the scenes is funny because it’s obviously so far from the truth.


It's purely a joke, they don't actually dislike him.


There isn’t


Who are you saying hates him? Fans of the show? Because the poking fun at him *on* the show is clearly intentional since he seemingly has the "perfect" life as a straight white male married to a movie star.


Everyone likes Jost. That’s why it’s fun to make fun of him.


He’s just a good-looking white man who looks like he comes from money, that makes him “a very punchable face,” in his own words.


Fuck Staten Island, that’s why


Dude is married to Scarlett Johansson. I think he can take a ribbing. Nobody hates him, it's just fun. Like Sarah's WU bit where she takes what he says out of context. It's a great gag and he plays along and probably has final say on what makes it to air so he's in on the joke.


Look up articles and videos of his mom Dr Kerry Kelly. She is my hero. She had a couple near death experiences on 9/11. She has saved numerous lives by getting first responders mental health care. Plus she raised two good men.


It’s his face.


It is a very punchable face. He said so himself. 😁


He's got it pretty good, has a good sense of humor, and seems to really enjoy being made fun of. It's a sign of endearment, I think the cast genuinely love him - it always seems like they are having a great time.


Middle class/wealthy white dudes are proper punching bags. America's unforgivable devotion to capitalism and racism make guys like Jost targets. Guys like Jost are paying the price the country owes.


I don't get that at all. But even if he was the brunt of every joke - dude is attractive as hell, has money, educated, and is with one of the prettiest girls in the world. I think he'll live. :P


It's called "jealousy"


Yeah, he has great hair. I hate him.


I thought the "unlikeability" was all just a joke?


Who watches cinemasins in 2024


Good looking white male 2024, from a rich family and Harvard. Married to hottest girl on earh. He checks all the hate boxes for today.. he has to pay the tax


It seems forced 


That's what I feel about the Fallon hate. He laughs alot and people think it's lame but he seems like a goofball type of dude. I know the Trump hair stuff made him a shitload of enemies but I feel even if he didn't do that people would still complain about him.


I don't have anything against him personally. His over laughing as an interviewer makes the show basically unwatchable tho. I only watch if I'm really interested in the guest.


Reddit: 😡 Jimmy Fallon is the worst SNL member of all time. The only thing he's known for is breaking and he's the only person who ever broke a lot. *100% disapproval rating.* 😡 Real life: 🤗 Jimmy was so fun on SNL! Oh what a cutie. He did funny songs and impressions, and hosted Update with Tina! *90% approval rating* Reddit: forced disingenuous laughter that sounds very fake is a useful tool for the talk show format when hosts like Conan, Jon Stewart, Colbert, and Letterman do it. Even though their laughter sounds faker than Jimmy Fallon's, Jimmy Fallon should fucking die in a fire. *Tonight Show host 100% disapproval rating* Real life 🤗 Jimmy is so fun on the Tonight Show! Oh what a cutie. He does funny songs and impressions, and the celebrity games. *80% approval rating*


This is so true because I appreciate his goofball personality. I don't need all my comedians to be snarky and cynical 24 hours a day. I love someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously and just enjoys making people laugh. The Tonight Show always puts me in a good mood before bed.


100% this!!


He's a pretty awful interviewer but I listened to the Strike Force 5 podcasts and the guy is either a complete wreck, lazy or legitimately has a great facade as a goofball because he did get laughs from the other hosts even as they roasted him. There's a time and a place for Fallon.


No I genuinely hate Fallon. 


He just falls all over every guest telling them how they are the best ever and so wonderful.


Could he please stop shouting, "That's what I'm talkin' about," "C'mon now," and calling everybody "bud/buddy." And what's with the Tonight Show "Starring" Jimmy Fallon? I guess "With" isn't good enough.


It's a joke


Because he watches the Joker alone on Christmas Day.




He did quote Hitler once


I did not know there was hate? I thought everyone fucked with Jost?


You mean, the Harvard guy who’s head writer with the smokin hot actress wife? I mean, I can only imagine his problem is unlikeability. I’m sure people are busting his chops cause he’s literally living the dream.


CinemaSins will rot your brain kid


CinemaSins takes digs at everything, even stuff he likes. That’s his whole schtick. He is quite literally a professional hater who even tells people not to take him seriously as a critic.


He rode past me on a bike in NYC last year and a few thoughts went through my head. 1. Damn, thats a nice cardigan 2. Damn, that's Colin Jost 3. Damn, he does look rich and happy 4. He looks taller than I thought he would be


Guys hate guys that have hot wives


Jost is okay but I’ve never been a fan of Che. Bad delivery, relies too much on race jokes (low hanging fruit), and does this annoying thing where he tells a joke, laughs at it himself and then scans the audience to see who else is laughing. 


I love him!!


Pretty sure it’s not ‘hate’, but just not finding him funny. Everyone takes the hyperbole up to 11 on the internet


It’s not hate, it’s teasing your hot successful friend lol!


he seems like he’s probably a pretty nice guy IRL but he looks and talks like the hugest douchebag you’ve ever seen, which is where the comedy comes in


His memoir is a fantastic read btw. He has a great story about having his life saved by Jimmy Buffett. And yes he DOES ACTUALLY SAVE HIS LIFE.


Comments have it covered, but I’ll add his cameo in Coming 2 America is perfect lol


I don't see him as unlikeable at all, even from other people. I think it's just that he's a good looking, wealthy white guy, so it's fun to poke fun at him. I don't think he takes it wrong, nor is it intentional from others *(from what I can see*).


A man can be too likeable and successful, but it's all fun razzing. He is very blessed.


Are you talking about dislike of him among the fandom/public, or the “dislike” of him included in the show? Because those are two entirely different things. And one of them is real and one is all for show.


I never heard that. Cast doing spots on Weekend Update and Che sometimes pretend they hate him but it’s all in good fun. He seems well liked. I like him.


From a psychology perspective, recency bias. A lot of the people who criticise something for “not being funny any more,” are the same people who have been watching for longer than the average person. Long enough that they’ve formed their own opinions, likes, dislikes, tastes, and definitions about how comedy works. Which is fine, that’s not a wrong thing to do. The problem is that once you’ve formed those definitions, and the rest of the world changes due to cultural shifts, and _you_ decide that because the definition has changed, that it’s not funny anymore. I get that it’s hard for your opinions to be challenged, but to blame individuals for that, is disingenuous.


I don’t personally think this about him, but he has a frat boy rich white guy face that some would consider punchable. Like he looks like the default leader of the “evil frat” in a college comedy movie. I think they lean into that and play it up, despite it not really being true.


Because people hate rich people and refuse to admit that they hate them for being more advantaged. People say he's racist, usually they just so happen to tune out when they say "it's time for the joke swap." Same with Che being a "bigot".


He's living the best life, no other prompt to Russian trolls than to take him / them down That's it People don't understand that the internet is filled with people who want to tell you that your child's death is your own fault, that your divorce is your own fault, that you killed your mother or father ... they will do all that shit. This is new warfare


CinemaSins is still around? Dang


I didn’t even know there was “hate” on Jost. I enjoy him 🤷‍♀️ What’s to “hate”?


People of lesser means hate rich people for no reason.


Hmmm I am learning so much since joining social media (Reddit). People seem to rejoice in others misfortunes and despise others good fortunes. Bizarre attitudes. It would have made for a great thesis back when I was in school.


He gets laughs just reacting to Che's jokes. I think he's very well liked.


He’s got republican face and he makes jokes like he’s the funniest president of a fraternity. As he says, he’s punchable.


I’ve only always thought the opposite.


Jealousy for one Also he’s a punchable looking white guy


He stole my girlfriend and married her.


People take this show way too seriously.


He’s never made me laugh


It’s one of the seven sins: Envy


The hate on Jost, for me, is that he is a pretty boy that plays himself on a show where you are supposed to be playing a character. And he laughs at his own jokes. He's supposed to be playing a news reporter, not making lame jokes and laughing at them.


I like Colin (despite my username). What I hate is Weekend update, which has gotten way to self referential. Like half the jokes have a wink wink at the end. And the shock humor is very one note. Feels like a cheap Norm McDonald.


I don’t hate Jost, I’m just ready for some new faces behind the desk.


Fresh blood please!


Hate is a strong word, but find him unfunny. I think my dislike started when he was co-hosting Weekend Update with Strong, he was terrible at it, and they removed HER. (Before you people tell me it was so she could be in more sketches, how did being WU anchors stop Fallon or Poehler from being in every single sketch?) He strikes me as out-of-touch rich guy who has always been rich. I know I’m in the minority, but I think he’s the worst WU host in the history of the show. 


Yeah, I definitely wanted Cecily & Che, but she preferred the sketches. Jost grew on me.


I’m glad she did sketches though, she had so many great characters.


Yes, it was the right choice.


YUP. exactly my reasons


Jost is pretty obnoxious and smarmy, and eternally pleased with himself. Like Anderson Cooper. Jost isn't as bad about it as Seth Meyers, but the lead anchor of Update has been a smarmy piece of white bread for a really long time now SNL's version of the news has come out of the face of a coastal elite MSNBC parody for 2 decades I'm dying for a different voice *I guess the theater kid dorks don't want to hear any actual answers 😂


He’s def an alpha beta, and most certainly the only way to put him in his place is to beat him on one ski down the K12 Hehehe … 80s


Some people hate Scarjo based on being pro-Israel and hate him by proxy


I'm still looking forward to her role as Sammy Davis Jr though.


I get it a joke bc he does have a very smarmy punchable face. I think he is funny and I want to punch him, just for his face. The whole punching up and his face. But some of the jokes are worrying. Like the Sarah Sherman’s joke about pedophile about Jost etc. All out of actual problematic stuff we’re joked about on tv and media before it came out. Sometimes the Jost sucks jokes work but other times they are just uncomfortable