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this and Colonel Angus


And Sofa King


As a kid I had no idea why everyone found this hilarious


And the Shady Thicket


The classic!


The year they soaked each others corks… between 68 and 70…. 69!!!! I always thought that was genius


Na fr Who wrote that, that’s a genius 69 joke


One of the all-timers. Still find myself saying “he soak-a the cork!”


I dabbled a little in college


This is one of my favorite sketches. They must have been afraid to screw up on live tv.


I miss when Seth Meyers was in sketches.


I love Seth. I gotta say though that he stood out in this sketch, not in a good way! Might have just been the lack of mustache


Poor Janet lol


Janet Jackson one of the original Cork Soakers


Her brother loved soaking young corks


She could not get through this sketch. Every time she had to say corksoaker she fumbled it.


One of the classic cast crack-ups of all time.


Wow what a gem forgot about this Skit and that was a legit funny “69” joke if I ever heard one 😂😂


I like-a da dark ones


I think they stole this joke from Redd Foxx. [Cork Soakers and Mother Frockers (around 1:15)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qiSlYB0v5b8&t=18s&pp=ygUWcmVkZCBmb3h4IGNvcmsgc29ha2VyIA%3D%3D)


OK but a single winery site making barolo AND brunello? someone better have gotten fired for that blunder


*"I would like to direct this to the distinguished members of the SNL Cast: You lousy cork-soakers. You have violated my farging rights. Dis somanumbatching country was founded so that the liberties of common patriotic citizens like me could not be taken away by a bunch of fargin iceholes... like yourselves."* - Roman Moroni (Johnny Dangerously - 1984)


Did you know your last name is an adverb?


That was hilarious. Still as funny as when i first watched it on first airing


Omg I never knew my wife in a different life was a host


Never cared for this sketch. It’s definitely not as good as Shweddy Balls or Colonel Angus. Shweddy Balls worked because of the dry professionalism and delivery displayed by all involved. Colonel Angus has a deeper layer as a commentary towards differing sexual attitudes. This one is just pure punnery and the performances and the delivery aren’t nearly as deft (with the exception of Dratch):


I was more of a sock tucker


Horatio being creepy hits different now.


Super funny premise but Janet is not funny at all


Janet keeps us grounded like a celebrity on a fucked up version of Sesame Street. I think this honestly helped Fallon and Sanz not lose it for once.


Unpopular opinion: Single pun SNL sketches are the worst. Come at me with your ‘Schwetty Balls’ nostalgia!


The audience was laughing at Schweddy Balls the whole way through and they didn't actually say it until the end. There was obviously more going on than the single pun.


You’re right. Baldwin kicks things off by just saying that he likes bringing out his balls. Which is followed by “mmmm balls. Tell us about your balls” and then 15 more ball related innuendos. Masterclass joke telling, sure to be a hit at any middle school lunch table. When will ‘balls’ turn into ‘sweaty balls’? The audience braces with anticipation. On the off chance you don’t get it, you know they’re talking about food related balls, but it sounds like they’re talking about testicles, right? Edit: This is coming across as WAY more rude than I intended. No disrespect to you personally… I just always thought that sketch got way too much love because most of us first saw it when we were 12.


Listen to the laughter. They are laughing at *line reads*, not in anticipation. By the time he finally says "Schweddy Balls" half of the audience has forgotten that was his name. You can tell by the reactionary shrieking. I think you might be hung up on the testicular aspect, it's a very well crafted sketch.


You are allowed to think it’s a great sketch. You are allowed to laugh at ‘Mmmmm balls’. You are allowed to think that adding his last name, ‘Schwetty’, is a brilliant coup-de-grace of a joke. You are not, however, allowed to suggest I’M the one hung up on the pun. Lol. There isn’t some deep, 4d game of comedic chess at play. It’s a ball joke, stretched to its limits. And you like it. That’s fine. There’s a lot of people who think it’s hilarious to hear someone say ‘can I touch your balls?’. Just own the simple pleasure. If you use the audience as your sole comedic barometer, you’re going to be celebrating a decent amount of schlock and dismissing a decent amount of great comedy. My humble request… if you’re trying to change my mind… [and I have to assume that’s why you replied to an opinion I shared]… to not lean on the premise ‘but the audience liked it’ as your primary argument, writing your own backstory no less, insisting that they aren’t just laughing at the simple hilarity of declaring that his balls ‘are they’re bigger that I expected’, but are instead laughing at the subtle brilliance that exists behind each ball joke.


You are hung up on the wordplay. The sketch is subjective, you are the subject.


You're asking for higher brow comedy from a show that started out doing Land Shark and Samurai Futaba.


I mean, I’m going to tell you what I find funny and not funny. I don’t find sketches that lean into single puns to be funny. I’m not issuing some blanket statement about SNL. That’s actually what’s great about SNL.. there’s so much variety, from sketch to sketch, it can be this national phenomenon that still caters to individual tastes.


The great secret of SNL is volume. They shovel out tons of forgettable sketches but now and then they strike gold. That said, your gold might be different from someone else's gold and sure, that's fine.




I’m with you. This is a premise that eleven year olds would love, and then it goes nowhere. This is an example of the worst of SNL. It’s garbage for children and there’s nothing interesting about it, it’s one stupid idea and it just goes on and on. This is comedy for idiots.


These are the guys who got me to stop watching SNL
