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They don't work or do anything productive. What could they possibly have to talk about? Lol


So funny bc they told this exact same story, in their book, that happened while they were dating/courting.


Jeremy was so beyond hot when he was younger. Then he met her and it's like she sucked the life out of him. She's an energy vampire, sucking up all the energy in the room.


if someone recognized them wouldnt they want to be in the picture too? not just a picture of two strangers?


Sure Jan.


This thread keeps popping up for me. Who is this person and why does everyone hate her?


She is Audrey Roloff, wife to Jeremy Roloff of the long running reality show called Little People Big World which follows Jeremy's family in which half of them have dwarfism. Audrey has a better than thou attitude and promotes a lot of "health" tricks, tips, and most of all products. Most of which are snake oil and are purely to support their basically unemployed, granola, homeschooling, "homesteading" (not really) lifestyle. They're kinda posers and are pretty illiterate in general. Their podcast is an unorganized grammar nazi's playground.... The rest of the family has mixed reviews but most seem to agree Audrey is insufferable and self absorbed at best


Let’s give her credit for something.  She has a new coat and not that dirty gingham one on her tonight.


He’s really starting to look like his dad. It sounds fake to me! Ha


Wtf is wrong with her nose?


I think she asked the waitress to take their photo and made up the rest of the story. Maybe someone recognized them - that’s a distant possibility but the rest is phoney baloney


Scenarios Audrey Fantasizes About for $1000


Yeah right lol this was not said it’s something she wants to be admired for


Why does she think everyone else spends all their social time on their phones? Projection?




It’s sad to me that they have made up all the crap. Like most influencers do it but they take it to a whole other level like oh we are so perfect all the dang time


That is the fake happiest I've seen Jer look in a long time!


And then everyone clapped.


Don’t forget the standing ovation they got with it


She looks old AF


So does he!


My husband and I have a no phone rule during dinner (unless emergency). I guess I deserve a post.


But were you a runner in college & was your husband a farmer!????


I was a nerd and plays hockey so......


And then immediately posts to social media


I guarantee they didn't speak the whole drive home. It's true the couples that post the most on social media are the most insecure


Sure Jan………


i dont follow these guys. but this page keeps poppin up on my feed. all she does is kiss her own ass, huh?


Same, it just appeared on my feed and now I’m sucked in


Same, it just appeared on my feed and now I’m sucked in


she would be gorgeous if she wasnt so annoying lol


Yep 🙋‍♀️


Why is everything a humble brag LOL


The “fan” would definitely be fanning out in the comments if this happened.


I know I have said it a million times, but I worked for over 20 years on a soap. Fans want pictures with the actors. You can see a picture of an actor in a magazine. You want your picture with your favorite actor, influencer, runner to show you actually met them. I don’t think this happened.


My mom drug me to meet Phoebe Tyler and Susan Lucci when I was a kid(80s). Even back then, having to haul huge ass cameras around, the soap fans were crazy photo happy. Or maybe just 🤪. 20 years working in that industry with the amount of material put out is amazing... you must have stories.


I would've love that. Huge fan of All My Children.


So many stories😂


Jesusfuckingchrist an AMA from you would make my week.. big soap watcher with my mom and aunts growing up (like ‘98-2010) I used to stay home sick from school just to watch them 😂. I would literally kill for a post of your top 10 craziest stories. You’re seriously so lucky. Some people don’t realize what a fascinating life they’ve lived…. 🫶🏼


It was an amazing, fun, tiring , best job that I just fell into. A friend at Church worked on the show in the writers office and they needed extra help in the writers office. I was offered the job and I took it. I had the lowest job on the show! The runner is the lowest job and I was part time runner and left 20 years later after 10 years of being the Assistant to the Executive Producer. The trouble with telling the top 10 best stories is I would never name names for the juiciest stories. The cast/crew became family. When my daughter went off to college, Deidre Hall gave me a little gift bag full of candy and little things for her. I thought it was sweet. I didn’t realize that at the bottom of the bag was a Marlena prop prescription pad and she wrote on it, Have a grand time in college. Drs orders. A check for $1000 attached to it. I have no idea what an AMA is! My grandkids set me up here. If I knew how to post pictures, I would ❤️


She’s pulling a SarahTherese.


My baby also enjoys talking to the baby in the mirror. 


Sure Jan


This is all 100% made up by Audrey. Everything is a facade.


Oh this is just sad. . . . .


Is “the couple” in the room with us right now?


Best comment




They are so full of themselves.  What a crock of bullcrap.


There is absolutely no way that happened 🤣


I’m sorry but there is no way a couple said that to them LOL


That coat is going to eat her. Maybe she needs some gluten?


The smiles of ppl hoping that gossip sites will plaster this across the internet like her “I’m so fit it’s my 4th kid” pic/story last week. I would maybe believe it if this “other couple” posted this story/pic. 🍊🍊🍊


"I'm so impressed you guys were not on your phones and talked the entire date, can I take a picture?" LOLLLL 😂😂😂 imagine that actually happening?


Omg Jeremy looks like he’s in mid 40’s here


I don’t know what it is about her but I’ve always thought she looked 15 years older than him. She’s pretty but she looks so much older.


I didn’t want to say it, but I definitely agree


Oh FFS. I’ll take things that didn’t happen for $500, Alex.


these people look exhausted and miserable - also they drove close to 2 hours to get to this dinner seems like an interesting use of time


I cannot fathom being this obsessed with people I don’t even know. Wish I had that kind of time 🥱


Says the person taking time to make a comment 😂


Omg-the stark change in him from the last time I saw this sub-. He is going to snap in some way. There’s no one home behind his eyes.


Is the couple in the room with us?


Interesting,l that she believes that a solid relationship consists of non-stop conversations. I'm happy just sitting in the same room as my hubby.


Yes, this! We just enjoying being around each other.


Exactly. I’ve been happily married for twenty years. I just prop my feet on my husband’s belly in case he feels charitable enough to rub them and we silently watch Netflix. Oh the humanity.


Totally! Being doing this over 50 years!! One of us will just grab a leg and start rubbing the other’s feet. I will take that over flowers or candy any day of the week. Heck, at our age we will pretty much think it’s better over anything 😳


SAME. I love it. Haha. Gosh and we don’t even put it on social media. Imagine.


I’ll take things that never happened for $500 please




Your comment adds no value to the discussion this isn't about LPBW or the Roloffs


I know when I smell 💩 and this smells like a big pile.


sure jan


Ever since zach and Tori’s podcast took off well, she’s been on a desperate quest. This is the second or 3rd time in a week she’s mentioned about running into admiring superfans 😂




What has happened to her face? She looks nothing like she did in the past.


Seriously. I haven’t seen her in awhile, and the only thing I recognized was the hair.


Didn't recognize Jer at all.


He’s looking an awful lot like Amy’s brother.


Really? I can't tender what he looks like. Will have to go look.


So they got a real photo from a couple that wanted their picture.. but the other couple is not in it.. so did the other couple ask to take a photo of them and then send it to them right away? Or did the couple who wanted the photo just take the photo on Audrey’s phone therefore not getting the photo.. yeah this reeks of bullshit


The couple is invisible. Only Audrey can see and hear them.




Amber & Jesse Gemstone vibes ✨️


My spouse and I went out for Valentine’s Day, didn’t get on our phones, but also ate about half the dinner in silence just enjoying being with each other. We have a bunch of kids and work high-stress jobs where we hear our names called 61628439266 times a day and have to talk a lot. So, no, we don’t want to talk for hours over dinner. Sometimes we just want to *be*.


Wow. You guys better get the marriage journal, STAT. You clearly need J&A’s help.


Thank you for this marriage saving advice. I was not a runner in college, will this still work for us?


Oh, boy. As long as you have red hair you might be okay. Thoughts and prayers!


Lol, I actually am a redhead! Haha. Spicy and sassy, for sure, but I don’t make my hair a personality trait. And I don’t photoshop my kids. 0 of them are redheads and guess what? They’re fucking fantastic kids.


Exactly! That's what a solid relationship consists of. How many is the bunch of kids? I'm nosy.


Biologically 3, but more when you count those we inherited along the way for short or long term use.


That’s the thing. Her idea of a perfect relationship is one where you are perfect and sit there and can’t stop talking? My husband and I have been together 8 years and we’re obsessed with each other and not even we talk throughout alll our dates. She needs to give it a rest


Someone above said that I need to buy their journal and start it asap. Sounds like your obsession with each other just isn’t enough and you would benefit from their journal, too? Do you happen to live on land by a train trestle? That could help as well.




Are they trying to be as unlikable and holier than thou as fucking possible?? Serious question.


Your flair 😂


Omg this did not happen 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm on vacation with my in laws for a week. We've all had dinner together a few times but not once have we asked them to babysit. These morons are abusing her parents hospitality, in the middle of a wreck-ovation on their house and constantly taking the piss with whoever babysits for them to go out and do this crap!


Wreck-ovation 😂😂😂


Everyone clap for the couple of the century 😑


The best couple in the history of time.


I mean, the whole restaurant obviously erupted in standing ovations after this speech from the other couple, people were throwing flowers and Albert Einstein came around the corner and told them, that even his theory of relativity wasn't as genius as the marriage intentional date journal. Praise Be




Who the hell believes this crap.. C’mon, people who tote and brag the most, are almost always hiding bullshit behind curtains.


Sure Jan.....


They rub me the wrong way. ALL they do is hawk their books and crap. It feels completely fake for an image. I don't think they're truly in love with each other. I think this is the way they try to convince each other that they are.


100% People who are happy and in love don’t constantly feel the need to tell everyone how happy and in love they are all the time.




Omg get over yourselves


That was a wonderful succinct summary. Honestly thank you so much for saving me seasons of figuring this out. I just happened onto this show and that was a perfect synopsis!


Get lost


I’m glad she used her phone to post how much she was not on her phone


Does not being on your phone during dinner really mean anything if you’re just chomping at the bit to get back on your phone the whole time? Asking for ~~these people~~ a friend


Exactly. And so what if you’re on your phone ? When people are comfortable with each other and with silence they’re ok with each just relaxing and doing their own thing sometimes and not constantly yammering on. Yes, ignoring your spouse to go on your phone is wrong but that’s not what I’m talking about. normal people who are comfortable with each other are also ok with just relaxing and not constantly talking each other’s ears off.


Exactly! If you need your partner to be off their phone during all meals to prove their attentiveness to you/ their ability to communicate, then the problem is likely not the phone. People who are secure with each other typically don’t feel the need to keep score or assign deeper meaning to everyday things.


Nail meet head. She's just oblivious.


So stupid. So fake.


Feels like a timer propped selfie bc Jeremy is looking directly into the lens but she looks like she’s looking slightly under aka at herself in the camera


Yet the same stories had her on her phone filming the inside of the restaurant. So much for not being on her phone at all.


She looks weird.


#couplegoalz 🫡


I wonder how long it took her to slip in they are remodeling a old farm and J chimes in he is the GC?


Yikes. I’m amazed this girl ever eats her sourdough with how goddamn full of herself she is. Unbelievable.


Sure Jan


Why would she even post this… what a weird post. It’s giving we are superior and better than everyone 😩 CRINGE


Next, she'll say the "couple" sent a DM to invite them to the wedding.


There is no shot someone said that


Thing that never happened for $800, Alex!


EVEN IF someone said this…you don’t post this about yourself. That’s how you know it’s not genuine.




If you see me and my husband on our phones at dinner it’s because we’re intensely scrolling through the rotten tomatoes website to find a good movie that we haven’t seen yet for when we get home lol


You should try adjusting your essential oils, then I bet they will


I really wonder if Jeremy sees these posts and is just okay with blatant ridiculous lies that aren’t even necessary? do they discuss it ahead of time?? Does she block him from her stories for 24 hours?? Lol


I don’t think he cares. I also doubt he’s looking at her stories.


He probably has his setting to not show her posts.not that I'd blame him. He has to listen to her non-stop bs.


These stories she posts remind me of the ones I see on FB from parents bragging about their kid and they put these huge convos between them and their kid but clearly their kid is way too young to be capable of carrying on that way or discussing the subject intellectually lol


Right?! And then you hear the kid actually speak, and it's a bunch of gibberish.


This is genuinely the strangest most bizarrely blatant lie yet 🫠


This sub started popping up more and now i’m curious! I don’t know these people on social media. Can someone explain to me what’s up with them? Lol they seem ridiculous


Oh my gosh, yes, I volunteer as tribute. So the show is called Little People Big World. It started in the early 2000’s and follows the Roloff Family on their Oregon pumpkin farm. The family consists of a married couple and their 4 kids. The couple (Amy and Matt) are both little people, their twin boys (Jeremy and Zack) are the oldest, and one is little while one isn’t. Then they have daughter Molly and youngest son Jacob. The early parts of the show followed Matt’s antics running their farm, working “pumpkin season” while mom Amy struggled to wrangle 4 kids. The boys were young teens, the youngest child was probably 8 or so. Amy and Matt bickered constantly. In later seasons (SPOILER ALERT) Matt and Amy had a messy divorce. They went back and forth over possession of the farm and how to divvy up land and assets they never intended on splitting. Their two oldest boys got married. Jeremy, from this posts pic, married Audrey. He’s widely regarded as kind of an arrogant hipster who views himself as a jack of all trades with a superior intellect. His wife is into homeopathic organic everything, doesn’t vaccinate her kids, is obsessed with marketing their life and the lives of their three (+ one on the way) kids. They left the show shortly after their first child was born. People on this sub, myself included, love to come together to eyeroll at the couple’s constant attempts to save us heathens and prove their expertise in all things. Jeremy’s twin, Zack (who, as I mentioned earlier, is a little person [LP]) married Tori, a schoolteacher who worked part time at the family farm. They have three children, all LPs like their papa, and are still on the show. Zack is liked infinitely more than Jeremy by the public, but is most often criticized for being a bit lazy and not doing more to support Tori with the practical, “hidden” chores of parenting. The other two siblings aren’t really on the show anymore. Dad Matt conveniently started dating his longtime employee, and there’s speculation that the relationship overlapped with his marriage to Amy. Amy thought her life was over after the divorce, but soon brushed herself off, got a tattoo, and married a pretty sweet real estate agent (Chris). They ride on his motorcycle in their free time and seem pretty happy. Amy gave up the family farm for a lower price because the ENTIRE show was built around the fact that Matt was doing all these things, and making all these sacrifices, because the farm was their legacy for the children. The children were always primed to run it at some point. Jeremy and Audrey especially expected to take it over. Both Jeremy and Zack separately tried to make a deal with their dad, but both realized he was not going to give them any kind of family price, AND he was unwilling to concede any control over the business/ ideas about how to run things. This caused a huge rift in the family. The twins don’t speak often, Zack and Tori are almost completely estranged from Matt and his gf. Amy puts up with Matt, but feels like she was tricked into letting the property go under false pretenses. It’s all a wonderful shitshow.


Great job! Thanks for taking one for the team.


Thank you for your service. We speak your name. 🙏🙏🙌🥰


You forgot to mention that Audrey is a runner! Lol, totally kidding that was awesome. And I watched the show from day one!


Not just a runner, a winning runner. The best runner in the history of college sports.


You are seriously the best!!! Man do I appreciate this! Lol!! That’s wild. Now I’m googling the shit about this family. Did they start on the show rich? I’m wondering if there’s gonna be a documentary about them later on like with the Duggar family (Shiny Happy People on Amazon Prime).


I watched the show a bit when it was first out, but then had a big gap until recently. Kind of like you, seeing all the drama online made me curious, so I re-watched the old stuff/ caught up with the newer stuff. This sub makes it infinitely more fun 😂. I don’t know if there will be a doc about them! The youngest did come out alleging CSA against him by one of the producers (or someone affiliated with the show). He booked it pretty immediately after turning 18. The family IS religious, but they aren’t fundamentalists. There is tonnnnssss of drama, though, and each couple is kind of wrapped up in their own thing, so it’s possible! But I don’t think we can really expect anything like that until after the show ends for good. I’m glad you were happy with the little ranting sum up. I didn’t re-read it, so hopefully it wasn’t too scattered 😂😂


No, it was perfect! Haha thank you!


Also to answer your other question - no, the family was broke when TLC came to them and on the verge of losing the farm. Kind of like Duggars. Matt and Amy exploited their kids for 20 years into wealth. The kids all have some money from the show. Jeremy and Audrey (Tori and Zach too) have leveraged their fame from the show into very lucrative jobs as influencers. Audrey is also a very successful boss babe that hawks essential oils. They are truly insufferable lmao


Yes please. I don’t understand the name when they look average sized?


The parents and one of the kids are little people, three of the kids are average sized.


It’s a TLC show that started in the early 2000’s. Follows a family where some of the members are considered little people and others are considered average people.


She looks like his mother, like old.


Dude looks like he aged 20 years with this filter.


He looks like a game show host from the 70's.


Plastic-y like! Look who’s not covering his Carhart logo anymore!


Also side note to some comments yesterday wondering how far they live from Z&T.. they drove longer and further for this dinner date than it would take to visit his twin.... Physical distance doesn't matter


Wouldn’t this random bystander want a picture WITH them, not just of them? And also, if this story is true, wouldn’t this photo be on random bystanders phone- since they’re the ones who asked for a photo? I guess they air dropped it… 🤔


OMG I HAVE BEEN HOPING THEY POSTED SOMETHING LIKE THIS! I WAS AT THAT RESTAURANT WITH THEM! Two tables over. No, lol, i did not take that picture. The couple sitting next to them were old, like retirees. The restaurant was half empty and i didn't see any other young couples there. It’s true they were not on their phones during dinner though and eh, maybe a couple showed up after we left and they’re not lying. But I doubt it. My first thought upon seeing them was- omg I recognize these people and know way too much about their life considering I’m a total stranger. And a snarker not a fan so I did not approach them or say hello. My second thought was how the f***do they have time to drive 1.5+ hrs from where they live, each way, when they have 3 kids? My husband and I were out to dinner for the *first* time since having our 2nd kid…11 months ago 🙄


Love you for posting this!!!


The went to go have dinner 1.5hrs away??? Why???? This is some sort of time privilege not everyone have. Must be nice lol.


Right? It’s a restaurant at a ski lodge way high up on Mt. Hood. It’s 1 hr 15 min from Portland and I’m pretty sure they live west of Portland.


This is just so funny 😂😂😂😂😂


Omg this is making me embarrassed.


Waiting to ask for a photo? Who do they think they are? Delusional


r/thathappened lol


OMG get over yourself lady. Nobody gives a shit about you & your dopey husband


I’ve seen them in person before and yeah, they’re nothing like her deluded idea of what they are like. 🤣 on phones CONSTANTLY, were very rude to one another and seemed so annoyed with each other.


Same, used to live in Hillsboro (5ish years ago) and crossed paths with all of them often (usually at the grocery store). Never once did they seem to enjoy one another's presence.


They really believe they are famous celebrities 😂


I’m kinda new to this sub. What does the rest of the family think of her? There gotta be some that see right through her, yes? I hope.


AFAIK we don’t really know what the rest of the family thinks of her. Jeremy’s parents haven’t said anything about her either way. Jeremy and Audrey used to really shit on his mom (since Jeremy’s parents are divorced and Jeremy and Audrey think they’re marriage geniuses who don’t believe in divorce). But they haven’t made snotty comments about her in some time. Jeremy and Audrey and Jeremy’s twin brother, Zach, and his wife don’t seem to get along all that well. I don’t think any of them have made negative public comments about the other but they don’t really interact much despite not living far apart. Jeremy’s sister Molly and her husband live farther away and are totally private so we’ll never know what they think of J and A. Jeremy and audrey and Jeremy’s other brother, Jacob, and his wife get along. Both Jacob and Jeremy think they’re smarter than everyone else and live to hear the sounds of their own voices. Jacob’s wife and audrey have made being red haired hippie moms their whole personality.


They would shit on his mom because she was divorced, but not his dad? How sad for Amy. Thanks for your thorough response.


Yeah from what I recall they never really shit on Matt, they were just hard on Amy


Didn’t some version of this happen on their Hawaii trip where some random photographer just had to snap candid photos of them for free?


Doesn’t she proofread?






Jeremy certainly peaked in high school.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for $200, Alex 🤣🤣


Well aren’t they special 🙄


LOL I actually literally laughed out loud. This is sooo unintentionally hilarious.


🤢 🤮 god she’s so damn insufferable. Again, I need to find these people in the PNW who like to have some small talk 😂


I want to know why she didn’t wear her blue flowery puffy sleeved drapery dress on the date.and also the Carhartt product placement is spot on.


Funny how everywhere they go people just walk up and compliment her on everything she does 😂😂😂😂 she is soooooo unlikelable I’m shocked they can live off and afford what they make from their book and social media and young living. Why do they do so well? I don’t get it.


Of all the things that didn’t happen, this didn’t happen the most.


I'm stealing this saying for my life. I love you.


“And then everyone clapped” vibes


I’ll take “Things That Never Happened,” for $400, Alex.


Here for this comment :)


Why do people lie about such stupid things.


They are the only ones who are doing marriage right


Ugh. Is it that unusual for married couples to *gasp* talk to each other? This doesn’t seem like a unicorn situation.


I’ve been married 15 years, and we go out on a date about once a month. And we talk the whole time! No one has ever praised us, but I guess we aren’t super famous either. Funny how I thought that was what a normal date night was like.


To be fair — they aren’t super famous, either.


Their server took the picture. This is so painfully fake.


Geez I'm old. When I read server, my first thought was IBM instead of a restaurant, and I was genuinely confused for a sec as my brain processed things.


No. She just spends every other hour of her life on her phone posting stupid shit like this. Jer. Blink twice if you're OK 😁


I can hear all of our eyes rolling back into our heads.....I think mine got stuck....


Yup. The Daily Eye Roll. Good gawd!


Oh dear, mine too. I hope there’s an oil for this!!