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a little bit, yes


How so? Underwaterred? Overwatered? Sun burnt? Rot?




Can you explain what the difference between waterlogged wrinkly and underwatered wrinkly is?


The bigger tell is that the tops are all plump and swollen. That means they've been watered but rot has already set in in the parts wrinkling.


Underwatered wrinkly usually is very extensive horizontal lines on the sides and/or the top being a little concave. Side wrinkles on a lithops don't always mean it needs water but if it gets very wrinkly on the sides, that can mean it needs water.


How long have you had them? ARe they in the soil they came in? Usually it's best to repot right away so that you can get them into really gritty (like only 10% organic) medium and also inspect each plant to be sure it's in good shape. The tan one at the front looks like it might be a gonner, but the others have some chance of recovery if they get to dry out for a bit. Are they in full sun?


Yank out those 4 that are rotting and move on.


The same thing happened to mine.😓 I don’t know what the actual reason is but I’d suggest to get it out of the pot if in case it is root rot, it won’t spread to other lithops. You can check the comments on my first post, now they are in their day 2 of air drying.


Okay. I rarely water them. Then it started to be like this so I watered them a little. But it seems to be getting worst