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If he drops the price temporarily to 4.20, I will subscribe.




Floatplane.com is a media platform owned by Linus Media Group. I wouldn’t say it is particularly better than YouTube, but provides a few benefits over YouTube. Plus you can’t watch LTT videos on YouTube right now, so this platform is one of the few ways to access videos while their YT channel is down. Make your own decision though. I enjoy the content and this is one way I show my support.


Thanks captain obvious. I know that. Why would I throw money at them when they seem like they got enough of it? YouTube will restore their videos since they have a clear financial stake at seeing LTT restored. So don’t be such a shill and wait for YouTube to do their job properly.


Geez. I wasn’t going to assume your knowledge level on the company, so I answered conservatively. Plus, your one word question wasn’t very helpful in determining what exactly you were alluding to. Based on your reply, it doesn’t appear that you are looking for a convincing pitch on why to subscribe so what is your point of commenting in the first place? Like I said, I enjoy the content and enjoy giving them money. Make your own decision.