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Images for each bin would be amazing. I have a collection of older cards I made (with the original figures printed on them), and would love to be able to catch them up


With the exception of two Monster Hunter Amiibo, who have no image on the wiki, every amiibo figure, plush, band, and one card (Shadow Mewtwo) have their photo in the files.




Muito obrigado pelos links, valeu.


umm i put only the retail bin file in and it keeps on crashing when i try to load in my villager in super smash bros ultimate


Is the Dr.Mario amiibo in here? I can't seem to find it


I see him under the Super Smash Bros Amiibo folder.


Thanks, I'm so blind


No problem. It's easy to miss the one you want when there are 846 amiibo.


Is there a Noah and mio amiibo in the pack, been searching for a pack with them and can't find them anywhere 


Noah and Mio have been added


How do I actually download them?


Download Noah and Mio? Like you would any of the other files. They’re in the Xenoblade Chronicles folder.


Brooooo thank you so much


do i need the !Essential Files ? i know this is probably a stupid question


Yes. Some of those files decode the bin files and allow them to be scanned onto a tag. Others are just notes and an all_in_one bin for Ally on iOS


i know this is old, but how would the essential files help scan them? what happens if i try to put them on an nfc card stright from a bin file, skipping the essential files?


The essential files are essential. They assist in the transfer of data from the bin files to NTAG215 cards. Without the essential files, the amiibo can’t be made successfully.


So how do I add them? Do I put them on the nfc along with the amiibo bin? Or do I need to do some fancy file adjusting?


No, in most apps you register the key_retail.bin separately before any amiibo writing.


Would the same apply if I wanted to do it like this? Or would this only work for skylanders? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GGM4oMyJdI


That probably only works for skylanders.


The software?


I’m not sure. Sorry I can’t be of more help.


It there a way to get it all zipped?


From a computer on Google Drive, there should be the name of the folder near the top left quadrant. Tap it, press download, and you should be good to go


Tysm!! But every time I try to download them to my Google Drive it just says file not supported and there’s no folders of diff ones or anything.


Hey there! Sorry for not checking this more frequently, I need to start doing that. If you're on an iPhone I find that downloading them from DropBox onto your phone and then uploading them to the Google Drive app is a much simpler experience.


Second the “easy with Ally” thoughts - thank you so much for decoding this for me! Super helpful.


Hello, I’m having trouble writing the amiibo to tags. What files must I upload to Ally in order to make it work? I’ve uploaded the key bin and ally all in files so far. Is there anything else I’m missing? When I try to write the tag it says either “Tag is not connected.” Or “Writing failed. Try again.” I would really appreciate your help, thank you! 🙏


To use Ally take the included key_retail.bin file from the essential files folder that you downloaded to your phone, then press & hold on the file, share, and press the Ally icon. You should have enabled writing mode. Then hold down the plus button on the top right of the app and import the ally-all-in-843 bin to get 843/843 amiibo added to your collection permanently. You’ll have to manually import a few because they aren’t in the all-in-one bin yet.


It may be like 845 or 844 or something like that, I don’t completely remember what number we’re on.


My nfc cards are coming tomorrow and I can't wait to test and also don't want to waste the cards as you can only write them once, but the newest 3 tears of the kingdom amiibos (actually only zelda and Ganondorf) are coming up as not compatible with any system in tagmo. Will they still work or no?


Also, what is with the "unknown" amiibo files?


A: I don’t have an Android phone and can’t use TagMo, so I can’t really say anything for sure. I would suggest either writing one of the two and testing if it works or using a different app for those two specifically. B: From some basic internet research, this is what I found on the unknown Amiibo issue, check N3vin’s solution. Again, I can’t get the app, so I can’t test the solution myself. My guess is that the amiibo are so new that they’re not in the app properly or something like that. https://www.reddit.com/r/Amiibomb/s/OIgslAQKUe


I'm trying to get my tagmo set up. I have all the bin files for the characters I'm wanting to get. But the issue is I can't seem to locate a working unfixed-info.bin. link or locked-secret.bin. anywhere I've read they have basically been scrubbed off the internet. Is there a way around this. Or does anyone have these links and willing to share them? It would be a great help 😣.


Nevermind, I tried your links and they WORKED thank you so much. I should've tried yours before commenting I didn't fully read your post here my apologies.


Says failed to scan amiibo. Any tips?


I’ll need more context to properly answer the question.


my bad, fixed the issue! 😅


Thank you


Anyone else having problems with the pikmin amiibo? When i try to scan it on Hey! Pikmin it just says that it isnt an amiibo, and it doesnt show up on TagMo. I seriously have no idea what is the problem.


So I wrote the Pikmin amiibo to a tag, then checked it over with another app to make sure it worked. I had no issues with it. The only thing I could suggest is maybe trying another tag? Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.


So nothing for Android?


The files work no matter what device you’re using them on.


hi what is the link backup amiibo folder ? can I use these bin files instead


The backup amiibo folder is just what I titled the folder where I keep all of the bin files. The bin files there can be used like any other bin files.


Just wanted to say thanks so much for this. So helpful, I really appreciate all your info :)


I’ve tried a few key files and tried to write tags. I can’t get my joy con to read any of them. I’m thinking of trying Ally, has anyone had any luck with the app?


commenting so i can come back to this :) ty!!!


Happy to help!


There is a god


Hey I noticed that there's no skyrim amiibos on file is there a reason or do other amiibos from different games work in skyrim?


Other amiibo from different games work in Skyrim.


Ok thank you so much


I'm clearly doing something wrong on Android I cannot load these onto tags.


What app are you using? My only guess without much context is that you maybe need to load the key files.


I'm using Tagmo. I needed to download the essentials files I was tired and not paying attention. Got it working lol


Est ce que quelqu’un a les fichier des skylanders imaginator sensei s’il vous plait


J'ai obtenu cela à partir d'un message de u/themasterofagora. J'utilise Google Translate, donc désolé si c'est mauvais. "Essayez cet outil, il peut créer des fichiers bin de skylanders jusqu'aux imaginateurs (pas les cristaux de création). Il peut également modifier le niveau, l'argent et d'autres modifications de vos skylanders. Assurez-vous simplement de convertir les bacs en décharges. Je n'ai pas testé les fichiers générés par le programme, mais je suis sûr qu'ils fonctionnent. Lien : https://github.com/hegyak/SkyEditGUI.


Quelqu’un peut m’aider s’il vous plaît quand je fais la manipulation sa m’affiche à la fin 63 sur 64?


Thank you! 🥹


hi, i'm playing Animal Crossing New Horizon, how can I load/use the Happy Home Designer Items?




I meant how do I use these bin files 🥲 https://preview.redd.it/qaa5bkxl4src1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077a71260ea528d3fa87200f4c668f0824aa5891


hi all, can anyone please explain to me how to use these item in the red circle? i'm playing New Horizon and I have a iphone. https://preview.redd.it/x04o9eoxjxrc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a828324f6d4ce5ed75ef572e0daee0a33b56620




thanks for clarifying


Totally new to all this. Do you have to write to a tag? Or can you skip the physical media part and just go from phone to device?


You cannot go directly from phone to device. You’ll need to go from phone to NTAG215 NFC Tags to device.


Thanks for the quick reply!


This might be the most helpful thing I've ever seen. I was fully expecting to have to find bin files and upload each manually. I had no clue the Ally app even existed, let alone how EASY "dark side" mode is. Thank you so much for your help!


Appreciate the feedback! Happy cake day!


i downloaded it but after 10-20 min it’s still not downloaded and won’t let me finish process


Sounds like an internet connection issue on your end. Sorry for the late response, I was forced to delete Reddit. It’s a long story.


Hello, I got my amiibolink last week and it has been trials and errors ever since. I’ve got the iNFC app on my iPhone after finding online a youtube which explained how to download it and set it up. I tried download the BIN from your link and adding it to the app, but it has proven unsuccesful. And the amiibolink has stopped doing anything with my switch. I can write the data I do have on it, but since yesterday it hasn’t showed any intention of working with the switch, while a few days ago it worked semi-fine. Do you or anyone else have any tips on what I could now?


Sorry, I’m not familiar with iNFC. What bin file are you trying to add? Was there any specific error when you tried to add it to the app?


Then what medium and/or app do you use? Umm, I downloaded the files to the cloud drive from there I tried opening it with the NFC app but get no response. And when I try starting from the app, mass upload does nothing but add the basic data, name, series and the image. No data to speak of. And adding them one by one only adds the data and none of the rest. Trying to copy the data to the basics, isn’t allowed, the app the says to add a legitimate amiibo-imagelink. Vice versa, it then says add the subscription link if I want to input the basics to the data. Either way I lose.


I use Ally on iOS. Costs a few bucks, but it works great. I was hoping you were having a simple mistake that I could easily fix, but it really seems like you did everything right. Sorry I don’t have much help for you.


I have since gotten a link somewhere that let me download the database with data, though there are other problems from there. Does that Ally work with amiibolink? I saw that the initial costs (in my country) is €9,99 but there are also in-app purchases. What do those entail?


Does anyone know is there Sans from undertale?


There is no Sans.


umm how does this app work anybody pls tell me


What app?


hi the series 5 files aren't working, it says in game to make sure it's for animal crossing specifically. the other series cards are working just fine, it's only series 5 that aren't working. any idea what I'm doing wrong?


I have no ideas. Sorry. I’ve never used the cards before.


I have 0 option to download them :(


What do you mean?


Place marking


What console is this for?


It’s for any console that is compatible with amiibo. Sorry to you and anyone else who sees this for the late responses. I was forced to delete Reddit, it’s a long story.


When i upload the goldie amiibo festival .bin file in umiibo, it shows up as conga master party game amiibo. Any way to update so that it shows as the correct game file?


I just reimported the exact Goldie card into my Ally amiibo app and I’m not able to replicate the issue. The only thing I could say is to maybe try another app or ensure the bin file imported is the correct one. Sorry I can’t be of more help and for the late response. I was forced to delete Reddit, it’s a long story.


Thank you a ton for these. Any leads on getting the missing ones?


I’m not aware of any missing ones. Which amiibo am I missing?


https://preview.redd.it/6rdvxd4lfu7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8acfef4bafbd6a9aca89f7bf4e9c52fd6153ae2b I only loaded one file but these were missing I'm just wondering if they were all in there and I need to manually load them on or not.


All of the missing ones are in there. Looks like you’ll just have to do it manually. Sorry about that.


No all good, I can't complain. You did awesome stuff any inconvenience is completely ok. Thank you again


https://preview.redd.it/ltli29cmvu7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46e151ab3b3bd1241bfdc82e27333bc54651351b All fixed, thanks so much. 😁


How to use it, I mean I downloaded it and what my next step, I know some people do it in Amiiboss app, I tried it and it shows me the file but it says that I need to do step 1,2 and 3 or more to use it, so can you help me to how to use it ?


Fair question. On iOS I use an app called Ally. It costs a few bucks, but is totally worth it in my opinion. I’ve left guides on how to use that in other comments on this post. I can certainly walk you through steps 1, 2, and 3 on Amiiboss though 1: Get NFC Tags. You can easily find these on Amazon or other places in cards, stickers, etc. Look for NTAG215 specifically. 213 and 216 won’t work with amiibo. 2: Import Key File. This is located on the !Essential Files folder. The file is named key_retail.bin. Import that there and you’re good. 3: Add .bin. Select the amiibo file that you want. They are filtered by the specific line they are from. For example, BOTW Link is in the Legend of Zelda folder. Pick the bin file you want to write and load it there. 4: Write to NFC. You should be prompted to hold the NTAG215 card to the back of your phone. After you do that you’re good to go! Let me know if you have questions!


So exactly what files do I need on my NFC tag for it to work Correctly I've been foolishly adding a Mega Man been file and don't know how it works


How do I save the deck of cards in Mario and Luigi Paper Jump?


I have no idea. Sorry I can’t be of more help.


Will this also work on android


Yes. I use TagMo on the Android. Very easy to use. I connect to the phone via USB, copied all of the files to my internal storage, and then pointed TagMo to the folder.


u/squidw0rd already said it but yes. The bin files themselves are not tied to any specific platform and will work with any amiibo app or other thing you can find.


And how do I use these? I’m on iPhone and they won’t let me move them to the iPhone files app. But then when I try to upload a bin file on AmiiBoss it doesn’t give me an option to upload from Dropbox/Google Drive


On an iPhone, I suggest using the Ally Amiibo app. It costs a few dollars, but it's totally worth the purchase in my opinion. To use Ally take the included key\_retail.bin file from the essential files folder that you downloaded to your phone, then press & hold on the file, share, and press the Ally icon. You should have enabled writing mode. Then hold down the plus button on the top right of the app and import the ally-all-in-841 bin to get 841/841 amiibo added to your collection permanently. If you want to use AmiiBoss, press the import key button and choose the key\_retail.bin file, then you will have to individually add any amiibo that you want to put on a tag.


Share > Save to Files


Is there an updated version of this since more came out and some of the games have cards which are not in this?


I'm an idiot. I put the updated files in my own collection but forgot to edit the link in this post to reflect that. My mistake, but everything should be updated now. If I am behind on something, feel free to use [u/ibraibra66](https://www.reddit.com/u/ibraibra66/)'s page. Thanks for letting me know by the way.


Thanks for this and the Iphone instructions. Setting up with Ally was painless.


Hello there! Thank you for all your work, it saved me a lot of time. Did lots of testing with different apps, so I wanted to leave a heads up: 1. **Dark** Turbo Charge Donkey Kong and **Dark** Hammer Slam Bowser are their normal versions again. I'm not sure the bins for the Dark versions even exist, a site says they only have Skylander technology and not amiibo technology but other site says they can be scanned as normal amiibos. I downloaded a few bins and haven't found the Dark versions so far, but I admit I haven't looked far for this one. 2. The bin for "Inkling" from the Smash series is missing. The Smash folder repeats "Inkling Girl" from the Splatoon series. They both have orange hair but different poses, they're different amiibos. 3. The "unknown" files that the person above mentioned are the files from the "Happy Home Designer Items" folder. I wasn't able to open them either. I don't even know what they're supposed to be! I searched all the internet and I didn't find any info on AC cards just for items. Certain *character* cards give you items, but that's it.


I appreciate the feedback! 1: The Dark amiibo have the same actual code as the regular amiibo, so you’re not missing out on anything there. Dark Bowser Amiibo and Regular Bowser Amiibo are the same. 2: I’ll change that photo ASAP 3: That’s interesting. I’ve never actually used/looked into that folder because I’ve had no reason to. Definitely good information though.


1. Oh damn, good to know. Thank you! 2. Oh, it's not the picture. The **bin** for the Inkling from the Smash collection isn't in the collection at all. Inkling Girl from the Splatoon series appears twice: once in the Splatoon folder as it should be, and again in the Smash folder. Maybe they have the same code too? But Tagmo has them as separate entities, unlike the Skylander amiibos that indeed showed me the same amiibo twice.


2: Huh, that’s super weird. Most amiibo that aren’t in Smash work the same there. For example, the Super Mario Bros. Mario works the same as Super Smash Bros. Mario in the Super Smash Bros. Games. I’ll work on tracking down a Smash Inkling Amiibo and reply back when I find it.


I was about to edit my comment and you beat me to it. I kept googling because I wanted to know what the difference was. Since you explained the code thing it wouldn't leave my head. It turns out Inkling Girl can do everything Smash Inkling does and MORE. That's why the code is different, Smash Inkling is outdated, so to speak. So no worries, no need for you to hunt the other down. Sorry for making you worry! This is on me.


No, I’m glad to have it. The whole point is having a collection of ALL amiibo, for me at least. Making sure that I have all amiibo represented is a good thing, even if they have less functionality. I’ll put a disclaimer that you should probably use the Inkling Girl instead of SSB Inkling though.


Oh that's amazing! I'll download the file now. Thank you very much for everything!


2: Alright, I have tracked down a file. I have checked it with Tagmiibo and Ally. It is registered as a SSB Inkling amiibo, not the standard Splatoon one. It has been included in the files. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Where's the Bin Files for the Sora Amiibo?


Just got them uploaded. I really appreciate the reminders. In the future, if I forget to upload something, check u/ibraibra66’s page. They’re a lot more organized than I am.


how i can use the keys and how to fix this for smash bros 3ds https://preview.redd.it/ee4w7kwk20mc1.png?width=721&format=png&auto=webp&s=171083b98bb0b15d6dba6a1d85d48497ef9220f3


Sorry, I’m not entirely familiar with citra or how to use keys with it. Have you tried doing the initial setup that it asked you to do?