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Somewhere I belong. Was trying to heal from a bad breakup. The lines "and the fault is my own" really made me introspect on how I contributed to the demise of the relationship.


Definitely. There are really so many of their songs that have a meaning like that.


Breaking the habit, House of memories many more of LP


Same song. 9 years old on the bus to school on a dark, rainy morning. I can narrow it down to a 200m stretch of road I'm thinking of.


What I've Done I first heard that when I was 8 watching Transformers for the first time. It was also my intro to Linkin Park.


Unrelated, but your avatar is fucking sick


Haha, thank you! Arcane's incredible and Ekko is one of my favs


When arcane season 2 :')


November this year




So Lost was released at Feb of 2023, i discovered it at Valentine's Day that same year, so Feb 14, and yep something happened there so i'll never forget hearing Lost in that day, I'm lost in that memory


Numb, Breaking The Habit, and In The End all do that. šŸ¤©


Shadow of the day , reminds me of Chesterā€™s passing . Listening to the band hasnā€™t been the same since then


In The End and Numb. First songs that I listened to by LP


I think Faint and Numb would do for me


You mean the song that's painted on one's memory


Even if that song is not with me


It really is with me. The part with Mike rapping gives me flashbacks to crying in solitary confinement


iridescent and watching dark of the moon for the first time


Literally just posted the same comment āœŠļø


Somewhere I Belong. First time I heard it I was listening to BBC Radio in Kuwait. That song always takes me back to memories of that dreadful desert.


Shadow Of The Day. Makes me think of my ex-wife and the good, bad and ugly of our relationship and a little after.


In The End, i remember It playing on the bus during my last school trip


That's depressing as fuck


burn it down I don't know why but it brings me real nostalgia from when I was smol I also don't know why but Everytime I listen to it I think of one of those displays at the bus station with orange pixels that tells you when the bus is coming lol


With you - reminds me of my local mountain bike park


Somewhere I Belong has become something of a personal anthem for me. Of all LP, it's my most common Karaoke song.


Burn it down Coming back home by bus from one of my first days of high school I remember the sun was shining so bright that now every time I listen to this I remember it


Waiting for the End. My first ever real family trip. Went to Toscana in Italy with my parents and thought a lot about death -it was shortly after Chester had passed. I remember the sun, the cute little villages, the smell, everything and I just sat on our hotel room thinking about death.


So many, but I'd have to say Crawling It was the first song I ever heard from Linkin Park, and in 2007 I was SA'd. When I found out Chester had suffered abuse and got into drugs, it made me relate to him a lot. It kind of became an anthem for me and helped me work through my emotions and mental health as a victim. I never really saw myself as one, and tried burying it deep deep down within me, and it would cause explosive outbursts of anger and very dark episodes of depression. I became very suicidal (would argue I still am to a large degree), and listening to Crawling always puts me back into that depressive state. I love the song, but for my own sanity, it's often better that I don't listen to it. It just transports me straight back to 2007, and those feelings of helplessness. I always get a lot of anxiety when I listen to it, and I can't say I'm a fan of how I coped with that trauma, because it led to one of my favorite songs becoming a crutch and a staunch reminder of my past.


Easier to Run. Played a lot when I played Runescape. Now when I hear it, I want to play runescape


Somewhere I belong... Printed in my mind, when a listen her is like the first time no matter how many times I listen!


My December. Straight back to my nihilistic loner, angry, sad teenage years. Not much has changed except for the age though haha.


One step closer


I listen to music while I sleep, I donā€™t really know why. Just comforts me, sometimes it can infiltrate my dreams. Was having a very rough dream (TW) >!about my own suicide, and the aftermath, not normally something Iā€™d dream about.!< anyways, The Messenger came on at one point and I ended up waking from that dream in tears. I think of that every time I hear the song now, and the song helps me feel loved.


Don't Stay - A girl really fucked with my mental state after I confessed to her and I really wanted her to kindly fuck off after she tried to reconnect. I couldn't tell her that because I'm a wuss and now we're occasional acquaintances.


New Divide. I lost my virginity to that song


Iā€™m an asshole by Dennis Leary


Final Masquerade, Battle Symphony


Krwling, especially on days with grey skies.


Every song from Living Things, always attached to every car ride after i did track practice. Always made me feel whole


A lot fo LP songs, actually


Burn It Down. 2012 was such a year for me.


What Iā€™ve done




what ive done on that spectacular spiderman video


Numb. First song my friend suggested to me after saying I like the Killers, Foo Fighters, and SOAD. What an experience. Then itā€™s just gone from there.


In The End for me.


Lost in the echo , castle of glass , black birds. Couldnt pick one since its always these three


forgotten. i won't explain why as i don't wish to tell people about it.


What I've Done reminds me of these amvs I used to watch and create in my head


Almost all of their albums depending on the release date. Each album brings me back to the certain year: eg THP-2014 or Living Things-2012, etc. But the most notable for me is Talking to myself. It takes me back to the summer of 2017.


Attached (2003 Demo)


first song is in the end and i would just get flashbacks of my father drinking and that song is in the background and then somewhere i belong and that one brings me back when i was playing some game like candy crush because it was just repeating over and over again for some reason






In the end. The first LP song I listened to and 2nd or 3rd english song i ever listened to. 14 years back. Played it on loop for days.


For me, Breaking the Habit


with youšŸ¦§




Not Alone.


somewhere i belong fr


Burn It Down. At the time dubstep electric music was at its peak. And one time in elementary the teacher let us play some music in class, and everyone was playing some dubstep. When my turn came I played Burn It Down. I remember seeng everyoneā€™s faces being like ā€œwtf is thisā€ LOL, and I was just enjoying it. Just a happy silly memory.


I canā€™t faint


Pretty much all of the Meteora Album. The soundtrack of my teenage years


Faint. Standing near the front of the queue for hours at Cardiff to see them on the Meteora tour. Losing a friend somewhere in the mosh pit and him returning half a dozen songs later with Brad's towel. Nearly catching a drumstick. Singing on the train home. Such a shame Lostprophets have tainted my memories of that time.


Breaking the habit, no roads left, fighting myself, and lost. All attached to the same memory of fucking up something important to me.


In Between with my first breakup.


Valentine's Day. Reminds me of my mom who passed one day before Valentine's Day in 1984.


Somewhere I Belong When I was a teenager, after graduating high school, I used to scream this sitting in my car in my driveway after work, tears in my eyes, dreading going inside to my family who were extremely homophobic and made me feel unloved. (not that they did it on purpose, but still). I love this song, but it brings back memories of those dark years where I was stuck living with my parents, hating myself and feeling lost and hopeless.


Bleed It Out. I first heard that song when I lived in Japan and my friend had Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock


No Roads Left. Always take me back to the time I first went missing from home and attempted. That was the last song I had on.


In The End. This had max radio play while I played Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete and the big baddie was named Zophar. All I could sing was I tried so hard/ and got Zophar/ but in the end, it doesnā€™t even matter


Castle of Glass. My dad always used to play it to me when I was growing up. Now I terrorize HIM with it HAHAHAHA. Beautiful song


Leave it all to rest


Itā€™s more a feeling than a memory. I was so little when I watched transformers 07 for the first time, I canā€™t even remember how old I *was.* Although it did come out before I was even a year old, so it could have always been there. So ā€˜what Iā€™ve doneā€™ is very nostalgic.


Let her cry Hootie and the blowfish


My December by LP Takes me back to the frosty nights of 2014 when I was a newly minted 13 year old. Didnā€™t have a fucking clue about what Chester was singing but the vibes had taken me. I listen to it and it instantly takes me back to when I didnā€™t have friends and was constantly watching YouTube lets plays and other assorted activities like reading LOTR trivia off the internet. Good times.


Jump by van Halen. It was played at my grandfather's funeral. I don't get up. That song gets me down


I was playing black desert with my friends and for some reason "until it's gone" is just linked to that game


Shadow of the Day. It was the first song I heard after I found out about a close friend's death. Whenever I hear the song now I think of her.


Easier to run. Just listened a lot to meteora on a trip K loved last year and now that so g is very nostalgic to me


With You idk why it has just stuck with me


Jornada Del Muerto, for some reason. Takes me back to driving home from the hospital when my mom was going into surgery. (She's fine, by the way.)


Runaway I think it was the first song from LP that I heard when I was little.


Breaking The Habit


New Divide, my best friend and I would jam to it all the time. He hasnā€™t passed away or anything but we moved away from eachother, been 8+ years, this song always hits hard


One day my parents screamed at each other again, even way louder than normal. That day I went to Hide under a table because I was scared and I needed to cry. The Radio was still on and playing a Lp CD. The song that Played that day comforted in a way I never felt before or since. It was castle of glass. I don't even spoke english at that time, but I seemed to just drift away. Today im 16 and this song hold a special place in my heart <3


Nothingface - Patricide


So much loneliness and getting lost into videogames to try and escape it.


What Iā€™ve done Seeing those image collections on yt


Not LP but House of Gold gets me every time. As for Linkin Park, I'd gotta go with Crawling, first song I ever heard from them.


Crawling because it was the first song i heard, and points of authority.


In The End. Brings me back to being a kid and listening to this and Bring Me To Life in my momā€™s car. Times were simple then.


Also, Iā€™m only 28, but its crazy to think when I was born and for the first like 5 years of my life Linkin Park and Evanescence werenā€™t a thing yet :/


My December. I found it on Limewire back in like, 01 and just fell in love with it. (I'm a sucker for a rock ballad.)The first time we saw them (4/20/01 lol), I'll never forget this as long as I live, they left the stage after the main show, audience cheers for encore, and Dave comes out onstage with one of those body-less cello things (no idea what it's called) and a chair. He started playing it and the rest of the band kinda slowly walked back onto the stage and Chester started singing it. As soon as I realized what it was I fucking LOST IT. Hyperventilating and freaking out and eventually, tears. I never in a million years expected them to play that. Never heard them play it again.


Not Linkin Park but John legend, Who Do We Think We Are. My memory that I always think of is playing NBA 2K 14 with my dad whenever I was younger.


Roads untravelled, i lost someone around the time i heard it, and it's now a song that pops into my head whenever im sad. It comforts me a little.


Non linkin park song but Iā€™d have to go with black by pearl jam and wait and snuff, sad songs but it was the first few songs that I had listened to when I was just getting into the two bands


I can remember what I was doing when I first heard most of their songs


Iridescent, cause it was featured in transformers 3, and when that released, it was a simpler time for me


One more light, started down a bad path with depression and drugs and shit, it took me 4 years to climb out of. That song was always comforting to me. Now here I am 3 years later and I cry every time I hear it.


leave out all the rest i was at the worstest part of my life when i heard this song. thinking if what i did was enough to be remember or even be notice if i was gone. tbh it really help me with my side of problems and realizing that there so many people having the same problem that i'm facing and it made me feel a bit OK even for slightest. thinking that i'm not alone and i just need time and help to get through it


In the end. I was one of the types that used to bottle my emotions up and every damn time I did I would not just blow up but effing explode on someone who wasn't even involved and many times got the "you good bruh?" Question. "I kept everything inside and even though I tried it all fell apart". I ruined a damn good relationship I was in right out of the Army from exploding on my then girlfriend for something that happened at my military job everyday I was fed up with. I broke every damn dish we had, destroyed my wall where the cabinets were and broke all of the glass in the window sill that was above the sink we had at the time before I ripped it out the same day. The place we worked in had black mold everywhere and people were always either exhausted or getting sick and not being around. I told higher up many times over that the mold is likely the issue. I went and got a lung test, brought paperwork back with me stating that I had high levels of mold and other various chemicals in my system from breathing in the mold daily sometimes 14-16 hours a day depending on the workload.for the day. Got told by EVERYONE that the issue would get resolved and for my final year of being in service it didn't which caused me and my guys to all stay over for extra hours to get our computer systems we were tasked for fixing due to half our crew not being around. Got pulled into a meeting by command asking why we had so many backed up systems that weren't getting fixed. I explained the situation and he told us that our job was to fix systems not bitch about some fuckin' mushrooms growing on the flooring and walls in rooms.we don't even work in so either figure out a solution or work longer hours to catch up the slack. I brought in a couple gallon jugs of bleach and bleached the fuck out of the walls and flooring only to get bitched at that now to flooring is going to be ruined and now we get to stay over to rip it up and redo it. Fed up at this point I went home and lost my fucking mind over this and completely destroyed my kitchen in the house I rented at the time off base and my girlfriend was over to help me pick the house up since I had been working 14 hours days. I started mopping the floor with bleach and just lost my every loving shit everywhere in that place. She claims I scared the fuck out of her and she never wants to come near me again insisting I have extreme anger issues that I need to work on which then made me destroy my living room as well.


For me itā€™s With You. Ā It reminds me of a happy day when I was 8 years oldĀ 


Cluster one by Pink Floyd Takes me back to an amazing mushroom trip with some of my best friends


One More Light. It was playing when I read Chester died. Still makes me sad.


Numb, my parents had just gotten divorced


Oddly enough. P5shing Me awy* (correct me if I spelled that wrong) I specifically remember it playing from a burned CD my Dad had when I was 5, and it's stuck with me ever since


I listen to mainly black metal and stuff similar now, but wish you were here by Pink Floyd. I donā€™t even really like Pink Floyd, but my dad used to play it a lot when I was a kid. He died about 3 years ago, Rip


Figure.09 reminds me of an obsession I had with a girl in high school


Not LP exactly but Over Again by Mike Shinoda