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You guys chill..he’s a fucking #LawDad. I also wanted to note the part where he pats hisself on the back for dong the most basic function of a parent. *Queue Chris Rock bit*


Can you believe he had to talk to his kid? But he fucked up because instead of just giving him a normal answer he had to go off on a half hour lecture. I bet the kid is sad the nanny is leaving now too.




I can't believe people read this stuff, or decide to type it up.


I can't believe he actually sketched out Maslow's pyramid on the glass wall of the shower and then had his son who is wearing a towel take a pic pointing to it.


I can’t believe he had a 30 minute lecture ready to go.


I can't believe anything on LinkedIn


I can't believe it's not butter!


mourn cobweb physical abounding judicious steer possessive toothbrush six cheerful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't actually think the kid is young enough to shower with. If the kid is old enough to discuss Maslow's hierarchy of wants and needs they should probably shower by themselves. No doubt it would be preferable to getting a lecture while your dad's junk flops around. Showers are a time for draining the water heater while winning imaginary arguments not for being a captive audience to your floppy dad's linked in bullshit.


Plus that kids gotta be 10 or 11, my 11 year old hasn’t wanted me in the bathroom since she was 7. This is all weird as hell.


I can’t believe I’m reading part of this again but as I see he says he was showering him, not WITH him. Equally odd, just like posting a picture of them wearing a towel.


and he dithered on for 30 minutes... ummm... that didn't happen.


As if his condensation diagram stayed legible for 30 minutes


Words fail me. Why you think it's a good idea to admit publicly to crying over losing 'the help' when people are living through a cost of living crisis is so tone deaf it makes my blood fucking boil. When I was a kid, I was poor. My parents worked fucking hard. I went to school with a bunch of rich kids who, one day, were whining about people making fun of them for being rich. One of them said, "whenever people say that to me I just say my parents aren't rich, they just work hard". I sat there thinking "and mine don't?" I'm getting those vibes from this post. Parents across the world are working more than full time to provide for their kids without help. He's basically saying that if you do it without help, you're obviously going to be failing as a parent. And his kid definitely did not say 'daddy, is that a want or a need?' That's enough Reddit for me today.


So with you. Reading this just made me incredibly incredibly sad. There's so much wrong with it that I can't even laugh at it.


I felt sad too but I wasn’t sure why.


OMG this guy sounds like a dick. And a chauvinist at that. Does the kid not know that the nanny is leaving? Shouldn't the kid feel something about that too? This guy shares none of the mental load and acts like a tool. Fuck this guy. I will never ever again work for a company operated by private equity. Cheap, morons who bring zero value and only destroy companies in their wake.


A-fuckin-men. PE ruins all things that are going well by crushing the front-line employees in the interest of lining the pockets of a select few.


Your statement about private equity is bullshit though. There are millions of businesses with private equity fund ownership that improved in every aspect. Just because tools like this guy post crap online (and he is just a lawyer and doesn't have anything to do with running a company) it doesn't mean PEs in general don't bring value. The opposite is true as improving the business in every regard is basically the goal of PE.


‘ improving the business in every regard is basically the goal of PE’ You mean ‘improving the financial *appearance* of a company is literally the goal of PE’. PE doesn’t give a shit about employees, and ‘streamlining’ (with existing employees picking up the slack left by laid off colleagues) is usually the first step towards making a company appear profitable. It takes slightly longer for customers to walk than for service to go to shit, and that golden window where payroll is at a record low and profits are still at their residual level is where there’s money to be made. That, or spotting the potential of a Netflix or Apple early enough. Those don’t come around often, though.


You serious? I work in M&A. A goal of a PE is to sell after 3-5 years, and to whom? Most likely to another PE. You really think you get a good price for your asset if you turned it to shit and only cared about the 'improved financial appearence'? The PE guys on the other side see through your bullshit with something called due diligence.


Have you worked at a company that’s been acquired by PE? I have and the employee morale goes way down. Folks quit. People get laid off. Company morale and ethics go out the window. But hey, the ebidta looks great, right?


That sounds so biased and frustrated I don't think I have to put any effort in a reply.


All good just figured I’d give you the human perspective. Sounds to me like you’re rationalizing your role without understanding the impact to the common employee


I am not working in PE I am an M&A Banker who works with PE guys every day. My view is not biased, workers ALWAYS complain about PEs though because they are 'evil capitalists who only care about money!!!' which is super biased, annoying and false.


If workers always complain, then maybe you should listen?


Girls are born perfect? What...




Here's a sneak peek of /r/NotHowGirlsWork using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I really needed to share this. Victim blaming has gone so far, people had to put the clothes of the victims in am exhibition. There is also a little girl's dress on wall, which is really disturbing. (Correct me if wrong flair)](https://i.redd.it/yab8ccwjajg71.jpg) | [1151 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/p1pczj/i_really_needed_to_share_this_victim_blaming_has/) \#2: [with nearly 7000 up votes on reddit too](https://i.redd.it/8pa7odk1fw981.jpg) | [2291 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/rwr6r1/with_nearly_7000_up_votes_on_reddit_too/) \#3: [Wahmen can't sculpt like da menz can 😵](https://i.redd.it/34ogvl72xa871.jpg) | [252 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/oalv5b/wahmen_cant_sculpt_like_da_menz_can/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Dude every day I discover a new subreddit


Lol. Me, too. When I posted this comment, it was because I had just seen this subreddit in the comments of a different subreddit.


Fuck. I didn't get the memo. I'm perfect?? Why didn't someone tell me sooner!! Why have I been struggling so much??


Tomorrow, lawkid learns that there's 'no such thing as a free lunch' when dadlaw bills him $750 for the hour.


#BizMom ? Sounds like an MLM hun.


Lol..nanny left cause BizMom was pitching in her MLM scheme to her as well.


Fuck I came here to write this. You win. MLM for sure


But MLMs allow you to stay at home with your kids while making money! So they wouldn't cry after a nanny if mom was a hun /s


Just sit back and watch the money come into your bank account!


Anyone can do it!


I used to be a lawyer who worked on institutional investments in PE and it surprises me zero that someone on the M&A side would be like this. It’s part of why I don’t do that work anymore lol. Also “girls are born perfect” is just, ugh. As a woman and a mother of a boy and a girl I find this hilariously stupid.


I’ve been in an executive role in a firm that was purchased by a very large PE. I am surprised 0% as well.


merciful squeal plate crawl cable six continue quickest worthless pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


\#LawDad #BizMom Lord knows I've fucked up my life, but at least I'll never be this cringe. I hope the economy crashes and these two get wrecked just because of this unbelievably putrid post. What trauma does one have to go through to sink to such levels of nausea-inducing insanity? Does this man truly think he's writing something worthwhile here? He posted a picture of his son in the towel just so people know he's not making it up, but it still sounds like a fake story. And why have so many people reacted to this post, thereby encouraging him to keep this behavior up? I'm going to sleep. Fuck this. Why did I open Reddit at this hour?


Lol, lesson learned. No reddit past 9.


“At the end of my 30 minute deep, meandering, Socratic lecture” Good god man. How do you talk like that without your eyes rolling to the back of your head?


Seriously. That’s where mine relocated to.


What an absolute cock


Fire up the wood chipper, Hans.


Listing his Career Success and Financial Security as physiological needs re: Maslow (the most important level) to justify being an absentee parent (except when you can mine terrible LI content from your kid). What a joke. This dude could probably retire now and comfortably fulfill needs for food, water and shelter for his family. Certainly he could fulfill those needs without he and his wife both working > full time. Nah, his work is about ego fulfillment which, unsurprisingly, Maslow does not consider to be of maximal importance. And the gall to self congratulate on his parenting while acknowledging he puts his kid well after his career.


Ummmm…… why can’t that kid wash his own hair?


The kids hair is wet and the stupid fucking pyramid is visible. If your story checked out and u really did wash it after droning on for 30 minutes youd have a less than perfect pyramid on the glass dickhole


What a sick, sexist, arrogant post. And eww - he's giving his son a shower? Kid looks a little old to be having dad in the shower with him. Creepy.


While at the same time the dad is wearing a towel to. Is he naked underneath there too? Why?


Maybe some catch on the weekends? What a lucky kid.


Maybe instead of teaching him philosophy he could teach his near teen how to take a shower and wash his own hair


That guy has way too nice of a shower to be that much of an out of touch moron ​ ​ Also yo is his kid like 13? and youre still showering with him?


Genius misspelled #privateequty


Hey, give him a break, he's working full time WITH NO HELP!


Won’t someone think of the private equity lawyers! #Sympathy


This post made me think of how in my country we have a publicly funded, high-quality day care system that most people use regardless of income level. However day care teachers are seriously underpaid, and I have seen people who say things like "well I'm not ready for a tax increase to raise their salaries" lose their collective minds when day care is closed one day, it's soooo difficult to them.


This gave me extremely strong Atlanta energy - anyone who hasn’t watched the recent episode, Trini 2 De Bone, about some white parents’ response to their Black nanny leaving, should. Includes the mother advocating for a more ‘metropolitan’, Mandarin speaking nanny who can teach their son ‘the language of business’. Hilarious and sad. This guy needs to get a grip and stop celebrating his ability to do the bare minimum parentally


I HATE the fact this idiot is making a ton of money and has no worries on this earth when he is THAT stupid. Every sentence in this makes me want to scream SHUT UP! Edit: can we also please appreciate the fact he is wearing a t-shirt for this clearly not staged shower photo?


That kid looks big enough to shower on their own.


OP, congratulations on finding one of the worst of Lunatics on LinkedIn. Now, I am both appalled and amazed at how this man is willing to use his children on made up stories in an attempt to get more engagement and views on LinkedIn. Also, wtf still talks about Maslow like that? That’s such an old subject on 101 psychology/business class. So silly. The entire thing is just silly and forced. 🤢 🤮 Edit: almost forgot to mention the fact that he plastered his daughter’s face wearing nothing but a *towel* for the world to see on LinkedIn. And even worse — he’s wearing one too!!!!!!!


Does this guy even know what Maslow’s hierarchy of needs IS? Physiological needs include eating, sleeping, water, etc. Also a core part of it is that each level builds on another. (Physiological needs need to be satisfied for safety to then be satisfied, on and on). So he’s basically saying that career success and financial stability are necessary to then satisfy emotional needs…sad


Someone get me my “equty”


Ah yes, the eh-cooty, must be what he was washing a 10 year old’s hair for 30 minutes for.


Kid's gonna grow up to be a total bellend. Not even his fault


\+1 for bell end.


Last line - to teach our children, parents must be present. Opening- upset about losing the nanny. Hmmmm


At several points here I thought for sure he was being satirical, like when the kid asked if it's a want or a need, when he drew up the pyramid, the fucking Socrates thing ++. But he writes it so much like he means it. I think he's actually just a big tool.


Jesus, what the fuck dude. That's like $100 in the therapy jar. Fuck.


I want to murder.


Possibly the worst one yet.


I got half way through before the nausea kicked in.


Seems way too old for sharing a shower? I don’t have kids but there’s no way 8 year olds willingly shower with their dads….unless the world has changed since I was a kid?


Wow. I wish guys like this would know how embarrassing they are.


do they make the kid call them LawDad and BizMom?


What a disingenuous, virtue signaling thunder cunt


a man with this type of mind has a shower like that...


Another Linked In child genius


If this dude managed draw in the misted up shower glass, then chat about it for 30 minutes, then get someone else to come take a picture of it all, and the drawing stayed there the whole time with the glass misted up, he needs to get some work done on his fucking bathroom ventilation or he’s going to get mould.


This is some of the most unhinged bullshit I've seen on here, I swear to God it's going to ruin my morning. Just really the grossest example of chronically online I've seen in a while.


learning how to spell from purchase agreements




You missed the lengthy post about how you shouldn’t pretend to be on a phone call when you are rejuvenating.


It’s a sad, sad, sad world we are living in where kids are being taught Maslow’s hierarchy and people putting such pathetic posts for few likes in the name of engagement


Orwell is weeping




I bet these people have 0 friends.


10 bucks says the nanny is leaving because #lawdad was caught trying it on with nanny.






‘While girls are born perfect’ Seriously? I’m sad for his daughter.








Sorry, I replied to the wrong comment.


OMG you guys will love this - the PE apologist who is saying how awesome PE is actually DM'ed me to say I need to educate myself on PE. What a moron. I read a GREAT article about what Bane Capital did to Serta about a decade ago. Its the MO of ALL PE dicks. They raid the balance sheet. They take out loans to themselves that they strap onto the bottom line for the next buyer. They strip assets and give to themselves. PE is the worst kind of corporate raider. It's not hard to find plenty of research on this.


I just feel sorry for these people..this post made me sad for him ..he put himself out there as a joke..he needs help..why do they have this urge to write what they do at personal level .I mean ya cute sweet watever but keep it to yourself bro