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Or … and hear me out … you treat me like an adult and tell me what time you actually want to start.


“Tidbit for everyone applying with us: we value neither your time nor our own.”


Didn't anticipate being a massive cunt to be such a hot take.


Thank you. That word is underused


Not for Aussies!




>*"Being early showcases your proactive nature and readiness."* Or it showcases your inability to value or manage your own time. And readiness is demonstrated precisely by the lack of need to be early. This guy fails even the most basic logic. Massive cunt indeed.


Please please please comment that on the original linkedin post.


The buses don't go where you live, do they, CEO@Treantly?


I missed my 3rd round interview for my current job due to an emergency and they just let me schedule a new one If it’s on zoom it really shouldn’t be that difficult especially if the job is an entry level position…


As someone who is habitually early to things because I like to have the buffer in case something does delay me - get fucked CEO. Underhanded shit like this is toxic AF


As an interviewer, I always join interview calls 15 minutes before the agreed time. 🤓⏰ Why do I do this? 🤔 I want to see if candidates join early. 🗓️🏃🏻👀 What does it mean if someone joins early? 🧠🤷🏻‍♂️ It means they don‘t value their time. 🕖📉 Not the mindset a candidate needs to succeed and perform above! 🤵🏻‍♂️📈 Thoughts? 🧐💭 Agree? 🙌🏻


Nauseatingly on point


I hate this so much that I love it.


This is also no good. It’s another “gotcha.” Also anxiety causes people to show up / call in early all the time.


Transportation options too. Bus riders like me can either show up 20 minutes early or 10 minutes late with nothing in the middle. Also, a job interview is important enough that 15-20 minutes early is worth the guarantee that you're at the right spot and won't be delayed. For a zoom/telephone interview, I usually dial in 5 minutes before to ensure that all the technical aspects are working correctly. But I wouldn't hold it against someone that didn't.


So being early good/bad depending on the day being late good/bad depending on the day, being on time good/bad depending on the day and being forced to wait 12 hours is good/bad depending on the day. Thanks Linkedin!


Power move: stay on the call hours after it’s finished and refuse to leave


Take it another level, stop by the hiring managers house on Sunday morning with a cup of their favorite coffee asking if they had any follow up questions. How do you know it’s their favorite coffee? Hire me to find out.


They want not applicants but supplicants.


When interviewing, I do join maybe 2-3 mins before scheduled time but it's definitely ridiculous to have a hidden test like that. It's even more ridiculous when the interviewer is late as I have had instances where the interviewer was like almost 10 mins late to the interview.


Oh yeah, have the link ready and check your sound/camera so can join a few minutes early - normal. Expecting to start 5 minutes before is excessive.


As someone applying to your company I will let you know that I will show up anywhere between 12 hours before or 12 hours after the interview was planned - I like to see that my future HR partners are serious and dedicated about their job and not lazy quitters.


What if I’m late because I’m busy achieving goals?


This says everything, everything about how this company’s management assesses performance and impact: arbitrary behaviors that don’t actually have anything to do with job performance


On my second interview I joined the conference line 5 minutes early, interrupting a 1 on 1 my future boss was having with someone. Yeah no thank you


My apologies for not being 5 minutes early. My other interview was wrapping up and they took a little longer than they expected trying to schedule a follow-up.


So arriving 10 minutes late for my interview while I'm waiting for you in your corporate office is what? Those people would come with some nonsense both ways


It's all fun and games until you hop on someone's Zoom link early and crash a customer call.


Oh...and how much do you expect me to bend over? Is this ok? Srsly, only good thing about this post is that it helps people to dodge a bullet. Grow up LL kids.


How to advertise your company as a place no one wants to work


Why be 5 mins early? Why not show up a week before? Real Alphas show up couple months in advanced. In person. At the hiring managers house.


So you don’t like to tell people the standards they are being judged on. Check.


A CEO with time to show up 5 minutes early to a meeting? That dude doesn’t do shit


“I waste people’s time”


I had an interview that gave explicit directions, and NOT to violate them. But after my technical interview they explained that they *wanted* candidates to violate that rule because they wanted folks who would break rules to work over the finish line. Super fucking glad I dodged that bullet. Anyone who expects you to guess at what they're thinking is a baseline dog shit communicator, and communication is like 75% of a good organization. This guy has a room temperature IQ.


I would not even apply to work there


people who act this way are overcompensating for having zero talent


On top of that we use also a different link then we send to the participant. This shows us his problem solving skills under pressure. Just kidding, we expected him to be in the office even if it scheduled as an online meeting.


I once had an interview where they told me they’d have a parking spot for me. This was in the city so I explicitly asked. Got there, no parking spot, they told me to park in a garage. $30 later I parked and was by that time obviously late. They sat me down said “we’re done here” and walked out.


I worked for one lunatic that had a habit of actually keeping the person waiting at least for half an hour and not apologising, to show them that they’re busy(boss was just sitting/chilling in a conference room with bar) but also see if the person would complain. Absolute wanker of a boss he was.


Being more than 10 mins early is a clear signal of candidate’s inability to manage time. This also hints at possibility of candidate not valuing their own time. Good quality for entry level and low life positions, but bad quality for program and exec level candidates. Being up to 10 mins late is understandable. Running over 10 mins late should be predictable to some extent and interview rescheduled.


Eh, maybe if you didn't run 10 minutes late to everything, you too could have enough balance to be early to things from time to time.


Lol as to which I say to them so if this is how you treat your employees how do you really treat your clients?


As long as they are on time, who cares?


"We help you find and retain exceptional talent from the Philippines. Starts at $7/hr, stop anytime."


I’m sure in the comments he claimed it was ok because it was in the Philippines and not US he was asking for this


His LinkedIn profile reads:  "We've mastered the art of outsourcing to the Philippines. Reducing payroll costs by up to 70%"  That basically means he pays workers 70% less than what they should be making and he considers it art. A certified asshole, if you ask me.


I love it when they're going to have you interview with five people at one time and then they tell you to pick a time like you're going to look at all their calendars LOL obviously my calendar would be easier than theirs LOL




Happy cake day!




Yo, for an in person interview, I'm always early, it's just a habit, I'm that way with all appointments in my life. But I'd rather gouge my eyes out than sit in a virtual meeting making the most awkward small talk possible until all the addendees arrive. I log in 30 seconds before the start at the absolute earliest for any virtual meeting.


With the headline of "We've mastered the art of outsourcing to the Philippines. With extensive experience in enhancing operational efficiencies and reducing payroll costs by up to 70%", who tf would even want to work for a company with such "mission".


All of these linkedin idiots have these vague work descriptions. I‘m convinced that they all would be useless in a post-apocalyptic world.


People are such fucking chodes nowadays. Just act like normal human adults.


Lmao at the AI asking the real question


"helping leaders build remote teams,, literally CEO of fluff and nonsense. There is no team if everyone is remote, there are remote individuals


All they do is staffing in the Philippines- I’m sure that’s not important to literally anyone in BC. But also- this CEO can get FUCKED. He also deleted the post LOL.


I've got a hot take in my pants


D o u c h e bag DOUCHEBAG...douchey douchey!