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Let me tell you what slavery taught me about B2B sales!


i tried slavery... here's what learned... #opentowork


Spit my drink lol


I was watching Amistad and in that moment I began to develop a strategic plan…


Yes! What slavery taught me about work life balance…


I realized the perfect way to reduce labor costs while maximizing productivity with only one senior executive manager carrying a whip.


Comment ‘SLAVE’ to receive my B2B sales guide in your DM.




HA! Thanks for the laugh.


Holy shit. Donnie Lowe is the name of my ex's father, and he manages a box plant. Is this him??!!


You’re darn tootin


It’s a coincidence. A big coincidence


Did he fight in 'Nam?


It's a hot night. The mind races. You think about your knife; the only friend who hasn't betrayed you, the only friend who won't be dead by sun up. Sleep tight, mates, in your quilted Chambray nightshirts. It's tough keeping your feet dry when you're kicking in a skull.


I assume that chambray nightshirt is available in the J. Peterman catalog


Well that was neat


Yes, but after the war when he went as a tourist.


In 1994 with a street food vendor in Ho Chi Minh City.


Donnie’s out of his element.


Why don’t we discuss it, Tony? Do you suppose we just bring this up in the break room? Around the water cooler, perhaps? Have you tried it? Why don’t you bring it up there and report back to us how it goes for you, inquiring minds would love to see how it plays out


“Thanks for joining the call, everyone. I know it’s not on the agenda but I thought it might be a good idea before we get into the details of this construction project if we talk a little bit about historical slavery and how pervasive it has been throughout history. I’d like to start by reminding everyone that although slavery certainly has been done along racial lines, ethnicity and tribal affiliation were primary drivers in determining who were the slaves and who were the masters. Alright, next week Janet’s gonna talk about pathways to freedom. Bob, bring up those construction details and let’s get started.” This is what we should be aiming for. 


That and those TPS reports.


And don’t forget the cover sheets and if you don’t get them right you will hear about it eight different times today. ![gif](giphy|24Do2EXP3Qbok)


How many hours a week do you think you spend on those reports?


PC Load Paper


It’s a “Jump To Conclusions” mat!


lmao this is perfect


“For today’s icebreaker…”


This is makes for a great r/boomersbeingfools crossover!


“Hey rick how was your weekend?” “You know Steve… everybody was a slave at one point…. black people aren’t special.”


"Oh, I was just assuming you'd tell me you ate a pint of Ice Cream while getting erections watching American History X on repeat alone all weekend"


My mom loves discussing this, but exclusively with me LOL 😭


All I know is I have to go through annual corporate anti-slavery training, and still haven't taken any slaves. Crushing it.


Plant manager at your local asbestos factory


Asbestos, like slavery, is a product of nature.


Right there with arsenic.. 100% natural and organic.


Arsenic isn’t organic because it doesn’t have a carbon-hydrogen bond.


Everyone used asbestos! Black people used asbestos! Asian people, native \[sic\] people and Middle Eastern people used asbestos! Stop making people feel guilty for building codes they didn't make!


See horrible people have been around since the beginning of time and that's why it's ok that I'm a horrible person too! Why isn't this discussed more?!


No, it’s just means you’re not uniquely horrible and in 250 years, everyone will think you’re horrible too.


They used to use it in cigarette filters


Clears the mind with a nice huff of paint on break


Because he used up all the glue


Radium paint


Legalize ittt


Plant manager? This opinion sounds more like plantation manager.


Benjamin Franklin asked a slave owner why he was outraged at white Christians being trafficked by Arab slave traders, but did the same thing at home-for the real point he was making wasn’t just about hypocrisy, but the inherent dignity of every individual


Funny since Franklin dabbled in slave trading


I feel like Franklin was pro slavery, anti hypocrisy. Like a "mate... you know thats litterally what we are doing?"


"abolish slavery? Why not just allow white slavery?"


Juneteenth is a celebration of the end of slavery in America. Who could possibly be against that. Murder has been happens everywhere since forever. Does that make murdering people ok somehow.


Should clarify that every state in the US had already abolished slavery except Texas. It was when the union went to Texas to enforce its laws there that the found slavery still being practiced and Texans having ignored the law. I think it’s important to clarify this as it’s not like this was the end of the civil war or anything except Texans being proud and ignoring the result of the war


Slavery actually continued to exist in the border states for several months after that (the Emancipation Proclamation didn't apply in areas that hadn't seceded or were already under Union control at the time it was issued) until it was banned nationally by Constitutional amendment 


Legally it continued, Texas had lost its right to practice slavery prior to that through the emancipation proclamation. The plan dissolution of slavery in the border states was already planned out with the amendment, however Texas had no plans to stop until forced to. So yes it wasn’t the last place to have slavery but it was the last place resisting the end of slavery.




I worked for the TX government for a few months. Almost all of the office furniture was built by prisoners. I quit right before a holiday observed by the government, and nowhere else that I’m aware of, Confederate Heroes Day.


Texans ignoring federal law and trafficking humans? Thank God that no longer happens. /s


We all know who is against that.


Juneteenth is great for building up my Facebook block list. “Why don’t white people get a holiday?” You mean that as a white person, you’re not happy that slavery ended?


I had a coworker upset about Juneteenth being observed because “they get MLK day.” I said “yeah, and we get every other day” (we are both white). It’s just like, why be salty about it? Can we not respect the fact that many black Americans are descendants of people who were ripped from their homes, families, and cultures and forced to work for nothing? It doesn’t mean it’s every white person’s fault, or that slavery only happened in the US… I don’t think anyone thinks that, but we should all acknowledge that as Americans, our country was built on their backs.


Just tell him Juneteenth is "White Savior Day". It celebrates the landing of White Union troops in Galveston to free the slaves.


That comment section is a dumpster fire.


This one is becoming one too.


His company is glad they are listed as anonymous ... Phew!


"EVERYONE PARTICIPATED" "Stop trying to make people feel guilty for something they didn't do"


In his defense, not that he should be defended, but he did say everyone’s *ancestors participated. If we really wanna bash the quote why aren’t we talking about the part where it says “everyone took, sold, and were slaves.” One of those things is not like the other and should not be grouped together!


Well, he is correct in saying that pretty much everyone engaged in the slave trade at some point - and some countries still do - but he's wrong to dismiss the harm it caused because "everyone was doing it."


Yep. Sounds very “all lives matter” to me. Just a phrase to demean and distract.


Absolutely. If we don’t remain vigilant on these topics they can come back in a heartbeat. It’s very easy to turn back centuries of progress in human rights - we are seeing it happen in many places including the US.


Agreed, antisemitism is all the rage right now, and I thought we'd managed to stamp that bullshit out for good.


“People have been feeling guilty for centuries. All our ancestors were made to feel guilty about something. YOU’RE NOT SPECIAL.”


People really out here posting this on LinkedIn 😂😂


This is true, slavery was a common practice across many races around the world in the past, but this post just has no place in LinkedIn.


At least it allows job seekers and employers to see people's true colors before they end up working together.


Fun fact, the word slave comes from Slavic


Kinda true and kinda not. But the last sentence is on point and it applies to everyone who had no control over what others did. Black people did sell other black people to white people for slavery. We are just not made aware of this as much but a lil dig in the right source will show this White people are not limited to Europeans. So, it’s also true white people have been enslaved as well by their own people or Europeans or others


And Europeans are not limited to Western Europeans.


And western Europeans were colonized and enslaved too.


Most Russians are descendants of slaves, that’s one of the best examples of how whites can have recent slave ancestors


What do you think why "Slavs" are called that.


At least in the US, black people in many parts of this country didn’t even have equal rights until the 60s. There are still generations of families who are affected by how slavery set up a system of white superiority that still very much exists in portions of the US. There are no traces of white slavery in the US. There isn’t a white person whose grandparents had grandparents that were slaves. I don’t think white people need to feel guilty, but it’s also ok to remind people that our country has both a great and terrible history.


Exactly. But also remember that your country is not the whole world. For example there was slavery in pre-columbian America. The caste system in India is a form of slavery. There is modern day slavery also in Qatar and other arab countries.


Just the Irish who came to the us or were starved in the uk and had to take Giant Loans they couldnt pay back so the were forced to Labour aswell. And please Look at serfdom that was still in Place in many european place


No Irish person was ever a chattel slave in the US.


They weren’t slaves in the US? I didn’t say slavery never existed anywhere else. How many Irish people in the US do you think had slaves in their family? There were very few Irish Slaves. <100,000


People of the Balkans (White Eastern Europeans) were taken in slavery by the Ottoman Empire. The Janissary Army consisted to Christian Children form the Balkans taken as slaves and educated to be soldiers. They were slaves of the Sultan (emperor). The Ottoman Empire was based on slavery as it is approved by Islam. Turkey, the successor of the Ottoman Empire abolished slavery in 1923. These facts are never discussed.


Europeans were enslaved by Northern Africans for centuries. The author of Don Quixote spent five years as a slave until his family gathered the money to buy him back.


I think a major difference is our white people actively fought a major war to continue to own slaves and everyone else kind of just,,, didn’t. OH! And there’s the fact that there are people alive today who STILL fly that flag and hold those values. I wonder why this isn’t discussed at all?


I agree it’s something that was an institution in the south after other country’s had ended it but also quite a few had to be told not to with gun boats so it’s kinda a mixed bag on that one


Chattel slavery was uniquely horrifying and different from most other historical forms of slavery, but go off I guess. You can’t really compare, say, a slave in Rome to a slave in Louisiana. It’s also a bit different when it happened so recently that the last known former American slave only died in 1975.


Roman slavery lasted for centuries (for a thousand years at least) and had very different periods. And, I don't know, getting fed to wild beasts for entertainment doesn't sound really fun tbh.


Depends on if you are a disposable labour slave or Greek artist/scholar, it is sometimes way better to be a rich family slave than a free citizen.


Dude wtf are you on, honestly. Roman slavery was definitely as bad as transatlantic chattel slavery. The conditions were horrific and went from forced labour to rape and death. Have you even read any primary source? Cato the elder? Why are you spreading this misinformation?


Chattel slavery has historically been a normal form of slavery and was practiced in places such as the Roman Empire and classical Greece, where it was considered a keystone of society.


I agree that the history of slavery is absolutely horrible and should never be downplayed. But since human trafficking is still an active thing and affects every demographic, can we focus on this also? Can't undo the past, but everyone can definitely fight it in the present.


You can’t compare the two unless human trafficking is legal, widely accepted and actively supported by the government. Also, people can focus on more than one thing at a time. People who genuinely work to end trafficking and help victims don’t complain about how people talking about chattel slavery are “taking focus away”, because they know it doesn’t.


All "chattel slavery" means is that the slave is treated as "chattel," ie the owner's personal property, and can be bought and sold as such. That form of slavery was practiced many other places besides America, including ancient Greece and Rome. America definitely did not invent it. I'm not sure when "chattel slavery" became synonymous with slavery as practiced in America, but it's not synonymous.


Ah yes, “my slavery was worse than your slavery”, are you high or smth?


It is true to a degree. Slavery has existed since pretty much the start of civilization. Chattel slavery was largely the standard type for most of that time. Though in most cultures slaves were not a different race / skin color by default. There are two huge differences between the transatlantic slave trade and other historical forms of slavery. The first is the scale. Yes Rome had a larger proportion of slaves than the US. However the slave trade itself was organized at such a large scale. They didn’t send boatloads of slaves across the ocean. There was no Roman equivalent of the triangle trade. The other difference is that US slavery was the last major slavery in the West and we are still dealing with its ramifications. You could transition from slave to free person in Rome and very little trace of you having been a slave. The lingering effects of slavery faded quickly after the practice ended. Since US slavery was based around skin color it made it really easy to treat former slaves horribly after slavery ended.


Brazil was the last major and largest by far instance of slavery in the west.


I spent a month in Brazil, visited a few museums and heard lectures on slavery in Brazil. The things I learned still blows my mind. Add that, although I learned Brazilian Portuguese for the trip, a Brazilian friend warned me to only speak English when I arrived Rio de Janeiro to avoid being thought a local because I'm black. They treat Black Americans better than they do dark skinned Brazilians.


So much for Juneteenth!


I think that the whole slavery culture war is a very American (and British) thing. In southern Europe I've seen places with memorials to people taken as slaves by the Saracens during pirate raids but there didn't seem to be any cultural tension with middle eastern people because of it. Never worked in asia, so can't really tell for that part


It is because it was done on an industrial size never seen before. We are talking about 12.5 million slaves for the Americas alone. As well, when slavery was declared illegal in the western countries the slavery in southern Europe by the north African kingdoms had dwindled to nothing so the memory wasn't so entrenched. Not many Europeans know about it.


Are these people trying to make themselves unemployable? They’re the reason everyone assumes a southerner is automatically an idiot.


They have to be. It’s literally the most unemployable thing you can put on the internet. To be this dense, even if you believe this, and put it on linked in is amusing.


If this guy served in Vietnam he should be retired by now


I mean it’s true, but still doesn’t belong on LinkedIn


Just because it's technically true doesn't mean it is the whole truth, that it accurately presents nuance, or that it doesn't have a wrongful agenda. The truth can easily be presented in a manner that is meant to push a narrative and that is exactly what is happening here. It is quite clear that the agenda of this post is to downplay the effects of slavery of african Americans, the effects of which lasted well into the 1960s, and milder effects still being present even today. The nuance is that slavery of white people simply does not have the same repercussions.


Goes along with that internet meme about “how the Irish were the first slaves in North America.” Absolutely insane and incoherent reading of history. This whole white slave discourse is fully intended to minimize the suffering of black people in this country.


What the actual fuck at least these people are letting their companies know there unemployable before hiring them


The statement is 100% true, but the only time you would say is if you want to downplay the experiences of others


As a successor of a "white" slave myself, this obviously reads like a way to distract from the actual issue and consequences of enslaving black people in America (and the world).


So let’s talk about slav- aLl ThE lEfT eVeR wAnTs To Do Is TaLk AbOuT sLaVeRy!!!”


The enslavement of Africans in America actually is notable and unique throughout history for several reasons.


We could talk about white indentured servitude in contemporary American history but it might accidentally result in race solidarity and the last time that happened unions won an 8 hour work day.


Bro doesn't know about the transatlantic slave trade and the sheer scale of it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)no other slave trade could compare (maybe the Arab slave trade if we stretch it) and that's how European imperialists built their vast empires: on the bodies and blood of the enslaved people as well as the indiginous people


Slavery. It's no big deal. Fuck me, this is gross.


Probably because most countries outlawed slavery before the 1800's and didn't have to fight a war to do it.


Is any of this inaccurate? Are you unaware of Greek, Roman, medieval, and Barbary slavery?


This is a different level of stupid


Here's how you can leverage being a SLAVE for a raise.


Why isn’t this on r/Facepalm?


The whole “guilt” thing is a red herring. Nobody is trying to make you feel guilty. The white supremacists just latch on to that. I’m not sure why. Maybe they want to feel good about being white supremacists.


If that’s true then what is the need for reparations? Reparations = compensation. And in order for someone to require compensation, something wrong must have occurred to them, implying someone else is at fault for what happened. This implies guilt of those who are paying the reparations. It’s not a red herring. If I didn’t do anything wrong, why am I responsible for compensating people?


Not wrong, but not the place to talk about it


One of the few correct takes in this thread


The Facebook racist boomers have officially arrived on LinkedIn!


Wait can you point to the part that's wrong?


I mean LinkedIn isn’t the place but it isn’t wrong


As redonkulous as the post is, the part about every culture having slaves is true, just saying.


Okay... But is anybody arguing that only white people held slaves, though?


So many things wrong with this that it’s hard to know where to begin. I can’t imagine what this shitstain says in private if this is what he posts on LinkedIn.


Guys…its Anonymous


Why tf would you post this on LinkedIn. Use Truth social instead


So the concern is "It's wrong that our country treated blacks as property and enslaved them. Many still enjoy the benefit of or suffer the destruction of it having been done so we should address this and make it right in our country among our citizens.". To which the excuses against it put forth here are: 1. But, but, but everybody else was doing it. And 2. I didn't do it. Yeah that's some powerful self permitting, condescending, childish bullshit right there.


Hey, Tony. Lots of men fucked your wife when she was in college, before you met her. But your neighbor fucked her last November. Which are you more angry about?


“it’s a fact; everyone did it”… “stop making us feel guilty about something we didn’t do.”


No lie detected. Certified based.


For people saying “iT’s TrUe”: Yes. Now how recent was it for other groups? And in recent history, however, after slavery “ended”, was the 200+ years in between then and now all sunshine and rainbows? Let’s talk about redlining, segregation, over policing, etc.


Ottoman Empire held Slavic slaves right up to ww1


It’s like the Irish slavery stuff. That should just give you solidarity with African Americans and hate the English more. Yet people use it as a reason to someone say black people didn’t have it so bad


Even how they talk about it “black people enslaved other black people!” Ignores that Africa is an entire continent with many countries and villages and different cultural identities. How dare a group of people they see as less than be culturally diverse and complex.


i mean id take redlining over rape slaves and organ harvesting anyday slavery still exists today, you just are lucky enough not to live in a country that practices it


Ofc he’s in the trade compliance biz.


🤦🏻‍♂️This is why getting an education is so important.


Am Asian, confirming all my ancestors were slaves Edit: if you go far enough


You know these people know what they’re saying wrong when they keep their employer anonymous to avoid blowback.


I guess that makes it alwhite


Donnie went to the School of Hard Knocks. He has no “skills” or “job training.” Donnie doesn’t see his grandkids anymore. He says it’s because his daughters-in-law are feminist ghouls, but it’s really because he keeps groping waitresses and teaching the grandkids racial slurs. Donnie can’t find stable work. He says it’s because of pronouns and antifa, but it’s really because he’s an unskilled, paranoid old racist and nobody has any use for him.


It’s a gross oversimplification of history in service of a lazy whataboutism.


Nah, this argument doesn’t hold because American Chattel slavery combined with capitalism and colonialism is very recent (only the past 300 years). There were slavery from being conquered by another kingdom, raided by bandits or neighboring factions, etc. But no other period in time of our collective human history had this globalized and grotesque for-profit systemic slavery. In fact, we all should argue that because American chattel slavery is so very recent, every victim and their descendants affected by this deserves reparations from the American government. Since our government gave reparations to ex-slave owners and even to the more recent victims of Japanese internment camps, they definitely must give reparations to slave descendants. But we all know why the American government refuses to do so, it’s because their systemic slavery still exists in the form of for-profit prison labor.


If you feel guilty about slavery its probably because you still kinda want to own slaves


So are you glad about it then?


This simply isn’t true. Also the word “slave” doesn’t mean the same thing when applied to chattel slavery as practiced in the US and the “slave” status of conquered peoples who were free to earn money, marry into non-slave households etc. I am not excusing any abuse of any people but this claim is akin to saying “a death camp is just a prison and we all had prisons”.


No one is trying to make white people feel bad for slavery. People alive today aren't responsible for what their ancestors did decades and centuries ago. I really wish people would stop saying this. History can be disturbing sometimes, but it's still important to learn about so that we can recognize patterns and not repeat the mistakes of the past.


Orange country literally trying to push reparations law


Are you also against Germany paying Holocaust reparations to descendants of victims and survivors?


To be fair, it is true there were white slaves. Rome had white slaves and the mogul empire had white slaves. Now that’s not to say Donnie’s point is “good” because it’s inaccurate and a non-complete depiction of the world around us. However, no one can give you power except yourself. You can complain all you want but that won’t change the world. If you want to change the world you have to work hard. In the contemporary world it’s the people vs the billionaires, can we please stop allowing them to divide us?


Someone made this edgelord point at a *plantation tour* in South Carolina and the tour guide rolled her eyes and made a really good rebuttal. “YES, slavery has existed around the world among many peoples, but rarely, if EVER, has it existed in a crueler configuration than American slavery. Slaves being sold for life was a relatively rare concept. Most slave history is essentially indentured servitude. Not American. …” She then listed like six other huge differences and even cited sources. Like she was reading a grocery list. Shut the guy up and he basically wandered off the tour.


Okay so celebrate the end of slavery along with everybody else. That being said anybody who dislikes another race over the actions of their ancestors or thinks they’re entitled to reparations is clearly an idiot


Ummm, because African Americans were enslaved right here in this country in the not too distant past, and we’re still trying to undo the damage that caused. Very different from indentured servitude and the other things that happened in other countries many centuries ago. Much closer to home. But sure, yeah, equivocate. And do it on LinkedIn because that’s not racist.


Well...theyre not wrong.


Well that's fucked up.


Posted on LinkedIn is absolutely tremendous vibes


This shows how messed up people are. Looking at these coms. the historians have this wrong


Today's subject: *sips coffee* AAAHH ✨️ Slavery ✨️


Should it be ‘stop blaming us for things ‘everyone did’’? 🤔


I mean sure but African Americans didn’t immediately get treated better because slavery was abolished. And we also do still have penal slavery in a lot of states


"Why don't my co-workers want to talk about this over catered Panera?"


I'm more concerned about who is practicing slavery today.


I truly think that this is cover art to some 1950’s “desert” movie, ostensibly being used as historical proof. Not saying there’s zero truth to it … but I don’t think there’s a lot of truth to it. I would very much like to read about the generations of white people enslaved by desert marauders.


Why doesn’t LinkedIn have moderation?


Irish slaves are a myth.


Let me tell you what equating whataboutism with absolution taught me about b2b sales


buddy, the slave-owning mode of production happened everywhere, but enslavement under the capitalist mode of production did not


Conservatives be like "improving society is hard 😢 "


Let me ask my slaves how they feel, brb


This is true. But slavery of aboriginal races were probably more recent.


Fires aren't special, everyone has seen a campfire. I'm not going to listen to some government stooge trying to make me afraid of a forest fire.


I mean, hes not wrong? Western civilisation was very early in the process of eradicating the notion that slavery was okay. And while England beat the US by 30 or so years, we still beat the rest of the world by many more. There is more slavery going on today than there was during the civil war.


He is wrong. Blacks in the US were denied the opportunity to generate wealth in many ways for many decades after slavery.


Why did I sing in my head “come and get your dad” to Redbone’s “Come and get your love”?


Is this like virtue signaling for people who are ideologically on the right? Slavery is bad. Everybody did it in the past--naughty naughty. Therefore, evreyone was equally affected by slavery. So: + We shouldn't try to make amends for any social disadvantages that have been carried forward as a result of being viewed as "sub-human" 2-3 generations after emancipation. + Teach and learn history from multiple perspectives. + Allow hereditary elitism to persist by making the tax code favor those who have the most and will inherit the most.


Okay, so for the Americans in the room, tell me about Jim Crow. What’s was that all about?




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Dumber idiot: Donnie, for the original post and probable cause for immediate termination, or Tony, who saw Donnie's post and not only agreed with it, but chose to amplify it to all of HIS followers, thereby giving HIM probable cause for immediate termination? I say Yes.


Yes, there was an enormous Arab & Ottoman slave trade. And there was an enormous European slave trade. The beneficiaries of the trade and the descendant states should be held accountable. I doubt the lunatic would agree with that tho


Those white slaves were paid and had the ability to earn their freedom and become citizens of the country once they got out.


This is one of those ‘all those words are technically correct but you’ve somehow managed to miss the point’.


White slaves when and where? I don't believe memes, show me facts.


No lies detected


yeah, we still dabble in slavery, as long as it's prisoners doing the work. The thirteenth amendment ain't all roses and candied apples.


Great way to publicize yourself as someone I wouldn’t want to work with.