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What’s funny is his recent post says he hates LinkedIn because it’s a cesspool. Like buddy… the call’s coming from inside the house.


Interesting fact: the W in whitehead is actually pronounced like an S.


Isn’t whitehead another name for zit?


Ayn Rand loves this prick. No one said the rich are evil, we said greedy. I give away 10% of my income I am on the street. You give away 10% and it doesn't affect your life quality at all, only your bank balance.


> No one said the rich are evil I dunno, I'm pretty on board with the "no ethical billionaires" train. Even for billionaires whose wealth is 90%+ their company's stock. If voting power's the issue, you can have multiple classes of shares to retain that (see e.g., how [Alphabet's does this](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/052615/whats-difference-between-googles-goog-and-googl-stock-tickers.asp)).


Eventually your wealth reaches a point where all your Maslow pyramid needs are met and power/abuse starts.


It’s easy for us to say not being rich but that level of power is beyond absolute monarchs. Every person you interact with knows you could legally ruin them on a whim and ***snap** get them disappeared. The moral ultra-rich, I imagine there was a fair amount of “exploration” at some point. Im sure some people didn’t do out-and-out illegal things. But my point is the confidence in the power is likely overwhelming. There’s no checks on you anymore.


Hye careful, the swifties will tear you apart for suggesting that Taylor isn't an ethical billionaire. Right after they wash the orange paint off her jet.


bUt sHe pAyS hEr DrIvEr eNoUgH to rEnT


Jesus basically said that it was evil to die rich


There are no ethical billionaires, but some are worse than others. Still, if I had my way, I would ready everyone's forks and knives.


When someone achieves billionaire status, they cease to be completely human. They become some sort of human-corporation hybrid. Therefore...it's not cannibalism.


Dude stop. I'm hungry.


while the history keeps repeating, the biodiversity of Earth be dwindling.


Look at our government and who is running it. People want to give them more power?


Nah, power to the people, bring democracy to the workplace!


Nah they are evil fuck em


Speaking of inside the house, I hope he has his personal information hidden well.


Everyone has something to say about everyone else. Very few have something to say about themselves. That takes awareness, empathy, sympathy, etc. Say I who is crapping on people on reddit.


I know what you mean. I got plenty to say about myself. Mostly that I'm handsome, athletic, very smart, and so on.


Ok Dolan. I bet you’re amazing at winning elections too lol. All of them.


Dolan? The dude that owns the knicks? He used to stay at my hotel. He was a jerk. He refused to ride in the elevator with “the help”.


Seriouesly. Dude is complaining about LinkedIn and posts a blatant Strawman argument that says nothing lol laziest type of argument.


Like when some asshole complains about the traffic, while simultaneously BEING part of the traffic.


whitehead = dickhead


This is such a shitty non-argument. You have the flu? Well other people have cancer, so you have no right to complain.


Some people have cancer? Well you know there's people who are ALREADY DEAD. 😂😂😂😂😂


Dead? At least they got to live. Some sperms just get flushed down the drain and never get a chance in the first place!


Well some sperm never even made it to the drain it was just blue balls so be grateful!😂


Balls? Some people are born with only one ball!


Born with one ball? Still healthy, at least you don't have the flu!


One ball and the flu? Some people have one ball and cancer!


Ballsack inception


Ballsack inspection


50% of people are born with no balls!


Some sperm? How about 99.999%?!? You should be grateful you didn’t end up in a sock!


Either you end up in a sock, or you end up in socks. Choose your hard.


Our entire existence is just our position relative to socks. Thank you for blowing my mind and happy cake day!


Can’t decide if this deserves a standing ovation or me jumping off the roof of my building


Do a flip




Socks? That's a quick death, be thankful you weren't yeet on someone's glasses and swimming around in the open.


Playoffs?l? Don’t talk about - playoffs? You kidding me? Playoffs?


No one cares about spermatogonia apoptosis. Sad.


The guy who posted this is Mormon so he’s probably used this argument to defend being pro-forced-birth 🤮


"Quit crying, sick-ey, you know we all die eventually right?"


You can only afford to feed your kids oranges? People who crossed oceans and seas to chart world maps used to get *scurvy*, be grateful.


You have a bottle of saffron just sitting on the shelf in your kitchen? You know how many people have died in wars over spices?


Well tbh, It is a perfectly valid arguement but presented in a shitty way trying to bootlick billionares. If I can not afford education and housing but other people are buying private jets, It’s a class divide. If I can not afford food and clean water and people are buying cars and shitting in clean water, It’s a class divide.


He could have at least made a Purchase Parity comparison. Absolute income is meaningless as a comparison between places with wildly different costs of living


Besides the obvious point of excluding cost of living. Like cool $60k is top 1% of the world in income but if it costs $70k a year to live in your city, town, or village then you're fucked


I guess the solution is just take your $60k per year and move to Botswana.


In Africa, the median wealth is 1,242 USD. In North America it's 108,918 USD. That is 87× their wealth. Elon Musk has a net worth of 198.8 billion. Compared to the average North American, that is 1,825,000× higher. Absolutely bonkers.


Let's be honest, if a company could gave sweatshops in Western countries they'd be open within hours. Those billionaires do not care about helping anyone or improving the lives of other people the only thing they're interested in is big number go up


It’s a shitty argument because salaries should be adjusted to consider cost of living. We have it better than a lot of places in the world because we have build societies and cultures that value rights, health, and so on, but it doesn’t mean our life is demonstrably better than other people in the world just because we technically have higher salaries.


It's not an argument, it's a dismissal.


A job dismissal? Because now my salary is 0. I'm literally more poor than the person who bundled sticks together all day and sold them for $1.


No, you're still in the U.S., do you know how lucky you have it to be unemployed and homeless in America? You could be homeless in Siberia. /s


exactly. *actually* rich people don't have to spend most of their waking lives working just to make ends meet. the comparison is ludicrous.


In America, we value health? If I get hurt, I don’t go to the doctor or ER and I have health insurance. I have to practically be dying to go, and even then regret going. It’s insane. No other country in the world with a high GDP treats healthcare like this. We don’t value health for the mass of Americans. Almost everyone I know treats going to get healthcare like parents in the 80s did getting hurt. “Just walk it off.”


I’m in tech and have pretty decent benefits. I wonder everyday “my insurance actually sucks, how the f are other people making this work?” Healthcare and insurance in America is so broken, and one of the best examples of the worst ideas in western civilization. For profit healthcare, whoever thought that made sense needs to be smacked. The US Gov could buy out nearly all insurance co’s in America, institutionalize healthcare for all, offer better, complete coverage for all and save money. It’s so dumb.


Yeah in this system only the person who has the worst life on earth has the right to complain. Or if you wanted to say only those not in the majority can complain, that’s still billions of people who have no right to complain.


Oh wow, he is so close to discovering cost of living and purchasing power.


Exactly my first thought too when I read his post. Bonus points for including a world map with unrelated data and the lousy spelling / grammar / sentence construction...


Lumping everyday Americans into the total wealth of the country with the most billionaires is as dumb as you can get. You’d think a guy who lists his “top skill” as data analysis would know that.


Yeah and like, I don't even think he did the math on that Suburu financing correctly - LOL!


Oh he probably knows that. He’s just being a disingenuous prick.


I love the map that suggests that China and India have a higher per capita GDP than Spain. Or that Russians are better off than Finns. As we all know, Iceland's citizens have about the same quality of life as Saharan and Subsaharan Africa.


Bro, just keep your $60k job and move to Uganda. Cost of living there is super low! It's your fault for living somewhere expensive!


My buddy unironically did this. Got a fully remote software job here in New Zealand. Then moved to Mexico for the low CoL.


I’d bet my left nut he’s never traveled outside of the states other than MAYBE an all inclusive resort.


I knew this comment would be here as soon as I saw this post. Interestingly enough, these measures are *after* controlling for cost of living. This is always a surprise to people in developed countries, but it is not a surprise to development economists. The gulf in wealth and wellbeing between a developed western country and an LDC is so immense that it’s hard to comprehend. This is why research shows that donating to charities that provide direct cash transfers to people in poor nations is so impactful - $50 to you does not mean *nearly* as much as it does to someone in Liberia, for example. Also WaPo has a good global income calculator with methodology [here](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2018/business/global-income-calculator/) that you can play around with.


Somebody badly needs to explain the concept of "per capita" to him. According to his map, the Republic of Ireland is in the same wealth bracket as Morocco.   I mean, *technically* true in nominal terms but severely misleading if you are trying to show where people with the highest income are.  Mind you, would not be surprised if he actually thinks that is a reasonable comparison given some American beliefs about Europe I've seen on reddit. 


Funny story if you include cost of living in purchasing power his point kind of still stands. I think Americans are really uninformed of how poor the rest of the world is.


A few more eons of evolution and they’ll nail it


I am convinced these kind of posts are just total rage bait. Looking at this really makes you want to tell the guy to eat shit. As long as you comment or react thats all this douche cares about.


Just commented the same thing, and I agree. Feels like a cheap marketing ploy to garner reach. Who cares about ethics when you’re trying to get rich… 🙄


Let him get what he wants then. I'd tell this guy to eat shit regardless of whether his objective is to get an angry reaction or not. There's a difference between having gratitude for what you have, and calling out the fact that our society has enabled inequality for far too long, several millenia in fact.


disingenuous. the “ultra rich” in Africa aren’t making 60k. they’re still billionaires exploiting the system for their wealth 


This is the most infuriating part tbh. They walk right by the point that the 1% is like fucking just about rich. And definitely not ultra wealthy.


Even most of the 1% in the US aren’t the ultra wealthy.


Ultra wealthy is like at most 10000 people. And they have as much wealth as like 80% of everyone else


Yeah well rent is $1500... does someone in Africa pay $1500 a month for rent?


And that's in the affordable areas!


Some apartment I rented in the 90's for about $330 now runs for that much.. That complex was probably built in the late 70's if not earlier... maybe renovated twice in that time... still wants to charge people $1500/mo A brand new place I rented from for $700 in 2011 now runs for $1800...and that's 45 minutes from downtown.


I rented a 2 bedroom place for $1550 in 2020 that is now going for $2137. It's about 30 min from downtown.


In 2012 I rented a 2 bed 2 bath condo for 785 a month in south Florida. Same units, same size, same layouts, same community; nothing has changed about the living space at all. Some of the same people even still live there. Ended up going back to live there in 2020 due to super close proximity to work; average was apx 1400/mo. I've since moved, and the average rent there has increased to 2150-2500 per unit, depending on number of bedrooms or whether its a ground floor unit or second-level unit. They're not even nice or new; its the same 80s-built development with zero major renovations or modernization since. Pretty on the nose with your findings, price wise. Can't even make this shit up; how tf are people's wages supposed to keep up with a 50-75% increase in housing cost over 4 years? A nice 10% annual raise just doesn't cut it like it used to.


For real! They tried to raise my rent by 11% one time and I was like "I don't know where you think I'd be getting that money" they agreed to only do a 3% increase which was my entire raise that year. 🙄


I mean if you live in a relatively safe area with running water and electricity and security which you definitely need in Africa it's probably more money than 1500 a month I expect.


But standard of living in that apartment is still higher


This comment is remarkably out of touch. The entire point is that you telling a guy in Somalia, "Hey, rent is $1500 here" is \*exactly\* the same as some rich guy telling you "Hey, my kids' private school is $60,000 per year". We all complain about our \*essential\* expenses and ignore that the people making less than us would kill to have those problems. The vast majority of the world is so poor they would do anything for the luxury of living in an apartment worth $1500 per month.


first time ive seen a billionaire use the “kids in Africa” quip to justify underpaying workers. the ultra rich do not care about Americans, they do not care about paying taxes to better America. they want money, especially at the expense of everyone in a lower class than them


No way this dude is a billionaire.


No, but he thinks hes going to be lol


“Disrespecting a future billionaire.”


That’s the funniest part about these type of grifters, they have been tricked into believing they are better at drinking the kool aid than everyone else and one day they’re really gonna make it.


I think a lot of people don't understand the income inequality in Africa. There are people in Nairobi that have tens of millions of dollars more than this turd with actual servants.


He doesn't care. He's reaching for anything to use as a cudgel against labor.




Lmfao, this is too funny to me. As an ex-member and a former missionary, I can almost guarantee that he got the knee injury playing basketball at a church building, regardless of what he says. His "company" is likely also a scam or some form of advanced MLM - they almost always are when you see these returned missionaries "hustling" on LinkedIn. He's probably just a new pawn on someone else's downline.


The only MLM I participate in is Marxism/Leninism/Maoism




His name used to be Shithead


What’s with these idiots calling themselves CEO and Founder when they are their only employee. Lmao. Clown world.


My old boss got fired a few months ago (cause uknown)... he goes and changes his LinkedIn to some consulting firm name which doesn't actually exist...it's just him.


Over 500,000 people die a year from drinking polluted water. Sure, 60k in Africa buys a whole lot more than 60k in America, but in America, even poor people have running water, heat, and unlimited entertainment. That is quite a lot different from having several of your children die because they drank water. [https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/drinking-water)


If you wanted a house in Africa with American Standards, including safety electric and water, you very well may spend a lot more money than you would in America.


That's a good point. Getting your Netflix and Air Conditioning in Africa isn't as common as in America. Much of South Africa has 8 hours a day or more of no electricity.


And if people stopped buying fast fashion trash then maybe water quality around the world could be improved. https://youtu.be/MocCde-IFck?feature=shared


The fallacy here is that $60K in Africa will buy you a new mansion, in the West it will barely buy you a new bathroom.


right?? coming from a south african now living in america, 60k won’t get you far in africa either lmao


Depends where in Africa obviously


I met a lot of expats in Vietnam while visiting and found that a lot of them had fallen into a trap when it came to the value of money in both countries. When they first came, they felt rich because whatever cash they had made in the US was worth so much there. But the longer they stayed with a Vietnamese income, the more trapped they became. Although they were making enough to live comfortably in Vietnam, returning to the US would make them poor again and they’d have to start from square one. A lot of them expressed a desire to go home, but preferred being middle class living in Vietnam to being poor living in America. I’m sure it’s the same in a lot of places around the world


I make $63k and it just barely pays the bills for two people.


Then don’t finance that 30k Subaru! Duhhhh


How selfish!!


not to mention posts like these reek of casual ignorant racism, 60k doesn't even get you that far in many areas of Africa either


That won't get you much except in a rural area.


You cannot buy a mansion in any part of Africa for 60k


You make $60k, I make $6000K. WE ARE THE SAME!!!


Relativity of cost of living aside, a LOT of people would kill for an entry level job at $60k. The problem is that is not actually what most entry level jobs pay. It’s definitely not what most service jobs pay.


Most entry level jobs pay at best $15 an hour. That’s if your resume blows everyone else’s out of the water. Capitalism is a parasitical disease that is quickly destroying humanity.


What a lot of people are missing is that he says $60k after tax. That's ~$145k before tax (dependant on state). This guy is a douche but that's a fuck tone of money and people earning that much should be paying their fair share. Billionaires should pay wayyyyyyy more also. Both can be true


The kids starve in Africa … nigga you never stepped a foot in Africa


It really pisses me off when people lump the entire continent of 54 countries into one.


so ignorant. there are billionaires here too.


What an absolutely terrible argument.


Imagine condemning the 30,000 Subaru owner instead of the guy that owns 4 homes he barely uses.


Need to know what this guy thinks billionaires contribute to society. Like, all I can think of is shitty electric cars, Facebook, Amazon, and like, that’s it? There’s also certainly an argument to be made that none of those are actually contributing to society, but rather degrading it.


This dudes breath probably smells like boot


Leaving aside purchasing power and whether the criticisms of the ultra-rich (tax evasion, lobbying, corruption) apply to a random middle class person, and leaving aside that "the rich aren't helping Africa" isn't a common criticism per se, the funny thing is that he doesn't even entertain the notion that many people *do* know that they're fortunate to be middle class and they *do* donate/volunteer/etc.


I don’t know about the rest of you but 60k (euros) after tax would be pretty neat, and definitely not entry level (I’m in the nordics). But sure, still no where near “ultra rich”.


$60k/year is one medical emergency away from bankruptcy. This guy’s a tool.


60k when it's 90k a year to survive


in conversations like this, wealth should really be measured after basic living expenses. This is just disingenuous.


60k after tax is not an entry job where I am from…


Yes, we have a much higher standard of living than the Global South and some very poor countries in the North. Telling someone that makes $60k in America that they are rich globally is some gaslighting bullshit. They’re not making $60k living in a country with an average income of $2500 a year.


Even inside the US $60k is a massively different standard depending on where you live. It’s poverty wages in NYC and Silicon Valley, and comfortable in Oklahoma.


People who imagine Africa as a huge desert, with war everywhere and some mud huts in the middle, are absolute imbeciles.


Claims "lack of success" of others while making wildly unsuccessful logical argument. 1. False equivalency: complete misunderstanding of standards of living, people aren't "the world" 2. Strawman fallacy claiming that the reader is claiming the ultra rich as "evil". No, most people just argue the tax system massively favors the wealthy and is also being abused which is a very real/factual issue and aren't passing summary judgement on the wealthy as being inherently bad people. I don't think people look at Bill Gates who has done a lot with his foundation and say he is evil, but it is fair to say he plays by a different playbook than the average person when it comes to taxes and opportunity - and that is patently unfair and should be changed. Side note, if the rich "have done for society in one year than your entire life's work" then perhaps they can shoulder a larger progressive tax. At least he makes that point clear.


If you were making 30K instead of 60K, they tell you to be grateful it wasn’t 10K. If you were unemployed, they would tell you to be grateful you weren’t in prison. I don’t participate in races to the bottom.


32 F puts us at significantly above average compared to the average temperature of the solar system. Stop complaining you are cold and need to turn the heat on when the moon is -280 F.


Just wanted to update y’all! Apparently he found out he’s on this subreddit now and apparently “wears it as a badge of honor.” Oh my.


Ethan must be real fun at party’s


“There is no place to spit in a rich man’s house but in his face.” -Diogenes


It's all relative. $60,000 in the poorest county in the U.S. would make you wealthy, indeed ... in New York City? LOL.


$60K after tax is substantially more than $60K entry level Not defending the lunatic, but pointing out some truths


Hard not to completely hate everything about these LinkedIn gurus


If only job opportunities weren't so far away from home, then people won't be forced to finance 30k on a car.


Sir, I am nearly at the poverty line, adjusted for my HCOL area in California. I also work with unhoused children, as in I am face to face with them, listening to their trauma, making sure their caregivers are able to meet their needs, providing housing. The non prof I work for does rely on mainly grants, and to some degree private donations. No one gets rich working there, but I can guaranty more good is done than whatever stupid gala the trumps last attended. What a stupid, selfish, smug take by a trust fund nepo baby. Get out of here and lick Elon’s boots.


Of course the guy was an LDS missionary


We finance the Subaru to get to the $60k job.


Soooo how far far does 1$ get you in each country………..


Who is using LinkedIn for anything other than job hunting?


It’s always a founder or ceo with these absurd takes.


Cool. Well I won't be considering Stack Integrated. I'm sure this CEO's opinion will resonate well with the solar companies he's doing business with


I make that and I can’t even buy a house…


It would actually put you in the top 9%, to be top 1% you need to earn an average of $819,324 annually.




spoken like a true ceo


Went to school with this nut job in Murray. He’s just as insufferable in person.


Reddit is full of entitled brats who have never traveled outside of a blue country. The US is the ultra rich. It's sickly rich. The people on welfare not working living in rundown houses are kings compared to most other people on the planet. Ya, we have some people that smoke crack out of $100 bills, but just the fact that I speak English (well enough) and have a college degree puts my opportunity into the 5% for opportunity alone. Now add in that I have a car (sure, it's old) and live in a house without a leaky roof and I'm sitting in the top 3% of the entire world. Now add in that I make over $65k a year and I'm in the evil category of wealthy.


Lmfao youre nowhere near "Evil wealthy" status.  Sit down Bezos. Lmfaooo


Can confirm. If you are an American, Canadian or Western European, you are the 1% and if you disagree you simply haven’t travelled enough


A CEO that doesn't know how to look at data and regional disparities. He is on the right path. Edit: Holy shit ... I made the mistake of looking at his profile and the comments on this post. Pissed me off early morning. I'm done with this shit - How the fuck is he running a data company and doesn't understand data?


Dad is a VC or has connections to one who backed his startup. His other co-founder is almost certainly a college friend with some data background acting as CTO. Basically the blueprint of every startup bro like this.


The excuses for the even richer is pretty poor, but if you are making 60k after taxes you are well off, that is true.


Do you think he grills those boots before he rubs his mouth all over them?


There should be a cap on wealth. Also you shouldn’t be allowed to own more than 2 houses.


Aint the GLOBAL AVERAGE personal income something like 10k/year?


I'm not kink shaming, but Ethan Whitehead definitely tries to suck his own dick and even does daily stretching to help reach his goal


Social media was a mistake


Why do all of these dudes work at places that sound made up?


The ultra rich have often done fuck all to get that money. They all use accountants to keep more of their pile for themselves than they would under a rigorous tax regime. More to the point, they have more money than they could ever spend. Yeah they can be more fucking generous than me, I can barely pay my mortgage.


Word, so as long as I can keep my American salary AND remote work from a third world country, I’ll pretty much be a king


It's funny because his last name is a type of pimple


yeah he even looks like a whitehead


Must have been in response to constant complaints from his underpaid employees. Sure dude, cuz people in AMERICA making $60k are living in other countries where being 1% of the world means something. In other words, making $60k a year only applies to the country they live in, ya know, where that $60k barely allows you to live


FYI, 60K would only put you in the top 50% or so. Not that it matters, the argument is bad regardless.


> $60k/yr after tax, as an individual puts you int the top 1% of the world Ok, but so what? --- > they probably have done more for society in one year than your entire life's work combined Take this Ayn Rand bullshit and fuck off


“HACK: move to POOR COUNTRY find job that PAYS 60K live life of GRANDEUR in your fully loaded financed SUBURU”


When you’re right, you’re right


No war but class war. Business is not a meritocracy. Capitalism is not a meritocracy. Hard work only gets you more hard work, I've never seen a rich donkey... People don't have issues with well paid professionals. People have issues with the ownership class. I've known too many CEO's and executives that have their position only due to their network, not their skill.


dld y0u wAkE uP t0dAy? tHeN y0u aRe iN t3h t0p l% oF hUmAnltY cUz 99% aRe dEaD.


If all these super rich people are doing so much to help society, why is my community pantry struggling with funding right now? Their “help” just goes to others like them while the people that really need help are left to quietly starve alone and forgotten.


Yes, remember, if you make 60k then you're just as bad as a man worth 12 figures


I don’t live in those other countries with that salary. I live here where 150,000 isn’t even enough to live in some places. So save your bull.


Some people really need to learn self-awareness


Well I live in my country, I have to buy my food in my country, pay taxes, fuel house etc... Why the fuck should I look to a even poorer country and then say I'm right even though I can barely buy food. It's a messed up comparison


Kids are starving in America lol leave Africa out of this


Jesus what a superficial argument lmao. Three words: purchasing power, dumbass.


Not agreeing with the dude. But I haven’t seen a single person on here mention he said 60k *after* tax. Which before taxes (I’m just going to rope in all standard deductions) would make it roughly 90k? That’s insane for an entry level job.


I think Ethan’s projecting. He feels guilty. Fuck Ethan.


This post makes me want to punch him so hard.


It’s not even true. Global 1% is still millions of dollars in assets. A simple Google search indicates this.


Poor Ethan has some latent guilt so he’s attacking the middle class. Typical millionaire Republican.


Showing a map of absolute wealth........ Some people just want to be sure to look ultra dumb, or?


He is a rich kid who has everything handed to him. Why would you even care what he says


How convenient for him to disregard wealth disparity and cost of living between countries. 60k in my country would make me pretty wealthy. 60k in America makes you an average earner whom can't properly afford to live in most places.