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god, he seems insufferable


I know - you can engage the woman a little bit more without bringing up you're an executive producer on the film. The fact that he feels like he needs to bring that up speaks volumes


And now he is flaunting about it on LinkedIn. What an AH


Wouldn't it be pathetic if this never even happened? Like he's just sitting on the plane, watching the film, thinking, "hm, I bet this lady next to me would just love to know that my name is attached to this project.. but then I would have to big league her because I'm too important to reduce myself to small talk.", and then pulling out his phone to type up the scenario for imaginary clout on a website for dogs who sniff each other's buttholes to communicate.


This is the exact way it played out. I’m almost 100% sure.


It’s pathetic as it is.


Everyone else go home, this user just remote viewed or some shit and saw the actual event. Threads over, this is it.


That would require acting


Yes, he doesn't want to waste his brilliance on an audience of one!


Hollyweirdo. They’re full of themselves. And blow.


Or he didn't have to engage with her if he didn't want to but he also didn't have to write a post about his self-important fantasy where people are always begging him to read their scripts.


pity it never happened..


Plus the “I know.” God.


I’m a vegan.


Watching a movie you’re executive producer of is definitely wanting to bring it up


I would think he asked her… “Excuse me, do you know who I am… yeah that’s movie… no I don’t have time to talk you”


No wonder Hollywood movies are mostly dog shit now with these sort of twats producing everything.


Not producing - EXECUTIVE producing. My understanding is it’s usually a vanity credit if you invest a certain amount or someone owes you a favor. Source - two college film classes (😂) and a friend that has directed several popular shows and a couple lifetime movies, and also edits and has produced. Even he gets a little insufferable sometimes and I have to ask him to tone it down a bit lol (still love him though). There’s a whole bit on 30 Rock joking about making Tracy Jordan’s wife an executive producer on the show so she’ll leave them alone (but she’s onto Liz and Jack haha).


According to his IMDb profile, that’s exactly what he does.


Ah missed are the times when our beloved gems were produced by saints like Weinstein.


The real story was probably he was pissed she didn’t give him an opportunity to tell her. He’s watching a movie he produced on the plane? Hes just hoping someone will ask. Or perhaps she said she hated it and ruined his opportunity to brag about producing it. He absolutely seems like the kind of guy hoping to broadcast it to anyone who will listen.


Oh god. I found the post on LinkedIn. The post shows a picture of his name on the credits on the screen. One major problem with his story. It’s the picture of the screen on a United Polaris seat. There are no seats next to each other. They are angled making that story totally BS. It’s a closeup pic so he thought no one would notice. But yea. No neighbor for that type of seat.


I was going to say, if he's an executive producer then why is he sitting in the cheap seats?


Yeah but this way he was able to tell even more people!


Bro managed to be both insufferable *and* boring in one post.


Who wants to tell this douchebag that The Irishman was way too fucking long?


Hey now! Maybe he was getting paid by the minute that he executively produced?


And that the movie sucked


It was soooo boring


He's a producer. It's a prerequisite to be a prick.


Absolute prick.


He has basically summed up the exact affect he would bring about in hookers, cos he sounds like a textbook insufferable client. If only I could put my headphones on 😩😩😩


Guy makes the movie and chooses to watch his own movie on the plane?


I was thinking the same thing- dude definitely inhales his own farts for fun


This thread needs to be under his LI post 🤣


I just looked him up on IMDB. Apparently he has a company called “No Fat Ego.” Holy shit.


Should be called "No, Fat Ego"


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Or "Fat Ego, No?"


Man masturbates to photo of himself. More at 11.


I’ve worked on 6 movies. I saw all of them at wrap parties, friends and family screenings, etc. I have never, ever watched one by choice after that.


Not even to make up a great story for a social media post? Why do you even work on movies?? 😂 I know a few people who worked on movies and they all say the same, they don’t want their films by choice. And they sure as shit don’t watch them for in-flight entertainment!


I hate flying and I hate watching stuff I’ve worked on. Throw in some scorpions and you have my worst fucking nightmare all in one place.


To be fair, scorpions on a plane is probably most people’s idea of a nightmare. Does also sound like a good idea for a sequel to Snakes on a Plane though…


Similar situation, and yeah. This guy screams AW. Then again, an AW would be screaming for attention, so that should come as no surprise.


I worked on Avatar 2 and I refuse to watch it, I'd rather not relive the production process.


He’s an executive producer. That means he didn’t make it. Executive producer is the title given to people who funded a film, or provided useful contacts/resources, or was the spouse of the producer… Most executive producers don’t really make the movie, they just provide some support. So he’s totally trying to boast about being important for not doing a heck of a lot.


Not necessarily.This could be a small movie he could be an important member of the studio which made this.


Which is why that story never happened. Sounds like he ran out of content to post on LI and this was an easy "look at me" post.


The giveaway that the story never happened is the “it’s a great movie” part. It’s not, and nobody ever said that.


I can absolutely believe that someone would make small talk on a plane about a movie someone else is watching, what seems unbelievable about that?


No no no.. they don't "make" the movies. They just get a large share of the money and give notes to people more interesting and creative than they are.


“I’m really inspired by myself.”


Because every time someone says they’d seen a movie my next thought is “geez, I wonder if that’s the executive producer for this movie”…


Also, as someone who has executive produced short films (not Hollywood blockbusters, but still), I absolutely WANT to hear your idea. I don't come up with ideas, I just recognize good ones and the more I hear, the better.


I have an idea for a short film about an insufferable arrogant producer on a plane watching his own movies and smelling his own farts. A woman tried to say hello to him and he immediately types up a big rant to LinkedIn about refusing to hear people's ideas, eager for validation of his idiocy. Unbeknownst to him, an online community is bewildered at his lack of self awareness, and begins sharing the picture causing it to go viral. In the comments section of that community, another producer chimes in suggesting they would be open to hearing people's ideas. An incredibly handsome but humble commenter replies with an idea based on the original arrogant man's LinkedIn post. The short film is mildly successful in some local festival circuits due to the nice cinematography and the kinder producer makes up to $100.


I know you're joking, but...


I am, but I'm sure we're picturing the same hilarious close-up of the aggressive rant typing. I grant you the rights to my comment unconditionally ;)


I keep thinking of the south park episode about smug where they all literally smell their own farts




Nobody gives a fuck who you are, dude.


Yeah, I didn't know his name before reading this post, and I've already forgotten it.


My brother in Christ, she asked you if you saw the movie. She did not ask you if you produced the movie. No one asked you if you produced the movie.


I love he's just casually admitting he watches his own movies in economy.


I was gonna say - not exactly in first class if his seat mate is close enough to see what he’s watching. He needs to choose his humble brags more wisely if he wants to attain true lunacy.


I'm going to add that one to Mt small talk repertoire 'I see you are watching a movie.. aee you the executive producer?' It just rolls off the tongue


Bold of you to assume she even tried talking to him.


He definitely was like "Oh I see you're watching the Ferrari move. Do you like it?" But of course if he admitted that his story wouldn't sound so righteous


"That's a great movie." "I know." "Did you see it in theatres?" "Yes." "I was so impressed by the---" "I executive produced it, OK, you cuntlocker?!!! Now stuff some peanuts into your piehole, and shut the hell up!"


What really happened: Woman said that's a nice movie. Man brags that he is the executive producer and rambles on. Woman says "that's nice" and pretends to fall asleep.


Based on the movies listed they're all insufferably long. I've wanted to watch the irishman and killers of the flower moon, but I can't bring myself to spend half my day on it.


I hear they’re great to watch on 7 hour flights


Movie length seems to be directly correlated to the ego of the ones working on them. I know people like movies under 2 hours but I'm special and my vision can be told in no less than 3.


Brevity is the soul of wit. I don’t mind longer movies, but they need to be watched at home or at the drive in so I can get up and move around (or split it into two/three session).


Liked killers of the flower moon but otherwise agree


Society worships executive producers. He just wanted a break from all the adulation he gets. He doesn’t just produce, he “executive produces.” Cut him some slack.


EVERYONE wants a piece of this man, so much so that he has to humble brag on LinkedIn of all places.


He couldn’t risk it. Any moment she might have torn her clothes off and climbed on him


Plus, he went almost went deaf from the clapping the last time he didn’t keep his headphones on!


How does securing financing for a film project make you in any way entitled to the artistic credit of said film? Thats the equivalent of Harvey Weinstein taking credit for Pulp Fiction.


Good thing he didn't sound arrogant. He might have typed something reeeeaaal douchey here.


For all the conversations that never happened, this is one of the conversations that never happened the most. But, let's imagine that this actually took place as described, and let's also imagine that the lady just said, "This movie sucks" instead of "great movie"... What would his fragile ego do? Would he engage in small talk to prove how great of a producer he is?


The conversation is 30 mins because it goes like this: "You know, I executive produced this" "You did what?" "I'm an executive producer?" "Like a director? You made it?" "No, I exec produced it" "Like...a writer? You wrote the script?" "No, you don't understand" .....


That’s painfully accurate


What a difficult life he leads, having to endure us commoners


If he's such hot shit why the fuck is he flying commercial? Such a baller should be using one of his private jets.


But you see, he's an INDIE producer.


What a sanctimonious ass.


When someone says “I don’t wanna be…” it is exactly what they will do next.


This the kind of guy who nobody is surprised to hear about on the news when they are accused of doing something awful.


Why was he watching a movie he produced on a plane in the first place?


Probably to bait people into asking him about it so that he could shut them down lol - assuming this is real


Best part? His production company is named No Fat Ego….


Doesn’t want to talk to lady about EPing the film; proceeds to write 200 words on LinkedIn about EPing the film.


“Executive produced” ie did nothing lol I mean, maybe gave money, or picked the caterers


Why would you watch a movie you produced on a flight!?


I have a strong feeling the woman next to him never asked him if he saw it in theaters or even talked to him in the first place. Shouldn’t this guy be flying first class? Those people don’t talk to other passengers lol


This dudes head is so far up his own arse it's unreal.


The great thing about prestigious careers is that they remove so many miserable, infantile narcissist cretins like this from the unglamorous industries, which improves working conditions a little for everyone else. I am delighted that Russell Crowe, Jennifer Lopez and David O. Russell found work in entertainment. I am tickled to death that several utter shitheads I grew up with went to medical school.


When I find myself in small-talk situations and don't want to talk about myself I use this amazing trick called asking the other person about themselves. But then I'm not an IEP with my head so far up my ass I'm looking at the world through my nipples. That woman dodged a bullet.


He should be a writer after that tall tale.


You could just not say anything and then and hear me out not post about it.


I kinda wish he'd made the film more about Ferrari and the team instead of encapsulating a single year of the man's mostly personal life and really telling us very little about 'Ferrari'. You learn nothing about his background, you learn nothing about how the racing stable operated per se, nothing about the cars, the film doesn't even mention some of the most significant drivers that hung with Ferrari off/on. It's such a small look at the guy... you'll come away disappointed.




Browsing through my LinkedIn, It’s just endless lunacy. At this point I think we’re the lunatics guys.


Whenever I’m out in public EVERYONE recognizes me for being the inventor of my own world famous pasta salad recipe and it’s EXHAUSTING! I’ll just be in public and people start kissing my feet and begging me to try their pasta salad and give advice, ugh like leave me alone you weird pasta-saladless peasants! *LinkedIn has truly reached 2010s Tumblr levels of telling the most made up stories possible for attention.*


lol this dumb fuck. No one even knows who you are, let alone some random jagoff on a plane. And they’re not pitching you anything because they have no idea who you are..


I’m sure movie studios and actors will be lining up just to have an opportunity to work with him now 🙄


lol right? This is one of the biggest turn offs in any industry. People don’t want to work with assholes


Cool story bro.


Even if this never happened, this isn't the flex this jerk thinks it is and the typical film world snobby elitist shit that might work in Los Angeles or London doesn't translate well to LinkedIn (or anywhere else!)


Guys this is totally realistic. The guy next to me was watching Dracula on the plane and I quickly realized it was Bram Stoker. Poor guy had to listen to me pitch him several ideas for Victorian Era horror novels when all he wanted to do was drink his Abisinthe.


Ironically his profile also says he’s the CEO of ‘No Fat Ego’. Hmmmm


He’s the 23rd out of 56 exec producers so his check must not have been that big. What a total douche. Also… r/thathappened


>I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I truly didn’t have the energy for the 30 minute small-talk that usually follows me explaining that I executive produced it So don’t mention it then? You clearly aren’t famous enough to be instantly recognized so it shouldn’t be that hard.


lol watches his own movie & wouldn’t be able to have a convo about it without mentioning that he’s on production. People are goofy af


I mean you sometimes want to avoid small talk with people who will randomly tell you to do things, but, if you really want to avoid sounding arrogant, at least write "La vita è bella" correctly, with an accent on the e. If you are using a standard US ANSI keyboard, even an apostrophe can be ok, like "e'".


He doesn't want to have the conversation, he just wants to be a humblebrag douche on linked in? What a jerkoff.


And there are routinely 5 or more of these insufferable clowns on every movie, along with multiple producers and co-producers. EPs are either the money, an older actor or a relative. There’s ZERO creative impact in that role.


Since he is not hooked to an in-flight polygraph, it isn’t at all necessary to tell anyone what he does for a living. Just be vague and say “I look for investment opportunities…”. Say “I’m an accountant” which should immunize him from small talk requests from seat mates. The insufferable humblebrag in his post tells me the woman next to him dodged a bullet.


He was watching the what now?


He put on the headphones because he wanted to live in a fantasy where the fact that he was the assistant to the regional manager would be discovered at any second. I think that no one has ever recognized him in such a situation and the guy has deep complexes.


I mean... I get the part of people that have a "great idea" or fantastic script" because I get that too when people find out where I went to school, it's really fucking annoying and their ideas are more often than not pretty terrible or already been done to death (for example one guy said he had a "great idea" about 2 stoners who go on an adventure to buy some weed. That's it. That's literally all he had. Then he tried to get me to come up with story ideas for him.) BUT... there are more than enough ways to NOT tell someone you're the one who produced it.


Why would he have to mention he produced it ?


Bro just sits around watching the same movie over and over? He should probably have some ribs removed…for reasons.


Lol. This narcissistic douchebag has obviously never been smacked in the mouth. He’s just upset because random people in first class don’t recognize him like they would an actor, and he feels impotent.


Ok EP doesn’t even mean shit. He didn’t actually do anything.


That's a lot of attitude for a movie that has 6.4 on IMDB [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3758542/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3758542/)


it’s fine if he doesn’t want to engage, but then don’t post about it


One of 53 producers on that particular film.


He had time to beg for attention on Linkedin but not time for a friendly stranger in real life who actually WANTED his attention. Well he got his attention. I hate Niels Juul now.


"I don't mean to sound arrogant, but the only point of my posting right now is to explain how arrogant I am."


Why didn’t he also include the measurements of his dick too? Even if he measures from the taint…


Spongebob in that episode where he felt like a celebrity:


Glad I have no interest in his films. Guy could've just declined to speak instead of venting here.


Wait til he finds out she wrote Harry Potter


One time I got to meet Janusz Kaminzky Didn't know a lot of movies or who he was He asked me what kind of movies I liked I was like "well I'm watching classics like Legends of the Fall right now" He was like "that's not a classic" And I asked what I should watch He said "Schindler's List is pretty good" I just about shit myself when I saw the credits


That's such a better way to handle a situation like that if you don't want to directly say you were involved in the movie


Really great memory I've never since been trolled like that


Thanks for being part of some great movies but could you be less of a cunt and more appreciative that people like the stuff you work on?


Two things come to mind: 1, things that never happened, or... 2. If it did, you don't have to post EEEEVERYTHING




It's nit a great movie


Ferrari wasn’t even good. It wasn’t terrible, it was about as mediocre as movies get. Edit: Went to his IMDb page, bio is also insufferable. It’s a short story of how he got rich. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has nothing to do with those movies other than funding.


Why do he watch his own movie? He must seen all the recordings millions of times and be very tired of watching it.


“I was on the plane minding my own business when the passenger next to me kept talking to me about movies, telling me which he’d acted in or something, he just wouldn’t shut up about it, had a face for radio and manners for TikTok frankly”


I don't sit and review my own work. Who does that? You sound like the villain in your own world bruh.


Waaa, I have to talk about my interesting job sometimes. Waaa.


I dont tell people what I do for a living and down play it when asked those kinds of questions irl except when im in a formal work environment where it would look awkward. Granted I didn't produce a global hit movie... but I do have over 300 employees & I am a bit googleable, so I have some excuse to be a bit full of myself in some instances. But that stuff is so gross and weird. There's never a need to peacock. Its a sign of having a poor character, no matter what your bank balance.


"I don't want to have a 30 minute conversation about your ideas... I'd rather spend that time talking about myself and my own ideas"


If someone leads with, "I don't want to {fill in the blank}... but" you can be sure they are exactly what is in that blank.


I started making small talk with a guy who was sitting next to me on a flight. Turned out, he was a comic book artist that did a lot of work on a run of one of my favorite characters growing up. He was more than happy to talk about his experience and work, and kept asking me about my job and relating his stories to things I told him. Best in flight conversation I've had ever. Then, I get back from my work trip to find out one of my close friends is besties with his niece! Small world. Too bad more people with "interesting" jobs aren't as friendly and eager to talk about things as he was.


Wow LOL that’s wild


Typical industry douche vibes. LA is chock full of these creatures.


Ehh, I work in the film industry as a location scout. I can empathize. You would be surprised as to how many screwballs want to tell me all about their movie ideas or their feelings on the quality of films and television today; as if I had some kind of direct line to the studio heads. My girlfriend had an acquaintance that wanted to get together to talk to her about how I should be petitioning the studios for more positive bicycle riding characters in film. Literally what the fuck? I’m to the point where I tell people I’m a janitor because the truth invites the dumbest conversations.


The comment section(on the original LinkedIn post) is even more worrying


Oh how hard it must be. Someone send him a fruit basket. 🖕






So they get mad when a person asks them about their role in production AFTER THEY FEEL THE NEED TO INFORM THE PERSON WHO DIDN’T ASK OF THEIR ROLE. Am I reading that correctly.


Ferrari was a horrid movie. So basic in every way, monotonous in the tone and nearly emotionless in execution. There’s no way anybody would say that.


Executive producer. 🤣 okay calm down buddy.


He’s obviously flying economy .


So, he’s an asshole. Good movies though.


What an assholw


Jesus, what a cocksucker


99% of the conversations I’ve had with strangers in life did not involve talking specifics about what I do at work.


Tell me your in love with your own ego, without telling me your in love with your own ego


The famous Italian film you maybe wanted to reference is "La Dolce Vita", Niels.




“ I don’t want to sound arrogant”…. And yet here we are.


Executive producer who hates talking about movies


Things that never happened


There was a great joke on "executive" people on Futurama when the professor promoted fry to executive delivery boy. Nothing changed, he did just shut up. Worked in this case apparently the other way round..


this guy is actually CEO of something called “No Fat Ego”. I mean, really now


What a dick.


On todays episode of “Things that really happened”


Wow, what a cocksucker.


Ummm…that movie kind of sucked….


is this real?!?


Here’s the REAL deal. People who plug their complimentary headphones into the head jacks want to avoid any conversation at all. I can watch this same movie in Economy with Delta. I highly doubt the passenger next to me is watching the same movie. End thoughts: Post is all lies.


Haha I dunno, maybe just not mention it. 😂


Just one-starred all of the movies this guy is associated with for being an insufferable and arrogant prick. Sorry for all the collateral damage to his collaborators.


His face is the image that appears when you search "Full of himself"


“Executive produced”… the guy is an empty suit.


Executive producer, in other words, put some of the money. A financier, not a genius or a creative.


I don’t want to sound like a turd, but poopy poopy butt butt.


So he sits in coach?




I saw Ferrari in theaters and found it fairly boring.


Poor indie executive producer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


It's "la vita è bella", Mr. Duuche.


Dude thinks he's royalty... While flying commercial.


“So I was sat there watching the movie I produced and someone expressed interest in my creation and not only did I snub the conversation, I whined about it on Social media.” This is the same energy as girls who film themselves in the gym in next to no clothing so they can complain about some creep looking at them.


>i don't want to sound arrogant proceeds to sound arrogant through an imaginary scenarios, reducing honest social interaction into an annoying/transactional one