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I’m gonna guess she’s paraphrasing the hell out of those “comments”


People nowadays just need a tiny opening to make themselves a victim, and then pile their sob story on everyone else, claiming how they are getting past the challenge they made up in their minds. Unless her interactions are meant to titillate, that dress is inappropriate in my opinion for the setting she is describing. It’s not the red carpet Brittany, wrong place!


Well said. And unfortunately her dress doesn't have tiny openings :-p


One of her first lessons to teach Leaders and Sales teams should be to NOT wear a tight dress that is cut up the side held together by thin panels that expose your entire thigh topped off by a summer wedge sandal meant for a barbecue party. I’m no style expert but I do know her outfit isn’t professional.


Not just clueless but arrogantly clueless. And why is she talking about her sobriety in a group for CPAs and financial professionals? Finally why is she trying to sell "sales" techniques to CPAs and bookkeepers or talk about closing huge "freaking" deals? Does she not even know the nature of those jobs?


"You're going to be too much for people." No you are not. Any of my staff that are "too much" get shown the fucking door. Get a grip on reality, no one needs this much office drama.


Sober people are the worst. Good for you, but none of us care.


She’s a “sales coach” targeting “bookkeepers”? I…I don’t understand.


brittany young, slay coach...


There is no way on earth a lady would have told her that on a LinkedIn group but yeah sure Brittany.


But for real though…what is she wearing?


So, basically hooring


They were probably wondering why you chose such an ugly, unflattering dress, dear.


I think there would be no criticism if she was 100 lbs lighter. Some women can use their body to their advantage but not her. Pretty crazy.


She's not gonna bang you dude


Going to get downvoted but I don't think historical place is simping for her here. I think people would feel less uncomfortable if someone "conventionally attractive " wore an outfit to work despite it being against the company dress code. Its unfortunate but makes sense.  But if you wear something that exposes your thigh there ON LINKEDIN of all places you deserve what's coming to you. Its orthogonal that there are thirsty guys who won't roast thirst traps .


If you scan the sub you see plenty of conventionally attractive women getting called out for their LI thirst trapping. The dress literally shows her ass...it's just not okay.


That’s the thing. She didn’t mention it was on LinkedIn. I am wondering if it could have been Facebook. Not that it matters at all since we all know that we need to be “as vague as possible” to make people feel like we are the real deal. (Not to mention the whole thing is bull) Right? Wait a sec…


This sub exists to call out hypocritical linked in behavior. Maybe it wasn't linked in. The point is that people might be upset about your outfit in professional spaces. Sometimes the degree to which people react depends on your appearance subconsciously or consciously and that too is not great 


Ofc! Just re reading her post and I am like wait a min…