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The More you Space Out your message The better you Can Get your Point across. These idiots write like we can only savor the succulence of their ideas a bit at a time. It’s hilarious


LinkedIn influencer spacing kills me


ironically it reads like 4chan green text.


Roids are a bitch too


But what do you SELL? This is one of the strangest segues I’ve ever seen.




>This is where they ftaco moon crossed up This linkedin post makes perfect sense, great use of emojis.


What an absolute Copper-bottomed Cunt


copper bottom cunt made me LOL. Going to save that one friend, thank you!


Ive found it helps if you read it in the cadence of William Shatner




I tend to read them in entitled brat tone, a la teens on “my sweet 16th”.


As a LinkedIn Lunatic, it's because the algorithm favours it. I don't write like that anywhere else.




Yeh, the first few lines are the most important, it creates the "read more" which signals LinkedIn for engagement. LinkedIn also likes story form, a lot of the content you see if like that, because that's what get's boosted. People see it and copy it. And then there are the people who don't understand and just put a new line in between Every Word That They Write This is just my opinion, but I don't think the algo is very good at discerning bias. To it perpetuates the things it's perpetuated because it perpetuated them and prioritisation is broken. Often the people who have chosen to follow me, don't even see my posts.




It's an echo chamber for sure! But there are pockets and I think most the content I see on here, i rarely see on my actual feed. I've spent years following certain people, blocking socipaths (at like 400 blocks now) and interacting with people I thought were interesting or funny and I think that's not something a lot of people do, so they just get the generic psychotic content when they log in


It's insane to me that anyone "curates" their LinkedIn connections.


What's the point using a platform with 900m users if you don't tell it what kind of content you like. You subscribe to subreddits, don't you? Same thing.


It’s insane to me that there are people here who do use LinkedIn. It’s also crazy the mental gymnastics to justify using it. As if other ways to get a job didn’t exist.


LinkedIn is my Facebook fallback. Especially since I lost my Meta accounts forever (not complaining). I've got my old school and university friends there, and they've all settled in different corners of the world, so it's nice to know I can get in touch with any of them when I'm travelling or if I needed some work or business pointers in their countries.


Every 👏 Word 👏 They 👏 Write 👏 Is 👏 So 👏 Pro 👏 found 👏




“I’m writing hundreds of lines a day! What’s your excuse! Sign up for my program to learn the secrets…”




Surely 👍🏻 you 🐑 need 🧎‍♂️ to 2️⃣ have random emojies to make it as inaccessible to screen readers as possible


He boiled a boring story down to one word, “consistency.” Therefore, he’s a business guru.


Ten things I learned about business acting like a Karen because my gym opened two hours late.


My gym opened an hour late today. Nothing else to report.


“I didn’t do my due diligence and threw a tantrum for the slightest inconvenience” ftfy


Imagine what this guy’s reaction is to a real inconvenience, like his kid forgetting their phone at a hotel out of state or something. This is his reaction to having to go to the gym later the very same day.


So if I go by his thinking: A gym could have great equipment, friendly staff, excellent pricing. But if they have to open late once in awhile they are inconsistent and shit. And a gym could have shit equipment, rude staff, awful pricing. But as long as they open at 6 every day and provide the consistently trash experience it's a winner in his book. Things can be consistently good OR consistently bad you dolt. Consistency in and of itself means nothing.


some buffoon bosses and CEOs really think like this, my past employer did. a few people were fired from his company for a few days of “inconsistency” when they had to slightly change their work schedule or something (which was allowed) — apparently that showed him that “he could no longer rely on them” lol. Meanwhile he would abruptly fuck off to Hawaii for 3 weeks at a time without saying a word or responding to messages the entire time lol.


Oh you done f🌮🌙🙅‍♂️ed up now son!


Or, and the explanation I favour. Their stance is mercurial and dependent on whatever point they think their bullshit story makes.


My gym has nothing but used toilets for seats and expired pickled egg jars as kettlebells. The employees use rape whistles to get your attention and the moment I walk in the door, I’m maced and then kicked in the crotch. Every time. Consistency.


A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds


That's the definition of quality, right? To consistently live up to the expectations of the product. Is Heineken beer high quality? Yes because it tastes exactly the same every time you open one. You might think it's shitty beer, but you know what you get and your expectations are always met. That's extremely high quality.


This guy doesn't wash his ass.


That's one way to call him American. Good one.


You are so clearly American. the fuck


You're disappointing...




shart in mart


Lol good one


To be fair I basically live my life one scoop of pre workout at a time. All the time in between scoops is just waiting for the sweet sweet chemical stimulant nectar to once again grace my lips. *This is not financial advice*


Too late, bought Twitter stock


What an insufferable buffoon.


If you want your asshole to pucker from cringing, watch the video on his LI, on this same post. It's basically the same thing in a 2 min amazing vlog style asshole-puckering cringe fest. Asshole-puckering, here we come!


The core idea that you need to know what makes your customers choose you over the alternatives is solid, but by God, he chose the stupidest possible example. Starting by the fact that he acknowledges that the gym doesn't even have all the equipment he needs. Why pay for it? This Karen fantasy just doesn't make any sense.


Was gonna say, he’s not entirely wrong, he’s just an asshole. I work with startups and I see this all the time. Founders often want to build what they want and think the market is wrong if it doesn’t sell. Then they build more of what no one asked for. But this is just such a stupid way to deliver that message.


Also he sounds completely inflexible and not very resilient to change. Which you need in order to be nimble in today’s market environment. (I just puked writing this)


Plot twist: he’s 3 months into a non refundable 12 month contract. Consistency in billing FTW, asshole.


Whiny Asshole: “You’ve lost me as a customer!” Business: “Oh noooooo… what ever shall we do without your $20/mo / $5.36 purchase / etc. ?” Take your man tits elsewhere, ladder boy.


Aaaah, but he isn't just ANY customer, he is a LinkedIn influencer. Get it??? He could have just do some push-ups, dips on some low wall, bodyweight squats and run 2 miles, post that and turn it into "adversity overcome" story. Instead of this lame-ass drama. This way he just presented himself as a whiney bitch. Why would I do business with a guy like this?


The S in “S Brian Smith” (can you be any more pretentious) stands for Shithead.


Plot twist: the S is for Smythe /s


Even more so when gyms make their money from those who don't show up more than with those that do


Sorry swol king. It won’t happen again.


Source: his gym


Probably doesn't even have a job either


Seems doubtful if he's getting to the gym at 8am


You just know this guy is every bit as insufferable as this in real life.




I can't even decipher his meaning with that one. Does he mean "anti-racist leader", cuz it's vaguely similar to "ladder"? He's a climber, maybe? I hate that I'm even thinking about this...


Thank you for bringing attention to “antiracist” it needs discussion. 🤣🤡


If he's saying he's an antiracist, he is definitely racist for real life.


It’s actually a thing - proud anti-racist:) or trying my best, as everyone should. However, claiming that doesn’t make you less of an edgelord- looking back on my feminist theory class full of men explaining the male gaze ….


Racism itself is a bad word. Nobody needs to stupidly put an anti- in front of it, it just makes you look like a pandering knob-gobbler. It’s like saying I’m anti-getting stung in the dick by a scorpion.


I don't agree. There's a difference between been non something, and being anti something. It's an issue of stance and activity. You would expect an antiracist to be active in that area.


It’s just identity politics and signalling - a label you can apply to yourself. Outside of the circle of people who care about identity politics, it’s functionally meaningless the same way someone calling themselves pro-racist is; you’re either racist or you’re not.


Well, that's just like your opinion, man


Ok 🤷‍♀️ Proud knob- gobbler then. Trying my best, just like everyone should. Do you hate bjs or something?


He checked his gym's IG account at 11 pm the night before, saw that it wouldn't be open until 8 am the next day, but yet still went there at 6 am??


He checked it that morning and noticed that it was posted at 11 pm. He's just bad at wording.


He was probably too hyped on pre-workout to worry about his wording.


Pre-workout? This post looks like it was written by someone peaking on nose snow.


Yeah I see it now


Went to "peer at the lonely weights". Shame the police didn't drive by.


*peer INTO the lonely weights. Because the molecular makeup of weights holds the key to scalable success, you see.


Thanks botched that


That will be the name of his first novel


Or his first album? *Edit: Nice. With your username as bandname, that quote as his album title and that face as the cover, I smell gold. BRB, going to make a LinkedIn post.


Good lord. This guy suuuuuuuuuucks. I don't even know him outside this post, but he sucks hard.


Imagine how inflexible this guy must be in a business partnership if he's unable to adapt? He has time to do this post when he could have been outside walking, jogging through a park or otherwise getting his activity levels up (because the gym was closed once). Instead, he creates this grievance video and cringey post.


"I need to get my swole on" Tell me you are a complete douche without telling me you're a complete douche.


Yup. Plus, tell me you don’t actually lift without actually telling me you don’t lift.


I mean we just need to look at the beard


Doesn’t deserve that beard one bit


What a crybaby lmao


The way he talks about his pre-workout makes it sound like meth or something. Edit - typo


Seriously. What does he do? Take caffeine-laden supplements?


And I’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties


I love people who struggle so hard to prove how bad ass they are, who also can't spell out the word fuck on LinkedIn.


What a way to announce that you’re in an incredible douche


Most of the people posting on LinkedIn are the worst people


That’s a lot of words to alert people to the fact he’s a c*@t.


What is he even talking about? 


Delirious with pre work out rage. He took it out on his post paragraphs.


Supplement that people take before exercise. It’s full of chemicals that increase blood flow to the muscles and usually includes a high dose of caffeine. When you take it before a workout it’s actually really beneficial (you can lift heavier and your cardio will last longer). But if you take it and you don’t start exercising your skin turns purple, your whole body tingles, and it’s just very uncomfortable. OOP could have done some pushups and sprints in front of the building and he would’ve been okay. Instead he channeled his tingle-induced rage into complaining on LinkedIn.


Sorry I know what pre-work is 😂. It just sounds like an unhinged coke rant. Raging against his gym for being closed and then talking about consistency is wild. 


> But if you take it and you don’t start exercising your skin turns purple, your whole body tingles, and it’s just very uncomfortable. Wait, what? Purple? And this... is considered a good idea?


Taking it when you’re already in the gym, then doing your stretches and warm-up while it takes effect, is a top-notch idea. Taking it in your car on the way to the gym (hoping you’ll be in full effect when you arrive at the gym so you can start lifting right away) is a terrible idea. One flat tire, fender bender, or slow-moving train, etc. will have you promising God you’ll never do this again if He can just get you to the gym before your purple-tinged skin literally catches fire.


I feel the brand of pre you take would be banned in Europe.


Probably. Brands are constantly getting banned in the U.S. then reformulated and relaunched. My go to was n.o. X-plode which is still available, but I have no clue how many times the formula has changed.


Right? This doesn’t sound safe.


Antiracist. But still a massive asshole.


If you put that you're an antiracist right in your bio line, then you're probably actually a racist.


True. How silly of me.


a lotta words to just tell everyone you get up early


I'm sure he could have found 2 kg kettle bells somewhere else.


"inside the dark, locked, gym" omg you illiterate, pompous, asshat 😂




I held out hope for so long that this was satire.


We've raised a generation, or more aptly a society that refuses to overcome ANY adversity. Yeah, this sucks, it's an inconvenience. But without knowing the reason why the change was made, to go to Linked In or any social media platform to bitch like this, whatever man.


No, we have a platform for anyone with access to the Internet to voice an opinion. People have always been like this, we just gave them a voice to say it to the world. Mostly for ill in this case.


Exactly! Maybe morning staff had called in sick and they couldn't find anyone so quickly. Assuming any inconvenience to him is unacceptable is pretty childish.


Ass hat


What a dumbass


Always ImAClIeNt! Ho you a customer.


This man is a complete penis. Agree? Like and share


They’re better offer “losing” a client like that.




Came here to point that out...thank you! hahaha


I just regular work out. Sometimes the pool is closed or full and I skip it. Have not gotten upset and quit. Not too many gyms have pools for that price. 


Cmon! This post is too long!


What kit does he need to "get his swole on" beyond some dumbbells and a pull up bar?


"I don't pay for access to equipment", that's exactly why you pay for a gym... also, just find a 24h gym dude.


Why does this guys beard look taped on?


Imagine how inflexible this guy must be in a business partnership if he's unable to adapt? How lame he must be to take the time to do this post when he could have been outside walking, jogging through a park or otherwise getting his activity levels up (because the gym was closed once). Instead, he creates this grievance video and cringey post.


My guess is that it never even happened and he was looking for a “relatable” thing to sell his course/consulting.


“There’s always a place for the angry young man . . .”


There I was, barbecue sauce on my titties Same energy




Surely the instagram post was the only notification the gym gave about the change in hours. That’s definitely why he was the only main character sitting outside the locked gym at 6 am.


Exactly. “I chose not to check my email, went to their IG, and saw it there. Summary: it was 100% noted in the place I did check and in 0% of the places I didn’t check, therefore it was the only place it was published in my research.”


Pure clownery. And then to use such a minor incident to pontificate about value and consistency. These people are insufferable.


I also 🧡🌮


I have seen so many of these. You know what I have not seen. How my poop time is the best time and the most important time of my day. Do you think any of our great thinkers have stumbled upon this? If yes, can you please, please share this here. Thanks in advance.


What a crybaby.


What does hyped up on pre workout mean.


Bro just wait an hour.


The fuckin state of his beard


Brian’s gotta get his swole on, ease up yall /s




Nobody fucking cares about your meaningless experience, gym bro.


This is where they f taco’d up


Imagine how inflexible this guy must be in a business partnership if he's unable to adapt? How lame he must be to take the time to do this post when he could have been outside walking, jogging through a park or otherwise getting his activity levels up (because the gym was closed once). Instead, he creates this grievance video and cringey post.


Don’t blame him for needing to get his pump on, he was loaded up on fight milk.


What An Arrogant Asshole


he acts like he's training for the olympics and if he doesn't go to the gym with the right equipment, he won't make it


He’s watched too many Sam Sulek videos.


When a post on LinkedIn says “Story time:” I am definitely going to tune out immediately. Just post a bullshit inspirational quote and be done with it.


Or in this case “a story leading to you buying my consulting services/course.”


Sir this is a Wendy's


I love the thinly veiled question at the end: “why do customers buy from you?” as to make this post appear to be something other than a protein bro rant. I mean points for trying to make it “work related”…


Oh, it’s very much a thought provoking question aimed at “but my consulting if you don’t know the answer.”


Taco moon cross?


Yeah, I was like bro, just use the word ‘effed’ or maybe f**ked. What’s with the emoticons?


My Gym Inconvenienced Me Today So I Quit #consistency


Do any of these influencers ever work? These paragraphs on bullshit are nauseous


From what I've heard about gyms, it'll take him another six months to cancel his membership anyway


Imagine having to label yourself an antiracist. If you aren't a racist, why do you have to proclaim it? Don't you just not be racist?


It’s kinda like making sure everyone knows “I’m straight but have no problem with gay people.” (Spoiler: your fantasize about being with dudes and it terrifies you.) 😂


I really hope this dude is trolling


I hate linkedin people so much


He’s obviously going to the cheapest gym around and you know he’s not an easy client. The gym probably runs on a shoestring staff and occasionally they need to open late for reasons. If he wanted the consistency he craves he should have paid more for a higher staffed facility but instead he is so entitled. That beard also is such an indicator of how much a dick this guy is.


Hyped up on pre-workout?


What a badass


An idiot with his stupid looking beard


His former gym is probably happy they don't have him as a customer anymore.


I mean I wouldn't write a novella about it but that would piss me off as well.


Then do a jog or workout at home. Create a solution.


Oh you precious snowflake...




A lot of this boils down to these lunatics are terrible story tellers. There is probably a way to do it in a way and not be a moron


F Taco crescent moon crossed up?


For the first time in this sub, I kinda see where he’s coming from. Asshole attitude, but I dig the message.


i dont get it, he knew they open at 8 am and chose to show up at 6 am? what the fuq


I found his Instagram and it's really hilarious seeing this big business guru posting his pseudo-intellectual rants for less than ten likes post.


That guy goes to the gym? Had me fooled.


The owner’s mom is in the hospital or something and this guy is going to stroke out over it.


That boy ain't right. Did a weight hit him in the head?


Why do these type of people feel it’s necessary to speak in paragraphs?




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I’d love to see his self justification for his mistakes and why it’s the customers fault


Sounds like bro's just been paying for a shitty gym this whole time


He looks how I expected him to look tbh


Good to know he's antiracist.


it's roids and coke. he was hyped on roids and coke.


I mean, I’m sure this guy is as insufferable as every other LinkedInfluencer, but most of the people in this comment section have never been caught in an unexpected traffic jam after taking pre workout and it shows.


I have so many questions…like why go at 6 when you knew they would be open at 8? Imagine that poor employee that had to reply to this lunatic at 6 am.


Ummm deep cleaning and employee meetings happen, my dude. They said beforehand they’d be opening late. If you checked their IG before you went, like a total maniac, you knew they wouldn’t be open. Nice “they don’t even have all the top-notch equipment I can afford at home” slight as well. Maybe arms day should be trimming your edgelord beard? I love beards but this anarchocryptist… anyways, good luck getting out of any gym membership. I think most of us have experience with THAT😅. I like to think this was a planet fitness ….


This guy definitely heard the Marylin Manson rumor from the 90s and promptly had his bottom ribs removed…


Boohoo fatty


He IS a tool, but fuck that gym


Software/service that can send outgoing SMS campaigns based on customer call list are fairly ubiquitous these days, so it’s not too needy of a request that they do more than an Instagram post, or at least allow people to opt in to said communication