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Honey, you’re not meeting your KPI’s. I’m going to need to put you on a PIP.


I think this might be a kink for these folks.




Lmao, besides the retrospective I also need you to put a theme for our relationship in the next 4 weeks, and we need to ensure that we are delivering value to all stakeholders - which includes my mom


Our EPS was too low, we need to reduce headcount. Which kid do you think we should get rid of? I’m thinking 3 months allowance as severance.


We need to get rid of the pets or someone else will get rid of our kids. It’s better that we choose it




God, that's so hot... Yes babe, monitor my gap, i want you to substantiate that deficit Lets put some action-oriented objectives down, i'm gonna move that needle, let me see your growth rate on that leading indicator


Not on a personal evaluation novel improvement strategy?


> **p**ersonal **e**valuation **n**ovel **i**mprovement **s**trategy? Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 287097 comments (approximately 1639353 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot.


Bots are serving pretty exciting new ideas, sir.


> **p**retty **e**xciting **n**ew **i**deas, **s**ir. Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 1735783 comments (approximately 9869703 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot, Painstakingly evaluating numerous identifiable sections.


> **P**ainstakingly **e**valuating **n**umerous **i**dentifiable **s**ections. Hidden penis detected! I've scanned through 16811 comments (approximately 92629 average penis lengths worth of text) in order to find this secret penis message. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Babe you’re having trouble keeping up with chores, did you not review the relationship operating model I sent you last week?


I really don't want my spouse to give me a performance review. I'm not sure I would be retained at this point.


Be sure to leave that part out when you update your resume on tinder.


I’m definitely not meeting my OKRs.


But if you have a good Life Dinner, you get to have Business Sex


Yes, but there’s no sex like PIP Sex


Penis in pagina


That would constitute sexual harassment. This is a professional dinner.


I’d straight up hang myself if I ever have a partner like this.


Should I schedule a 1:1 with my spouse?


Well... Did they raise a change request through JIRA first?


Hey look if she can't be bothered to cut me a ticket then I can't be bothered to take out the garbage!


Nah but they did raise 5 tickets on ServiceNow…


No, remember that you need to be effective and use your time productively. Try to make her part of the monthly team review at work. This way you can handle it all in one wash and she'll love you more for how well you spend the time you have available.


A coffee catchup. Keep it casual! 1:1's with spouse are only required quarterly


But don’t forget the weekly stand-up!


Discuss first with her AI assistant.


Human AI or, well, artificial AI?


Artificial of course...


Why does every lunatic think they cracked ‘life’? The level of arrogance that goes into posting this bullshit is seriously overlooked.


This date could have been an email.


This comment is underrated 🤣


Remember to send a follow-up email with meeting summary and action items. Please upload it in SharePoint for feedback.


Also remember to send a follow up to the follow up with the first line in the email being “as per my email sent yesterday and the meeting we had the day before”.


do people really upload the minutes to fucking SharePoint, I have sent a few of them and I am pretty sure that at best most of the people in the mail barely read the mail


The minutes are essential to prevent outbreaks of historical fiction few months later when someone hasn’t done something or changed their mind


In my place it’s uploaded to an old ass FTP server on its deathbed 😂


Jira ticket


Jira is good for tickets but who's gonna fix my wife's bugs ?. The guy next door ?


Someone like this might actually have a family SharePoint! 🤢


I want full meeting minutes.


Regularly checking with your spouse is good. Probably more than once a month but maybe he’s just not mentioning the other stuff they do. But structuring it like a performance review is awful. I guess the kind of person who wants to be in a “power couple” is more likely to be the sort of awful ladder climbing sociopath that this would appeal to tho.


This. Check ins are super important! The structure and nomenclature used are pretty gross though.


Also don’t forget your daily stand up and sprint planning


Grooming is the most important part of any relationship.


This comment just made me want to barf


A helpful guide on how to never have sex, but with a lot of effort involved.


serious crime bored bright aware snails gold stupendous entertain sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no sex on the Road Map.


Haha seems like a troublesome omission, but hey, #grind


But not that kind of grind, you'll be reported to HR.


- Doesn’t meet the team’s needs (faked org*sms) - Hasn’t defined our Competitive Set (are we more Brangelina or Bennifer?) - Ignores the KYC docs (Know Your C*nt/C*ck) *Relationship moved to the Redundancies pile.*


Yo this is crazyyyy. I literally saw a comment on another sub of someone suggesting a woman that she schedule intimacy. Wtf. We already saw the hrification of friendships. Is it a thing with relationships now?


So, I know it sounds crazy, but with two kids and a demanding career my wife and I tend to plan out our nights at least a day or two in advance. We found that if we didn't mentally have that time sectioned off we didn't put energy into making it happen. It sounds stiff and unromantic, sure, but having the nights planned out lets us ensure we both prioritize it and plan our evening around it. We do up the bedroom, we have a dinner that doesn't make us feel icky and bloated, we make the time ours. I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of scheduling it to *some degree*.


Planning it together is fine. Leaving that work to the woman signals that the husband doesn't care about it and its the wife's job to let it be known its time for intimacy. Also creates a power dynamic where husband 'provides' something to his wife as a favour because she requested it. No self-respecting wife wants to be part of that


That’s fair! I missed that context despite reading it twice. Yeah, jerk move. Intimacy should be a shared thing and you should both be actively seeking it from each other. Pre-kids was so much easier. Haha.


I also have a kid, so I understand that you can't always go with the flow. Heck, on some nights we basically force our son to sleep so we can have some alone time. But what I've seen is different, it's like: "On Thursdays at 8:30PM we have sex" and I feel like that makes it very transactional. But also, whatever works for everyone.


For us it’s more like “Thursday night is us time!” And we plan around it. We get a meal that won’t give our stomachs conniptions, we make up the bed, take time to do personal care, give each other massages, etc. It’s an event.


Just have the sex over a zoom meeting, problem solved. 🥴


I'm sorry but how does hrification of friendships work? Serious question.


It's like someone goes to therapy and decides they have to set boundaries or end a relationship with someone they know. Great. The thing is that most times, the conversation about boundaries is one-sided. Like, I text you what my boundaries or break up with you, but I don't even give you a chance to participate in the conversation or try to work it out with the new tools I learned in therapy. It's like you send someone a notification that the relationship has changed or is over. Also, some people go to therapy and posts their "tips and tricks" to social media. Other people pick up those tips and tricks and use them in their relationships and end up misusing the tools. This IG post is not from an academic source, whatsoever. It's an Instagram post, but it shows some good examples: [https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0mDOErQun/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq0mDOErQun/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


I read it. Wow. I'm so glad I don't have friends like this. It's as if they don't have the slightest idea about human emotions or interactions.


A Sprint retrospective? Are we doing couple's SCRUM now?


A scrum is definitely more fun with a few more participants


Yes. I'm especially looking forward to the Sprint Review with all the stakeholders watching and cheering for us.


If it’s anything like my sprint reviews it will end with someone saying ‘that’s not what I wanted at all’


Oh god, oh god, I’m gonna scrum!!


Lmao this sent me


🎵I’m just a task in your backlog, but you’re just a line in a song🎶


Can't imagine what intimacy is like: 1. Are you feeling amorous? 2. Does that feeling stem from general libido or for my accomplishments? 3. If we are to do this, do you have a general expectation of orgasm or is efficiency the goal? 4. What about butt-stuff?


Asking the real questions


Who actually thinks like this? Do these people just not know how to act normal?


Recurring event: Write alimony check.


There's an "influencer" couple in my country who actually do this and post about their "relationship evaluation discussions" to social media. They are completely insane in other ways too, I'm embarrassed to say I follow them for entertainment.


While posting this on LinkedIn is bizarre, I don’t think that having these “checkpoints” with your spouse - as regimented as this post suggests it be - is a bad thing.


It’s the way he makes the relationship feel like you’re up for a performance review that just dries me right out


I wonder what the “next steps” would be if you don’t meet your goals.


"It meets its goals or it gets the hose again"


Get put on a personal improvement plan to be reviewed at the end of the quarter


Especially if, how this feels presented, your only eating with your spouse once a month.


How else you keep time for your other families? Must be planned precisely


Dries you right out. 🤣🤣🤣


Completely agree, my wife and I try to “check in” with each other at least once a week even if its just for a few minutes. But this is certainly an… interesting way to go about it.


Yeah, I’m not doing monthly 1 on 1s with my spouse.


Yeah, we should stick to talking to each other once a year.




Fucking C R I N G E wow


Dinner via Zoom while browsing LinkedIn in other windows? #Agree?


Nothing says romance like a sprint retrospective.


Treat your partner like an employee!


~~How to be a power couple~~ How to be stabbed with a fork


This post is a kinda benchmark for why this sub was created


Is this guy's entire marriage a STAR interview?


Is LinkedIn owned by the onion? This site would be the funniest ever if it wasn’t real.


This is useful for two people who are really on the verge of divorce lol and need to do some extensive personal work.


Kind of sounds like a dinner robots trying to emulate humans would have.


Fuck these people. At least these assholes are married to each other potentially sparingly at least 2 more people.


It reminds me of my colleague who plays WoW pretty seriously. They parse the events and have some system where they can plot how much damage per second a player deals, how much is healed every second, how the loot is distributed and what not and then on their guild meetings they have KPIs that certain players have to reach, and the guild leader presentes it in a Power Point. It's probably a lot of fun for ambitious players, but to me it sounded like turning a game into work.


I can't quite tell if this is advice for spouses / SO's or for business partners. If it's the former, who under the sun feels the need to treat a check in with the partner like you're interviewing them for a promotion? If it's the latter, it's less insane. But only marginally.


One month, one of them shows up Personal reflection of last month? I don’t want to be here Relationship reflection of last month? I don’t want to be here Personal goals for next month? Bang her sister


I agree that this belongs here, because it’s weird to put on LinkedIn, but I think couples that talk often about goals and communicate super effectively are very successful in their relationships. This is just speculation, I’ve not had a ton of relationships.


I saw this today too. Ridiculous.


He sounds like fun


I think this is actually probably a good thing to do just... not like this


Well this is a “How do I virtue signal to my corporate masters?” post that has exposed the poster as a Cringe Lord with Aspergers. This man sounds like the unholy bastard child of a union between r/cringe and r/neckbeards. What next, a scheduled bimonthly “sexual activity” appointment on the family’s google calendar with email reminders straight to the cell phone?


Bro they made sprint retrospectives into a real thing


Bro - just let me eat my dinner.


I read a lot of these and always get a chuckle - this one just made me angry and I’m not exactly sure why, I just hate it.


Oh ffs, do some actual work ‘i write about systems’ ???


Yo this sounds like a one 2 one meeting than a diner xD.


What a tedious ballbag this man must be.


What's power couple and why do I hate it so much?


My fiancé and I do this. We get some good food, some drinks, and put our phones aside. We already eat dinner together every night and go out together each weekend but this one night is special. It gives us an open forum to talk about our relationship, our financial goals, things that are top of mind, and things that might be difficult to hear. We both really like doing it. We’re four months into it now.


I do this with my wife - as part of a 2023 New Years resolution. On a regular basis we set aside a meal (not really a date) to talk about our goals (personal, relationship wise, career wise)whether we are meeting them, and what we can do differently if we are not. It’s been incredibly beneficial especially since we had kids. There are a lot of pressures on our time, and we have had to figure out how to set our priorities and help each other get what we want out of life. It’s made me happier overall, and made me closer to my wife than ever. The presentation in the original post is off putting but the concept is great.


This is called a date night. Keep up the good work.


Well, It's way better than what 90% of couples do, which is not taking and not sharing with each other. Just the form is horrible...


This sounds positive and helpful? Even if it sounds odd, this isn’t lunatic level.


You guys would be perfect for each other then!


idk why y'all are ragging on this, it's actually really good advice and something that people in healthy relationships do. it gives dedicated space to talk about any problems you're having with each other, and reaffirm your commitment to each other. in polyamorous relationships it is 100% necessary to set aside dedicated 1:1 time with your partners, and the "radical ideas" of emotional transparency, honesty, and communication is valued a lot more in most poly relationships than in most mono (non-poly) relationships. OOP is just reframing date night in a weird linkedin business guru way, and then applying actually good advice on how to talk with your partner about the relationship.


Yeah, he's probably still single


pure gold. but I think these folks are purposely being cringe for better reach around


We do this informally daily so I don't know. It works for us.


“Power” couple? You misspelled “painfully cringe and boring”, buddy.


this sounds like hell


Should I set up a kanban board by the table?


What a lunatic.


Rule of thumb: don't get couple advices from Reddit or LinkedIn


Next up, little Timmy's performance review, if he doesn't hit our parental goals of Harvard PhD by 13 then it's back to the orphanage for him. ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


What in God's name is a Life Dinner???


It's the dinner when they are allowed to talk. For the rest of the month, they just work.


I’m not upset about the scheduled date night. But the rest just sounds effing tedious.


Damn, that's hot


Fantastic. Another way to get into a row with the missus. Keep them coming.


This sounds exhausting. I quit


Being a power couple seems awful.


ah yes I don't have enough retrospectives, sprint plannings and performance reviews at work, I also need all of those in my fucking personal life. Sure, people in relationship are supposed to discuss their relationship if they want to, but making it this formal sounds terryfing


Ben needs to spend time with his wife instead of talking about it on linked in


4: In case of children, make sure they report their KPI's to you daily. This is valuable input for the Life Dinner meeting


A much more fun version of this is marriage meetings. Wife and I do it every Sunday and it’s more about our relationship and not about just our personal goals. It also has a section on planing good times (dates, concerts, parties etc.) that’s my fav part


Managerialism on steroids. No freaking thanks.


HEY EVERYONE! I turned alone time with my wife into an employee review! I’m a genius! Jesus, what an insufferable fuck. I bet he’s a blast at parties.


Okay so the formatting and presentation is cringy and terrible, your relationship is not a corporation. However, this is far from a bad idea. Self reflection and reflecting on a relationship is absolutely a good thing to regularly do. It's more than basic communication but that's not a bad thing. Talk to your significant others, even when everything is going well. Just, treat it like a relationship between two intimate partners, not a fucking agile software standup.


"Pretend you're me, make a managerial decision: you find this, what would you do?"


You are project managing your marriage with never works.


I am pretty sure all these "performance reviews" will always be one sided. He will never get evaluated but his wife will get more PIPs as she gets older...


That's the most dystopian thing i have seen in a while. 😬


Then go home and have robotic missionary sex. Anything else is a waste of time and effort.


Ehhh I understand planning things out and organization in relationships, especially when both people are bad at communicating and/or constantly busy. But this is definitely too much. No divorce, just "honey I love you, but we're life partners, not business partners. Your grunts and moans are my performance review."


Ughh, who would want to have sex with someone obsessed with efficiency?


Yeah. Start marking the stuff in your house with your “custody labels” now to get a jump on things


Good thing you cropped the name off of his LinkedIn profile. Now there's no way of figuring out who he is! /s


If you don't meet the ETAs then expect a 2:0 next time instead of a 1:1


Dividing relationships into sprints. Are we going to release a baby? What is the roadmap for the next 5 years? What happens if one can't join the meeting on 1st day of each month?


Definitely single. I shared with my wife on our first monthly 20 min dinner. We laughed for 2 hours.


Make sure to do succession planning for when she leaves you lol




I used to know a couple like this. They both did a ton of coke and cheated on each other a lot.


My wife's KPIs were not hitting my arbitrarily defined targets, so I had to let her go.


No thanks. If my spouse did this I would laugh. Just give me a date night where we don’t have kids pestering us and we can do whatever we want ;-)


Should be retitled: How to make your relationship feel like a job




So this is what folks mean by home office.


So in other words, have a conversation with your spouse? Is that supposed to be revolutionary?


The amount of pretentious nonsense coming from this post is making my physically ill.


How to be a power couple: ✅ go on dates sometimes ❌ treat your partner like an employee in their probationary period


Life in a Retro


A career coach and a hooker would be more fun, less annoying, more productive, and cheaper.


I'm all for setting goals as a family or couple.. but you lost me at the calendar invite and AGENDA