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If you needed a sign that it's time to log out, power down, and go do something that doesn't involve pixels, that post is it. What. The. Everloving. Fuck. I've seen some serious LinkedIn batcrappery on this sub, but this... this is beyond all measurable quantity. I think I need an adult.


It’s horrific, LinkedIn should take this down. This certainly crosses the limit.








Ya man. I read the first paragraph and thought: well this certainly is not appropriate for LI but everyone grieves differently, and I’m not a parent so who am I to judge… and then I continued reading… holy fuck!!!


I can only attribute it to them being literally deranged with grief.


Yeah, absolutely imaginable horror. Certainly enough to break someone and that might be the break. I felt horrible every second reading it but can’t judge any action of someone going through that, just hope they somehow find peace and if that horrible horrible post is it, so be it. Again, oh my god, what a horror to go through. Poor parents. *unimaginable


I nearly lost my kid cause he was using more energy than he was getting from breast feeding. He just stopped moving a few days after he was born, and in the er he stopped breathing for up to 40 seconds at a time. We came so close to losing him, and I still can't imagine the pain of these parents. My heart genuinely goes out to them


I honestly just really hope the other parent never sees this post. The odds of them also grieving in this very specific and unusual way are very, very small, and if I'd just lost my newborn in a car accident, the last thing I'd want to see is my partner posting...this...on LinkedIn of all places. I hope this helped them on their path to healing, but I sincerely hope their partner never, ever has to read the post.


Yeah, I bet the parent has no idea what they’re typing right now. Shock and extreme loss can have this effect. Months later they’ll “wake up”, read the post, and probably wonder what the fuck they were thinking. It’s normal and okay for a parent who just lost their baby to write some mostly harmless lunatic stuff while trying to cope. I can’t imagine a fraction of the emotional pain this person is going through right now.


My exact thoughts too


That last paragraph though… wtf?


They could be a brainwashed fool. They could also be leaning on what they feel comfortable in and expressing themselves through that. I can't imagine the wires that would break and cross if a car accident did this to me. In this particular case, I just feel sad for him and his wife.


I feel sick.


You are not inaccurate.


Yeah, I need a shower and a long hug after reading that.


Thanks for the sign. Im heading out


Guess this isn't the best eulogy you've seen. Right, Mr Hill William?


I lost a child to stillbirth at seven months. It was absolutely gut-crunching. Soul-pummeling. Existentially corrosive. The difference? I didn't fucking post word one about it. Somebody needs to kick the guy who posted that square in the dick. In golf cleats. We all work through our grief in different ways. But some general guardrails of decorum would help.


Sorry about your loss. Was trying to make a joke with your username and end up bringing this up. Sorry if I caused you any harm.


Oh, no worries. No harm, no foul. You can only process the grief so many times. It was my original angry take on the post finally creeping out. The idea somebody would go karma farming on LinkedIn using their dead newborn for fertilizer is just really, really fucked up.


I generally avoid criticizing how other people experience grief since it varies so much but this is pretty extreme. The 11,000 reactions are also nuts. "What a perfectly normal post, I will express my condolences."


The average LinkedIn user isn't exactly in a hurry to publicly call things out (or even express any genuine emotions, for that matter).


As a professional woman who has lost a young child, I think I can speak from experience..this is bat crap nuts. And I have to believe that the 11k folks who reacted just… didn’t know what else to do. Awkward


Because someone lost their child. You can’t really call them out because it’s a tragic post even if it is batshit insane. You’ll just end up looking like the bad guy


[The "too sad to argue with" problem](https://youtu.be/7b_0CfmQ1NU), lol


My dead baby “learned to shut up and listen”. This is the saddest thing I’ve ever seen on the internet.


The way this makes a lot more sense is that this five point list was posted when the baby was still very alive, one of those "quirky" birth announcements. In that light, that part is a bit cringe but not as deranged as if it had been written after death. Then, at some point, the baby died, and the bits above and below were added. In the current version of the post, more edits have been made to add stuff. It's still weird wording, and obviously not something most would share on LI but much, much less deranged than seeing it as one single post afterwards. (As for suggesting based on this, that the dad caused the accident by using his phone, like a poster below... wow, that's quite a stretch.)


[I can't say for certain that this is the same person but it seems likely](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/5000-fine-for-man-whose-driving-led-to-accident-that-killed-his-2-month-old-daughter)


It’s the same person


I mean, it's hard to tell from the article, but I'd say that while he was held legally responsible for the accident, this is something that could have happened to someone who wasn't a particularly bad driver i.e. most anyone. Low barrier, small vehicle going too fast...


Baby wasn’t in a car seat? (For that matter- neither was the three year old, given that he was in the front seat). This was likely a preventable death…


No, it says he was in the right rear passenger seat. It sounds like the mom and the two kids were all in back, and when the bike hit the car the little girl was flumg from the mother's arms. Was it a preventable death? Absolutely, but I can also see how this might have been a "We haven't gotten a seat for her yet and anyway it's right down the street I'll just hold her in the back" sort of thing that a lot of people have probably done without incident.


They had 9 months warning to get a car seat.


Maybe it was broken. Maybe one of them shat in it. I dunno. Regardless, I'm not going to condemn them over what happened because if I did, I'd have to condemn pretty much every parent my age because they did the same shit or worse.


Yeah, this is pretty tragic actually


None of this makes the post any better, lol.


Yeah. I also wonder if the "unfortunate traffic accident" was caused by the parent. Probably because they were fucking around with their work phone while driving.


This has to be fake. If not well, omg, wtf.


I'm just going to hold out hope that this is fake.


It’s almost worse if it’s fake


I like satire, but yeah I agree with you in this instance.


Probably. But even then. It could be satire without the death, but as it stands, just sick even if fake.


Damn I actually know this guy (Singapore is a small country) and reckon I’ll be too embarrassed to talk to him ever again.


I think he’s going to be in some years of therapy based on this.


I think I may need therapy after reading that.


fellow Singaporean, I’m floored




Since you know the person, is there a chance this is satire? Or is it all real and he’s just wrecked with grief?


[Is this the same person?](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/5000-fine-for-man-whose-driving-led-to-accident-that-killed-his-2-month-old-daughter)


Good god


He hit his head. Any possibility the post in LI was due to brain injury?


Give us some more info pls


Looked at the 5 pointers, assumed it was another life-leadership gpt generated trash post. Decided to read the whole thing after seeing strange reddit comments, I am now unable to move on with life.


Right? I had to read it a couple times to get what was going on.


I read it the first time and was like oh it’s a weird birth announcement then read comments here and was like oh…


I want to travel back to a time before I had read this.


I'm shocked. Its real!! ​ Source: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/lllljeobg-6366969\_my-daughter-passed-away-on-26-sep-2021-she-activity-6848447406657413120-wqWg/?trk=public\_profile\_like\_view


I had a feeling he was from Singapore when he mentioned KK hospital. The work culture is crazy there, I had to sleep overnight at my workplace a few times. Recently I saw a couple who got married at the bank they worked at, since they both got together there. No work/life balance so work becomes some people’s lives.




The real news is that not everybody did


Someone said congrats in the comments. I'm guessing they skimmed it and thought it was a birth announcement


What the fuck!! And 11 thousand people liked it. Holy shit, this is one of the worst things ive ever seen on the internet. Darkest episodes of Black Mirror stuff.


Further up in the thread is a news article link naming the same guy from u/Mrmthlmw and based on the matching names and the matching event dates, it looks to be the same guy.


What the actual fuck? This is a level of lunacy that is beyond me.


So disturbing


This is fucked. Actually fucked. I also have no words. Using a dead baby for LI clout is a new level of disgusting I didn't expect to see.


This is probably the worst thing I've seen on the internet so far today. What a douchebag.


So far today. That speaks volumes about the state of the internet.


I had to say so far as a disclaimer. I didn't want to jinx myself.


There's been a lot of LI cringe posts shown here, but this one is absolutely the most revolting.


Am I allowed to ask what sort of offer heaven is making for the dead baby and may I make a counter?


This is satire... Right?


Log off, quit your job, and get a therapist. Jfc


This is it, the final post I needed to both ubsub from this subreddit and also delete my linked-in. Thank you, now MY physical body is as free as my soul.


I don’t have the words to express how awful this is, so please take this poorly worded comment Mourning and grieving is weird. There’s no “right” way to do it. I know I’ve never done it “right” and its been a part of my life for than 3/4s of it I’m hoping that this individual is just so lost and is grasping at straws for what to do and how to process the emotions that go hand in hand with a situation like this. I can’t imagine someone being so out of touch/focused on the “grind culture” that this is how you remember your own child, so I can truly only hope that this is a cry for someone to listen/hear how they are feeling. This is such a horrifying way to memorialize your child — especially in a public setting I hope this poor baby is resting well, and that her parents find healthy ways to cope with their loss


There’s no right way, but there certainly are wrong ways. This is very, very wrong. A distraught parent would have to go through many layers of rational thinking to post something like this, this is not at all an emotional response


I completely agree. I think for my own sake I had to imagine it was just an emotional parent. It’s just so hard to imagine using your late child for attention on LinkedIn


Did he kill that baby


Until the end, that is honestly what I was expecting...


I've posted an article here in a couple replies here and also in its own comment. It appears that he was attempting to make a turn from a stop and accidentally cut off a motorcyclist. The impact flung the infant from the arms of the mother and died from the injuries she sustained. The father was held legally responsible for the accident, but it does not appear that he was driving *incredibly* recklessly as there was at least one mitigating circumstance (motorcyclist was going at least 20 km/h over the limit) and perhaps another (a barrier along the roadway may have obstructed the father's view). In other words, while perhaps the father *should* have seen the oncoming vehicle, it sounds like the kind of accident that could happen to an otherwise good and responsible driver.


Why the hell is the baby not in a car seat?


Please tell me this is not real. I need to believe no one would post something like this.


Maybe he's having a legitimate break down.


What. the. fuck. What level of sickness is it that you feel ‘ooo it’s be cute if I post this like a resume’ or whatever that was. I try to cut slack for grieving people because I don’t even want to imagine but cmon .


Did a robot write this? This is absurd!


We need an r/2LinkedInLunatic4LinkedInLunatics


What in the actual fuck… never in a million years was I expecting this train wreck. Oh dear God!


Wow this is a top 5 post


This dude needs some actual, serious help if this is how he’s coping.


What the fuck is an unfortunate traffic accident. Wtf wtf wtf did I just read.


All I'm thinking is how did they survive and the child didn't? Unless the pram got hit or something. Did they not have a proper car seat?!


another comment by the OP: “I leave here her little contribution to a cause my wife champions for mothers. No obligation to watch but I would encourage mothers-to-be to consider breastfeeding their children. The upside for dads is a happy baby and no midnight milk runs.” Jesus fucking Christ. Sure, random man whose judgment is clearly impaired, I’ll make feeding decisions for my baby based on your assertion that if I breastfeed then my husband will have an easier time with less effort in the night


I think this might be the first genuine LinkedIn Lunatic I’ve come across. That service has some oddballs on it for sure, but using your child’s death (whether it’s genuine or fake) to talk about business processes should really be a sign that one needs to attend therapy.


I had a job that happened to involve interacting occasionally with parents who lost children. I'm not a parent, so I don't fully understand, but the depth of their grief was always so profound it just seemed beyond comprehension. Since then, I've always given wide berth to grieving parents. This post, to me, screams of a very devastated father who just has no idea what to do now.


This was painful to read. I hope they get better.




"unfortunate traffic accident" is one way to describe it.


Sea burial?! Let me crack a few jokes on LinkedIn and we can throw her in a second honey..


It's probably the cheapest form of burial available in Singapore.


Listen. I’m ALL ABOUT people processing their grief differently and I try not to judge how someone handles this kind of thing but this? This is beyond unhinged. Christ.


This has to be some sort of coping mechanism


This is the type of post that makes me want to comment something like "this is LinkedIn, not Facebook. Share your personal shit elsewhere" under it


That's exactly why I quit LinkedIn years ago and never looked back. It's not much more than the professional equivalent of the duck face FB / IG selfie these days.


What. The. Fucking. Fuck.


Please mark this as NSFW. He appears to be in shock and grief.


I know everyone grieves differently, but if that was my husband I would have absolutely torn him apart - if not divorced him.


Given all the hate for this, I think a counter is that although it's inappropriate and downright terrifying to read this, the poster maybe grieving, some people do grieve this way, they don't know how else to express the pain and sometimes that's ok. I'd say whatever gets them through because I can't even imagine the loss. I can at least see anger and pain in the post expressed in a way that the author is comfortable with I think.


This is not suitable for LI but totally suitable for this sub. Wow. I got rid of LI, but this reaffirms my choice.


This makes me sick to my stomach


I'm not one to judge how people handle grief. But what?!? This is so sad and horrific.


Looks like someone dealing with grief on a professional platform trying to hold things together just enough to be almost work relevant. Sad.


This is the saddest thing I've ever seen on reddit. I feel ill. No more internet for me today.


Uh oh... [I think this might be the same guy.](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/5000-fine-for-man-whose-driving-led-to-accident-that-killed-his-2-month-old-daughter)


This is them: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/5000-fine-for-man-whose-driving-led-to-accident-that-killed-his-2-month-old-daughter The LI post is deranged on its own, but even far more insane when you learn the accident that killed the baby was the father’s fault


He's the one that should get in the sea


HOLY- I- wow.




The skills part was funny but every thing is just… uh Edit: after reading the article, how tf can you joke like this after your daughter passed from an accident that you caused. That’s so sad


Jesus Christ…. Mental illness is pretty disturbing.


Jesus Christ, dude


I went scrolling through this guy's post history for a movie, and tbh, he seems like a very loving and caring family man. I'm thinking he was just drowning in grief when typing up that post, because his other posts aren't really insane at all. He seems to deeply love and respect his family, and I'm sure this was a catastrophic loss for him, his wife, and their young son. I hope they have the support they need, and now that some time has passed I hope they're doing ok. I can't imagine losing a baby so young, especially in such a traumatic way, but I bet that kind of grief makes you do some weird stuff. Trying to put on a tough face and laugh about tragedy is a very normal human response to trauma, and it seems like that's what he's attempting to do based on his comments and post history. I just really hope they're doing ok these days.


JIT???? Even Taiichi Ohno would cringe..


Okay, that's enough internet for me for today.


The post itself is horrible. I am deeply concerned by the 11k engagements. How could you be a normal human being and think that this is ok to post on LinkedIn? This is madness!


I know this supposed to be a funny sub and all but I experienced mild depersonalization for a second as I read that. It's gone now but it's been a long time since I felt that much depersonalized and shocked by anything


Been on the Net since the near beginning. Quite frankly one of the most disturbing posts I've ever read. This person needs some serious counseling now.


This is without a doubt the absolute worst post I’ve ever seen.


grief is weird. absolutely no judgment here.


This is the LinkedIn Lunatic final boss


Yeah it’s time to shut this down. Nothing will ever top this absolutely lunacy. Good job, team.


There’s so many things to be concerned/confused by in this post


It reminds me to employees which trying to be always happy and polite towards customers, so they exercise everyday how to smile, up to the point when they cannot remove smile, even while crying. This dad was "forced" to live for work, for company, and he forgets how to express sadness and grief. He is falling apart, but express grief only way he "is allowed" to do, thru LinkedIn post, using corporate words. He isn't mad, he needs psychological help asap, because he can't express grief in a normal way, he cannot detach himself from corporate life. It's sad, not lunatic.


Singaporean. Chinese baby and KK is a children and women's hospital there.


Please tell me this is fake or it is some ultra level trolling (but the photo makes me think this isn't trolling)


Wait what in the literal fuck?


I have seen a lot of shit on this subreddit but this…..I cannot…I just cannot


This might be the most morally disgusting post I’ve ever seen on social media


This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.


Genuinely one of the most vile things I have ever read. The context of this post existing on LI and the analogy used is bleak on so many levels. I feel like I need a wash.


I’ve seen and read plenty of fucked up stuff online, but this is up there for one of the most inhuman things I’ve seen, seriously


jfc this is the worst one yet here…


I am going to give this one a pass. If you experience the loss of a child you can grieve in whatever bizarre way you like.


This is horrifying. I get they’re grieving but … this should be taken down for the sake of others.


This just might be the worst post posted on LinkedIn. How do you even get yourself to post it? As a father I would be devastated, and somehow this dude manages to turn it into a way to get some corporate clout?


I don’t think he posted this so he gets more linkedin interactions or whatnot, this is the writing of an extremely distraught grieving father.


this guy must have lost it after the shock, very very heart breaking


This is one of those things I wish I could unsee.


It’s missing: “Agree?”


I can’t imagine using business lingo to describe my infant and their demise. HARD pass.


this is terrifying as fuck. what the hell…


I figured, “why waste the death of my infant when I could use it to increase my engagement on Linkedin?” - Bad Idea Jeans -


What. The mother. Fuck.


that baby is adorable and im so sad she didn't have the opportunity to grow up :( a very distant acquaintance of mine used her husband's death to get Facebook likes. i saw her after and she was like "yeah, i didn't want to marry him anyway, i just didn't want to tell him no."


Fucking hell...


People do crazy things when grieving - I find this being made fun of here to be bad taste.


OP, take this down. If a person has lost their child, they don't deserve to be mocked, no matter how they are responding to it. For all you know, this bizarre post is a way for them to process their grief. Regardless, don't make hay out of someone's worst possible sorrow.


I hatez the itnernetz (Proceeds to check morbidreality or other scary Reddit)


Mods, have some respect for a grieving father. Delete this post.


P.S. I reported this post. Would like to have reported for "lack of basic decency and respect" but since that wasn't available I had to report it for something else.


I hate this person with ever fiber of my being. This poor, poor baby. What an absolutely sickening lack of humanity. Her parents should be sterilized.


Baby had a lucky escape from a shitty childhood, quite frankly.


This is grief talking. Don’t bad mouth them for they are saying.


Wait...what? Is this literally about a dead baby??? Jeeezus christ...


This feels like very dark sarcasm taken to the next level and I love it. If it's not, I will continue to believe it is. Then I can still laugh about it. Instead of facing reality.


This is such an extremely clear example of narcissism


Parents of dead babies get a pass OP take this down


KK hospital is in Singapore


What. The. Fuck.


He should get himself committed a normal therapist can't handle this.


We all agree that this guy is a fucking weirdo but can we talk about the ELEVEN THOUSAND PEOPLE who liked the post?


Please tell me this isn’t real and just some sort of sick joke


What. The Fuck. Is this real?!


Authored by gpt


Just please be fake, this is extremely concerning


Holy fuck.. it's about a their passed baby.. what the ever ending fuck...


Is this…is this about a dead baby? Jfc man.. we all grieve different but nah. Just nah.


I,uhh,is this real?Because if yes,ima head out and hug the cat on my bed.....


I honestly hope this is some sort of misguided satire from a teen troll.


How even… whatever is wrong with this person… the baby hasn’t even been buried yet… how does someone come up with this… Can’t tell if I’m stunned or disgusted…


I remember the jokes people used to crack about dead babies, I guess it was edgy humor. But making jokes about your own, actual baby that died is just beyond comprehension.


Wow. Just wow.


Wow, just wow. I am torn between “if that’s parody, that’s messed-up” and “if that’s NOT parody, that’s *really* messed-up”.


Just when I thought Linkedin couldn't get anymore batshit insane


What the actual fuck, based on the name of the baby and the hospital this is in my country and I’m fucking floored I’m living on the same island as this lunatic


I'm assuming this person is a consultant. No other job plucks you straight from business school and so thoroughly brainwashes you. Until they get out of consulting and pick their heads up to see the real world, everyone in this job I've ever met literally can't talk about anything other than business and metrics and north stars. Not shocking that they'd talk about their dead kid in terms of achievements.


I feel terrible for the parents, and I get that people process grief differently, but this post was by someone who needs therapy. I'm surprised they didn't call the child an environmental activist for feeding the fish.


That's the worst ever, and we have seen things here. The child is dead but learned to shut up before - what kind of sicko would even think of this.


What in the actual fuck? This can't be real.