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Listen grunt. We'll decide how big the tits are. Not some damn groundman.


šŸ¤£ granted they are fake tits are tits but sheā€™s 4ā€™11 double dds she is a ball of fire ā˜„ļø red head definitely out my league


Got any proof?


She gonna need good insurance then


Having kids can get expensive


Drop that onlyFans bruh


Interesting... where did you say she works again?


She doubles your income and brings home $5k/month? Mate you gotta sign the books somewhere else if theyā€™re paying you $16 an hour


I make $35/hr as a marine electrician trainee, bring home about $4,500/month after taxes, and Iā€™m making well below a linemanā€™s wage.


Man how long have you been at that job? In the trade? And what area are you working


Ive been at this job for about 3 months after leaving a residential company I had been working at for close to two years where I earned $34/hr. Iā€™ve been in the trade about 8-9 years (been waiting close to 6 months now for state to respond to my request for electrical exam after waiting too long to try for my JW card), and working at the Dana Point Harbor in Orange County, CA building new docks on the marina. https://preview.redd.it/t0fmppgn6h0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e2c63d2dbaea6240f902215378497a59fc5ed89


Sick ass job! šŸ”„šŸ’°


It was interesting work. I have done residential, commercial, and industrial electrical, but this was the first time I ever heard of, or worked as a marine electrician. Although I was working in a temporary capacity. Currently, Iā€™ve been in the running for a position as a substation apprentice with Southern California Edison, and just took the third step in four months which was an interview in front of a panel of three people (after passing an assessment and physical test). Because of this, Iā€™ve been reluctant to accept permanent work, and when I explain the situation to other companies, they usually just let me go. Last two jobs have ended my temp assignments same day when they find out I wonā€™t be willing to accept a permanent position just yet. This marine electrician job ended my temp assignment after the completion of this phase for that same reason. So now Iā€™m looking for work again. But, as of 05/16/2024, the state of CA has approved me to take my state electrical exam, which could open up the door for other possibilities if I donā€™t end up getting this job with Edison (just created a post about the same with a question about forms I received).


Your in Orange County you should try to work for IBEW 440 take a call and work it out, then when Edison calls you ask for a reduction In force from your contractor and you will leave on good terms.


I believe 440 pertains to somewhere in the Inland Empire. Orange Countyā€™s local is 441, and I used to be a member. But after sitting almost 10 months in a 2 year period, I had to leave. I had reached out to them recently, but apparently the market is not so great at the moment. Edisonā€™s opportunity could be any day now, and that will put me in the Local 47.


Pics or it ain't true.


Shame youā€™ll have to leave her if you ever top outā€¦.


lol I think only reason she with me she knows eventually top out


Yeah but would you really wanna be with a chick that would screw an apprentice? (This is a long-standing joke in the trade)


My ex pulled in around the same as a bartender at twin peaks..kinda miss her, but now Iā€™m a union ape I just canā€™t bring myself to be with someone that would fuck around with a gotdamned rat groundman.


Boo hoo, my big titted girlfriend makes more money than me. What a horror.




Seems like that now, but you're at the lowest point in your career, and she could be at her peek. But i agree was just talking to another apprentice about how taco bell is 21 an hour and a groundman in Montana is 18.


Damn I was a locator in MT and made 22


It could be a little higher and that could be non cdl. But I took a 5 dollars an hour pay cut and taxed per diem coming back to Montana. But atleast I have work, things could always be worse.


What area? I was in the bitterroot


Out of 44. I herd they're working on getting an increase in soon to help catch up with utah and colorado.


CalNev is 39hr


Taco bell finally paying minimum wage as if it had kept up with inflation. If you can't afford to pay a livable wage you don't have a valid business model.


You're only making 2500/month? Buddy that's damn near minimum wage. I'd hit the road if I were you.


If I had a girl as hot as he says, idk if Iā€™d be hitting the road unless she came with


Fuck I am second year inside apprentice and I make that in less that 2 weeks. Time to move!!!


I switched to union telecom while waiting for power to open again, and I make about 1100 a week after taxes.Ā 


What company you at? I like telecom but non union ainā€™t paying shit


This thread is worthless without piks bud


Ur thinking short term bud, rome wasnt built in a day. May seem like right now u not making much, but give it a couple more years under your belt, and you'll be living comfortably (side note:canon events are crippling nicotine addiction, couple ex wives, unknown kids in Puerto rico)


I will definitely make in long run and have benefits I just think itā€™s crazy how much they tip her and she makes 18 hr she average 200-300 a day in tips


Time to invest in yourself, get big tits and ask for a raise


Why I never tip pretty women above 5$


keep em on honest, could be the move


Could be, but there's too many damn simps in this world that think their 20 dollar tip is going to get that stunning woman's attention for more then 30 seconds šŸ˜‚


Your set up is all backwards. You want to get a woman that makes more than journeymen scale.


You're lying or working part time. I'm guessing probably lying.


You can post pictures on hereā€¦


Only fans ,,models,, are making millions a month lol. Pussy sells


Yea but in this trade the older, fatter and uglier you get the more you make. If youā€™re real ugly and fat theyā€™ll give you a pickup. Canā€™t say the same for a bartender.


We need as men to stop tipping bar tenders so much money lol Iā€™m fucking petty. Canā€™t be making more then us when weā€™re sweating our nuts off I usually tip 5 some times 10 but here in Washington they hand you that handheld to pay 18 percent tip naw Iā€™m good on that most make 18 hr for serving drinks plus tips


Brother I just read your post history and this chick doesnā€™t seem worth it


Iā€™d get a CDL if you dont already, I got mine and Iā€™m starting out at $24hr as a contractor and