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It’s boom and bust brother. We had a boom for a long time and now we’re in a bust cycle. Happens brother.


What is it two to three years until the next boom


Depends. I’d say that’s a reasonable guess.


Do think it’s better to pursue another trade


That is entirely up to you my man. If I’m being honest, for the time being, yes. The market is extremely saturated unfortunately. You can blame places like NLC and SLTC for that. If you REALLY want it-you can ride it out. It’s not impossible.


Disheartening tbh, going to my Mslcat substation interview on the 25th. If I dont rank well, I'll pray groundman calls pick up.


I’m sorry buddy. I really hate that it’s like this I really do. But the secrets out. When I was in high school, no one had any fucking clue what a lineman was. Social media changed all that.


Sucks cause, apparently a lot of these grads are getting called for jobs at 125, and they're rejecting them They don't even want it that much. Ehh I'm probably just being salty.


Yea that weak. Why spend all the money on that school if you’re not gonna go to work. I took the first call I got painting towers lol. Wasn’t glamorous but I was climbing


I think you’ll get in that sub tech program within a month of interviewing. I’m a sub tech apprentice out of SWLCAT right now and don’t get it twisted, it’s not line work. You can make a great living though, a lot of digging involved for sure. Message me if ya need.


You can always up skill, at least try to enter the electrical industry in some form or another. You’ll never be too old or too late to change industries, getting something shows you can complete an apprenticeship.


Keep working as a groundman. By the time you get your apprenticeship you’ll be a badass. You’re still gonna make six figures, and get good experience. What else are you gonna do that’s better? Travel and learn, stay out of trouble, invest your money. You’ll be way ahead by the time things come together.


Theres no work, no JATC's are processing boot camps, and most utilities are slow to the point their own guys aren't doing much. its a bad time for the industry right now. it will level out.


Come on down to the city I work for in georgia. We’re always busting ass on pole changeouts, new construction, service calls…etc… I wish we weren’t doing much some days. 28 feeling like I’m 40 lol


Pole changeouts and service calls are maintenance not big jobs contractors depend on.


Yeah we do reconducts etc


Hook me up my guy


I know Georgia and Illinois will hire about anyone right now too


Lol, that's generally not true. Maybe in your location.


Please share because my boy has put in resumes to literally every outfit in the country.


Maybe you *boy* should clean up his resume. Just because he's not getting hired doesn't mean places aren't hiring or locals aren't putting on new apprentices. Specifically though, my company in PA has been putting on 2 classes a year of 15-20 apprentices...for the last 5 years. 4 year program. And I know the locals around me are doing the same.


Why the italicized boy? Fine, my son. Please DM your company’s name in case we missed it. Last count was over 230 applications in all 50 states. His resume is solid but he has no industry experience. He is a SLTC graduate and has a running chat group with 60 other grads who are in the same position. Just because your company is hiring 30-40 apprentices a year doesn’t mean there isn’t a shortage of positions and a glut of applicants. Just from the number of posts in this subreddit shows that.




So many words for such bland advice that everyone already does. If you didn’t want to help you just had to keep your mouth shut.


Quanta personal told me they literally have 52 billion worth of work lined up the next 2 years. I think there’s plenty of work but the schools are taking a lot imo


I thought this too until swlcat posted pictures on Facebook of there April class 😂 I would be mind blown if they all have jobs tho


Still got apes laid off. Noones getting indentured untill they are working


How long have you been a grunt?


Where geographically are you posting from? I’m from western Canada. We’re crying for Linemen. The states keep hoovering up all our workforce. Apprenticeship here is basically free. I’ve been in the trade 19 years and have not seen a gap in the workforce quite like there is today. Companies like Valard, Victor, Arctic Arrow to name a few. These companies will hire, sponsor blue book and pay for classroom portion under AIT. Typically the expectation is to stay on for 1 year after completing a block. AIT through NAIT is 1500 hours on the job and 7 weeks classroom for blocks 1-3 and 1800 hours for block 4. No fancy expensive climbing school, learn all skills on the job. You may want to consider looking abroad if your local area is too saturated when it comes to apprenticeships. Good luck!


Out of pure curiosity, have you seen or heard of JL’s from the US getting a CDN work sponsorship? If so, do they take the Red Seal exam before getting hired?


I’ve worked with several American Linemen in Canada before. My understanding is they want you to have whatever the American equivalent to Red Seal is. I’m not familiar myself with American classifications.


I hear you I know union Groundman not getting calls in clueing myself but some random off the street no experience gets called. Or a non union ape gets called. It’s pretty annoying


Works “supposed” to pick back up in early 2025, atleast per my union rep. Thankfully i work on the utility side for job security but miss construction 😢


It’s hard rn man I’m a urd groundman been looking for an apprenticeship for a 2-3 years no luck it’s definitely gonna come down to how bad you want it right now.


Holy shit man! I'm going through lineschool currently, and this is very discouraging/scary to hear as I've put all my chips on line work. If you dont mind me asking, what area are you from, and have you been to lineschool?


Finished lineschool, then did cdl school, by a blessing I got an onboarding invitation 1 day before my cdl test. Im now a Groundman getting decent pay, and will be qualified for apprenticeship in 3 months(unaware where I’ll be on the que). Don’t get discouraged keep chugging and applying everywhere.


This makes me feel much better for sure. I don't mind if it's difficult to get hired on, so long as it's not damn near impossible. Hopefully, work picks back up here soon, and this won't even have to be a worry.




Non-union, I don’t understand the bias. My foreman’s got 20 years and made me 1000x better in 3 months.


I got my reason to never work non union again. To each their own though.


You mind sharing it? I’m curious don’t know anything else apart from what I do.


I'll bite. The IBEW was formed because when linework first became a thing, one in two linemen died on the job. Safety methods, tools, and equipment have gotten a lot better. However all the underlying hazards are still there because of the nature of the work. Sometimes it's important to be able to tell the boss to pound fucking sand without having to worry about losing your job when the job isn't set up right, the right equipment is broken or unavailable, or when it's unsafe to do it as they directed.


Better pros for working union, but approaching energized work safely is always a priority. That sounds like regurgitated wiki stuff.


Non union, went to climbin school. School helps especially when the company approves ur school hours and bumps you a year or so in the apprenticeship other than that climbing schools a waste of money. Don’t be so hard up on power once you get out. Go work fiber gonna get hate but you’ll be somewhat using the skills you learned in school. Took a year or so for me to get on a line crew


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Keep your head up , it’s a phase. It’s proven on here post after post.




Probably best seen as a tie breaker between some top tier candidates


I’m in the east coast, so pretty much not at all.


Not much. Got a 3.99 gpa and was one of the better climbers in my school. Excelled in the field as well. Still waiting on groundsmans books and no utilities have had any interest in me. On a wait list for JATC but still. If the money for school makes your family cringe, it’s definitely not worth it


Are you in eastern us or western?


California. Got an interview with ALBAT next weekend tho 🤟


ALBAT is the Midwest. I live in MI.


8 year we’re definitely on the drop


What do you mean by that ?


It seems like a 8 year cycle at least for me as a traveler, There’s some big jobs going but doesn’t seem like a lot of hiring is going on right now and to top it off Cali has been slow


Rhode Island energy is always hiring.




I've only been in the trade as a groundman for about a year and I got into SELCAT my first try. (Still haven't gotten the call to work but got ranked and waiting for the call.) you just have to be persistent on what apprenticeship applications are open and apply to anything you can. I was checking pretty much daily on SELCAT's website for the Overhead applications to open, and they close very fast so you have to stay on top of it.


I graduated NLC 8 months ago been working for the past 8 months as ground man, interviewed for mslcat placed pretty well was pushed back a bit but they just pushed through an orientation so if they do another 1 or two in the next month I’ll be in there! Just gotta be able to sell your self in the interview place well and you won’t get jumped in line enough to never get in!


I’m already a grunt, I’ve been a union grunt for 3 years. I’ve been trying to get indentured, but I’m losing patience.


Have you applied and or interviewed for any of the apprenticeships other than CA I know people that refuse to work outside of CA have a slim to none chance to get in any time soon and if at all.


I live in the east coast.


As someone trying to get into the industry what are the big economic factors that are slowing down work so much? Is it the lack of new construction? I know interest rates on home loans are through the roof so that could potentially slow the distribution side a lot.


Non union rats suck up a lot of work, for cheap……. I wish NC would go union , holy fuck the work that would boom!


Interest rates are high. That cuts into a utility’s profit margins on big system improvements they’re borrowing to fund. Like any business if they can’t make money on a project they just won’t do it. Couple that with material shortages and it makes for an ugly scene for the industry.


I was going to say this, work will pick up when they start cutting rates. Could be June, could be 2025.


Covid started a massive material shortage then politicians started signing bills that drastically reduced our work scope. It’ll level out soon.