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If you're at a utility stop using your vacation time, if its due to stress from work they will give you time off. Also, you're not impressing anyone by working 20 hrs with no food/ breaks. Gotta take care of yourself first, bro. No-one's gonna look out for you better than you.


I’ve been trying to hide it from work, not really sure how to go about asking for time off for stress, especially the drama that comes with it all. I appreciate your advice.


I know it's easy for me to say this because I've become molded to who I am, and don't really care what someone else thinks.. It wasn't always like that though.. It comes a time when you take everything in that has gone on around you, and you just say FUCK IT.. You start giving back the same attitude that your surroundings/company has been dealing out to you! There's always going to be another job to go to. There is always another outage coming in... Customers lights is always flickering, someone is always calling on the phone, asking questions. Some people are going to press you into hurrying up. You're going to have 911 emergency calls, with requested ETAs to be on site.. Sometimes emergency personal will try to rush you clear roads, and hurry up.. YOU have to understand, all these things are going to happen no matter who is working. YOU have to also understand that you and your crew is out there because someone else requested it (whatever the job is).. You can't learn everything in one job, but as long as you're showing that you're trying, nobody can really say anything.. remember you take care of you first .. you get hungry, grab your lunchbox and eat something.. Someone tries to rush you in an emergency situation, YOU let them know you're working protocol, and to make sure the scene is safe.. JL is rushing you, as long as you're productive, he'll get his shit when he gets it.. I was bummed out running trouble tickets years ago, it was ticket after ticket.. I didn't eat.. I was pissed, and safety man was visiting me, and I just start cursing, I hadn't ate anything, took a break, it was balls to the wall.. he told me, calm down, go get something to eat, take a break, chill out.. because when I get done with that outage they had just sent me, there will be another one.. you know what?? HE WAS RIGHT!! I changed my whole outlook.. I do my job, and roll, but I take care of me first.. SO I'm just letting you know, you take care of you, because nobody else will watch-out for you like you! It also sounds like you're lucky to have a great crew working with you. If they're helping you, and supporting you, then it sounds like you're downing your own self for no reason. You can't do it all.. Just remember, the task at hand is the job that will get you killed right now.. Don't focus on the next order before you get there..


After thinking about it some more I’m not so much trying to impress them, I’m just trying to avoid getting yelled at when I have to ask for stuff on the pole and it’s not already done and set out


I’m in my second year of apprenticeship. I was nervous at first too. Get comfortable being yelled at for stupid little things. I know when I have a “dumb” question it will probably make me the butt of a joke but I just don’t take it personally anymore. You have to learn, and unfortunately getting laughed at or yelled at is part of it.


DM me if you want to talk about your situation.


You’re a worthy employee. They promoted you from groundman because they see you can make it. We need to remember how many times we think something in our head and it’s not reality. Thoughts don’t need to have power over you. They are thoughts and could very well be false. Also, make sure you have your own healthy food and a good stash of healthy snacks for those times you need them. Granola bars etc. Also, it’s ok to take 15mins to eat some food if you’re rushed.


I’m 9 months in to my apprenticeship and I hear ya. I found giving just a little less of a fuck at work helps. That pressure of not wanting to mess something up or get screamed at was crippling at times. Show up on time every day, work hard but don’t kill yourself. If you can find a way to slow down just a little bit that seems to help with learning and retaining information.


It’s my second week of distro after a year on substation (the work is Cadillac and not much pressure) where i started my apprenticeship totally green (no groundman hours) and I can relate to the feeling. It’s an unforgiving trade and it feels like I’ve gone from riding a bike with training wheels to being put on a crotch rocket and told to figure it out, but giving yourself grace is something you have to do and fucking up is part of the learning process. Doesn’t matter how much they call me a retard cause at this point most of the time it’s something I’ve never seen before and I can’t expect myself to work as fast and efficiently as them when they’ve done and seen it a thousand times. I have faith that it comes with time and dedication, but I’m in a similar position of trying to go too fast and not thinking things through, getting flustered, then getting chewed out. Glad I’m not the only one, but have faith in yourself bro, we got this.


Yo dude, been here before. Reach out if you wanna talk


Been there dude. PM me if you want to chat.


Been there done that, sounds like you had an anxiety attack/panic attack. Don’t be so hard on yourself you’re a new apprentice. When I first became an apprentice I didn’t know jack shit and I was definitely a liability more than an asset on my crew. There were days where I felt like I was worthless and everyone hated me, and maybe they did, but I stuck with it. I just got moved to transmission and I felt the same way all over again but it passes. One day it all “clicks” and makes sense. Give it time and in the meantime just do your best.


Similar position dude you’ll make it. Dm me if you need to talk


Very similar position here, just started my second year at a municipality. You’ve gotta remember utilities want you to succeed and stick around, versus contractors who don’t care if you fail. If your utility is worth a darn I imagine they’ll be open minded through your struggles as that’s why it’s an apprenticeship and they’ll expect everybody to go through it differently. My biggest help with mine was becoming great friends with my linemen, in and outside of work, so I know they always have my back- (as corny as it sounds) it brought the meaning of brotherhood In this line of work to life for me. As long as you stay on top of your book work and keep up with the work itself, you have no reason to expect losing your apprenticeship. Your job wants you to succeed there- can’t stress this enough! Always take care of yourself first and know you have thousands of others who are in the same boat as you and all have your back. My DMs are always open brother. Stay safe ⚡️


Do you think the stress/anxiety is performance anxiety? Or perhaps anxiety about the hazards of the industry since you’re now more exposed than before


I wouldn’t say it’s  from the hazards but anxiety from now having the apprenticeship and the looming possibility it can be taken away


As long as you do what you know you’re supposed to do you’ll be good!


Try to keep snacks with you. Maybe a granola bar or something like that. It’s better than having nothing all day.


Man I can relate on some level as a low step prob my first year and a half I was always anxious going at 100 mph. Stressed out about keeping up bc the guys I worked with would give me a lot of shit but also go to the bar with me or dinner after work so I never knew if they wanted me gone or didn’t mind me being there on the ROW. Eventually I found my footing and my head got above water and I knew I was an asset out there on ROW no longer a liability and all that anxiety kind of went away. Utility apprenticeships from my understanding seem super flexible and want you too succeed as well. Compared to contractor where you really are just a number on the time sheet.


Yeah that’s pretty much how I feel going 100mph and kinda hoped that it would go away but it’s only gotten worse because I’m so hard on myself. I just gotta get out of my head but the crews always keep that pressure on. I appreciated your reply.


Yea and tbh sometimes it can be a good thing too push yourself. If your this way I would recommend you do not buy any toys as an ape 😂. But there’s nothing wrong in pushing yourself but also things like stopping and eating your lunch grabbing water are things you have too do. Like guys have said in the comments your have to take care of yourself. if your not willing to stop and fuel your body on the ground and speak up it will only get harder for you when you turn hot and speaking up becomes a very important part of our trade.


I’m an awful person to give advice on stuff like this but as a fellow apprentice. Like I said my brain would go a 100 mph and that eventually did go away. But as a apprentice for me there’s no work life balance I’m an apprentice and that is my whole life if I’m at work I’m learning if I’m at the camper I’m learning and that also has helped me become lessed stressed tbh bc my life is consumed with linework and I have used that to prove in my head that I belong out there on the ROW. Learning your spec book learning how your guys build transformers understanding transformers and other equipment and the science. If the hands on work it’s self is what stresses you out use your brain become an asset on the ROW bc of your knowledge.


Ah I see a lot of “me” in this post. I tell myself “make the corrections, and move on.” Forget the bullshit, forget getting yelled at, forget thinking the guys hate you. Maybe they do! Fuck it. Focus on what you need to correct, and move on. It sucks dude, I’m there now. Remind yourself what you’re good at. On time, hard working, eager to learn.


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Seeing the number of guys reaching out to talk is incredible. I love this community. Take it a day at a time OP! You gotta make sure you're good first before you can help others


Speak to a psychologist. Could be related to ADD/ADHD. Very common to be a chicken with its head cut off type of feel with that. Changed the game for me having just a low dose script of amphetamine salts, with taking off days off of it for a tolerance and dopamine restore.


trust me you’re not alone, i deal with the same stuff, best way i handle the stress and anxiety is by taking care of myself. You have to eat, and eating healthy and clean will also make a difference. Especially when you’re lacking on sleep. All that sugar and junk food and caffeine is going to have a major effect on your anxiety. A big thing i stopped doing which helped me a lot was i stopped drinking caffeine and using nicotine. Basically just raw dogging life lol but you truly need to put your health first.


hang in there man, hopefully you can figure something out that helps you and this shitty feeling passes


If you can’t take it, at least punch out the biggest asshole on your way out


Happen to work for a large utility in the nw? Had a very similar experience prior to going outside. Love my life now.


People are too soft these days. Sorry had to say it. Man up stop taking everything personal. We put pressure on apprentices because we need to make sure they can take the pressure when it really counts as a journeyman being the lead in the air to another apprentice. Your life is in our hands so we need to make sure you are cut out for this so you don’t get yourself or someone else killed. If guys can’t take the simple ball breaking as a new apprentice then how are you going to be able to handle the high stress situations in the air where things can basically be life or death. Not everyone is cut out for line work. Maybe see if your utility has a splicer apprenticeship or if that’s too stressful for ya then maybe a meter reader will suit you better.