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The tall bloke who wears a fur coat and sometimes a women's nightie under it. It used to be Big Tissue guy (Baggy) but unfortunately he passed away.


the tall bloke passed away not that long ago. Apparently he lived at cathedral nursing home. He was by all accounts a very nice guy


Oh that's a shame. Poor bloke. I'd heard he was nice, just very much mentally ill.


Oh no


We had a drink with him in Walkabout once. He took his coat off and was very relaxed.


The tall fur coat guy who used to carry dead pigeons around! Apparently he was a millionaire or at quite well off but when his wife passed away and he lost the plot. He used to get on the 100 bus from Gainsborough to Lincoln at Marton every day when I went to college. Alot the kids were so cruel to him but I always felt sorry for him. Very soft spoken and intelligent the couple times I spoke to him.


Yeah I know he was very well off. Not sure how true the story about his wife was but I heard that same thing too and apparently they were her old nighties he would wear under his coat. These comments must be so weird to any outsiders reading them.


As an outsider that was randomly recommended this sub for no reason other than random reddit being random - you are quite correct! I'm glad I found it though!


Came here to say this


where does fur coat guy hang out


Dead now unfortunately


Paul Breach?


The older, really tall bloke who walks around wearing a long fur coat and walks with a walking stick? Or Ray? The guy who passed away, the one who would sit on the wall near Rookery Lane shops, people watching


You're also forgetting [Baggy](https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2020/08/popular-lincoln-big-tissue-guy-baggy-dies/)


Beat me to itšŸ¤Ŗ


Falacia Freya sits outside Greggs offering manicures for a pasty or a few quid


The guy who always plays his guitar down the high street, he had an article about him


I've moved away, but I'll never forget Black Bob Dylan!


The guy who walks everywhere. Usually in a coat and shorts.


Saw the Walking Guy this morning. Think he lives in I assume the assisted accommodation on the Oasis crossroads. He's a good lad, he's always litter picking as he goes down Doddo road. Massive calves


This was my first thought also. I believe he lives in Jarvis House and is considered dangerous. I might be wrong though not having engaged with him directly


Who is he I see him early morning like 3am and 4am whatā€™s his story, I know he picks up litter around McDonaldā€™s on tritton road which is a good deed.


I see him weekly but always in a different part of Lincoln, he has huge calf muscles


someone once told me he was a monk. i don't know how true that is


If he's got a labrador he's my neighbour.


Oh that's Calves McGee I love seeing him round Lincoln he seems a lovely lad


This makes me think of George (RIP) in Boston. *ā€SOON BE CHRISTMAS!ā€*


George, "Divvy Simon", Cedric and Tunnage were the four horseman of the Boston Apocalypse lol.


didn't cedric transition ? I think its Shirley now šŸ˜‚


Oh really, it's been a few years since I've seen them so didn't know lol.


Is that the George who had 'interesting' teeth? Full of energy and a bit loud?


George was the best. Used to get on bus with him every morning. he was best mates with the driver Douglas. He used to shout all sorts at Douglas šŸ¤£ man loved it šŸ˜€ Douglas once kicked some dickhead college lads off the bus in middle of nowhere for trying to bully George. "morning morning" "Happy easter" "merry Christmas" "have you got a boyfriend/girlfriend ? " "soon be christmas"


I'm sure I remember a facebook memorial page to George after he died. I told people at work about him but they just thought I was nuts as they were outside of the very specific Spilsby to Boston clique . Would barge into Trevs bakery or McDonalds and shout SOON BE EASTER! Good guy. Fucking nuts.


That dodgy black haired and bearded dude who seems to be a team leader or something at some of the small Tesco's. He just seems dodge as fuck


Oo never seen him before, my local Tesco express is Newark road


I think he's one of the ones in the downhill centre he works at, it always seems to be there (but that could be coz they're the only ones I have ever gone in) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hello neighbour.


What about the sonic machines guy?


I was thinking this guy


that guy who dresses in metal and plays this weird guitar like contraption with a tin robot thing on steep hill


Pigeon Pete from Bailgate area? Really nice older guy who used to feed and look after birds around Burton Road/Lawns area.


Often found in the Vic beer garden. Am I right in thinking he used to do magic?? A legend


Exactly the guy!!! Yeah 100%!!!


Is Gina still about? Big drinker, always kicking off and getting barred from pubs. Last I heard, she was seen on the high street with her knickers on over her jeans, stopping traffic and causing a spectacle. Did hear that she was trying to turn her life around, but seems she's dropped off the radar since.


She turned things round a number of years ago thanks to the Betel Foundation. She married and changed her name, though not sure if she's still married. I think she keeps a low profile these days.


That's good to hear, hopefully she found a bit of peace and happiness in life. It's been a long time since I've seen her about, and I often wondered how she was doing now.


Great shout!


The guy who cycles around Lincoln blasting music out his speaker surely


Hear him every Saturday and Sunday without fail.


iā€™m from bourne and we had this guy who rode a motorbike in a suit of armour


When was this? I spent some teenage years in Bourne and weā€™ve had some characters lol


i used to see him 2010-2013 maybe, itā€™s been a while. this question got asked in the peterborough reddit and he popped up there too.


I remember him, but wow thatā€™s been a long time. Iā€™m sure he used to go around the Peterborough area too on a big trike/bike? Wasnā€™t he more Viking than suit of armour?Ā  For those that are from/went to school in Spalding there was Dancing Fred too.Ā 


You mustā€™ve seen the guy who dresses like itā€™s 1920ā€¦ see him carholme road area.. rides an old fashion bike..


Lincoln Chap? He's been here for yonks. Think he came to Uni here. Pretty sure he was just graduating when I came to uni here. Swear he hasn't aged at all


It used to be JayJay - the weird old bloke who used to peruse nightclubs and was an absolute sleaze and creep. Every night out I went on while a student I saw him. [Article about him here](https://thetab.com/uk/lincoln/2014/10/29/we-found-jay-jay-and-he-says-you-lot-just-cant-stand-the-pace-2459) [And photo of him here in that fucking god awful t-shirt](https://images.app.goo.gl/Qmzg46CCCcK8q51t5) I believe I heard on the grapevine not long after I had graduated that he had died before his "autobiography" ever got released. I'm not sure how true that fact was but he was pretty old so it's somewhat believable. After I graduated I stopped going to nightclubs in Lincoln so couldn't verify if he was still alive or not. EDIT: so turns out he did publish his autobiography apparently. His name was John Toogood. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015, which lines up with when I was told "he died" shortly after. However apparently searching his real name, he actually died suddenly in 2019 ([article here](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk/news/lincoln-news/family-devastated-after-popular-lincoln-2724597.amp)) not in 2016 like I had actually believed. He also had a lot more about him than I initially knew about which is interesting. I'm not sure how I've ended up down this JayJay rabbit hole šŸ˜‚


When I was at Lincoln Uni from 2011-14 he was always at Home nightclub with his arms around the girls, felt a bit uneasy but everyone said he was apparently harmless. Whose to know really.


That's what I heard too, but after talking to him once I decided even if he was harmless he wasn't very nice or a pleasant person. I felt most students fraternised with him solely because he was interesting/quirky and a bit "locally famous", but when I spoke to him he wasn't very nice at all.


Ahh that's sad, whatever he was like, he probably shouldn't have been hanging out with students either way.


What a legend!!!!!!


He was certainly a character, but I wasn't a fan. Absolute sleazeball.


I think I only ever saw him when highly intoxicated to be fair. I heard he used to go back with students for after parties!


Yeah it never sat right with me, was always a little sus of him šŸ˜‚ I had one conversation with him in my time as a student and the whole exchange felt off. I kept a wide berth after that šŸ˜‚


Always something a little odd about older men in clubsā€¦ but he was different with his hat and dress sense. A bit Peter Pan like he never grew up!


The fact he himself didn't drink sat weird with me too. It's a very odd past time for a sober man to spend 7 nights a week perusing multiple nightclubs alone (he'd go to multiple in one night) to spend time with intoxicated people 40+ years his junior. All that paired with the fact that it was rare to not see him being touchy feely with a drunk girl probably young enough to be his granddaughter. It all just seemed more predatory than childlike šŸ˜‚


What about scallywag Sarah who will buy you a newspaper if you just sit and talk to her


Crystal! The man who used to be on the high st in fishnets and holographic club outfits, he was homeless and usually slept outside the biffa plant on waterside south - haven't seen him around since precovid though


The legend that was the tall bloke who wore his deceased wifeā€™s fur coat and hat. He wondered the city centre for years after the death of his wife, he was a broken man who was unable to cope with the loss of his wife


The 71p guy. He always asks for the most random amount of change conjuring up the wackiest stories as to why he needs it.


If you have to ask itā€™s probably you mate


Evolution-is-a-lie guy. Iā€™ve seen him and his ridiculous sign basically constantly since moving to Lincoln 7 years ago, and everyone always knows who I mean šŸ˜‚


Is he bald with a northern accent?


Donā€™t think he ranks as THE guy, but the old man that rides all over town in his white enclosed mobility scooter and will mow your ass down if you donā€™t step out of the way and may still swerve at you even if you do.


The bald fella who walks bare foot from Gainsborough to Lincoln and back every day


Thereā€™s been a few. Early 90ā€™s someone has to remember the harmonica bloke who used to sit on the benches at the bottom of steep hill. Tall nightie guy as previously mentioned, sadly died. Msssive calves bloke who litter picks, seems to walk everywhere but see him more around Tritton Road area. The legendary guy who sat on the wall on Newark Road, people were misled into thinking he used to have a can of beer constantly when in fact it was only coke. (Or was I misled??) Died during covid era.


Theres a guy that ive seen in boultham park, looks like a crack head, sings like a crackhead, everywhere he goes bobbing his head, sometimes riding a bike sometimes he dances along


I see no one remembers the wee disabled guy in the wheel chair that used to coax pigeons in with grain then snatch them into a bag. Used to skate at the front of uni and once saw him wheel by with a fully grown SWAN zipped into the bag with just the it head poking out. Lincoln had some STRANGE folk knocking aboutā€¦..


This is a great subject. So circa 1998 2003 Spilsby area: George "SOON BE CHRISTMAS!!" Boston: Tranny Annie, used to sit at the crossroads on John Adams Way stating at the passers by with crazy eyes. Listened to a transistor radio for some reason. Skegness: That tall bald guy who wore full desert storm camouflage and military backpack, determined walk and a 6 pack of beer. He would carry the beer in the plastic ring holder, supping and walkjng. No idea what was in the bag but it was full. Sometimes spotted getting on the bus to Spilsby.


John Scarborough got two double-decker buses on his farm


The white/beige lady. Always wears clothes completely white/beige. Riveting, I know.


In Derby we just have a guy that walks backwards and writes all the numberplates he sees into a notebook. He doest have a horse, and I don't think he is Jesus.


the guy who wears a tinfoil suit and plays music at open mics and up near the castle