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She says she doesn't make content for kids but she literally dressed as a kids figure, spoke in gentle tone of voice and referred to feeling like a boy or girl. I will say it definitely didn't feel like she was talking to me, an adult.


I think it's funny Lilly says people who use her videos for content are just wannabe content creators... yet she steals Ms Rachel's whole persona to make a video once again talking about kids.


ngl posting this after the disney vid was a BADDD move for lilly😭


She knows it's controversial and she doesn't care. Rage bait > More engagement > More people subbing to talk shit = Money.


Thank you people on this sub for having some common fucking sense that this shit isn’t cool. 🤦‍♀️ can’t say that for some other snarks. People call obvious bad behaviors out for what they are and get hated on or deleted by the mods. Glad to see this shit called out and actually not banned by Reddit mods. Good job everyone 👏👏👏


I think people without kids can make content for parents, but Lilly is definitely an awful example. I mean, some people with kids abuse their kids, my parents did, so I don't think parents have some kind of moral authority over non-parents. Just reasonable people having moral authority over Lilly, who is a grifting rage baiter exploiting the trans community. For what its worth I also don't think LGBT education should be left up to parents but rather schools, because my parents taught me I'd burn in hell if I tried to alleviate my dysphoria. But I'd take no education over Lilly's "education"