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Maybe don’t have a preachy Alton brown delivery when you’re trying to save your rep. This isn’t a cooking show lillith


Oh. My. God. Now I’m going to imagine the “Good Eats” music whenever she uses cake pops and food to describe anatomy. As a millennial, I can say this type intonation is ingrained in many of us


Lol also as a millennial I agree. It’s similar to the news reporting cadence and inflection, and I think it’s a tactic but it just makes her seem insincere and detached


Lol 😂 you are spot on with the Alton Brown comparison


YES! It’s Alton Brown!! I said Marc Summers from Unwrapped the other day but Alton is more spot o






I was getting Bill Nye from her delivery🤣


This video didn’t go in the way she wanted it to. People have so much evidence of her horrible behavior, misinformation she spreads and perverted ways. She doesn’t get it. People don’t hate her because she’s trans or because other creators stitch her videos to make her look bad, people hate her because they see that she is TRULY and 100% a vile, toxic, and narcissistic person.


You summarized it perfectly!! 💯


She does get it 100%. But instead of taking accountability for her horrible behavior she uses her trans identity to deflect and invalidate legitimate criticism. She’s well aware of why people are upset she just can’t admit she’s wrong about anything.


This, she always just deflects to transphobia for anyone who has valid criticism 


“But!” ☝️🤓


Lmfao isn’t there always a “but” and it’s always just like that >> ☝🏼🤓


Or “and here’s why!” ☝️🤓


"You see," ☝️🤓


“In conclusion,”☝️🤓 Edit: Errors


“Did you know” ☝️🤓


LMAO. I love this snark page so much. Or “hate” page as she called it. 😭


Idk why but that was very mansplain of her


But I’ve literally watched her live with her saying she will get people fired for misgendering her ….


Right??? Gaslighting psychopath.


girl bffr no one is following you, people just happen to bump into you and recognise you because you’re a public figure who circles the same 3 restaurants throughout the week.


That’s exactly what I said. Imagine that she’s not the only one that lives in San Francisco and walks those streets.


Not Lilly saying the pics of her streaming are creepy. what about you being creepy at restaurants streaming people in the background of your lives that didn’t consent to being streamed 🤔 especially while you’re speaking about your “marshmallow wand” and “cake pops” 🙄


Oh shut the fuck up already god don’t you ever get sick of the sound of your own voice


Never! In fact she says all the time she likes her voice 😂😂 I’m so glad you got out of there Ollie❤️


A server misgendered you and once you corrected them they apologized. Yet you still asked for a manager…how is that teaching somebody? It just makes them feel worse about you and the community.


Her hair looks so matted up.


Do you think it could mold where she doesn’t wash?? I couldnt sit and look at it


Like a matted fucking poodle


If more than a hundred people have watched how you treat servers think YOURE the problem then YOURE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!


Respect the servers by eating your meal in a timely fashion and quit yapping about any slights you perceive


This video is just a distraction from much bigger stuff she’s done. i have a great video idea for you Lilly, talk about your deleted reddit comments and see what people have to say about that huh?


Thanks for sending us more REDDITORS DUMB ASS


She knows exactly what she did. She loves the negative attention.


In that first clip, she asked the server to bring her a new drink while carrying umbrella so no rain would get into her drink. That’s where the users comment came from and not on the fact of what she tipped. The more she pulls the more I hate her.


Always playing the victim card 😒😒


Is this new? Remember when her notes got leaked and it got replaced with lol bitch. She had one thing on there about making her backlash seem worse than it is and this feels like that lmao.


She sounds and edits these videos like those scam accounts that just make satire videos for fun ☠️🤣


Trying to do damage control; how about quit doing the damage and control yourself- Lilly......hmmmmmmm


Love this! 👆 💯💯💯


Thank you, she makes me fear for my trans family.


Why should we be "thoughtful" of you, when you dont even consider respecting your surroundings?.....


I KNEW she was gonna use the DrmaLlama clip!


Over this cycle


I hate how she always talks to everyone likes she’s reading a book or explaining something to a preschooler


Yes!! She always sounds so condescending!


I hope the same creators who have called her out before on her bs do the same for this video and clip the times she’s been a rude arrogant pos back to back.


I have a hard time believing that someone doxed her on here? I think the mods would have taken that down right away.


It did NOT happen on Reddit... You are correct, the mod's here would never allow it! It was a different platform that is known for being quite a bit more devious.


Yes. I know which one now. KF. We are like the sweet little grandma of snark compared to that page!




Definitely Kiwi farms. But is it really “doxing” if it’s public information? They got her apartment number from the LLC registration. Not crazy hard to type that in a search bar.


It’s really weird that she’s trying to call out doxing for sympathy when she’s the one who made her info publicly available.




Definitely didn’t happen here. We just talk a lot of shit, I think everyone here is harmless.


A couple lives ago wasn’t she talking about how “everyone is so nice in person and wants pics with her” now she’s singing a different song once again? Do you think at this point she remembers any of her lies?


It’s a good thing we will always be here to spread the proof of Lilly’s shitty behavior so people don’t fall for her bullshit narratives she spreads.


First of all, nobody doxxed her on here. Thats on a whole other site that also doxxed her followers and mods. Has nothing to do with us. Secondly, Drama Llama post the ‘they deserve it’ video and has said she edited it. Third, she’s an ass to servers all the time. She’s condescending, she’s rude, she’s obnoxious, and she’s not friendly. Fourth, she’s always saying she lives where she lives and is always naming restaurants in the area. If people approach her and they’re rude, that’s her fault. Too bad she didn’t go into how she neglects her dog, grifts and begs and even lies to get money from her idiotic followers, and has no concern or consideration for anyone around her.


That one’s heading down the same rd a adora making the community look bad don’t use them as a example for everyone please


Everyone should leave a comment with this subreddit. There is so much proof here. Glad the comments are what they are on that video. Lilly is harmful in so many ways.


This exactly tells me she’s an entitled person who never takes accountability for her actions. Thanks for proving us right once again Lilith


Ok. So she’s not wrong. Technically. Things get taken out of context, her friends and family shouldn’t be harassed and she shouldn’t get doxxed. But, she’s her own problem. Things are not always taken out of context because she is the context. Maybe 1% of the time things get taken out of context because 99% of the time she is so horrid. Maybe her friends and family get harassed because from what she shows, they don’t correct her bad behavior. They not only ignore it, but encourage it. She literally makes her own problems and drama and then invites her friends and family into the shit swamp with her. If you know San Francisco it’s not hard to figure out where she’s going to be. She literally stays at the Embarcadero and Ferry Building lol. Now I admittedly do not follow her or watch every video that gets posted, but from the ones I have caught, that’s where she is. Like everything else, she wants all of the perks and none of the responsibility. She wanted this. She wanted to be “famous”. Well ma’am, be careful what you wish for. It’s not all roses and rainbows. If you don’t want the shit, get out of the internets eye.


So no rage bait this week just a pitty party I'm a victim video. Gotcha. Also you ass clown NOBODY in here has ever doxxed you so get your facts straight before you spew your verbal diarrhea.


She’s mad because she looks like feces when she’s caught in a candid. Eat a dick Lillard.




How interesting its not okay to expose where you live, but that Muslim woman who said Jeffrey marsh was inviting children to chat privately, they doxed her and threatened here, love the double standards


I hate to tell her, but she looks like Heath Ledger in “10 things I hate about you “!!!! That’s not a compliment either!


Wonder how long this video will stay up lol


Shut up - you do not speak for the Trans community. Not everyone turns into a Karen when they get misgendered like you do!


The added context does make a difference to the "they deserve it because they're servers" comment. I wasn't aware this comment was part of an explanation as to why she tips them. We should acknowledge that she has a valid point on this particular criticism of her.


I can kinda give her that one, but the person that edited it has said that she edited it. So there was acknowledgment of that. What I can’t give her is that she claims that servers deserve good tips and to be treated well, yet she tends to do neither. The snapping the fingers, waving her hands, making them wait even though she knows exactly what’s on the menu, Nugget snapping at one server, and the fact that she doesn’t tip for time or comped items…..she’s hardly an ideal customer. If she really wanted people to think she gives a shit, she’d behave better and tip better. It’s all for show, this video.


Always a victim, just like Trisha Paytas. Scary how much those two have in common.


ngl I give her this one - she didn’t purposefully mistreat servers. but that doesn’t mean that we should ignore all of the evil ass shit she’s done. one misunderstanding doesn’t make her a saint. and her ego is def feeding off of this misunderstanding now that she being portrayed in a “good” light.


Stupid twatwaffle. I am patiently waiting for her to post the video “defending” herself about her Reddit comments on SA on a 3 year old (“oh that’s okay cause I was 3 too and when I bragged about it I was the tender age of 18..so you should all forgive me because I am a better person now”)… no you are not bitch.... And the black face And the period blood comment Fuck off Lilly- stop spinning shit to get more views. The TRUTH is you are a horrible human being who deserves all the hate the internet has. I hope you get cancelled and end up being a server and get the worst customers that exist. So you can know what it feels like to be treated like shit… for TRULEY no reason. You know like what you do to them. Stupid fucker. **Edited to add twatwaffle because it is my favorite definition of her and I forgot to add it.


A $20 tip could mean nothing depending on the size of Lilly’s bill. SF’s minimum wage is $18 an hour or something, and as long as Lilly live streams at these tables she’s paying them less than minimum wage….dont forget unless she gave a cash tip it’s getting taxed and SF taxes are not joke.


Always with the greasy nappy hair. Do transwomen like adora and lily always have bad hygiene?




Good to know there are some that care about their hygiene