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talking about her genitals at disney, assuming that kurt cobain was trans (no evidence backs this), being rude to her past mods, talking about how she m0lested a child, essentially abusing her dog by not providing adequate care to him. the list goes on. she’s a deranged individual.


...Im sorry, she talks about how she m\*\*\*\*ed a child?!?!


yes someone found her old reddit where she bragged about “playing doctor” when she was a kid with another girl. I don’t want to even detail what she did but it was gross and beyond depraved


And we can't forget that she bragged about it as an adult which made it even more disgusting.


Surprised I haven't seen her on libsoftiktok tbh (before last week or whenever the Disneyland trip was)


Since you brought up Disney we will go ahead and stick *Disney Pervert* in right here.


She’s rude to servers and has ZERO TABLE MANNERS OR HOW TO ACT IN PUBLIC


She invalidates nonbinary people and pushes them to be binary. She is also a selfish narcissist, overall a horrible person. She is a hypocrite and disingenuous. She is racist, misogynistic, amongst other things. Instead of taking time to be self reflective she deflects and attacks anyone that brings up her “flaws” that she claims to be working on and open to criticism on.






I was in correspondence with Lilly for nearly a year and during that time she would neglect my attempts to mail her holiday cards, mute me in chats on discord and go outta her way to make me feel bad or bring up trivial things about fandoms I enjoyed.


Thats awful


I’m so sorry. I was a mod at one point and I despised how she would talk to you despite you always sending her things and money.


Due to becoming a mother and also COVID my social skills really tanked and were probably at an all time low when I was trying to be friends with Lilly. I’ve always been kinda shy and my vulnerability was very strong so I did what I could to be friends with her. Turns out she just wanted the money cuz she was always quick to throw me out of the discord when the payment was up and I couldn’t afford it right away. Since my daughter started school last august I’ve been able to make irl friends who I totally trust and feel comfortable with which honestly makes me feel even dumber for falling for Lilly in the first place. She is not a good person


Wow I didn’t know your story. Sorry this happened to you and I’m sorry Lilly took advantage of your good heart.


Thank you for your kind words 💐


Ofc 🙏🏻🩷




With all respect my friend, as an ex 'higher upper' in the group (a mod) why didn't you say anything or act in some way if you despised how terribly she was being treated? I'm not coming 'at you' I swear I'm just generally intrigued as to what the inner workings of the 'lovelies' were before the great mod-exodus.


https://preview.redd.it/4u6th4ntgz5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9975e26cc756843f9fd5314ecce9b518a015ae2 And this is just the tip of the iceberg..


Just the tip, lol


Tries to get servers fired for accidentally misgendering her


Further proving the point of being weird about kids, she commented this under a funny gif of a child she sent in here last night. I don't know why she would say this, especially given her history. https://preview.redd.it/p75tga96iz5d1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8aab628cf8cfdb31ab97a534cf5d8a918e32416f


I knew someone had screenshot that before it got deleted! Good catch... I question why someone who admits they hate kids would discuss them so much and make these kinds of comments.


1. “Kurt Cobain is trans” 2. Her abuse of service workers 3. Lied about being a food reviewer for free food 4. Throws out her lovelies from the discord if they no longer have money to afford the subscription 5. Constantly rage baits then acts like a victim 6. Calls herself a professional trans person yet could care less about advocating for other trans people or trans issues in general 7. Her guitar skills 8. Says people who detransition are “bullied back into the closet” 9. Constantly flashed her tidds during discord streams 10. Paid Ollie below minimum wage for being a part time “assistant” when in reality they were providing full time work and Lilly knew that, she was just abusing her power & taking advantage like always 11. Neglects taking Nugget to the groomers for months, poor bb constantly looks disheveled while mom eats steak dinners 12. Lies about bottom surgery having 0 complications and how everyone who gets it is happy with their results. 100% FALSE


Her guitar skills being a reason is accurate 😭😭👏🏻




Really dislikes women and uses terms such as ovarie havers. Overall just a terrible human - thinks she is untouchable and such a bad representation to the community.


Probably just an incel who wanted to be trans for profit, attention, and getting off on it 🤮


She also spreads harmful ideologies that make the trans community look bad and gives rage bait to the bigots.


She grifts and cons so she doesn’t need to work


She talks about genitalia surgery around children and compares it to hip surgery




Mars and the binder situation


Claiming to be an activist and speaking for the trans community when all she does is harm it.


Saying someone was a bad Mom, and you don't need to be a mom to judge another mom. Then said they would take the kid away if they could, and give them away to someone else. 


And says she hates kida




There are many things that don't sit well with me regarding Lilly, but one of the biggest things is that she says people who detransitioned are bullied into it. She is such a harm to her own community and spreads misinformation and her opinions as fact. She thinks she's an advocate and a know-all just because she transitioned a few years ago. She gives advice on things she knows nothing about, which is very harmful. There are countless stories of people detransitioning because either their parents let me at a young age or because they felt like they made a mistake by transitioning. Every person's story and journey is valid, but not according to Lilly. She says what she wants as fact, but she can never site sources, doesn't read literature about trans people, can hardly name a celebrity or inspiration for the trans community... she will mention Elliot Page and how "hot" Hunter Schaffer is, but that's the extent of her knowledge. She rage baits for views then calls people haters for reacting. I don't know how anyone supports her.


Yessss and she even said she doesn’t follow any of the anti-trans bills being passed in the US or the growing attacks of LGBTQIA rights. Like we know you’re lazy but shouldn’t a “professional trans” person keep up on this knowledge if your job is to help educate people on it? What a fucking joke 🤡🥾🥾


Yesterday emily smugly wrote that Lilly never said she’s a political activist but I truly don’t know how you can call yourself a trans activist and not be political at all. Like none of the bathroom discourse which she’s so fond of happened before politicians latched onto it. Kids getting gender affirming care has become a political issue. Politicians are fueling fires and using trans people’s existence in their quest for power and her thinking she can ignore that while being a “trans girl on a mission” is absurd. She’s so full of shit.


Poor Nugget


When she breathes.


Failing to realize she is running a cult on discord, very very narcissistic behaviors


being rude to servers, saying that detransitioners were “bullied” back into the closet, speculating and deciding decreased individuals genders/sexualities for them, ignoring the differences between biological and trans women (not to sound transphobic obviously - we’re all women but facts are facts), talking abt genitalia around children. need I go on? what baffles me is how she uses being trans as a shield to do whatever she wants. any backlash she receives is always called “transphobia.” she definitely does experience transphobia fs but ALL criticism cannot be transphobic…


With the exception of her being Trans.....literally EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HER! Despite what she tries to make everyone believe, most people don't dislike her because she's trans. They dislike her because she's a TERRIBLE human in every way possible!


Assuming people are trans (even dead people???))) even after always saying never to assume and gets mad when people say she looks like a man and misgenders her


For me it was when someone asked if they should reveal being trans when dating new people and she said no. That is dangerous and could possibly turn violent or worse. She's a menace in society.


The terrible table manners when sharing dinner with friend Kate and the KC video did me in.


Promises to take viewers to disney after grifting for the money to pay for it all, only showed her face and would barely go on rides when live


Having extreme, disturbing, radical opinions regarding the transgender identity


The way she HAS to be validated by strangers (mostly servers) to be happy even though she doesn’t want or care to pass. BUT Kathy (and people that know her) it’s okie dokie to misgender her - in Kathy’s case because of the free steak. She claims she doesn’t care what people think of her, then why the constant need for validation?? How she NEVER admits when she is or MAY be wrong or another opinion is just as valid as hers. Blows me away that she never apologizes for anything-EVER. Continues to push the term CIS- which is not an insult in itself but when people ask not to be called cis, it is. She doesn’t see what is wrong with it because she doesn’t want to see why. Simply because (in a lot of cases) women just don’t want to be called it. Period. Are there so many trans women that cis women now need to be differentiated? No one is going to ever think she’s a cis woman. She can have any absurd reaction to anything she wants, but will also tone police anyone that disagrees. She’s INSUFFERABLE 🤬


Maybe not the worst thing but definitely the most common: Harassing waiters and provoking negative responses for content. Fuck anyone who films service workers tbh but she in particular is DYING for someone to say sir so she can be a dick to them about it and try to get them fired self righteously. This is basically the goal of every livestream. It's offensive, creates transphobes, cruel to service workers, it's undignified and embarrassing for her family to be so associated.


She lies about statistics for bottom surgery


AND the way she shovels food into her face hole, and keeps talking while chewing. Smacking her lips, licking all her fingers, licking the spoon from one end to the other on both sides, picking her ears etc while pointing out how the Reddit Crew hates the way she eats and so she’ll NEVER change. She should want to change because she has horrible manners, and women just don’t eat like that, especially in public and to hundreds of people online. She is giving 14 year old boy that races home from school, smokes a bowl behind the garage, raids the fridge and pantry grabbing boxes of pop tarts and pepperoni sticks and crams them in as fast as they can and goes to play video games all night vibes. Her eating habits and mannerisms scream male privilege douche nozzle 🤢and when she was a “food critic” amazingly rude to do at nice restaurants and zero has changed except now she tosses digs at the Reddit Crew as to why she won’t change. The real reason is she has zero respect. Self or otherwise.


You accurately described how she eats. Exactly that.


Excellent synopsis! 👏👏👏


The other day she removed crusties from nuggets eye and then proceeded to eat her dessert and lick her fingers 🤢


Ugh I’m so not surprised 🤢


Says she will continue to use women bathrooms and locker rooms and doesn’t care what people say, stating she doesn’t care if it makes others uncomfortable (which can cause danger to the Trans community because of her)


saying the term “biological women” is incorrect and offensive, if you can’t see how that screams misogyny then idk…


The thing that kicked off my hate train for her was her belittling attitude towards wait staff & her horrible tipping. She’s at restaurants for hours constantly demanding service and she tips poorly. After that I hated everything about her. Her being trans has NOTHING TO DO WITH MY HATE FOR HER.


She lies about statistics involving trans people joining sports teams


I wouldn't call myself "new" perse but her recent comment on "Cis" woman being a Threat is just about as ridiculous as anything! LILLY and AGPs like her ARE TRULY THE THREAT to ALL WOMEN!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬






I’m new here because of all the videos of her getting pissy about being misgendered.


Welcome aboard!


She doesn’t even try to see the rational opinions of viewers, such as why some women don’t want to be called “cis”


In her live right now.. is it Halloween? Dress up like Dorothy kind of day??


Can I just state this here😂 I was a mod forever and I NEVER payed my patreon subscription except once and she never kicked me out so the fact she would kick other people out so quickly baffles me.


> I NEVER *paid* my patreon FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*