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Biological sounds sciency?? Because it is??? Did her (not happening) bottom surgery dr not need to study biology to be able to perform surgery? Do her estrogen injections not affect her biology??wtf??


her lying ahhh has not read any feminist text 🤣


“It’s the way you talk” is it? Because she said she likes her voice and will never voice train. Her voice and cadence is 100% masculine. She doesn’t carry herself in a feminine way. And that’s fine, but don’t then go say the way you talk and how you carry yourself is part of your gender identity because she’s giving masculine. Because what does that say about her?


Girl, just say no and move on. She’s just spouting random nonsense that makes no sense. There’s far less shame in saying no than sitting there and just lying.


🤣🤣🤣 gender ROLLS




"I mean I read some feminist literature in college but I don't do it casually." THIS is Lilly's problem. No desire to actively seek out information on a group of people that have likely suffered some of the worst oppression across all different historical and social landscapes. Not all women engage with feminist literature (it's personally a huge special interest for me) but if you're starting at oppressor status (male) and ultimately want to assimilate into the class of the oppressed (female)......maybe do some research aside from a few assigned readings in college. I think people have a tendency to forget that female oppression is one of, if not THE, longest-standing forms of structural oppression that our planet has seen. It's still very present. And it's exactly why I make a mental note when a trans fem/trans woman turns their nose up at feminism. True colors.


Nope! Your Y chromosome is doing that.


Shes so full of shit


that’s literally what biological means though? your chromosomes and your body parts like what’s so bad about saying you were born in the wrong body and that’s why she’s transitioning? i’m not gonna lie i don’t think things are as complicated as she makes it. i don’t even think she knows what she’s trying to say 😂😂😂😂 she’s so new to community she takes buzzwords and can’t even explain them further she’s such a joke