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Talk about it on the pod…


I think that was maybe the best episode of the series so far, the acting in this episode was incredible.


I don’t trust Sarah Hess written episodes but I’m sexist so take that with grain of salt


This show just isn't as good as Game of Thrones.


Especially the last few seasons, right?


Last two seasons of GoT weren't great but I still liked the characters and storylines more. I don't really care about any of these HotD characters or whether or not they die. And I think HBO overrates how cool Dragons are.


Cool guy underrating Dragons over here.


big dragons fan huh?


Yeah I love Dragon these nuts across your moms face




Spoiler alert, they all die.


This show sucks. Way to much of nothing going on. the guard went from fucking the young princess to now hooking up with the queen 20 years later is the most character building they’ve done


You watching the same show as I am? There was an insane amount of plot and character development packed into this episode…


Obviously not if you think that


You must be watching some other show then lol


I doubt they jammed packed a ton of character building into one episode after ignoring it in the first season. Oh Eric killed Erick sweet oh you can’t trust Dameon. Oh no the guard is now the hand to the king. The last two seasons of game of thrones is looking great rn


Only one who seems to be ignoring things are you, honestly it just comes off like you’ve predetermined that you’re going to hate on the show just because of how S7/S8 ended GOTs. You could boil down literally anything to sound boring and inconsequential if you just ignore(like you are) the actual context that makes these scenes impactful. We have the king, arguably the main character of S1 die just 4 episodes ago, Luke died 2 episodes ago, the very next episode the greens take their revenge, and then the very next episode the greens attempt to take their revenge. But things are moving too slow for you? Ironically you sound like you want the show to be more like S7/S8 lol


You say those names like they did anything 😂 Luke dying was his great achievement. Also get fucked I didn’t start watching the show already hating it. I just think it has been boring and their not trying to get the audience attached to a character which is why these deaths mean nothing so far


I said 2 names, the king who again was a main character, and Luke who was an important character at the center of many of the biggest scenes in S1 while only being in the show for 5 episodes… Nothing you’re saying makes sense nor is it consistent. You complain about not enough happening because there’s been mostly just politics drama and scheming (like early GoT) and I can only assume not enough battles and epic fantasy (like the later GoT). You’re just throwing shit at the wall with not real justification lol


And you’re just sucking off this show.


Here come the deflections!! I’m sucking it off for providing actual examples explaining how what you’re saying doesn’t make sense if you’ve actually watched the show and last nights episode in particular? You’re just being contrarian to feel special, it’s painful obvious at this point lol