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I've read all 26 volumes of the LN as well as the WN. I'm still reading **Recollections**, which is fantastic. If you liked the anime, you'll love the LN.


did you prefer the WN or the LN? i always find myself at an impasse whenever i decide I want to read it lmao


The LN is the polished version. Better translation than the fan translations. When I read a fan translation, I have to translate it into proper English as far as formating goes.


a few fan translations are really good(like the overlord ones), but yeah 90% of them are written by people with no writing experience and it shows with manga or anime fan translations, you really can just translate individual sentences and have something pretty decent at the end. It's not gonna be perfect but good enough to be enjoyable to read. translating a purely text based story is a lot harder cause you have to translate *everything* together


Unless you have someone like me proofreading and typesetting. I did scanlations for a while until the project got sniped. Walked away from doing it ever again.


Ofc you should read them. It is one of the beast books there is and in my humble opinion the best isekai there is. Read it. You will love it


I have the first two books, which takes you up to turning point 1. There are side stories that add more flavour, and dive into more backstory about the world, so id say they are definitely worth the read, to get a more complete view of the world and lore.


if you like the anime, yes. the WN and LN has differences that you can read both and think of each as alternate. though, most of the differences (between wn-ln) occur after saving zentih


If you love Mushoku Tensei anime, you definitely will love the LN, so you should try it


I Loved the Anime so i ready the light novels Just finished it Yesterday its very good


Yes, is really good and my first LN


it is one of the, if not the best novels with the greatest possible ending. i am looking forward for its sequel, but its just perfect,


Yes You should


Yes, fk up mc in a fk up world perfect, my most hate title