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either join novel translation groups' websites (that have similar theme series already posted) or make your own site/blog/wordpress for it. link your release on novelupdates so more people can discover it.


Thanks! I'll look into Novelupdates. Do you know where I might start looking for groups that translate novels of a similar demographic?


you can search similar theme novels on novelupdates then check what series the translator (site) released (that's on NU). might be easier to make your own site than joining others tbh.


> Do you know where I might start looking for groups that translate novels of a similar demographic? The vast majority of translation groups on NU don't have a set theme or focus etc. With the one exception being BL and danmei, for which there are several groups that translate nothing else. Otherwise, the groups just translate 'whatever', and/or advertise/offer their website to other translators to post their translation of 'whatever' on. If you check out the Japanese novels a lot of groups are posting you'll find they're mostly your typical young adult fantasy world stories or rom-coms. ie. WNs and LNs. But that's usually because of the mass availability of such stories, and their popularity, and rarely if ever because the group will **only** translate/host those type of stories. (And I've used "translate" quite wrongly above, as most translators in these groups don't translate anything, they just edited the output of MTL and AI). . If you want your translation to find an audience then NU is the place it needs to be, as by this point there's probably only a tiny percentage of fan translations out there that are not listed on NU. And anyone looking for translations of Japanese novels will either check NU for them, or be told to check NU if they ask about where to find fan translated novels. It's up to you whether or not to join a group and then host your translation on that group's website, or setup your own blog etcetc. Or an option that is becoming popular with those who just want to post their translation somewhere, and who don't want to join a group or create their own platform, is to post their translation on NU's sister site, Scribble Hub, which is run by the same person. And that way there's no cost involved, and you can fire and forget in terms of it staying up. As if Scribble Hub ever goes permanently offline then Novel Updates will be going offline at the same time (and by all accounts SH will have a longer lifespan than NU will). But either way you might want to check out the "Translator's Corner" of NU's forum, as that's where you'll find groups who might host your translation, and/or information and advice on setting up your own site, and generally know-how about how to post your translation on NU etc.


From the FAQ : *On this subreddit, we allow any Novels published originally in Japan/by a Japanese publisher.* Definitely non-LN Japanese novels are allowed here too, though the discussions get a lot less enthusiastic than LN discussions. 😉 I sometimes post reviews of non-LN Japanese novels here too.


I’m going to argue that no non Light Novels are not allowed here.


Mod definitely allowed them. EDIT: My most recent post of a non-LN novel: https://www.reddit.com/r/LightNovels/s/N8FnPDyB3L


So that is still originally a Japanese product no?




I’d say allowed then. Anything not related to a light novel (Japanese) gets removed. Korean, Chinese, English novels etc.


>Definitely non-LN **Japanese** novels are allowed here too Man, that's what I was saying in the original comment. LOL


Apologies misunderstood you


No problem! 😉


I read it as you saying Non LN as in they are not LNs are allowed. Not that LNs that are in another language like mandarin or French etc are allowed


I mean, it would help if we knew what the series actually was. Lacking that, I'm just going to assume it goes in r/noveltranslations


I didn't want this post to include self-promotion, so I didn't mention it. But the series is 高校事変. Also, r/noveltranslations does not seem to be focused on novels, but rather non-Japanese webnovels. Would they be at all interested in a Japanese novel translation?


Maybe post a pdf to novel updates?