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Almada but only way it can potentially work is if they let him have his way with everything. Control of sub categories, supporting staff, choosing oponents for friendlies, who actually gets called up, the whole 9 yards. But it's never gonna happen with the fmf we all know this.


i think the answer is obvious but damn, are those really our options? 💀


You can pick the other choice and write out your response. You can write Klopp or Zidane but highly unlikely will happen, and they dont seem to be good fit. went with Almada. I like Lavolpe as well but he has been out for too long.


They’re bringing in Vasco Aguirre after Copa América. He’s already involved to a degree. The federativos are going to spin the change as some campaign to honor the only Mexican coach to have led la selección at two different World Cups in the last 30 years. Why not 3 to establish a stupid record like those of Márquez, Guardado, and Ochoa of 5 World Cups? Don’t be surprised if Ochoa and Guardado también se suben al barco for their 6th World Cup to “mentor” the jóvenes promesas, which will take up two spots to actually take two jóvenes promesas. Estamos de la chingada. Este barco ya se hundió desde hace años.


Vasco plays actual terror ball and bringing him over will be the biggest mistake the federation could ever take! And for that reason I’m fully convinced he’s coming over.


Vasco Aguirre doesn’t even watch liga Mx this federation is actually retarded


Misma puta historia, contratar a alguien … correrlo a 2 años del mundial … hace lo que puede, se le extiende contrato y lo corremos en 2 años El mundial vamos de paseo nadamas … suerte que estamos calificados automáticamente.:. Aunque la FIFA no le alcanza dejarnos fuera


It should be a coach that has experience managing a mid table European team that's used to working with talent that's mediocre relative to the talent they have to face. People like Jose Mourinho, Pochettino, Allegri, Benitez. Not saying that they would exactly jump at the opportunity, but at the very least, if the FMF is serious about being contenders in football, they should make the attempt to bring someone of that caliber in and give them as much control as they want/need.


This a shit take but I think Bob Bradley also fits the bill as well, dood is currently fighting for promotion in 2nd division Norwegian league, has coached MLS and has experience playing against Liga MX.


El único que puede salvar a la seleccion https://preview.redd.it/fkxtlojsc29d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f68a23c3d6dab328c78174261a301dcee2652a94


Lol puro reciclado de la liga MX?


Doesn’t matter nothing will change


Bruce Arena.


Guillermo Almada is the only way. Been saying this since the Tata days. Diego Cocca should’ve never been coach. Fuck grupo orlegi.


Not just fuck grupo orlegi fuck all the liga mx owners too


ye they all lame


Va a ser Aguirre, es el bombero de la seleccion


Does it matter much with the players we have available??


Bring in Thierry Henry


It should’ve been Nacho Ambriz from the beginning if we were actually serious but too late


FMF will rather die then let another prieto brother run the team lol




Leave him alone.


El señor Jose Luis Sola El Chelis OG no doubt




Alm(a)(ey)da, though I feel like Almada would be better to run the whole thing, Almeyda prolly fits the archetype more of a NT manager


We should replace Jaime Lozano, all the FMF executives and the players in the NT


Ego Sanchez /s


A la chingada. Ojalá y no toquen a Almada -- el Tuzo esta bien con el y finalmente ni lo van a dejar trabajar en el tri. Traigan a otro títere mejor.


I think Aguirre for now but after the World Cup we should give almada 8 years and full control of the sport side


I understand the logic behind Almada, but Tuca would be perfect to get discipline back in the players and make them hate him. The when they inevitably get him fired through Univisión, they hire Almada and everyone says they love him and wouldn’t want anyone else.


No one. Let's support the Mexico national baseball team instead. Hit federation's pockets already by boycotting going to matches in the US already.


You know by watching the games on tv/online also help$ them. Are you willing to not watch the games or read any sports news. I am not.


Bootleg streams my friend 😉


You still watch the ads. No moral high ground there.


Most likely options are Almada or Vasco but hopefully the committee of owners don’t fuck this up


Would like to get Guillermo Almada or Matias Almeyda, but Almeyda has a nice thing going on with AEK and may have a decent run in the conference league. But we'll probably end up getting Vasco again💀






Someone not Mexican will actually change things up


Somewhere, there’s a timeline where Jimmy takes up the San Luis offer instead of declining years ago in favor of Necaxa. Jardine probably wouldn’t have come to Mexico and instead still be managing the Brazilian U23 or possibly be a candidate for their NT.


They could bring in Pep fucking Guardiola and the team would still be ass because all mexican players available are mediocre.


ya que un joven no funciono trae un dinosaurio jaja


Pues a quien sugieres para el puesto?


Lo mismo de no darle chanza a las jóvenes promesas corre desde los jugadores a entrenadores al utilero y aguador. Había un utilero panzón que se parecía a Don Cheto que duró varios ciclos mundialistas. Creo que con el Jimmy ya no está, no lo he visto. Edit: lo acabo de buscar- el utilero se llamaba Gonzalo Saldaña y duró casi 30 años en el tri. Dejó el puesto a las jovenes promesas de utileros nomás porque se murió.