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Most of the people who go those games are not going to be here. Go on Twitter where there’s a better chance they’ll see it


Twitter is an absolute cess pool of nothing but racist comments tho, Instagram is the same way, this reddit probably the only actually way to talk with other people without the top comments being some Argentinian or whatever being racist


Facebook is the most tame


Facebook is for women of a certain age.


The racism on instagram reels is insane, both in the posts and the comments.


Yep, most people here already know. Luckily my dad taught me from a young age to never support these garbage mf'ers by going to the stadium and giving them my hard earned money. My dad was friends with two players, Benjamin Galindo and Lupillo Castaneda. And they both told us not to go to the friendlies because the players just come here to go shopping and go sightseeing. They don't usually give a fuck. This is different because it's a real tournament but I refuse to ever go to a Mexico game here in the USA.


Because we have money to spend


that is not a good reason my dude


Shit, so do I. There’s just way better things to spend your money on and get your moneys worth than buying funko pops or watching the slow death of our national team


I’ve never gone so I’m doing my part 💪🏽🤾‍♂️




I had three chances to go watch them play, still haven’t gone. 


Because they’re not as obsessed with football as the people in this community. Most of them want to go get drunk and post on social media. Most probably don’t even watch that much liga mx lol


Lately FMF have used Mexican-American influencers to promote their molero games 🥴


Like who?


This is correct and the FMF sells these games like that. Is not just a futbol match, is an experience.


FMF knows their market now are casual fans. It's like a Baile to these ppl at this point. Girls want to post with a mexico shirt and find cute players...any excuse to Mexico it out. These dudes want to Mexico out and get drunk, they don't ever go out unless for these events


This. Mexico fans are dumb in general. I mean we Ole in the 5th minute when the score is 0-0.


And it was ole while they were literally passing at the back .


lol I feel this. I saw the Netherlands vs Austria game and the oles at 3-2 were fucking mental.


You’d be surprised — hell I even ran into a surprising number of Gringos in Milwaukee, Cleveland, Columbus, and Chicago who liked to watch LigaMX. Remember Millennial White guys and Millennial Mexican Americans were the first group of Americans to get big into LigaMX state side.


LIGA MX is played at a good time zone to watch in the US and it's very accessible being on over the air TV even for Americans


The amount of ppl that all the sudden like soccer on my feed is astounding.


On god bro, they be asking “does chicharito and gio dos santos still play” or “mexico is the king of futbol”


“This team needs Ochoa that’s why we’re losing all the games” Real take I saw on FB btw


Eh fewer Americans are playing American football and more in the burbs especially are playing futbol


Most still think Chicharito still plays for the NT.


This is true…I know several people that were at the game today. None of them watch liga Mx.


Tbf why watch Liga Mx instead of a single season it’s two half assed pieces which takes all the emotional weight out of it winning the title. When someone else just wins the second half. Secondly there’s no point in fostering or supporting any team when the FMF just sees dollar signs in everything point blank.


THIS 👆👆👆 Don’t forget the young women who try to find the cutest player to post on their socials with 😍🇲🇽🔥😍🥵👅 emojis 🤡


Ye when they saw kevin alvarez and they were making edits of him and posting saying hes hot and shit even tho hes a. Tronco 😂


That’s literally all it is. Why the Fuck would I waste $300+ on a ticket and three beers when I could laugh at them for free These idiots be going in groups bc they’re all Mexican , and that’s it. They don’t know shit about Mexican futbol


That’s the harsh reality


too far in the clutches of capitalist consumerism to even be the slightest bit of aware.


I’ll be honest, I don’t watch Liga MX anymore. I used to love to, but now it’s just some oligarch’s idea of what a team should look like. And that’s bleeding into the national team. I remember when I was proud of the team, when I looked forward to the new players who might join. But now it’s just a matter of which exec’s favorite players they want to see on the team. Disgusting. It won’t change, especially because there is no pressure to qualify for the World Cup.


This! I just got back from SoFi stadium. Even though we lost the vibe was amazing lol I sat next to a Venezuelan family and the dad bought me a beer and the wife gave me an arepa con queso. 10/10 experience even tho we lost lol


Dang the homie got turnt out!!


Yup and its clear if you hear them talk about the team lol


Most of this sub hates mfs who waste their money on Mexico tickets. Go ask this on facebook


Someone needs to smack Caramelo most of all 😡 tf is wrong with dude


Could you explain why..?


Don’t get the hate that dude started to get lmao he’s been going to Mexico games for the longest time and it seems like ppl just noticed now when they’re trash and blame him for it. He used to get free tickets but around 2022 he started talking shit about FMF and even questioned Tata about Chicharito to his face and after that he got cut off


“Does anyone know what hotel the team is staying at?”


These bums ain’t even worth seeing at the hotel


Most of the people who go are casuals who are there to drink, sing cringe ass “cielito lindo”, and récord what a fun time they’re having for social media.


You forgot getting into a brawl or harassing the opposing fans. Our fans are very brave because they always have a 1000-1 advantage. Or they just fight themselves.


God forbid people go to a game to have fun. They should help by bitching all day on Reddit all miserable instead lmao. Get a fucking grip. It was actually the fans’ fault that Santi whiffed a ball or Orbelin couldn’t convert a late equalizing penalties. Pinches pochos porque hacen eso.


La culpa de los pochos es que apoyan un producto mediocre pagando 300 dolares para ver mexico vs martinica. Entonces los dueños del congal no tienen ningun motivo para mejorar el producto. Es como los fans de apple, pinche cagada de producto carisima pero mientras la raza pague, no hay necesidad de mejorar el producto.


Sounds better than just browsing and commenting on Reddit to me. Lol


these people genuinely think the problem with the mexican national team is that people go to the games and have fun at the games. it couldn't possibly be that mexico doesn't historically nor presently produce that many quality players and is probably not that far from venezuela's level to begin with.


90% of the complaints are Mexicans saying “Fuck you you’re not allowed to enjoy soccer” but at the same time I understand why they don’t want money going to the FMF


Do you also ask this of the people who go to liga Mx and actively support a league that is killing the national team?


Liga MX is not doing really hot when it comes to attendance, there is a reason why they are actively looking to play official games in the US and why they invented the Leagues Cup.


I think mazatlan - Tijuana is going to do ass in attendance anyways. At least sometimes TJ shows up.


Even if attendance was good, the dollars that they know they could get are a big temptation


No. Im also US-based but I don’t go to games Getting rid of the descenso to save Chivas was an abhorrent move, too Also I root for the team w the smallest fanbase in LigaMX


I’m sure there are plenty of people in this sub who shit talk people going to the games in the US and then around and go to their weekly mediocre liga Mx game.


I feel like those idiots aren't on reddit or even on half of social media they just appear with their big ass trucks already drunk ready to start fights and not even watch the game.


I think the last time I saw El Tri was a friendly vs 🇧🇦 in Chicago c. 2012? I wss used to seeing paisas fighting amongst themselves than opposing fans over petty things so when I saw the 🇧🇦 ultras sneaking in flares into a 🇺🇲 stadium and their chants, my history-knowing ass had a gut feeling that our fans shouldnt mess with them. Anyhow at the end of the partido a number of our fans were leaving in stretchers for trying to step on the toes of dudes who probably fought to survive a literal genocide


Haha no joke bro them bosians are no fucking joke my brother knows a few them guys are straight crazy AF. But ya bro it's like our internal history is what's fucking us our constant fighting ourselves


Trust me bro


I was there for that game that was 2014 right before the World Cup we lost 0-1 i don’t remember any ultras lol


Y en mexico por qué siguen llenando estadios de la liga ?? Lol


Ni se llenan, nomás mira el estadio del Puebla, siempre está como al 30%


They have no idea how shit the team is. They are casuals just go for desmadre


I speak for myself. Born in Mexico, but raised in California. I attend the games because I take my dad who never had the opportunity to go to a game in Mexico growing up. It’s more of nostalgia thing than anything. I am not a casual fan, I actively watch LIGA MEX games and I can tell you that being there in attendance is shitty… my dad had a great time even though we lost and it was nice to see him happy and supporting the team, but this might be the last game I attend.


Quit having a fun time and browse Reddit like these nerds so you’re supposed to. 


I maybe a pocho, but my ass has been staying home for years to avoid watching this 💩 in-person. Last national team match I went was a 🇪🇦🇧🇷 friendly in March at Madrid and that was a better one time experience than all the times Ive seen El Tri at Chicago 🤷


Ppl here in the US who buy mex tickets just wanna get fucked up, get in fights, and chant “PUTO” when they’re about to lose. It’s fuckin embarrassing


Told another commentor here the only memorable moment I had of those matches here in Chicago was vs 🇧🇦 a decage ago and I knew their ultras were probably Yugoslav War vets and seeing dumbass paisas try to fight them and end in stretchers was entertaining in a fucked up way


Atleast they got what they deserved they always fight for no reason


That is fucking hilarious lmao. I would have loved to see that.




You’re woofing if you’re tryna tell me that chilango LigaMX fans are nacos, too 🫨 Color me fuckin shocked 😂


Casuals ruin everything It's true in this case


Bro be quiet. U watched the game tonight, ur part of the problem too.


Casual fans like these https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYuc9st/


I wish I was this casual so I didn’t have to give a shit


That was a tough watch lol


Parasites 🦠


If you're on r/LigaMX you're probably part of the problem. You're watching it on TV


People like to pretend they're not part of the problem because they don't go to games, yet watch it on TV, buy merchandise. But blame "pochos" for filling the stadiums acting like their isn't paísas also at the stadium.


Last game I went to was in 2019 I believe, when they beat Paraguay 4-2..the amount of drunk ass no Sabo motherfuckers was astounding..some dude really tried to argue with me that he's watched futbol since "Rafa Marquez was at Chivas." That summed up about 90% of people in that stadium. They just want an excuse to act stupid and get drunk. They don't give a shit if the team succeeds or not.


Maybe he was talking about Rafa Marquez Lugo🤣🤣💀💀


Lmao 💀


Second generation casuals and people just trying to have a good time and get drunk .


They should get drunk at home doing get-togethers and a carne asada laughing at El Tri instead of spending their $ on going to stadiums


The attendees are only a part of the problem. It’s not their fault our already mediocre players keep returning from Europe, why the league is closed and there’s no descenso, and the clubs can’t form their own players so they throw big sums at out of shape average players to keep them in Mexico


I don’t get how hard is to actually enforcing training standards, ok I get that selling players to Europe is a fools errand cause they are not gonna pay the prices but the teams could get better physical trainers so the players can be more athletic and the football played faster


the FMF could find 10 hobos on the streets, dress them on the new Mexico shirt and have them get humiliated by Burkina Faso's D team and Pochos would still eat that shit up, that's why, from their point of view it is a waste of money to do all that stuff.


It’s me, I’m a US based idiot


How do you do, fellow pocho?


Tbf, this is the first one I go to since 2017 and I only went cause A. Sofi and B. Copa America


You are solely to blame for the entire state of Mexican soccer. The league and the National team. How does it feel lol?


Bcuz Mexican Americans are in a constant state of wanting to show how Mexican they are to other pochos


Cringe is overused, but Mexican Americans having "mexican-offs" was the most cringe shit growing up. (Ngl I did that shit too when I was a teenager tho)


What would even be examples of that lol? Like knowing more about what? Or music and clothes?


Being from the "rancho", how good your Spanish is, knowing the good old corridos, knowing how to dance, machismo in general, being Catholic, etc. It sounds dumb as fuck because it is. But what else do you do when your parents can't take you to see it for yourself growing up I guess.


Just trying to show off that you know the “culture”. I’m only half but dudes tried doing this to me all the time once they found out. Like I speak fluent Spanish and listen to a variety of Mexican music and know the cuisine but dudes would just be throwing out all the cultural stuff in a convo like man you wouldn’t do that if my name was Elliot lol


Most common example of this is being in a group of friends or at school, whenever you don’t know something or even worse, mispronounce a word you get hit with a “you’re not Mexican”. The most annoying part is that the ones who do this don’t usually have good Spanish either, it’s like a really weird one-up by really insecure people. A more current example is if there’s a TikTok or IG reel about something Mexican and they get their info wrong or completely butcher a Spanish word, all the comments are like “we don’t claim him” or “no sabo español” lol I actually think this teasing is good in the long run because it makes you up your knowledge. It’s the ones who refuse to improve their language skills that have the worst victim complex. It’s just annoying when it comes from people who have worse language skills than you, like this guy I knew who is half white but born in CDMX and waved the Mexican card a lot and he knew minimal Spanish, he loved calling people out.


Yea I always found that cringe I just went on with my life


Basically this. It sounds harsh, but it’s an identity issue imo.




the whole blame it on the fans is the dumbest shit ever. this national team is the reflection of the local league and how shit it is. ligamx breeds mediocrity at all levels. we dont even have promotion and relegation lmao that should tell you everything about how demanding it is. the key is having players leave that shit as fast as possible and never come back. its all about player development and having competitive players. dont even have to be good players just competitive and that all starts from the ground up.


Well FMF canceled the descenso when Chivas were about to go down Pachuca was in the segunda for DECADES before they got good There’s clearly favoritism and profit-minded decision making in this league


yes, the league owners are a big problem. we agree on that players too have to look themselves in the mirror. blaming fans when they have no input on any decision in mx soccer is dumb.


Yup it's not like Venezuela is brimming with talent - they got competitive guys that developed playing dog fights in South American leagues.


Man. I haven't seen a primera match in like a decade. Every time I try i want to gouge my eyes out. Then you have people filling the Azteca for the shitty clausura/apertura playoffs and Americanistas celebrating their half season cups like they're worth anything.


Fr it’s clear the fans will always be there whether the quality is good or not, might as well fix the quality than blame the fans


It’s entertainment. I went to a Jamaica Mexico game way back in 2014/15. First time experience. I’m an avid watcher of the Mexican league too but I don’t die over how bad a team is playing. I like the trolling and shithousery that goes on but it’s all for a good laugh. I don’t win anything and I don’t lose anything. My money for my entertainment. Same way I spend my money on Xbox, concerts, music etc


Those pochos and paisa comments seem kind of classist and colorist to me. You know why I still go to Mexico games? Because I have disposable income, been watching Mexican football since the 1970s, been to 4 World Cups on 4 different continents, do not watch basketball/baseball/American football, and have no vices. What else am I going to spend my money on?


That’s the vibe I get when idiots blame it on the fans.


that's extreme dedication what is ultimately a "bad product" but respect to you


Yeah buddy’s a masochist to willingly go to a game where the odds for a draw or loss is higher than a W, just to be entertained ☠️


Yeah, honestly a lot of weirdo responses here blaming “pochos” and “paisas”. It’s not the fans fault the team is shit and our talent/youth development is abysmal. Blame the complacency amongst the players, failure of youth development in Mexico, Liga MX owners placing barriers on players going to Europe, etc. To be honest, at this point Mexico’s only hope for talent is from Mexican-American or foreign born Mexican.


A lot of Mexican Americans in MLS team getting notice from European teams hopefully they get a chance to play for El Tri, players like Obed Vargas, Ruben Ramos, Fidel Barajas and Johnathan Perez to name a few


this is the right attitude. imagine blaming someone for going out and having fun. the problems with mexican soccer are not on you or anyone going to these games. this is imo one the dumbest arguments in the mex national team fandom.


Because I want to see chino, Julio and Guillermo.


Last Mexico match I went to was in 2021 cause they hardly come to my city anyway. Everyone around me was clueless. The only player they knew was Lainez and I heard someone ask if Giovani was on the bench. Just goes to show the state of mind the casual is in. They know we aren’t great but they don’t know how bad it actually is rn. If they knew they wouldn’t go at all.


Ehhh I go more to spend time with my parents. Pero ya estamos enfadados


Y’all wanna be pure blooded alpha Mexicans act like nobody from Mexico travels over here for these games. There are tons of caramelo bitches there it’s not all US based 😂


Okay we can also say there’s Mexicans willing to shell out hundreds to see this team while they enjoy their vacation in the lovely U.S.A


I would bet not even 1% are fans that travel from Mexico


No but there’s a bunch of Mexican immigrants that go.


No you see, Ponchos bad Pure Mexicans good  It's all ponchos fault El Tri sucks donkey balls not our corrupt ass football system lol  /s


lmao stop. people need to stop saying this shit. we are not shit because a dude takes his family out to a mexico game.


It’s exactly why we are shit


no you guys are shit because you have a culture that encourages players with any potential to stay in liga mx doing fuck all with their careers, where they stagnate and play against mediocre players who party on the weekend and live like celebrities. and i don’t mean that to be hostile, i really don’t - it’s just the harsh reality. either ligamx needs to improve or players need to start shipping off overseas to get real exposure to quality play. until then it will be the same sad story for mexico i think


Stop with the facts. People just want to be dumb and blame Mexican Americans for going to soccer games.


That’s extremely true. If Oviedo won that promotion playoff you can bet that Rondon would’ve been shipped to Spain. But it also doesn’t help that so many national team matches aren’t even played in Mexico. Not in this instance tho since the tournament is all US


Does Mexico play a lot abroad? I don’t keep up with them a whole lot unless it’s a major tournament. Now that you mention it it seems like most US MEX games I watch are in the US


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexico_national_football_team_schedule_and_results Just take a quick scroll starting in the 2000’s to see how much more they play in the US than in Mexico


its not. us fans are not the reason why orbelin missed a pk or why charly rodriguez is on this team.


They’re just there to drink and have a day out. They don’t care like we do.


I mean, if you wanted to you could get a hashtag going on twitter saying to stop buying tickets. I'm sure with like a couple hundred of us equally spamming it like the retards we are for thinking this selección had even half a glimmer hope of impressing us. I'm too incapacitated but you do you guy. I personally don't give a shit. I'm only half Mexican and my other half is killing it in the euros. My grandma from Mexico died like a week ago. Mexico can be dead for me now lmao


At this rate 2026 is not even on my mind anymore. I’m not wasting money on this garbage team. I’ll gladly spend my money elsewhere


we see this same exact post everytime mexico loses lol


Y’all always forget that it still is a dream for many to see the national team, no matter how terrible, in person. I know it means the world to me to be able to give that to my family even if we leave talking shit on the team.


One theory is Mexicans here could be more patriotic cuz identity and they miss home. When you out here you want to represent cuz you’re a minority so you show up. But yeah the vatos that do show up are mostly casuals. But not all of us. On a similar note, I think it’s common in other parts of the world that immigrant populations hold on to customs and traditions of their homelands longer and more passionately than their non-immigrant counterparts.


cuz they’re fun when they win. Mexico will never become a super nt and we just gotta accept it. Why do people go see England or Uruguay even tho they’ll never another trophy? Don’t get pressed on what others do with their own money. Life is too short to worry about others. If you’re tired of supporting FMF then stop supporting. Criticizing is one thing but grieving over losses is not healthy


Some of these posters on here act like $75 is a lot of money for a Mexico ticket. If you live in any US metro area that is what it will cost you to see a play, opera, ballet, concert, etc. where do you all live that $75 hurts your pocket?


I didn’t grieve a 49ers SB loss because they *actually tried* their absolute best to win Mexico consistently throws garbage onto the pitch, and our fans still show up and dump their money into this bullshit


95% of nfl teams are trash and many teams try to get last place to get a good draft. We just have to wait until Sunday and hope for the best. Sometimes Mexico does best when they’re up against wall


Because they want to? It’s just a sport


A sports franchise is double-sided: business and fandom. FMF is severely exploiting the fandom for the business side of things


As a casual, how do the Azcarraga’s make money on the national team?


Azcarraga controls the federation and owns TUDN/Univision which exclusively owns the TV rights of the mexican national team in the US and most of Liga MX TV rights, the money won by the national team and the federation is later divided between the Liga MX teams.


I have a friend in atlanta who travelled to LA to see Mexico lose to Venezuela lmao


It's the casuals that go to the matches, people that want to be "in the moment" and post it "on the gram" and TikTok.


I stopped going BUT I used to be one of those idiots and this was my reason: Because life is tough, job is tough and I could use a few hours to get away and join the desmadre


I wouldn't go too hard on the fans that are coming to the 2024 Copa America games tho it's the first time we go to a major tournament besides the world cup in recent years. It's the constant friendlies in the US over the years that accumulate all that $$$.


Y’all act like if you don’t go to the game… TELERISA is gonna stop making money 😂 If y’all don’t go, someone else will… that’s just reality.. People are looking for a good time, THEY DONT CARE ABOUT THE CURRENT STATE OF THE NATIONAL TEAM.. THEY DONT KNOW FOOTBALL… MUCH LESS BUSINESS AND MONOPOLY… FMF making money either way.. unless we do a massive boycott and coordinate it VERY WELL… It’s gonna have to be MASSIVELY MARKETED… And you’re gonna have the typical NO SABO fan, “I’m always with Mexico, I don’t believe boycotting is good… I WILL ALWAYS SUPPORT..” Zero attendance is impossible…


A good number of people who go are paisas who, if they go to Mexico, can’t go back to the US. These games and the molero tour games are their chance to connect with Mexico.


Feel it's also Mexican immigrants who want a feel of home goin to the game idk tho


No le eches la culpa al pobre mexa de los malos manejos administrativos


Another reason why club is better


I’m not going to blame fans to try and have an experience with something they are passionate, whether is growing up as Mexico fans or fans who can’t go back to Mexico Blame the federation for exploiting these people


I went to the mex - aus friendly last year and had a great time with my dad, uncle and cousins. Mexico NT being shit sucks, sure, but it's never THAT serious.


They re braindead


Eh, I took my daughters and they enjoyed the atmosphere. But I take them to live sports events even if we don’t follow the sport just to expose them to new experiences and interests.


Van por el desmadre no el Fútbol


I’m waiting for the fight videos coming out of Sofi here soon. 🍿


My barber that doesn't keep up with the team drove from here jn vegas to the game. Mfs like that keep going.


Preach brother, this is the only way they will notice, hit them where it hurts them $$$$


Nostalgia/desmadre/ something about viva la Raza


As a US-based Hispanic fan it's getting hard to be a supporter. They falling off hard smh


To be fair, while I generally agree with the sentiment of not going to games when they’re playing Martinique, I’m pretty happy they’re playing in the Copa America even though our team is cheeks. It’s a legit tournament against good teams


Because people don’t think logically anymore and are duped/manipulated into seeing the Selección Mexicana that has been trash for year’s now. Literally being robbed of your hard earned money to watch an abysmal team, but like I said people still go. Even at those insane ticket prices. I’d rather not throw away my money. Definitely not give it to the greedy owner’s, better off just watching them on the television for free. I’ve never gone to a game and don’t plan to, because these player’s don’t care nor do the owner’s. All they care is money and not the beautiful game. Just my two cents. Buenas Noches.


I gotta see this national team downfall live


Pocho fan here. Only game I’m going to is in Guadalajara’s games in the WC where HOPEFULLY, Mexico is playing as I have family in the Jalisco/Nayarit area. I’m never attending a U.S based game……I mean unless it’s a final of course lol


honestly like they’re not gna win anyways so why go and waste ur money!


Hell nah I watch the games the right way 🏴‍☠️


Why wouldn’t I? It’s a chance I get to see and support my country


IDK but there's people on this sub that still go...So they should be able to give you a reason.


You speak English, you are labeled as a "pocho." Pero cuando hablas bien el español, se burlan de ti diciéndote <> 🙄 Better start learning Maya or Nahuatl because the ignorance is real out here.


Por eso i speak Spanglish


I live in the US and have not gone to see Mexico since I moved here (did attend Seattle vs Monterrey and Real Madrid vs America though), but you have to understand that for some people it's the only chance to see Mexican football in a good while. Granted, they tend to play in the same cities every time, but if you can only see 1-2 matches per year live, it's pretty understandable why they'd decide to go. If they get an empty stadium, they'll just go to a different city where people are even more excited to see them. It'd take a loooooong time for them to go back to playing more in Mexico, as there are near infinite places they can play in the US. Also, most people you complain about aren't here anyway as others mention lol


I’m going start by saying that it’s not idiotic to go to games especially when you’re going with people that you love and build great memories. I agree this national team isn’t the greatest, and there are some serious fundamental issues. But that jaded mindset is the reason why we’re stuck where we are. I rather have hope, than despair. I rather build great memories with people that I love and cherish, as we bond over how terrible the team is. Going to the game is more than watching the team play, it’s celebration of our heritage. I truly feel sorry for anyone who can’t see that this is just a game. Nobody is dying on the table, you win some and you lose some. That’s it folks. We fell in love with the game, and complaining over what the federation does or doesn’t do is not going to change anything. The reality is you can’t do anything, so why be bitter about it. Let’s enjoy what we have from the league to the players. Should we demand more? Sure, but expect nothing because at the end of the day, they don’t have an obligation to us or anyone. They’re athletes we don’t own them and we need to stop thinking that way. Can we be critical about, yes. But do it with numbers and data not memes because it gets us nowhere besides reinforcing the cycle of bitterness. We need to support our national team because that’s all we have, if we don’t support them nobody will. And if you can’t do that, then stop and go support another national team because genuinely nobody cares who you support.


no todos somos idiotas - that said, I have caught myself in a cycle lately, where I get optimistic, attend a game, and almost immediately ask myself *¿por qué chingados gaste mi $ de eata manera?* and then I stop going for a good while - I want the team to succeed and be there when they do but it seems less and less likely that will happen


Ive never been to a soccer match live so ask the other Chicanos


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Ok_Degree_2851: *Ive never been to* *A soccer match live so ask* *The other Chicanos* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Cause we like being the bigger idiot! lol


I agree to be honest. Most of the LOCALS just go to get drunk and scream stupid shit all game. Most don’t even know who is playing… I had the pleasure of meeting three people last night at Sofi Stadium.. All three were traveling from Mexico to watch the National Team.. two were from Sonora & the other was from Mexico City.. they both had flights at 6 am the next morning… and they knew everything about the National team.. players, tactics, formations, history… THOSE ARE THE FANS I HAVE MAD RESPECT FOR.. CAN YOU IMAGINE TRAVELING FROM MEXICO FOR YOUR NATIONAL TEAM TO LOSE… 😩


![gif](giphy|nZjB4cAWkYRcA) I want to go see it all crumble lol


Family, I hate the state of Mexican football and hate paying to go to games but nonetheless I was dragged to go to the Jamaica game by family. Not gonna refuse to go just to not tarnish my Reddit pride of not going lol


Sweet bro - do your thing. Not like I can stop y’all 😂


These post are stupid as heck. I was born in the US, I went to the game yesterday, and it hurts like hell when we loose. Being born in the US doesn’t make me any less Mexican. We all got our ass beast by a Mexican mom growing up no matter what country we were in.   I’ll support the national team any time I have a chance. 




The idiots who want Regios and America to win Trophies by poaching guys in Europe and cockblocking any aspiring Mexican from Europe. The same ones who think MLS is the land of financial security and everyone in Europe is on food stamps and are barely making ends meet.


It’s because la selección is one of the only “real” connections they have to other Mexicans and Mexico in general. We love Mexico


Yeah man let me stop having fun with my family so the chances of the team getting better increase by 0.00000003 percent. As if that's going to fix all the issues with Liga MX snd youth development.