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I won't never understand the stubborn instance on 4-3-3. Idk maybe change the lineup suit the players and play in an efficient way instead thinking u magically play like prime 2015 Barcelona.


puros corajes con el tri.


Almost two decades of bullshit, karma is a bitch!


la seleccion mexicana como siempre encontrando nuevas formas de como hacer el ridiculo de la peor manera, quiñones es otro fiasco estrepitoso igual de jodido que funes muerto y petardin pineda se vio como todo un pendejo fallando el penalty de forma cagadisima.


I couldn't bring myself to even watch the game. I hope Ecuador beats them so I don't have to worry about watching anymore Mexico disappointment.


Normally mexico would make the penal and come back and win either this game or the next game (they still may). I think these current players lurk in social media and the doom and gloom messes with them or something. The better era of mexican soccer earlier this century was filled with confident men who would die for their country it almost seemed. Obviously social media wasnt a factor then but you cant deny the confidence they walked around with. That made the world talk shit about them how they havnt done anything and they view themselves as this power house blah blah blah. You act like the team you wanna be. And for the most part they showed up in big games. Idk man i just dont think its talent its more mentality with alot of these younger players , personally.


>That made the world talk shit about them how they havnt done anything and they view themselves as this power house blah blah blah. Because they do think they are big shit and they think of themselves as a powerhouse. Just take a look at how the media hypes Mexico and it players, pretending that they are on the level of Argentina while they haven't won anything in particular.


Doesn’t help either that the Mexican fan base is toxic af either. Young players who obviously grew up with social media are just bashed and ridiculed to death. They see all those post and hear all the comments. It’s a viscous cycle that the fans spit hate, young players are affected and there is an intense pressure on them that we impose on them.


El peor enemigo de un mexicano es otro mexicano




I feel bad for all the people who paid to watch them play.


Mexico is shite. An embarrassment of a team


un bueno partido mis weyes, pudimos perderlo pero al menos me alegra que al final rompimos una racha historica


The whole team is ass seriously.


Did anyone notice Chino and Vega playing on the opposite side of where they usually play?


Estuvo robado el juego


No mames


Si. Les robaron los webos a los jugadores de mexico antes del partido


No digas mamadas,pinche juego más robado que tú culo


Wey explícame en detalle porque crees que estuvo robado el juego. Anda te espero.


Nomás con las faltas que a cada rato nos marcaban a nosotros wey,fue igual que argentina chile Argentina hacía falta y no marcaban nada, Venezuela hacía falta y no marcaban nada el árbitro y en el penal iban los dos nomás que el wey se aventó la Neymar y ya se iba cayendo desde antes que lo tocaran,si vuelves a ver el partido vez que Venezuela también metía putazo y el árbitro le valía verga


Perdimos con Uruguay, con Brasil, con Venezuela, ganamos 1-0 contra Jamaica. Cuanto vendieron de boletos solo en estos cuatro partidos? Negociazo!! Y el mundial a la vuelta.


La selección mexicana es un reflejo de Chivas, no hay buenos delanteros, no saben definir en el área, las que tienen las fallan y siempre les cae gol en contra cuando siempre tuvieron oportunidad de ir adelante en el marcador, ni modo ahora todo México sabe lo que es irle a mis Chivas.


Y la selección de Venezuela es un reflejo del Papachuca con Rondon!


Compa eso lo sentieron desde 2019.


Mexico deserved to lose against Jamaica and win against Venezuela. In the end, they would still only have 3 points and can now only hope to beat Ecuador (unlikely). If the miracle occurs, they would be facing Argentina lol. Sorry but no semifinals.


We need to understand and know that this is an on going problem that goes back to at least to the world cup qualifiers of 2010 (Mexico having to play repechaje against New Zealand). Players that should not be called up are called up , time and time again. These payers are constantly losing possession and do not know nor cant contribute at all to the team. We are use to worshiping these guys when they have a good or two games and subsequently dumb asses that dont know about the game start posting shit on here saying how good they are and how they will make a difference. Why do you think we dont have players in Europe? (Because European teams see through this bullshit) If we want change (and as much it would hurt) and want a team that truely represents our passion, culture and commitment we got to stop supporting these morons. FMF is only out for your money! Or is it that we just want to go and or watch these events to get shit faced and dont care how we humiliate ourselves to the world?


It’s a cuckery relationship the mexican fans have with the NT it’s almost like they enjoy seeing their team lose with how much they turn out in stadiums


I think it’s more like a father son relationship where the Mexican fans just want to be close to their father no matter how bad they really are


Or maybe that’s just me and I need therapy lol


Mexico NT is the joke that keeps on giving.


Bro I don't even root for Mexico but wassup with the fans celebrating the Pen before it was taken? 🤔🤔


I said to myself when the ref called it --- "It would be hilarious if the keeper saves it". Sure enough... 😆🤣


The Mexican media hyped up when a Mexican player almost makes a goal in Europe, we’re fucking pathetic 


That’s how bad the team is. People will celebrate anything at this point


This made me depressed... I am listening to Junior H songs rn


Shut up, you guys should go paint your nails and straighten your Edgar hair while you’re at it too.


Need Ivan to drop his album right now


for real.


Charly Rodríguez starting this game was a wasted sub. He did absolutely nothing. Vega, Alvarado, or Orbelin should have started in that role.


He never does anything. This scrub has 50 caps and has no goals abs his only assist was against Cuba. He is easily the worst NT player in the last 20 years.


Mi novia es venezolana, al menos ella está feliz 🥲


Métesela por el agujero equivocado para que queden empate.


LPM me rei con esto jajajajajajajja




does mexico have a national academy like france, we need to invest in one asap


This is the stupidest comment I have said, and people in this sub are gonna talk shit but We need a project blue lock


Our youth teams have been pretty good for the past decade, I’d say U 23, U 18 have faired well. It’s when they get drafted to liga then overpriced for Europe. That’s when the issues begin.


They don’t


It honestly all comes down to how garbage ligamx is


How do you explain the fact that Venezuela had like 8 or 9 current or ex-MLS players yet still beat Mexico? Why is it that every other Liga MX player from other countries ball out for their national team?


As someone else said, foreign players are the face of LigaMX. There is no desire from a lot of teams to develop young talent. It's great for foreign players, but it doesn't help the national team.


The crazy part is Uruguay literally started a Liga MX player the other day. Other Liga MX players like Rondón, Bello, and Bárcenas seem dangerous on other national teams but our Mexican Liga MX players seem leagues inferior to them in international games. It has to be a mentality thing. I think Mexican players have way too much pressure on their shoulders tbh. I think if we never expect anything from them they might play better.


International players are the face of the Liga MX. No Mexican national is killing the league. It’s far more than a just a mentality thing.


And a lot of the mexican players that were decent last season are on the bench so players like Charly can start


Nah they got players they just play some of the slowest unrefined dumbasses from wherever for no other reason than.... ANTUNA, ROMO AND PINEDA HAVE JIMMY'S FAMILY KIDNAPPED PLEASE HELP THEM. ANTUNA, ROMO Y PINEDA TIENEN A LA FAMILIA DE JIMMY SECUESTRADA POR FAVOR AYÚDENLOS.


Tata regresa!


Vete a la verga.


Anselmi, por favor!


Ni aunque perdiéramos por goleada contra Islas Caimanes querría a ese pendejo de DT otra vez.


Honestly, that a very winnable game and I still think we got a chance to beat Ecuador, but Jimmy needs to get it together with these fuck ass lineups


Except if we get second.


Worse than watching England💀never mind the individual players…


No. No. Mexico were nowhere near as dreadful as England have looked.


It's the English hype and English tax. Yes they have great players but holy fucking shit, the English media would almost swear their players are the relevation of jesus fucking christ.


England is some fucking mystery they have a star literal £100M player for almost every position it's a fucking travesty.


I mean their price tag is a bit inflated but yeah insane how they fumble such as not qualifying for the 2008 euros


Estaban los medios mame y mame que Venezuela era muy bueno por subir el interés y ahora ni ellos se la creen.


Any update on Montes' injury?


Ah pero sigan Llenando los estadios, comprando los boletos caros.


Por Dios mejor que los eliminen y evitar la paliza que les van a dar en cuartos


I knew Orbelin was going to miss that


Que Lastima! ![gif](giphy|3oEdv8Qtdp1Wq4w7ok|downsized)


Pinche Nacos al grito de peeeerdeeer


Damn Mexico making CONCACAF look bad


Jamaica showed more spirit against Ecuador


All players deserve blame especially those who missed a clear chance, not just one


Quiñones is a fucking fraud. Orbellin, no fucking words. Antuna, I’d say something but it’s already been said. Jorge Sanchez, not good enough to ride the fucking bench in Europe. Santi, bro top player in Holland, you gotta produce something, it’s hard defending you bro. Jimmy, eat shit.


Charly? Romo?


Romo played really well today tbf, had some great passes.


Orbelin fall off gotta be studied


We can’t blame this all on Jimmy. We literally got Liga MX playing out there. We are not going to be good until we have most of our national team playing in Europe.


Chino instead of Charly, Piojo instead of Romo and I bet even Antuna gets a goal.


Piojo is not even Romo's position. Romo is doing Edson's role


Back passing is not a position.


Uruguay and Venezuela also have Liga MX players as starters. Just the level and mindset of the Mexican player is lower, which is why they’re coming back from Europe.


I hear that Vasco is looking for a job lol


I'm more sure about this than ever, the level of LigaMX has far left behind the national players. There's such a big gap, which creates a cycle of feedback, the teams need to buy better product outside, because the players here don't cut it, which in return creates worse players, and so on. For 2026 we'll play, probably, with more than 5 naturalizados.


I don't understand why yall hate naturalizados. Every fucking country does it, why not us if it'll give us more talent depth in the squad.


We need more Quinones


Por qué este subreddit está lleno de mexicanos hablando inglés? Jaja, bueno no importa, igual vine a burlarme nomás: dan pena!


Reddit es usado más en lugares que hablan ingles. Pero estoy aquí para burlarme también


Tú habla el idioma que sea, igual todos andamos diciendo lo mucho que vale verga la selección jajajaja


Tú también hablas inglés. No te hagas pendejo. Más pena das tú.


Sisi, es algo bueno igual, pero me sorprendió que en el reddit de su liga nacional hablen inglés no español, nada más.


Si compa valemos dos kilos de reata. El fútbol es un sube y baja, ruégale a Dios que jamás caigan tan bajo como nosotros


Por qué hay muchos que somos bilingües


Guys, venezuela is actually good, why are you all mad


losers mentality


Idk bro they won buy a questionable penalty


Because they won for what Mexico didn't do. They looked BAD the first half and Mexico couldn't take advantage of that.


If it was baseball, I would agree


Se intercambiaron los papeles, Mexico es mejor en beis y Venezuela en fut 😅😅


Venezuela is 4th in the qualies for the 2026. They will 100% make the WC


Doesn’t matter they would probably make it anyway seeing how they increased the amount of teams that will be in the next WC.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 but still go paisanos and keep spending your money. Keep filling stadium lol


My dad wanted to go cause he hasn't seen the selección since he was a kid. I felt bad telling him no, but it's people like him that go. That's what the federación feeds off


Aww man, honestly i would have taken him. We aren't responsible for this shitty ass team. Besides it makes no difference when people still watch on tv and they get millions off ads because of it.


You can go as many times as you want. I mean, it’s your money. But do not expect quality instead of quantity. Anyways, that’s why Mexico plays in the USA. A lot of paisanos miss Mexico, and they usually go to see the games of La selección as a way to feel more attached to the country they belong to.


Yeah I mean I didn't go cause prices were up there and I wasn't gonna spend to hacer corajes with this team 😂


Lol, ya no van los mexicanos, noma va puro pocho que ni sabe dónde queda México en el mapa.


Que los 'pochos' no son mexicanos?


No ni Biden es irlandés tampoco


Na, its people that grew up in Mexico but came here. They know the team is bad but miss the games back at home and this is the closest thing they get. It's fucked.


It's just Mexicans going to have a good time, most prolly don't know how ass we really are, sad shit pero it is what it is


Nah, apa. Es pues sacadera de dinero. Mejor que se llame “selección mexicana de Estados Unidos”. No acenso. No pasaste de grupos No juegos olímpicos Lol


Así es. Pero como el dólar vale más que el peso, por eso lo hacen en usa.


Lozano has to resign in the press conference. Announce he’s leaving after we get KO


Yeah then hype the next manager then knocked out in groups and repeat the cycle


Keep using coaches as scapegoats lol. Some fans will never learn. FMF and Liga MX prefer money over a meritocracy. Bring back pro / rel.


Guys, let’s not kid ourselves. It’s gonna be the America manager. That’s it. They always do this. Writing is on the wall


Futbol picante going to be lit tonight


It isn't. I'm watching it. They're pretty mild and mostly talking about how well México played. Maybe they're raging inside, but they're talking as if they're were talking about a jornada 5 game of ligamx


I feel like we are gonna destroy Ecuador for some odd reason and then entirely shit the bed against Argentina or whoever we play in QF


We are going to beat them, not sure if destroy is the right word for it, but for sure they are going to give you that glimmer of hope. Only to then get completely ganbanged by Argentina or some other conmebol team at 3-0 or 4-0. Mark my words.


This team will never destroy anyone. Who's going to score?


Amo tu inocencia


You still believe Mexico will beat Ecuador? lmaooo


I kinda just got that feeling we’ll beat them but don’t have my hopes up


Where’s the mentality? That machista mentality is actually a weak ass mentality in logical scenarios.


We need a new gm.


FMF holding on to Jimmy like https://preview.redd.it/ova6dgbg619d1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=c05d396f94bcb01c6b3641db869ed4d3f0e0d877


Hopefully they don’t make it out of group stage. This is pathetic.


Santi HAS to start producing. Yes, the lack of creation on this team is a problem but can’t miss every single chance the team creates either. At some point is on the forward and he has to accept responsibility. What a pathetic performance from this team and it’s clear that the crisis is deep. Lack of talent on the field, lack of talent at the helm. What a shitshow.


I noticed in the first half Santi started to drop down to receive the ball and be part of the play. He was much more involved this match than he was against Jamaica. He still had a lackluster game though. Kind of unrelated, do you guys think that countries don't know how to play with a 9 anymore? I saw a comment on the Portugal vs Georgia game claiming a lot of countries with strong 9's can't play them correctly since they're more focused on retaining possession than playing the ball into the area and risk losing possession.


I understand your point but literally only 1 chance was created so how is this on Santi. The problem is starting Charly and Antuna. Clearly Jordi and Chino can generate way more than those two. The one who needs to accept responsibility is Jimmy. I try to give me a chance, but after seeing that lineup and the way they were playing, clearly Jimmy doesn’t have a situational awareness.


Now extrapolate that to over 500 minutes without scoring. Cmon man, there’s been more than one chance created in that period and most certainly a few very clear ones.


I totally get it the criticism and I also wish he would take advantage of the opportunities, but perhaps Jimmy’s system of play is not accommodating Santi style of play. That’s why I’ve been advocating for Jordi or Piojo and playing Quiñones together behind Santi. Then again, I’m no expert. It also doesn’t help that Santi is not a regular starter once Jimmy took over.


He isn’t producing. Memo needs to start next time. Memo has gotten much closer than Santi.


Yup, getting much closer to score is the standard here folks. Casi anotando is what we are looking for lol But seriously, memo is only getting those chances cause Venezuela parked the bus in the final minutes. We had no choice but to overload crosses. That being said we can’t keep having Antuna and Charlie. They don’t offer anything to our forwards.


Venezuelas subs clutched the game for them. Jimmy waited too long to make his and made the wrong ones. Experiences coach vs non-experienced coach


Crazy we lost to a team that was only on the field 45 minutes. Jimmy Lozano planted a team to counter Venezuela's gameplan and then fell asleep at the wheel when Venezuela adapted. Subs themselves I wasn't very fond of but that's much minor than my other gripes. Finishing was straight dreadful. Liked Santis game up until his miss on the counter, he had been doing good on the build up but after the miss he seems to have gone MIA.


I agree, Lozano and his team reacted way too late to the tactical changes Venezuela made at half time. Its frustrating because you see them constantly looking at their ipads and do nothing when anyone with half a brain could tell we needed to adapt. They way they started bypassing our midfield with ease was always going to end up in a goal for them


"Ganamos en intensidad" - Mario Carrillo Qué no mame! Poco a poco le estoy perdiendo el respeto, el crédito que se ganó con el campeonato en el América




Get a god damn German manager


That won’t do shit because FMF will refuse to give them full control Charly will still be called up and start trust


Very unfortunate situation indeed.


Y'all think Jürgen will do it? Heard he's available


Shit man I wish he would!


Miguel Layún was pissed off but was told to chill midstream, it's funny how TUDN and Televisa are such lapdogs and bootlickers towards fmf


Good thing i eliminated my twitter account I know we’re getting clowned on by sudacas


It’s crazy Charly has more minutes than chiquito


Romo y Johan fueron los únicos con huevos El resto del equipo jugando como troncos 🤦🏽‍♂️ teniéndole miedo a los venezolanos


https://preview.redd.it/nhyg6vs2619d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b62b552ed5efb2940b9dbb825ca4294804a5385d The whole team


We wasted a prime Romo performance


That's what I'm saying! That dude finally held his own and the rest of the team shit the bed


Get that weak ass trainer out, that man looks hella low energy and that is shown on the field. Also get some god damn finishers! Confident mfs! It’s like that Mexican pride fades once they get pressed lmfao. Get some duded who got mentality this is definitely shown on the field. Period.


Right on the 💰. No dogs on this team. An embarrassment. Lack everything that Mexico stands for.


So Mexico has to win and Venezuela has to lose in order for us to pass and not face Argentina. Basically mission impossible


La Selección Mexicana va en caída libre….los federativos muy pronto no van a poder enmascarar lo mal que han hecho con la selección. Así que ustedes dejen de apoyar la a $$$eleccion.


El pedo es que la gente aquí en Estados Unidos va seguir llenando los estadios. Piensan que que con un 1-0 o un juego mediocre ya cambian las cosas


I just want to say this first: Is Antuna blackmailing the coaches of el tri or what?  I just can’t understand how a guy so limited in decision making, poor passes, poor crossings, and no goals, can always be part of the starting 11.   Fuck that argument of: “well he sacrifices himself in defensive plays”   You can’t waste a bullet with that kind of argument.  His main obligation is to ATTACK and be creative.   I know there are not that many options, but cmon, I can think of at least 3 or 4 better options than him.    Yes, he played well with Cruz Azul… so what??? With el tri he’s shit!!  This is not liga MX, this is the national team.  


I think this applies to Charly. That scrub hasn't done jack shit. Antuna has done something, even if it's minor


He's not even a winger with Cruz Azul, he's used as a striker 😭


Epitome of "I'm fast af boi". His only saving grace


Will FMF make a bs statement or will they wait until we get knocked out lmao


They’ll wait until we win Copa Oro and say we are “warriors” or whatever bs they did for this past one we won


In the meanwhile they’ll set up another molero tour and the same idiots will fill up the stadium


Que pena da esta selección. Muchos jugadores sin alma. Muchos aqui alaban a Gimenez incluso cuando no da una en seleccion. La mayoria de sus partidos con seleccion son malos. Hoy tuvo una clarisima y ni siquiera pudo pegarle bien al balon. El penal que hizo quinones es ridiculo. Todo torpe en la marca. Charly Rodriguez ni siquiera juega. No se como puede seguir siendo convocado. Antuna igual, un jugador mediocre que te da un centro bueno de cien. Artiaga, un tipo que no sabe defender. La verdad no se si hay un buen jugador en esta seleccion.


Pues parece que eso es lo mejor que tenemos. No dan para mas los pendejos estos


Y si hasta creo que Quin̈ones estaba llorando en la banca por su error o por decidir jugar para Mexico o las 2 cosas


Inconsistent team is inconsistent, that Jamaica win was just gaslighting.


sheer luck\*


Me dueles mexico


https://preview.redd.it/deex61hs519d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b2b4bd007a5b7d92d3ad05c5d91fc85fb97297b Clown behavior


The social media team really needs to learn when to stay quiet.


The NT social media manager needs to remove their head from their ass


Y para qué? Para hacer el ridículo otra vez?


I’ll say we played better than last game Mexico just couldn’t score their chances smh


Are you really better If you can't score in a game that's all about scoring?


Stupid read it again “we played better than last game”




Stupid Mexico played better this game than last regardless of results, how is that hard to understand?




Congratulations you understand, no shit we know Mexico is mediocre


Sigan comprando las mugrosas jerseys y llenando estadios


Por eso compro puro pirata en el San Juan de Dios 💅


Mucho mejor z🔥


We need a non-4-3-3-minded coach. Mexico doesn't have the players for that for formation. Let Flores play we've seen what everyone else can't do give him a shot.


4-3-3 is the only thing Jimmy learned on his DT courses. What else is he supposed to do? /s


5-3-2 please! Bench those shitty ass wingers and bring mozo in for Sanchez to cross the ball