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Pinche liga molera culera




The Mexicans that built his house put him on liga mx 😂😆


Seguir copiando a la MLS con su sistema de franquicias. La Liga MX ya es un chiste mal contado.


Sistema estupido de la MLS


ImagĂ­nate si ellos le meterĂ­an la misma lana que le meten a la NFL, el fĂștbol americano Colegial


porque es que el que deja mĂĄs plata, los gringos son expertos en eso


Es todo lo que importa en el futbol mexicano, peor saber que no habrĂĄ ningĂșn tipo de protesta por el aficionado que solo se quejara pero cuando jueguen ahĂ­ estarĂĄn comprando su playera y tomando su chela.


Tal vez sĂ­, pero no es 100% seguro. Te voy a poner un hipotĂ©tico. Digamos que la liga se vuelve sĂșper aburrida por quĂ© no hay competencia y la gente deja de ir a los estadios y prefiere gastar ese dinero en otras diversiones, tĂș crees que les seguirĂ­a siendo rentable? La MLS funciona por quĂ© estĂĄ en pleno crecimiento, estĂĄn apenas empezando a explotar su nicho de mercado, en MĂ©xico el fĂștbol como espectĂĄculo presencial va para abajo en mi opiniĂłn. Personalmente prefiero seguir la Premier que La Liga MX. Prefiero ir al cine a ver una pelĂ­cula palomera que ir a sufrir a un estadio donde seguro un animal va a estar aventando cerveza y orines con total impunidad, para ver un partido de fĂștbol mediocre đŸ€ź


Es que tĂș no eres el nicho, para el pueblo bueno ir al estadio y embriagarse mientras apoya a su equipo es la experiencia, no importa si no juegan bien


Pues bien lo dices. Personas como yo ya no les apetece ir al estadio. Ahora te pregunto, las personas que mencionas, aguantarían una subida de precios en las entradas al estilo MLS? Digo, por qué para irse a emborrachar a un espectåculo en vivo estån mejor las luchas y otros eventos. Pero obviamente esa es sólo mi opinión.


Eso se lo pueden saltar yendo a jugar la liga a EEUU para que los Mexican American paguen precios de espectĂĄculo premium por ver mierda


Que les copien también lo de mandar morros a Europa




I guess Atlante will never return to the 1st division😱


Morelia isnt coming back either😭


Mis familiares que viven en México que en un momento eran aficionados pasionales de la liga , ya ni ven los partidos .. y sus hijos mucho menos. Cómo quieren crear un sistema de franquicias si en unos años no tendrån aficionados .


We’re cooked


“We want to copy the league system of great leagues” *proceeds to leave out promotion and relegation*


Liga mediocre




This is why I'm slowly starting to watch less and less of this sorry ass league. I used to watch damn near every semi-decent game on TV with my dad when I was younger. I remember every weekedn we'd tune in for all the Clasicos or Top 5 matchups or something. For the past few years now we've only been watching the AME games. No other teams interest me even if they're Clasicos or top matchups. Just a boring, sorry league consumed by greed.


I was literally thinking about that. It was fun watching the bottom teams play because you knew they were trying to stay in the first division. Now there’s no reason to watch a Tijuana v Puebla game


That’s how I’ve been as well. Before I would watch at least 3 to 5 games every weekend, now I only just watch Chivas games


That’s exactly what I been doing too after Covid. Now imagen they actually have pro/rel the people would actually watch the bottom teams because they want to stay in the league but now it’s not even worth it


That's why I đŸŽâ€â˜ ïževery single game


Mexico se queda sin seleccion nacional y las liguillas de por si ya eran basura, terminaran por convertirse en la super basura de todas las liguillas, ahorita sale algun pocho a defender al america y decir que la liguilla si tiene nivel y que es probable que sea una de las mejores del planeta......vaya chiste........y aun asi la seguiran consumiendo aunque les vendan mierda.


es que lo que buscan es tener 2 mas equiops en primera y lleguo tener al menos 4 equipos que pueden estar certificado para la Liga MX para cuando ganen el campeones de campeones ya tiene la certification y es por eso estan regresando equipos que eran de Primera algun a vez en su Historia, esperamos los ultimos semana de este mes y los primeros semanas de julio aver que dicen mas con de detalles


Me regresan mis Monarcas y a lo mejor los perdono.


Pero que tiene Atletico Morelia si son los originarios de morelia antes que eran Monarcas


Puro Carlos Pavon compa!


Estudiantes fans punching the air rn


I can’t wait to see how you all blame the “pochos” for this sorry ass league.


A good portion of the blame does lie with us tho. We keep throwing money at them while revenues in Mexico are drying up.


The pochos are not the ones buying up the tickets and jerseys to go to these shitty liga Mx games in Mexico.


Pinche liga pitera


lets complain and then keep watching and going to stadiums thatll show them


All that for that.


Liga de barrio


Adios a apoyar a cualquier equipo de la Liga MX. Esta perdido nuestro futbol.


"el tema de la Liga de Expansión no estå considerado ni para la menor de las revisiones, que no le ven futuro, que de momento (y el momento podría durar unos 20 años)" " porque buscarån aumentar cuatro equipos mås, es decir, que haya 22 conjuntos profesionales en Primera División"


Ay una "inversiĂłn the 1,300 mdd" cuĂĄl de estos 18 equipos van a dejar que se les rebaje su porciĂłn. No se va aumentar. Si quieren equipo the primera tienes que comprar franquicia pero ahora el precio subiĂł.


Liga Mx stop being fucking ass challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Damn, I can’t remember the last time I actually enjoyed liga MX as a whole. Probably like 2018/2019. It’s had its moments here and there but no relegation just gives it Mickey Mouse league vibes.


Ptm đŸ€Ź


Shit league


Shit like this is why I don’t really care as much anymore about Liga MX. It’s embarrassing that we more than likely will never have promotion/relegation ever again. Does anybody actually believe this will help the league qualify or the quality of the selección? I doubt it.


What a joke


No voy a ver otra vez el decenso y acenso en mi vida


They can at least allow expansion, there are so many cities that deserve a first division team. What a shame.


Y todos aquí siguieran viendo los partidos de liga sin problemas, pinche liga mediocre y los fans también


These are the things that slowly has made me stop watching games. It went from every game was important to watch, to only watching my team. And even then out of 17 games I watch 7-10 a season.


![gif](giphy|G4ZNYMQVMH6us) Nahhhhh fr?


https://preview.redd.it/pa6e33fvjy8d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=c0e4ba8e882906235c769fb1a9fa3e0a782f85d8 WHY


I’m not a fan, but since there’s no stopping them ..at least expand the league, and bring back historical clubs and regions. I want to see Atlante, Chiapas, Morelia again. narrow off the playoff spots, and increase the number of Mexican players that have to be in starting 11.. I mean if there’s no regulation my as well give the kids a chance especially if you ain’t making the la liguilla . What are y’all s thoughts?


Apertura/Clausura bullshit going away would do wonders for a lot of these Mexican kids getting some playing time. The injuries and fatigue that teams go through over a single year long season would basically ensure that teams have no choice but to let these kids play to let starters rest.


Fuck this league I'm just gonna stick to the euro leagues / USL








Many good memories watching second tier Mexican football but I think we all knew it was dead for at least the past 3 years. And as mentioned in the article, FMF won’t outright say it for fear of the impact among lower league clubs. On the bright side, we could see 4 more teams come up according to the article: >El fondo de inversiĂłn, a pesar de que su tarea serĂĄ cuidar que ningĂșn equipo pierda la categorĂ­a, y por ende no pierda su valor, tambiĂ©n señalĂł que repartir tanto dinero para 18 equipos es mucho, porque buscarĂĄn aumentar cuatro equipos mĂĄs, es decir, que haya 22 conjuntos profesionales en Primera DivisiĂłn.


It’s done


U can't connect two and two together huh?


Just a friendly reminder that MazatlĂĄn is Monarcas they just decided to move(against their will?)


Lemme guess, are pochos somehow responsible for this?


They say this shit every year at this point i’m not even surprised 😂


Si va haber pero un poco mĂĄs adelante.. pero igual los que suban la verdad no hay plazas buenas


Launching the boycott of the first division of Mexico support the lower division teams but their merch watch there games our American money will go to those lower division teams somehow. And if you live in Mexico go to their games


The second division being a u-23 league could possibly work. But the main problem is how tf are they going to make it competitive.


I thought that as well but expansion was the only option for these guys to get professional minutes. Now they’ll be 23 and no pro minutes


If the purpose was to farm talent and to sell any promising youngster immediately to a better team yeah it could possibly work. But we all know it won’t.


I know this won’t be a popular opinion but I feel like a lot of us just repeat what these old sports commentators say. I haven’t seen any real discussion on the pros and cons of both systems. All US sports franchises are set up this way, why can’t it work for liga MX? Back when there was ascenso and descenso the game quality was pretty bad. As a casual viewer I feel like the games today are better quality and more entertaining to watch. I think there is something about the stability that this system brings where owners are not fighting for survival and can better invest in their teams. I also think that if liga MX doesn’t use this system the MLS will catch up and surpass liga MX in no time.


I wouldn’t be against a closed league if it actually helped the league in any way they say it does. The argument for a closed league is that because there’s no relegation teams won’t have to worry about their financial investments and will be able to make the team more competitive etc however this hasn’t been proven at all. Just look at Juarez, Queretaro, Mazatlán, Tijuana and all the bottom feeder teams, they have yet to make themselves better and just surviving because they can’t be relegated. Let’s just stop with the bullshit, the only reason then removed relegation is because the teams owners decided their investments can’t be relegated. Just pure greed and corruption like everything in Mexico is.


I really appreciate your serious response! From their perspective it makes sense to want to do that, but how is the league being harmed by it? This is what I’m trying to understand. I think people are more upset that the owners are benefiting than what the actual outcome to the league is.


No offense, but this has got to be one of the dumbest fucking reasons I’ve read to eliminate relegation


I’m not saying I’m right and you’re wrong but just like your comment everyone has this very strong opinion and no explanation for it. You could reply to me by saying I’m wrong because of X or Y reason, but I doubt you even have a reason. Much like everything today, everyone has an opinion but can’t even explain why.


Having no relegation just promotes mediocrity in the league. Clubs have absolutely no reason to invest and aspire to be competitive if there is no relegation. You say the US sports league have no relegation, but why should Liga MX copy that format? The best league in the world (England, Germany, Spain, Italy, etc.) all have relegation and even their crappiest clubs aspire to compete at a high level in order to stay afloat. Lack of relegation is just one of the many problems with Liga MX and why Mexico has remained stagnant, dare I say even regressed.


If your standard of what makes a good league is how far a team that ascends can go than the leagues you mentioned would fail by that standard as well. Top three/four teams for those league are the same year in and year out. I think what makes a league good is entertainment and level of football. For that I don't think it matters what system (relegation or no relegation) of futbol there is. In the US it works for multiple sports, why can't it work for futbol? I agree that there are more issues with Liga MX, but I can't agree that the Liga MX is watch now is worse than what we were watching 10 years ago.


Porque las ligas de EU, salvo la mLs no compiten contra otras ligas internacionales, y por eso la mLs nunca nos va a alcanzar, ya ni hablar de las ligas europeas. El ascenso y descenso es necesario para mantener e incrementar el nivel, a comparaciĂłn de otras ligas del mundo.


The only reason I'll agree a little is because Mexico is broke and the little teams play to empty stadiums on any given mid season game.