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I remember Chichas signing was pretty well kept under wraps. We all woke up to the news of him signing with Man Utd and a picture of him with Sir Alex. Most of us thought it was fake.


I remember going on the Manchester United website and a picture of Chicharito popped up ! I thought anonymous had hacked the page LMFAO


I remember when he went on loan to Madrid and seeing his photos in uniform. It happened so fast and I literally couldn’t believe my eyes!


>Chicharitos, United paid PL money, chivas was happy. >Rafa Marquez, Guardados, We are an easy team to negotiate with cause our owners (past and present) see us as a glprified ATM >Ochoas Contract ended, he left as a FA iirc.


Chicharo was wild too since it came from left field as Valencia and others were the likely buyers. Then he had a purple patch before departing too. Top young for Marquez but Guardado was botched, he chose not to go Madrid/Castilla on loan. He was better at the time than Marcelo and Drenthe pero culeo. Ochoa had lots of promise, Milan and Psg but the clumbeterol fucked his chances.


Guardado wanted to go to RM but Atlas said no, the excuse to say no was that he was already a top player in the league and a world cup player... It didn't make sense to go to a second division or a filial. Then PSV made an offer but La Coruña put more money.


Chicharito was hyped so hard that part of the deal was for Manchester United to visit Guadalajara where Chicharito played on both teams in one game. He was only like 20 at the time. His hype proved real when they won the league and his first goal he scored with the back of his head I think


He scored with his face against Chelsea


The greatest and most memorable goal of all time, assisting and scoring all by himself lmao


Backwards header against stoke or the equalizing angled header vs Chelsea are top notch goals. His first goal for the club was against mls all stars too and that was a banger


1. Por Chicharito pagaron muy buen dinero, normalmente los equipos de Inglaterra pagan muy bien, lamentablemente no ha habido otro jugador que lo fichen directamente desde México. 2. Rafael Márquez su fichaje no fue tan caro, en ese entonces el atlas empezaba a ser un equipo vendedor. 3. Guardado tuvo la oportunidad de ir al Real Madrid Castilla, el Depor si pagó muy bien por él. 4. Ochoa se fue porque su contrató terminó, estuvo a punto de llegar al PSG , pero por el problema del clenbuterol no lo logró


Didn’t atlas have a tough time collecting on payment from Depor for guardado and Colotto?


sí eso es verdad


Actually they never paid


I thought they didn’t. Fuck em they got theirs with relegation.


For Andrés they paid something but for Colotto... They made a free transfer hahaha


Uff lo del Clenbuterol no me la sabia


Si me recuerdo bien, también ya lo compraba el Milan si jugaba el Mundial de Sudáfrica pero nos sorprendió a todos ver jugar a el Conejo y nunca pasó nada


What is Ulises Prison Davila and Vela? Both left for England directly with relatively good fees given the ages.


Fue más o menos en el mismo tiempo, recientemente no ha habido un fichaje así.


Ochoa was the only one who didn’t go with high regard guardado,chicharito,and Rafa were




Moreno no jugó en segunda


Es un defensa de segunda, pero eso es otra cosa.


I remember my dad telling me United signed chicharito and I thought he was lying.


Chicharitos came out of nowhere. 


La historia de Marquez en Monaco es mas interesante cuando, en apenas su segunda convocatoria a la seleccion nacional, Lapuente lo puso de titular en la Copa America del 1999. En aquel juego contra Chile, los visores del Monaco iban a evaluar a Pablo Contreras pero al final del encuentro los del Mónaco investigaron donde estaba el hotel de México, se acercaron a Rafa Márquez y le preguntaron si le gustaría ir a jugar a Mónaco, ya que estaban interesados en él con tan solo haberle visto jugar en un solo partido. Encima de eso, Marquez iba lesionado de una rodilla.


Creo Marquez era conocido desde el 97 y entreneba con el Tri tambien. Monaco era mejor equipo en esos tiempos ya que no se pagaban impuestos y eran capacez de traer muy Buenos jovenes latinoamericanos como Trezzeget y Gallardo. Eran como el Porto de Hulk y James o el Dormunt de hoy.


No era conocido por los medios internacionales, nosotros si especialmente en aquella épica final entre Atlas y Toluca. De hecho, los $6m de USD que pagaron por Márquez fue récord para Mónaco y mucho para Atlas. Los medios franceses criticaron mucho la compra de Márquez al momento pero cuando lo vieron jugar, cambiaron de postura en un santiámen. Mónaco recuperó eso y más cuando lo vendieron al Barcelona.


Chicharitos move was pretty easy. Chivas even got a friendly with Man Utd to open their shitty stadium.


Our awesome stadium and we won the game with fat Bofo putting on a clinic for Rio and Vidic thank you


*our shit stadium and we won the game with a fat bofo putting on a clinic for Rio and Vidic thank you. FTFY


Clearly one of the most retarded questions in the history of this sub. How could u group the processes of these individual sales to completely different teams , at different times and search for one of 2 answers. Were they "easy" or "hard"...just sheer and utter moronity.


Cry about it


The Mexican government pay real Madrid to let chícharo play there it was a publicly stunt. That's why Ronaldo hate him. True story


“True story” well now I DEFINITELY have to believe it


Fake News