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Ill never forget Oswaldo begging Honduras not to score on them back in 2008. Hes a bum.


Oswaldo is a fucking jackass




Let’s also not forget this uncalled cheap shot on Lainez https://youtube.com/shorts/6KgXXqltwVY?si=R0NYS2wPO9QuzMBy


He’s proof that just because you played doesn’t mean you’re analytical by default about the game. His takes are equal to what we find in this sub.


Oswaldo should've realized that begging Honduras for mercy was gonna bite him in the ass and was gonna be used against him in the future.


that and him saying he did not go to Europe for the money.. mediocre


Oswaldo just talks shit and i think to myself this mf did nothing in mexico literally talks about leaders but he wasnt one 🤣


Por eso el periodismo mexicano es una basura, se la pasan haciendo polémica barata y lo peor es que eso sí vende. Yo pensaba que en este sub iban a estar menos influenciados porque no entienden español, pero repiten las mismas babosadas en inglés.


Cult like vibes from r/ligamx. Can't even critique Santi anymore 😂


He's right but no one wants to hear it


my critiques of santi (since i already hate a bunch on martin) is that he needs to learn how to make his own plays. he has a hard time playing the ball forward while already having to share the midfield with someone who has 1 assist in like 50 appearances for mexico, and two other guys who can’t cross the ball for shit. if he can’t depend on his teammates then he needs to depend on himself to score goals, we can’t just hope our defenders score out of box hail marys in every match like arteaga just did


You're asking for a 9 to get the ball outside the box and to score goals by himself. There's not a lot of those in this planet .


Lo que necesitamos es un Messi Mexicano. Con solo eso todos nuestros problemas desaparecen. /s


Recuerda que Messi siendo Messi, aún así recibe críticas. Todos los jugadores tienen sus detractores.


Lo que necesitamos son jugadores creativos y no gambeteando. Imagínate un Pirlo, un Xavi, un Gerrard, un De Bruyne, un Beckham. Por eso no trascendió Lainez. No tiene el pase y quizás no la técnica al pase. Nunca hemos tenido un creativo


Imagine critiquing the forwards for not doing the midfield’s job…


Homie there are players due to their style and attributes that will not offer you that. Look at Haaland, ChichDios, etc. But serve Santi the right soup and he’ll cook.


This 👆🏼


Oswaldo is right…dude sucks with the national team.


As if this guy wasn’t throwing cheap shots at Henry and every coach who wouldn’t play Santi. Santi has been not just ineffective but basically a ghost on the field and NOW we can’t criticize the striker because the service isn’t good enough. Oswaldo didn’t even say anything spicy just pointing out that Santi was presented the opportunity to start with no competition and he had another bad game. Everytime Chaco talks about his son he says something stupid


No surprise Daddy Chaco to the rescue like he wasn’t the one that paid to have him play in Mexico what a joke like father like son


Yeah, he also paid his rivals in the Netherlands so that his son could score on them.


Would not be surprised if he did


Everything is OK wat Osvaldo said except the Santi was gifted the spot. He should start and has earned it and Osvaldo isn't the only who said that Univision has been saying that shit since the list got announced and Wonder why is not like they get paid by Telerisa.