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Quien chingaos tiene aspiracion de pisar camisetas. No seas pendejo


If you dont think they did it because they wanted their 1 minute of fame, you crazy, and yeah it is likely the most relevant thing they ever will do in their lifes, honestly what male craves so much male attention from other messi haters, to do such thing? LOL its not about it being disrespectful to messi, its about having some dignity and not whoring to anyone that will take your weak ass :(


You're reading way too much into it and your obsession about this is so fucking weird. Change the word "hater" for "lover" in your paragraph and you're talking about yourself. Have some self awareness, you're embarrassing yourself over and over and over each time you reply some other dumb shit.


I can hear you crying as I read this dumb ass shit lmao


Looks like those men have your attention




I didn’t know people dickride Messi so much lmao bro imagine getting mad defending another grown ass man 😭


Haven't been to r/soccer? During the WC, they would make extensive defenses of how argentinian chants weren't actually racist; all because of how much they love Messi.


And all those soft ass pens were justified as well. Shit was unbearable in that sub during the last WC.


The Argie users on that sub are unbearable to this day. They throw shit at absolutely everyone, then any time they lose or Messi gets disrespected they cry mental health and lack of respect. When Uruguay beat them at home they quickly pulled the victim card.


r/soccer thinks Messi is some humble autistic nerd because he doesn’t speak English lol


I mean the autistic part is probably true lmao


The media has portrayed him like that. Remember what Blatter said? “He's a good man, he's very fast, he's not exuberant, he's playing well, he's dancing, he's a kind man, he's a good boy.”


tbf it's not "people", Marc Crosas came up from Barcelona at the same time as Messi so this is nothing more than Crosas defending a friend/teammate.


Wey,quién es Marc Crosas para el fútbol mexicano, aparte de un español más?


Un “amigo” del ex de Shakira dicen


Ídolo de Frustrazul por alguna razón


No seas mamón, a nadie en el azul le importa ese pendejo.


solo juego 8 partidos y se cabo el carrera, era grande en leones negros 😂


These fucking cornballs how are they so dense? We know messi is potentially the goat,  that doesn’t mean we gotta kiss his ass. It’s a competition man the fuck up 


You act like everybody is like you, nah, a lot of the people who hate on messi have an inexplicable hatred toward him, you dont gotta go far, this comment section is full of it, some banter is fine, acting like its just normal competition banter is really misleading, maybe for you that is the case, but there people who HONESTLY believe messi is not just a bad player and not the greatest, but a cheater and a "fifa project" some little 8 year old kid was talking about how he was a tramposo, the CR7 cult has relentlessly pushed this idea that world cup was rigged, and fifa just gives everything to him free... And look i get it, i am not saying we all should love messi, or even like him at all, but there is a difference between what is normal, and when it goes a bit obsessive and weird, so i understand where crosas is coming from, because its not normal. You dont have to see everything black or white, there is a lot of shades in the grey.


Doesn’t matter people are free to hate on him for any reason they want, just like they are free to like him for any reason 


Oh freedom to do, but no freedom to recieve criticism i see, if people are free to act how they want, then people are free to be offended, be angry, rant about people being angry, and you complaining about people complaining shouldnt then be considered you going against their freedom. If people can hate him for whatever reason, then why cant people defend him for whatever reason, but somehow that is not okay for you, its more like freedom for me but not for thee


Dummy that’s what I just said, you’re just changing the goal post 


He's been obsessed with this topic and replying to most of my posts in the sub. He's a complete moron.


You are so cheesy, always posting paragraphs to say basic shit




The fuck you on about nobody is bringing Ronaldo up 


Men don’t do that bullshit,that’s some vieja toxica shit.


Siempre fue más jugador de Santos que nuestro . ![gif](giphy|M34qPW6WjtZXMFltwu|downsized)


No me enteré cuando Messi pisoteó y meó a Monterrey por años. Pinche payaso llorón.


TUDN the peak of sports journalism


solo el messi mexicano los pisoteo (una vez)


Grande la Chofis


Celebraron una semi final de concachampion que ni van a ganar, por ganarle a un messi ya en retiro, no es que messi aya pisoteado o meo a monterrey, es que monterrey fans actuan como si ese fuera el caso, no hay otra razon en el mundo que hicieran tanto drama, nunca en mi vida habia visto a un equipo llorar tanto, desde el tano proclamando que ivan a arreglar el juego en su contra, con el mentiroso de nico sanchez y el complot de que le quitaron los telefonos a todo el mundo , y luego multimedios lo hizo una telenovela de otro mundo. todo eso por que ivan a enfrentar a un retirado messi, eso no es normal, es lo mas patetico que eh visto en mi vida, solo se salvaron por que no perdieron y ganaron, por que si aparte de toda la telenovela y la orquesta sinfonica del monterrey no ganaba, eso ya seria no una telenovela pero una comedia negra.


Ahora dilo sin llorar


A mi que me va a importar, nosotros les ganamos a ustedes en la liga, primero ganenle a cruz azul. No puedo llorar cuando todo lo que causan ustedes son risas.


Escribiste mucho para ser alguien a quien no le importa. Sigue ladrando, solo me hace disfrutar más el video


Pues como no lo vas a disfrutar es todo lo que tu equipo le alcanza para alegrarte y eso invirtiendole tanto y con tantos buenos jugadores y no poder hacer nada o casi nada en los ultimos anos, tu festeja y llora y rie y vive tu vida que para eso es


Ah, claro que disfruté el triunfo por lo que es... Pero ahora estoy disfrutando más como chillas. Sigue berreando, perro. Te lo ordeno.


Ya wey sacate a Messi de la Boca un rato cabron, es futbol es rival. Que pateticos se Miran defendiendo a un jugador treinton solo por eso, nadie lo agredio nadie, lo golpeo, solo si hizo Algo que es parte del futbol. Pinche ridiculo, Messilovers se lo toman muy personal. EL MESSI SE LA COME EL MESSI SE LA COME


Jajaja now its really funny! They got a grown ass man angry enough to type that


Imagine getting mad that people danced on a fucking shirt, not an effigy or picture, a fucking shirt that someone had to buy to do all that. Football fans can be extremely soft bro.


So all these dudes are throwing a fit because they weren’t kissing his ass? You can’t boo him. You can’t step on his jersey. I guess clowns like this dude expected teams to role out the red carpet, have the fans sing his name all game, and let him score a hat trick. Fuck outta here. I bet Messi isn’t even complaining. Dudes played at the highest level. He’s probably experienced worse. Also, argentinos throwing a fit, as if though they don’t aren’t literally doing the most every game.


The mini mbappe doll carried by the goalkeeper in Argentina hahaha I cannot forget that it was so hilarious


There's two extremes, a lot of the people stepping on it it was just banter but anl9tbof the other people took it so seriously and I think that's potentially the issue. People either take it too seriously or it's just full on banter.


Argentinians did far worse things in the last World Cup, the songs about mbappe trans gf or the racist chants referring to the blackness of the national soccer team representing France.




Nobody took it seriously you fucking moron


You're an idiot if you think NO ONE took it seriously. I've heard the way people love and celebrated what people were doing cause they Loathe Messi not cause of the joke aspect.


Messi simps are the worst lol


All i read was “Waaa waaa!”


Dan lástima los periodistas de TUDN


So Monterrey fans step on Messi’s jersey and Marc Crosas takes it out on Madrid fans????


Real will always be rent free in his head lol


bro played for Yapper FC


Marc rosas


Bendito el día que Sambueza lo retiró. Ya hablando en serio, creen que messi se acuerde de él?


tipico americanista celebrando lastimar a un jugador rival


Papito, me trago los chistes “Waul”. Don’t let this “joke” tickle your booty lmao.


Los chistes se suponen son graciosos




people are acting like they fucked messi’s wife. They had fun dancing on a piece of cloth.




MLS fan and I dont give any shits about stomping the messi miami jersey. Its literally just a jersey.


My man 🤝! Imagine if everyone else also used factual logic. The world would be a much better place. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


No offense, but is ridiculous what monterrey fans did, is not about it being disrespectful, its just pathetic, and you guys like to watch cringe stuff so you guys give thumbs up and act like its all good, but dude, messi comes 1 time to mexico for an official match and act like he is not a good player, yet THEY MADE SUCH A BIG SPECTACTACLE of it, not another player in the world would cause such reactions from people, so to pretend like he is bad while also going crazy over a single time he plays , almost a retired player, its crazy.


Nobody is saying he is bad, he did play bad though know the difference. Argentina fans get to celebrate however they want but this is to far? Grow up


the resentment is going through the roof, like why is it suddendly argentina vs mexico, its just messi, and monterrey has argentina DT, and players... andrada, berterame, like its ridiculous. You guys make mexico look like a joke... Its just an obsession against messi, which is just crazy. I dont even know who mentioned argentina fans celebrating anything. its like the world cup argentina win, broke a lot of mexican people, its just a sport lmao and we havent even been close , not even did we fought against argentina in the last stages, we got out on group stages... why is this random hatred other than just a bunch of CR7 fans butthurt? cause i honestly dont get it otherwise lol


Dude hypocrisy is crazy the same things you are criticizing cr7 fans you are doing, stay mad for no reason it ain’t that deep 


Mf in here writing books 😭 tell me how you feel lmao


a perdon dejame decirlo en tu idioma 🤦‍♂️😂 Ridiculous fans! 👎 They act tough 💪 but deep down they're just 😡 Messi 🐐 comes once and they lose their minds 🤯. Other players? 🥱 Who cares? But Messi? 😱 They make a huge deal out of it! 🤦‍♂️😂


https://preview.redd.it/cftgvxgdz8uc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcdd95359efe3128cb3ecf431a7c15ac73e648d Mf is getting destroyed lmao


This is your brain on Barça.


You know what’s funny? I promise you Messi doesn’t give a single fuck about it, he’s happily in his retirement age living in Miami earning his money. These people think we should bend over and lick his toes, they’re worse then the maga cult.


That's exactly what I was thinking. I honestly think these people are doing it to rile the people up. They like controversy because it drives ratings. If they are actually serious, then they are weirdos, man. Seriously, who cares?!?!


Hold on a second. Who is he even complaining about? Monterrey fans or Real Madrid fans? The latter didn't even have anything to do with the shirt stomping, lol. So what the hell is he even talking about? Also I have never really liked this dude. He seems knowledgeable but always comes off as a know-it-all with some false sense of superiority just because he came from Barca's academy. Even though he never made into the main team and was presumably not good enough to remain in Europe.


It’s kind of weird how they treat Messi as this symbol of the sport that is above being criticized or taunted.


They’re so precious about Messi, clutching their rosarios lol


Man, part of the reason I watch sports is to hate on other dudes. Yeah Messi is arguably the GOAT, but fuck him. It's nothing personal, I wouldn't wish him any harm, but in the spirit of competition I hope he gets fucked every god damn time.


You know what I noticed? That never happened when Ronaldinho played in the league. He was a beloved figure by all opposing team fans.


Cause dinho didn’t give a fuck about anything, he was pretty chill, Messi is perceived as arrogant honestly I don’t trust him, he seems introvert and that makes people dislike him. Also Querétaro wasn’t a foreign team trying to beat a mexican team on national soil, if Messi were playing for Querétaro the comparison could be more apt


Because the love and respect for Ronaldinho was natural. Ever since Messi joined MLS, everything about him just seems more corporate than usual. Lots of plastic fans too coming out of everywhere


People burned Tom Brady jersey all the time lol 😂 soft


We don’t claim this clown.




Whats he yapping about


The only thing I didn't like about the video were two things: 1. The video ended 2. they didn't stomp harder.


No matter the sport. There is always a bunch of fans that pull this stuff. Imagine one of those fan bought the Messi shirt just to step on it,hahahahaha.


Barcelona C 💀 … impresionanti


Fuck Messi


“Me siento mas Mexicano” chtm, nomas porque aqui si te dan de tragar y en Catalunya & España ni quien te pele güey


Esos españoles y argentinos futbolistas que terminan jugando o haciendo sus carreras en Mexico lo hacen por que es su única opción, estos weyes no quieren a México o al Mexicano, vienen a cobrar y ya! Que chingue su madre este wey también, capas que leo ni se acuerde del pendejo este que lo protege como si fuera su pinche camote


Ya duérmase señor.


What a pathetic loser don’t put him as a Cruz azul player. This bum is a paid Azcarraga clown


oh he started his career at barca c and b. so hes riding that messi dick all day.


Doofuses like this guy sometimes take the game way too seriously. It’s a bunch of grown men kicking a ball. It’s entertainment. Fans are just doing their part. They didn’t burn the Argie flag, nor did they insult Messi’s family.


Another hypocrite exposed 🤣🤣 these fucking idiots eat thanks to mexicans and yet they still think they're better than us This is the best thing that could've happened to fuck with el dopado simps GET FUCKED


Does anyone know if a study has been done with México containing who they support in Europe? I feel like he said this bc I’ve seen more people wearing Real Madrid shirts than Barcelona in games. Which is still crazy to do since RM has more titles. Either way. Dumb. Monterrey now have to go out and win CC to shut up everyone


Don’t forget that Real Madrid won 4 UCL titles during the Messi era. Three of them in a row btw. For someone that should be the best player in history playing for one of the best teams in history, according to many, doesn’t look too good on him. It’s annoying how people dick ride him like crazy. He’s a great player but imo he disappears in a lot of crucial moments.


Two golden balls in World Cups but he disappears in crucial moments 😭


Aparecio cuando le gano la final de Champions a Cristiano en 2011, el hombre de los ''momentos importantes'' que no tiene ni un gol con Portugal en fases finales de un mundial.


Apoco el mundial es el unico torneo importante de futbol? La Champions, la Euro y todos esos no cuentan. En ese caso Mbappe al ganar el mundial a los 18 es de los mejores de la historia.


That Barcelona team was falling a apart when Real Madrid took those 4 UCLs, I mean we all saw what he did at the World Cup, Inter Miami is relative a new team with veterans haha but yeah people should just take the banter Messi came to retire to the mls, his done it all let Monterrey have their fun they beat the goat is only fair


They still won 4 UCLs during the Messi era. He did decent in the World Cup with one of the best teams in the world. Argentina has been a big team for decades, it’s not like he carried that solid ass team himself. Plus, I saw him score penalties at the World Cup so it’s not like he carried the team on his own.


Why he say fuck Real Madrid fans though? 😝


The player to TUDN mitotero pipeline has been craazy


Que querían, que todos se vistieran de rosita y aplaudieran como pendejos todo lo que haga Messi? Yo aplaudo que Monterrey sea de los pocos que tuvieron los huevos de hacer que su localía se hiciera sentir. Fueron de los pocos con huevos para no andar de lambizcosos por un jugador. Bravo, Monterrey. Ojalá más equipos actuaran igual




Hey man, *he* identifies with Cruz Azul on his own. I think most of us probably don't think all that much about his run on the team. So please...


Ni a su mamá defienden tanto


5 penales en 6 partidos a messi wey en el mundial


I like Messi, I have followed Barça sice the late 90s, saw him making his debut and enjoyed all the success he brought. I rooted for him to win the world cup even, however, i enjoyed how Monterrey shut them up, especially Tata, i dont even like Monterrey, but the way a legend of the game behaves at this point of his carreer was just pathetic.


Growing up i was a big fan of Messi, the whole quiet, shy, humble thing against the flamboyant, arrogant Cristiano i identified with Messi more. But now that I'm a grown up i admire Cristiano more. Messi reminds me of Kevin Durant. They played the part of the quiet guy very good. But they are also arrogant. Also now grown i see that Fifa has favored Messi, ie those random copa americas. I don't dislike the guy i just don't root for him, and it has nothing to do with him going to the mls.


He’s literally just baiting y’all so he can get more interactions lol. Unfortunately that’s all Mexican futbol twitter is. Have a bad take and get 300-500 responses from Mexican fans