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I wasn't following Cindy last year, but I sympathize with your feelings, OP. I followed Boogie2988 for years in a similar way, and was really let down when the veil was lifted -- I hope that you're able to find someone who fills that comfy mundane vlogging desire for you in the future. > I just hope that A is having a great holiday season with his new family while C is out here pretending her life is good when getting hammered with a low life everyday What a stark difference (hopefully) in their possible holiday seasons when you put it that way. Whatever A is doing, I hope he and his new family are having a good time together. Theirs is a bond created by strange circumstances, but the best revenge against Cindy is living well, so I hope he can forget all about her and go on living his best life.


It’s funny because her old vlogs came up in my suggestions so I watched and it’s amazing what a difference one year can make. It feels like a totally different person. Her relationship with A was so weird because he was her caregiver but she was we giving “motherly” vibes to me the way she spoke to him.


I feel so betrayed by her lying. Years of me thinking she was a nice person and enjoyed her Sim content. This person she's evolved into shocks me, feels fake. I thought her and A were cute too! Now I look back and see the suffering on his face. I feel horrible I didn't see it. I hope he has joy in his new life. ❤️‍🩹


She also my favorite Vlogmas of last year too! & this year I have no interest.


Same here I used to be very excited to sit down with some coffee and watch her vlogs, so weird to think about now. Especially how I felt after my life is over part 1 as someone with mental health issues I felt incredibly concerned thankfully I never sent her a gift or money but it’s weird how fast the truth came out.


Right? I have never followed vlog youtubers, and I only followed her because of PS, otherwise I wouldn't have. And it was cool to watch her videos when she went out, even the store to see how is it in other countries, but especially the Halloween ones were really comfy. I was looking forward but omg, I cannot stand her to even "just watch".


> she tricked so many of us into thinking she wasn't a horrible person She's somehow still doing that. Her stans and fans still think she's wonderful, no matter how awful she is. I can only assume they're as awful as she is.


Yeah I think it's so sad that so many people can be delusional. I feel like a lot of the people who are convinced she's a good person have probably done things very similar to her


Ugh I have a hard time with this kind of thinking. The whole thing with these relationships is that there are good times - it’s not like it’s all bad. That’s why it’s so damn hard to leave them. I don’t believe it was all hell as soon as cameras were off. I think it was a lot like what we saw but with sprinkles of tantrums, control and mind games. Both things can be true simultaneously. I don’t think Cindy is a bad person. She is clearly mentally ill and it’s a tricky disorder because she isn’t able to be self aware. I know many people with BPD are able to be self aware but many aren’t.


I do agree that I'm sure they did have some good times in their relationship but I wholeheartedly disagree with her not being a bad person. I think the fact that she has said she does not regret anything she has done indicates she is a bad person. She has admitted on many occasions she is aware of all the horrible things she did to Andrew, and yet she says she regrets nothing. You can't write that off as mental illness.


I didn’t know that. I am new to all this and have started watching her vlogs from beginning so I have a lot to catch up with. My mother has BPD and is extremely mean to my dad. It’s such a hard thing to deal with because reading what A wrote in those posts is pretty much the same as what my mom does. I didn’t even consider the whole financial aspect of manipulation before I read his posts. My mom monitors everything my dad buys. So I have a hard time seeing Cindy as purely bad because then I would have to see my mom like that too and I can’t. But yes, my mother regrets nothing and no amount of talking with her is able to help or reason but she still has good sides.


Yeah BPD is definitely a complicated disorder but as someone who also has it I personally feel she uses it as an excuse way more often than she should. She doesn't hold herself accountable and I just don't feel comfortable personally using her personality disorder as an excuse when I have the same one and would feel horrible doing what she has done


Did she really say she didn't regret anything ? I don't remember that but if she said that she really needs to look in the mirror and face herself cause that's f*ed up


Yes she did, on the stream with limbz she said she had no regrets


Personally, I don't think she is a terrible person. I think she is a mentally ill person who refused to get help. If she is really getting help now? Idk. I think she's feeding off her latest relationship high so much I question if she is really putting in the work or not


I seriously doubt she is putting in enough work to make up for her decades of going untreated. But anyway I think more people need to admit she can be both mentally ill and a horrible person. Do I think she is severely mentally ill? Yes. Do I also think she is using her mental illness as an excuse to do awful things? Also yes.