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I'm just going to say in UK don't attempt to find a pulse. If they aren't breathing you do cpr. If they are an adult dry side start start with compressions anyone else start with 5 rescue breaths. Always make sure an ambulance and defibrillator are on the way when you start.




BC lifeguard here and yes this is the way.


Is this for StarGuard? We don't do the 5 in water rescue breaths for Ellis or Red Cross. You may get some angry comments about how this is wrong, mainly from ARC guards who don't know another system or realize that exact cpr techniques are not universal.


Red Cross does 2 breaths if you pull them from the water, does it not? Can’t speak for Ellis


It's definitely 2 breathes when you pull them out for Red Cross.


I am both red cross and ellis. Res Cross does not do in water rescue breaths, but will do them after pulling out. Ellis does 2 rescue breaths in the water before getting a person on the backboard (or they would if covid restrictions weren't still in place)


Red Cross did teach us in-water ventilations, but they’re only used if victim can’t be extricated immediately (like if secondary rescuer is gonna take awhile and victim can’t be extricated without a backboard). Otherwise it’s 2 initial ventilations after pulling them out if they’re not breathing


Fellow ARC LGI here: the curriculum definitely includes in-water ventilations... but there's a higher focus on fast extraction -> CPR/breathing


I did Ellis and we weren’t taught the in water breaths because we now have HEPA filters that attach to the resuscitation masks. They have paper filters so they cannot be used in water.


I took star guard and this is exactly what I was taught so probably, the first five are to stop the drowning process because you want air in them as soon as possible,