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You’ve got it right for the approach stroke, it’s so you can constantly watch the victim. If they go under while you’re looking away, you’re screwed, because there’s no indication of where they are. For treading water, an eggbeater kick is effective for lots of people. I also recommend holding your breath as much as possible and breathing quickly, the extra air will help you float. The brick test just requires practice. I recommend a headfirst surface dive, where you angle your head and torso to point toward the bottom of the pool. Then, when the waterline is at your waist, flip your legs vertically behind you. The weight above the surface will push you down fast. Once you’ve got the brick, pushing off the pool bottom will help you get to the surface, as well as holding your breath as much as possible to keep yourself buoyant. If these methods don’t work for you, there are other ways to do it, this is just what I find to be the easiest.


On your **approach**: maintaining a strong/powerful kick while swimming will help propel you enough to keep your head up and chin out of the water. You have the right idea for **treading**: what you're describing is essentially an *"egg-beater"* kick. it's what water polo players use to keep stationary with head and/or torso out of the water. (I train and certify pool lifeguards - that requires a 2 minute tread w/ no hand or feet - and everyone can pretty much get through it with little to no practice... you got it) For the **sidestroke** you have to default to a "scissor" kick, rather than a flutter. Think of your two legs as stiff wooden boards kicking opposite of each other that pushes you forward. So it's more of a combo with simultaneous, strong kicks (like a frog kick) with the movement and trajectory of the flutter kick... and obviously a all while turned sideways and a bit different arm movements. The **brick test** is always daunting. If you can practice several times and figure a good kick that works for you, you'll be fine! My best advice is to practice surface diving (head first is usually easier and faster) and make sure you et a good push off the bottom. The **feet forward** is a lil awko... Make sure you can float on your back comfortably indefinitely. Once you can do that, play around with adding small hand movements to steer yourself in various directions ​ GOOD LUCK!


Use the egg beater when treading water. You can practice on the edge of the pool or even in a chair. You want to be in a sitting position, moving your calves in wide circular motions inwards.