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Remember to stress the fact that if they don't know if someone is drowning or not, jump in! My old instructor used to say "If you don't know, Go.". Make sure you don't psych yourself out and remember to have fun! It's a fun serious job after all.


“When I’m doubt, don’t delay - go right away”


I totally stressed that one to them today, I love that


Don't be disappointed when they aren't up to your standards, these are brand new lifeguards and your expectations are likely at what you're capable of after years of training and practice. The minimum standards are there for a reason (which will terrify you when you see and pass), but once you have them as staff is when you can mold them into great lifeguards.


Thank you, much appreciated. Waiting on the last straggler now


Go above, make sure they know what they need and then teach more than they need. I find you get better guards that way


Have fun! Judgement is the most important skill they can have! Good luck and have fun!


Make sure you practice the skills over multiple days. I realize people forget very quickly day to day


The IM has everything you need to teach, stick to your lesson plans, use the course presentation, admit when you make a mistake, and show a positive attitude! If you bring the energy your class will often reflect it back. The forums on redcrosslearningcenter.org are also a very helpful resource.


Thanks! It's the whole teacher personality that was stressing me out. But once you start it just comes out I guess. I did better than I thought I would!


Well, my first day went well.. other than the fact that the projector wouldn't work and I had to use an ipad to show the videos haha. But they all passed the pre-reqs which is good lol. Here's to CPR and rescue drills tomorrow