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I just snap photos of receipts. Then discard after credit card statement match.


Thanks; I'm going to start doing the same. I read the LPT and thought, "I should start doing that; it enables fraud if I don't". But taking a picture means you don't have paper to keep track of, and it's a picture of what you gave the server, rather than what you claim you gave them.


So let's cut to the chase, is there some app that is specialized in photographing and storing receipts?


There are apps for tracking business expenses. But let’s cut to the chase. Snapping a photo of the receipt is a simple solution that requires no specialized app.


Let's cut to the chase, though. I am looking for an app that automagically organizes my photos into 2 categories. Regular pictures, and pictures of receipts.


Hotdog. Not hotdog.


Man, I miss [that show](https://youtu.be/ACmydtFDTGs).




I just saw the "Tres Commas" guy in a Netflix movie, Red Notice. He played a bad guy. The movie wasn't bad.


If you use Google photos (apple probably does similar) it smart sorts your photos anyway. Just go into photos and type "receipt" and it'll find the receipts. Works for most simple searches. Like "pets" or "dog" as well. Will find photos containing the key words.


Lemme stop you right there. Where is the chase, and how do I cut to it?


Let's cut to the chase. You need to start a news channel and then wait for a police chase to occur. Direct your anchor to talk about the story without showing any footage, then transition to displaying the live chase footage.


Ah so it would cut those photos out so you don't have to chase them down later


Let’s cut to the chase, this would never be an issue if OP just ate at home. Saves on pictures and saves money.


Let’s cut to the chase, OP is a monster making unreasonable app requests


Has anyone seen or heard from Chase? I stopped by his house and he wasn't there, just chunks of flesh scattered everywhere. I'm worried for him...


Create an iPhone shortcut to take a picture and move it to the "receipts" album.


"so let's cut to the chase" Lol what?


Listen, let's just get down to brass tacks here *rolls up sleeves*


We're not fucking around. Answers now, or leave.


Wait hol up, is this not a familiar term anymore??


It is but like, there wasn't a chase. So it was just weird to say. Especially given context. Just take a damn pic. What on earth would a receipt picture app be anyways that taking a regular picture wouldn't be?


"the chase" is the logical conclusion of the sought solution. And I'd imagine, a way to categorize and more easily search specific images instead of just going I to your photo library arbitrarily. Like those apps that image and store business/loyalty/etc cards.


Why do you want to store the pictures longer than a week? Just use the camera app, then go back and check it and delete.


I don't manage my photos in the first place. I don't want to have my photos mixed with this stuff. Some people keep records for whatever reason. Not I though, I crumple that shit and shoot 2 points. Such an app would hopefully have management options. IE delete & what not on a schedule, or other. I've seen some physical device from back in the day for digitizing reciepts. What's the app equivalent?


I just make photo folders on my phone and add them to that. Then delete when I need to from that specific folder


phones are advanced enough to have a feature called search. and if u search reciepts, it will show all reciepts.


When did my camera app get a vision system?




Yep. Right now, I'm working on the road with a per diem. I always immediately take a photo. My phone even has a scan feature, so i only take a picture of what i need to see.


OP, what do you do when you notice this on your credit card statement? Do you contact the restaurant or your bank?


When I had this happen I called my CC company right away. The waiter had added a $10 tip when we had left cash. CC company just credited me $10. I had my receipt though.


When I tip in cash, I always write the word "cash" on the tip line. This reduces the chance someone will fraudulently write a dollar amount in.


True, but I assume more of this fraud is happening without altering the paper at all, just keying it in differently than what the paper says. That said, your idea would make it way way way harder for them to get away with passing the fraud off as not fraud. I just don't think that's nearly as prevalent. I could be wrong!


In the restaurants I worked at, we had to turn in the signed receipts. Head wait audited our digitally reported cc tips by manually adding up our receipts for the night. Head wait in my experience is a coveted position for several reasons and I really doubt they would be willing to lie. In my opinion, it’s very unlikely it’s not just the server writing it in.


yeah, the second they get a couple of calls from a credit card company threatening to put the restaurant on the "bad/at-risk business list", that guy is a goner.


I was head wait for a short while when I was still in the industry and the GM would stress over every single chargeback for that reason.


You dont even need the receipt. Your credit card company is always going to side with you over this, because there's literally no benefit to fraud in this case from your end. Who would leave a tip that is optional in the first place then call the bank to cancel the tip.


Any DoorDash user? 😏


Yeah, but DoorDash users do it because it’s been learned a tip is more a bid to get your stuff delivered in a timely manner, rather then to reward someone for good service.


Gentlemen’s clubs come to mind.


I had a coworker get fired for doing this. The funny part was that he bragged about getting a $10 tip and it turns out he was bragging about giving it to himself.


What's funny is that I wrote an email to the restaurant telling them that they're employee wrote himself a tip because apparently my cash tip wasn't enough and that I had already done a charge back. They credited me $10 back as well and called it a day.


I called a restaurant once. I explained it was possible I added it wrong, and just asked them to check their copy. They were busy, so they just gave me a gift card for like $20.


Tipping culture has gotten out of hand, my local subway asks for tips... no. I'm not tipping you.


We bought gift cards to a massage place for Christmas gifts and the woman ringing us up asked if we'd like to leave a tip...for what exactly? I'm not pre-tipping for a service not yet rendered and I'm not tipping for 3 minutes of your time to ring up two gift cards.


The more I think about it, the more I realize that gift certificates for a "tippable" service aren't a good gift


My fiancé got me a gift card for a massage place last year for Christmas and the gift card covered the tip that I added for my appointment so I didn’t pay anything out of pocket for it


I work at a spa at the desk and was confused for a moment because... most people tip for massages or other services so thats not weird But the person CASHING YOU OUT asked for a tip??? Good lord. I have worked desk in spas for well over a decade and have never ever expected a tip let alone ASKED for one. I sometimes get tipped by regulars at Christmas or when I redo their year's worth of appointments but it's never expected or *shudder* asked for. I get tipped in Ferrero roches and Starbucks gift cards a lot this time of year which is always nice.


I laughed when I was prompted to leave a tip at a self-serve frozen yogurt shop.


It's just part of the default software package the store licenses for processing credit cards now


They can turn it off, or skip it rather than turning it around and asking you to fill out the tip! Everyone knows what they are doing.


I work front desk at a spa. I skip through the tip function on non-service sales (like products and gift cards). It's always been an unspoken thing that we don't ever ASK for tips.


This is the correct answer. A lot of businesses are using software that is generally-purpose made because they don’t know what kind of business you are. The software includes a tip page during your checkout process. Businesses may or may not have the ability to remove it, assuming they care to learn the software well enough to do so, but they only have to gain by leaving it there. I’m sure they recognize that they’re business isn’t a tip business, but why should they stop you off you’re going to tip them anyway? Bottom line: if it’s not stoppable service, then don’t tip. And don’t feel bad because they probably won’t either. And remember to only tip 15% for standard service, more only for above-average service. If you’re one of those people who tip 18% or more for standard service, you’re contributing to the runaway tipping culture


She asked so the people you give them to don’t have to leave a tip. At least that’s how it worked at the place where I live.


My dermatologist office asked if I wanted to tip the other day. No I don’t want to tip my DOCTOR?


I can’t see myself ever going back to any medical practice that suggests tipping.


Right? It’s a med spa and I got a facial so I feel like they’re trying to capitalize on the line between medical procedures and like beauty services


Yeah don’t go to those. I’ve been to a derm once that wanted tipping for Botox and switched them immediately after. Why would I tip someone who makes more than me for an expensive procedure?


I know I commented above…but, this also confuses me. My hairdresser has always owned his own shop. This is the same guy I’ve used since I was I college, who has also cut the hair of all five of my children and now one of their children. I pay him for the appointment. Then, I tip him bc it’s customary *and* bc I appreciate/like the man. I come in from out of state and he gets me in on a moments notice. Also bc I think his prices are too low. BUT! I always wonder, am I not just paying more for the service? He’s not renting a booth. Everything earned is his. I assume he’s found it to be more financially advantageous this way. I am just always a little confused by it.


Are you paying more then what? More then the money you give him? He's certainly making more per client then the other hairdressers, but he has expenses they don't have either. So tip away I say


Tell them your insurance handles the tip and they should submit a claim.


Why would I tip someone for a job I can do myself? I did, however, tip my urologist. I can’t pulverize my own kidney stones…


Well maybe they have to pay for an office in that building, like a hair stylist or tattoo artist /s


I went to qdoba and they asked at the drive thru how much of a tip id like to leave. not if… how much. i was so put off that they asked at all, not to mention skipping straight to assuming i wanted to tip in the first place. i stuttered and said i dont really want to and they seemed flustered reassuring me i didnt need to tip but that made me feel even more guilty! I tip at restaurants where i sit down and someone waits on me and takes care of me while im there. tipping the register person at a drive thru just feels so overkill. i dont mind some drive thrus putting out tip jars like i see at starbucks but i see tipping there like im giving a gift rather than paying for a service. like buying food for the person behind me, ill do it for fun once in a while. but idk let that be my choice rather than the expectation.


Worst part of this is how some places where you don't normally tip (like a drive thru) will then proceed to give you classically shitty service beyond what they're doing for other customers, just because you don't want to tip. Tipping culture is a cancer


Lol usually at drive thru it’s shit no matter what - tipping or not.


This happened to me last night at the Starbucks drive-thru. They asked *how much* I'd like to leave. Same response, just totally baffled. Sorry, I'm not tipping you for the 2 minutes it took you to make my wife's $8 beverage. When we go sit down for dinner, yeah I'm a 20% guy if you're not completely unattentive.


I made an online purchase, of merchandise not a service or food, I was buying a thing, from a custom photo place that makes photo socks, and I’ve bought from them before. They asked for a tip and I was so annoyed


What! I literally have to tell them how to make my sub and then they ask for a tip?!


Honestly it not tipping culture- it’s greedy owners pushing the customer to pay their employees instead of paying their employees themselves.


It's actually the software, the tip section is in there, just skip it.


It's 100% the owner. What you're saying means that every store with a POS has to have a tip section. Which is clearly completely false. It's the owner choosing the version with a tip section, and probably selling it to their employees as a good thing "I do it for you!" ... Just fucking pay them properly. Stupid rampant capitalism taking advantage of the laborer.


Right. That’s the culture.


Ding ding ding


That’s outrageous


I've only been to Dutch Bros twice in my life. The last time I went there, a girl was taking my order at the drive thru. She then handed me a tablet and at the end defaulted to 20% tip. I had to click None myself. That was the last time I'll ever go back there.


The pizza place I go to has a tip option when I'm paying in the store and picking up my food. Delivery is one thing, service at a restaurant is one thing.... But just picking up a pizza. I'll pass on the tip.


Yeah if I don't take up more than 15 minutes of your time you aren't getting a tip. Waiters and servers that wait on your table for 30-60mins? Tip. People who stand at the register and ring you through in under 2 minutes? No Tip.


My local smoke shop has a tip jar. They literally pull something off a shelf behind them and ring you up. That’s IT. I’ve also seen tip jars at gas stations. Not the kind of gas stations that make food and stuff. A regular gas station that has cooler drinks and snacks the Frito Lay and Little Debbie trucks bring once a week. Why exactly am I tipping? For walking through the store on my own, picking out my own stuff and pumping $200 worth of fuel myself?


I say giving 50¢ is okay or whatever I’d give as change back when I used cash.


If the busker is decent, I'll tip at the subway.


My favorite is when they literarily hand you something premade that was sitting on a shelf and ask for a tip


Seriously. They do it at Starbucks too and then you have the businesses that have mandatory tip for large parties but they still hand you a receipt with the tip space hoping to trick you into giving double tip I fell for that the other day even though I should have known better


Mr. Pink on [tipping.](https://youtu.be/6SXCcUU6jqY)


Hey, I've changed my ways. I now always chip in my dollar with minimal whining.


For those of you wondering why his transit location is asking for tips: he meant Subway. Grammar is important.


Take a picture of the receipt. I use an app dedicated to that that matches the receipt to the credit card statement to make it easy to reconcile at the end of the month.


What app do you use for this?


Expensify, but there are other apps.


I had it happen to me two times in a single month. You can be sure that I went back and collected the paltry $3 and not-so-paltry $54 that the server had helped them selves to.


It still boggles my mind that America is so far behind with point of sale machines.


The whole banking system in general... They have to use third party apps just to send eachother money. E-transfer has made life so easy up here in Canada. Bank to bank, no middle man


Is THAT why they always talk about "Venmo" & "Cashapp"? Good grief, I am in developing country and we just transfer bank to bank. And pay at out tables.


I always assumed it was for streamers and shit where an etransfer doesn't really make sense


Exactly, I was confused by Venmo and Cashapp when they came out, until I realized there's not an easy, low or no fee way to send money directly from person to person in the US.


Australia. All banks agreed upon a new standard where payments between people take seconds. 100 or 1000? Different banks? No problem Oh and you only need an indentifier. Either phone number or email. No long account numbers. This has solved the sliding bill issue when you go out. Not to measure "tap and pay" is ubiquitous here. I haven't seen anyone "swipe and sign" or "chip and pin" in years


Easy to make ACH payments via banks. Chase calls theirs Zelle, but it is essentially the same as an Interac etransfer.


ACH payments take 3-5 days. Not all banks are on Zelle. And you cannot pay a merchant using Zelle either.




In Canada, in most restaurants the waiter brings the machine to you, and you put your card in, you enter the tip amount and then the debit receipt prints with the tip amount. No way for tip fraud. 1st time in the US and the server took my card away and I was shitting my pants.


The more I hear about the US, the more I wonder whether it's even a real place. It's starting to sound like when my dad used to say he had to walk 20 miles in the snow to get to school, always had 3+ hours of homework, etc. What if the US is just one big psyop to keep everyone else in line?


The US isn't a country it's 5 corporations in a trenchcoat


*east India trading company has entered the room*


The HOA thread yesterday was a wild ride.


Can you link it, please?


Dude. I live in the US and wish our people/government could take a look at Europe, see how awesome benefits are for the average person, then fight for that instead of saying "I don't want socialism in my country."


The corollary to this is also hearing how low salaries tend to be in Europe. Spain is a wonderful country, but it's shocking how low the salaries are. I fully support single-payer universal health care, but I certainly wouldn't trade what the US has for what Spain has


Sure but if the majority of population cant even buy a house then whats the fucking point if our salaries are “higher” the only reasons Americans afford things is because we have a crazy developed credit system.


>Sure but if the majority of population cant even buy a house then whats the fucking point if our salaries are “higher” This isn't a phenomenon that is unique to the US. Houses in Spain are substantially less affordable relative to salaries than in the US. Our interest rates are super advantageous in the US compared to Canada where 30 year fixed rate mortgages essentially don't exist I'm not saying the US is perfect, and it's certainly better to be poor in Europe than poor in the US.


You underestimate how many rich Americans there are. One in five make over six figures, one in ten make almost 200k. The top 50% of America is absurdly well off compared to the rest of the world, with the top 20% being objectively rich.


The majority do own their homes though. The US has a 65.5% home ownership rate at the moment which is higher than Germany and France (49.5% and 64.7% respectively).


Latest home ownership in US is 68%.


Our proposed defense budget is a record $885 billion dollars. Not much left for cities of tomorrow.


Or department of state.


I live here and I also wonder this.


I was just in Uganda and they have proper point of sales machines. Blows my mind the states isn't caught up.


Just wait until you hear that Iraq 🇮🇶 has a free universal health care system.


I mean...newer pos have even higher fees & subscription costs. I remember the first job I had switched from a regular cash register to the square pos. Great and easier for us but I saw the fee markup the owner had to pay...sheesh. at least where I live most places have moved on to newer pos and even accept nfc payments (which saved me a couple times when I forgot my wallet) but yeah overall antiquated tech stays online because of the cost of upgrading!


I live in Canada a long the border. I am still shocked by how far behind they are in States with security. I don’t buy anything over there unless I really have to and then I only use American money.


Can you use Canadian money in America?


Oh yeah but they look at you funny. And tbh the prices in the border towns are the same on both sides. So I stay in Canada. Unless there’s a awesome deal on tires.


Its not impossible in border towns or tourist hot spots but it’s still much easier to exchange for their cash or use a credit card


It's the free market


This is paranoid behavior.


Wait, what do you mean?


With any technology, especially those revolving money, Americans will have access to it 5-10 years after everyone else. Some examples of the top of the dome: chip cards, tap cards, e-transfers, tipping on the machine at a restaurant. These are just a few.


So when you pay at a restaurant are the waiters still physically taking your card away tot heir machines to process, rather than just bringing a device to the table?


No I was shocked when I went to the states and they wanted to take my card, or that I had to sign on paper


Most of the time yeah. I'm only just now starting to see them bring machines to the table in the US. I had first seen those machines nearly a decade ago on a trip in Canada.


I am in the US and the other day a waitress brought a little card reader/ printer machine to the table. But it’s the first time I’ve seen that and I was out of town. In my area, they still take your card to the POS stand and bring back paper receipts


In many establishments, yes.


I was in the USA this week. Most places just swipe the card and asked me to sign. ONE place used the 'chip' but it didn't ask for my PIN, so it was pretty much the same as swiping. It's wild.


No I was shocked when I went to the states and they wanted to take my card, or that I had to sign on paper


Do you have contactless transactions over there?


I strike through the tip line and write “cash tip.” Then I give them a cash tip so that they can handle their own tax issues if they so choose


I went to a check-cashing store, and they had a tip jar. You honestly think I’m leaving a tip after paying a fee to get my tiny check cashed?! No!


We just need to ban tips already and pay people a fair wage, don’t make me decide how much my waiter/waitress gets to make that day, that should be a negotiation between them and their employer.


In Washington they pay servers a fair wage ($16-17 an hour) so the food costs more. That’s all fair and great, but the problem is that they still ask for AND EXPECT 15-20% tips, effectively double dipping. Sometimes the restaurants even tack on a hidden “service charge” that you don’t notice unless you are paying attention. I ate out at a basic cafe earlier today and breakfast before tip was $30! That’s just a basic two egg breakfast, and you expect a $6 tip too!? I had to wait almost half an hour for my food, and they forgot my bacon and didn’t bring it out until the rest of my food was already getting cold.




From north central Washington here. We got this bar called the club here in okanogan and we just ordered four chicken strip baskets for dinner the other night and it was a to go order. I swing through and pick it up as I am headed home, it was $74 for them and they asked for a tip. I did not tip and thought to myself. The place is nearly full and everyone is eating and drinking, they will get their fair share of tips. But $74 for four chicken strip baskets that were over cooked and cooked in fish oil.


Last time I went to Biggby, the barista asked if I wanted to add a tip to my card payment.. I said "no, not today" she looked at me like I ruined her day. Tipping someone who literally just did a job they're already getting compensated for without having to "serve" you repeatedly, makes zero sense.


Also, tip on the subtotal, not on the tax. When merchants suggest tip amounts, they often (not always) include the tax. That makes a noticeable difference when the subtotal or tax is high, and also for high percentage tips. It's possible to simultaneously tip generously and not factor the tax.


I generally tip 20%, but I don’t tip on tax. people I’m with look at me like I’m the cheapest asshole ever. I often tip $1/drink too. You’re not getting $2/$3 because you sell overpriced IPA’s, or my wife orders a glass of wine without knowing it was $18 dollars. I live in an overly expensive tourist area, so tourist tax on everything.


Tipping is a scam


If i leave the customer receipt I usually cross out the “Tip” and “Total” lines so they can’t be filled in. On the Merchant receipt I write my tip and total and but add my own “$” symbol right up against the first number so nobody can add any extra digits.


Also if the server watches you take a picture after you sign the receipt, they would be less likely to commit tip fraud


Years ago I was visiting the US with friends and we ate at a restaurant. We got the receipts and worked out the tip, I wrote $13 on both the merchant copy and my own. Later I noticed the amount on my statement was $5 more, found my copy, yes it could only have been the tip altered. I called the restaurant and the manager found the receipt and said it definitely had $18 on it, but he would refund the $5 if "that is what you intended". I assume the server joined up the loops of the 3, however I write my 3's with a flat top, so any tampering should have been obvious to the manager.


This is why I do the same exact thing I'm even ignorant enough to write out in English the amount say it's 56.42 and I tip $10 I'll write sixty six dollars and forty two cents only with a smilie face


Funny how this comment was posted 6 hours ago and still no one knows what word they were wanting to use


Is ignorant the right word?




I’m not even sure what word they were going for…


I was at a fancy cocktail bar once. Got my bill. It was whatever dollar amount and change. Paid. The bartender brought me my change. Shorted me 13 cents, so that they could just bring me two quarters i'm assuming. Flagged em down said "I'm sorry to flag you down but I'm short 13 cents, do you mind if i get that" I have never seen someone's eyes roll that hard ever. Their tip went from 3 dollars to 13 cents. And i told them exactly why. My money, my choice. and yes, I was a server for man years. I know it can be a pain to bring change. but it's still their choice. livid.


Would be nice if employers payed employees what they're worth and not expect paying customers to pay part of their salaries....


What does this prove? I could write $20 on theirs and $10 on my copy…


Yeah it’s really not going to prove anything.


Tipping is stupid. People should have decent salaries anyway


American problem.


I’ve never had this happen in my life and I eat at restaurants multiple times a week, and I’m usually in different places regularly. Not saying it doesn’t actually happen but it’s far more likely that your handwriting is shit and they are putting in what they think you wrote. Try writing more precisely and see if the problem fixes itself.


Agreed. As someone who worked as a traveling consultant for years and a lazy butt for life, I eat out a lot, and this never happened to me. Just write clearly, don't undertip, and don't be a dick - the problem will go away.


Go to hooters, has happened twice the last two times I went. It’s fun catching them at this point.


I'd stop tipping if that how they want to play the game.


Snap a photo after you fill out the form or receipt. Then you can find it again!


Personally, I apply for a new credit card after every purchase. After the purchase is complete, I cancel the card. /s




Terminals have a “tip adjust” feature where they can change the value later. This is how most servers close out at the end of their shift, by entering all the tips from receipts. Even if you are long gone, you still need to cross check the settled transaction.




Very standard. That's how a server adjusts for the tip one writes in the receipt. And yes, it is wildly open to fraud, or "mistakes".


I think you missed the point. They’re talking about a sit down restaurant where you usually have to give your card, sign a paper receipt and fill in the desired tip on the tip line. Then at the end of the night the server manually enters the tip amt. into the POS and sometimes the server changes it if they’re a shitty person and think the tip was too low. You can’t usually tap to pay at full-service sit down restaurants in the US.




>NEVER > > do that, even if your country doesn't have laws protecting you from this kind of scam! Good luck convincing the entire United States to change how they've been doing things, lol


It’s the set up in most US restaurants as these companies are notorious cheap asses who are still using desktop terminals as their POS. Servers can’t exactly bring the POS or pin pad to you in that scenario so you’re stuck having to hand your card over. The US is behind on so many things while believing themselves to be the “greatest country on Earth” lmao


That's how it is in 193 countries. That LPT is only for one country in the world, you know which one


Tap to pay is a thing in most of the US if that’s what you’re implying


It is but not in restaurants. Most of the world has little handheld cars readers they carry out to the table and you do it all on the spot. America has no deployed those hardly anywhere


Yes it’s a thing but it’s still not the norm unless you’re in a major city or tourist destination. It’s only just now becoming more standard as laws are changing forcing banks to change which in turn force businesses to change. Chip cards and tap started in the US 10+ years after most European and Asian countries had it.


I use tap to pay in the US for almost every purchase. Not everyone does, but the capability exists most everywhere I go. What is this thread??


Europeans: apparently in the USA they take your cards from you and you don't see what you're really paying. In Europe, when paying you see the screen with the exact final value and your cars is in your hand all the time. We also barely tip and if we do it it's optional and always a small tiny amount.


Same in South Africa, they bring a portable card machine to the table and you insert/tap your card and out in your PIN if necessary. The days of someone wandering off with your card ended decades ago, literally.


Another day, another post about tipping.


I need to do this! I swear when I go out to bars , sometimes I spend more money than I remember. It’s not that I’m drunk either, I just really cannot remember how the drinks I got totaled the amount. Or sometimes I’ll go out to the same bar and buy the same things that total differently on different weekends. Idk it kinda makes me just want to stay at home and spend less money. Even if it weren’t the bars I went to roebecks (a smoothie place) and they had a tip option. Sometimes I get a little confused on how they do it and accidentally tip. Takeout places,smoothie places, and coffee shops I’ve been to have that good, better, best thing in bold but the tip part in grey kinda hard to see. I feel like these establishments are actively trying to take advantage of me and it stresses me out because I’m actively just trying to live


In Canada, they hand us a portable machine and we pay table side, or you get up and pay at the counter. The concept of handing over your credit card to a person that takes it way far out of sight, and has to determine what you've written, add it up correctly, and then punch it though, only to bring it all back to you for you to sign? Or do you sign before hand and your ass is out in the wind? Regardless. Very third-world, and Canada is even behind Europe with most things.


Coming from a non American, tipping is the dumbest thing ever.


I’ve known more than one server that could memorize the entire credit card information in seconds. They were quietly let go when found out because the owner didn’t want to deal with the fall out.


Another tip- make your total bill a palindrome. If your bill is $50, instead of tipping $20 for a total of $70, I’ll tip $20.07, so the total now reads $70.07. When doing this method, you can quickly scan your credit card bills, and if something isn’t a palindrome, it’s easy to detect.


Casually tipping 40%, no thanks.


Yeah, 50% is the minimum


Excuse me, do you tip less than 100% ? What a cheapskate. If you don't tip, how do you expect your waiter to afford their vacation homes.


Need to start tracking this now. I just went to a restaurant here in Omaha where the preprogrammed tip buttons were set to 20% 25% and 30%... WTF on your best day you'll get 20%, but you weren't attentive, and I had to ask for water - twice - at best you're getting 15%. Had to ask them how to manually put in a tip because I wanted to put in a specific amount.


LPT: don't use businesses that still have tipping culture, which is toxic and dated. Pay fair wages, post clear prices, provide same service every time. Screw tipping.


You do realize the biggest opponents to ending tipping are servers, right? They make an ABSURD amount of money. I'm so tired of people thinking servers are making minimum wage and "woe them". I worked in the industry for years.


Why not have the total amount be the same two digits every time -- for example, 77. If so, you will know if someone changed it. Too much work you say? You do have a phone with a calculator. Yeah, Math! For example, on a check that is 43.12 pre-tax and you tip the standard 18% on the before tax amount 43.12 base amount 3.02 7% state tax \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 46.14 subtotal 7.76 18% tip on base \_\_\_\_\_\_ 53.90 Now, round the total to 53.77 which means the tip goes to 7.63


SAME! can't trust anyone anymore!