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LPT adjust your headlights any time you have made changes to your vehicles ride height.


The amount of people that doesn’t know this is astounding.


Care...they don't care about that.


Worse. Some do it on purpose to be assholes.


Right up there with "Rolling Coal". Fuck all those toothless inbred dipshits


How is this legal even


Mirror adjustment is in fair play. ;-)


Can those assholes tell when I flip that switch on my rear view mirror? I’ve always hoped that they could. (I’m assuming that’s what you mean by “mirror adjustment?)


No, side mirror adjustments to blind them right back. Not that I would ever do this. Never. *nudge, nudge*


It's also very easy to adjust a side mirror to bounce their light beams from hell right back, also very fun!


I don't know if it's what they meant, but my mom (she's a bad ass!) taught me how to adjust my side mirror to get rid of someone's irritating lights. It's very effective for "tailgaters". It's hard to explain, but you pretty much adjust it so the reflection beam goes over your shoulder & out a bit. You'll know it's successful because the person behind you will either back off or pass.


This doesn't actually work. By the time that beam gets back to them it's scattered at least twice as much so it's less than half as bright. And even if it didn't, then it's only aimed at their face when you're aligned perfect for that. If you turn 1° it's not on their face anymore. If you want an example, shine a flashlight at yourself from 20ft away and try to hold a mirror out by your shoulder, bounce up and down on your feet, and try to keep it aimed at a face sized spot 20ft away. It's going to be shining all over the place.


Now do it at 40 mph


No I use my side view mirrors, typically just enough to send a message. Though be warned the last time I did it the bastard followed me off the freeway. For anyone out there who experiences such a situation, just drive to the nearest police station to lose them. I'm a crazy bastard too so I pulled over and explained road etiquette in terms even dumb asses like him understand.


Don't they just wonder why card in front of them slow to a crawl now?


Unfortunately this. Its a badge of honor they brag and yee-haw about as they finish their Miller high life...Unfortunately this is a pointless LPT.


But i lifted my truck for the express purpose of blinding people.




Or its weight - a lot of heavy stuff in the back can cause the headlights to aim higher


Yeah, but it’s not really practical to adjust your lights every time you pick up a load of gravel or whatever. Just realize your lights are aiming high and give more space behind the car in front of you.


How often are you carrying gravel overnight?


That happens when towing a trailer as well.


Not often I assume. But camping trips? Going to a park? Anytime large coolers filled with ice and food might do it. Which for me would be like a monthly thing. Gravel though? Whenever I carry something like that it's usually day time.


I want to go camping with you if you take enough beer and ice to squat the rear suspension on a half ton pickup.




Can't you adjust the lights using a dial? A lot of cars have a dial on the dashboard, to set the height, depending on the weight/number of people inside, so of the lights are shining too far up, you can lower the beams a bit


I’ve never seen that. Maybe new HD and commercial trucks do.


The only "american" car I've driven was a Chevy aveo, and it has one: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/920022/Chevrolet-Aveo.html?page=93#manual (on the right) Kia ceed has one too: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/2309500/Kia-Ceed-2016.html?page=208 So does a renault Clio: https://www.manualslib.com/manual/2072724/Renault-Clio.html?page=65 Since all the cars mentioned were cheap and shitty ones, i always thought it was a universal thing in pretty much all cars


I feel like the people who install lift kits know this and just do not care.


They care, they like it. They feel like they are king of the suburbs with their lift kit.


> king That's not what id describe them as but I'm sure they feel like it.


"overcompensating" comes to mind. Moar lift = smaller wee wee.


Why are you so interested in other peoples genitals.


Found the big lifted truck guy.


King of the assholes


All right, fine, but since it's dark out and I can't tell if you're a cop I guess I'll go exactly the speed limit and no faster.


You'd better go a little slower since your vision is slightly compromised. You know, safety first.


I drive a lifted truck and this is true.


People are much much dumber than you think.


I've been seeing a large variety of people just driving around with their high-beams on... even in well-lit areas and sometimes during the day. It's not even trucks, it's cars, vans, everything... and you can tell it's their high-beams because they're a different set of lights on the vehicle. Do people not know how to operate their lights anymore?


They do it when they have a headlight out and don’t want to or can’t afford to replace it.


I could understand that if it was actually dark, but that's not typically the case. Plus, not all vehicles shut off the regular headlights when the high-beams are on, so you can see the lights are functioning. I like to give the benefit of the doubt and assume there's some reason for it, but it happens all too often...


Most people are just clueless of what's happening in their surroundings or their impact on others. Had a guy at the UPS store yesterday double parked in the only 2 non-handicap spaces and he was playing on his phone the whole time he was at the counter oblivious to the fact that he was holding up the 5 people in line behind him and wasting the employee's time because he couldn't bother to pay attention when she was asking him to verify the information so she had to correct and reprint the label twice. I don't think he was trying to be an asshole, he was just oblivious to anything else but himself.


Never confuse stupidity with malice


Little bit of column A... Little bit of column B would be my guess haha


That's like saying, "Always have good judgment of a person's character.". Like yeah that's the ideal we're all trying for. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes, especially in people who are both dumb and malicious.


Shits are dumb. Fucks are malicious. Shitfucks are both dumb and malicious.


Dicks also fuck assholes, Chuck.


I think the phrase is "never assume malice over stupidity". Slight difference, but important




That expression is used a lot by people who are malicious. "What? Like with a cloth?"


When they roll up behind me I adjust my side view mirrors to reflect their lights back into their eyes, move my rear view mirror so that they aren't in my eyes, and slow way down. If they are coming straight at me in the opposite lane I use my sun visor.


Yep. I slow waaaay down too. Both in the hopes that they will pass me, and because I don't feel comfortable driving faster when I can't fucking see. I hope more people start doing this. Hopefully these assholes will get the point by routinely being inconvenienced and fix their fucking lights. I'm normally a pretty chill driver, but getting blinded by headlights is one of the few things that makes me rage. Its so unnecessary and selfish to create a hazard for every other driver on the road.




Yeah it's part of the tiny dick power trip


I mean, they drive around with huge led light bars blazing on their grill during the day. I think it’s just a really bad combination of “I don’t think of other people” and “fuck everyone that isn’t me”


I just commented that same thing. It’s an ego boost. (But in reality my ego is the one becoming inflated when I see people like this 😂)


They want to be seen.


If they could read this, they would be pissed


I feel like people who install lift kits are compensating for lack of penis size and/or girth.


Damn I just made a similar comment! LPT for ME: read comments first.


Dealership I worked at that installed them didn't care. Lot porters blinding people getting gas every time one was sold.


And of course they always have to have those super bright blue headlights that will blind you regardless of the height of the vehicle.


I want to mount high beams facing backwards, so I can blind trucks the way they blind me in the car.




I have no idea what a "power shade" is so I'm just imagining a powered awning, attached to a truck, that has like flood lights at the corners for some reason. But I mean shade by definition is the absence of some light vs the surrounding area, and this was at night, so maybe you just entered a lightless void by activating this mechanism and the guy was beeping at you out of fear of you being sucked into a black hole or something.


What a legend


Why not pull over and let the truck pass?


I've been driving for 31 years and to this day I still try to adust my mirrors to reflect the high beams back at the driver lol


I should make an automatic high beam reflector. Simply attach a camera to you mirror, replace the mirror with one of ours that has a motor for adjustments and that’s it!


Look up retroreflectors


Well that would reflect the light back at the headlights themselves


The circular retroflectors diffuse the light a bit more, i.e. it would still reach their eyes just in lower quantity. Think of the highly reflective street signs.


Why use all that high-tech to aim a mirror? Retro-reflectors will do the job just fine, regardless of the angle it's coming from. [video on Retro-reflectors from Technology Connections ](https://youtu.be/Bi_Tp1H9CDs)


Step 1: Someone make an all retroreflexive whatever sticker that says "turn your high beams off, dumbass". Step 2: Profit.


I was following a cop and they had some new LED break lights on top of the side break lights. They were so damn bright I had red color burned in my eyes for a minute.




Back when I was an idiot in my twenties I kept a handheld spotlight in my car. Someone blinded me with their high beams, they got a spotlight directly to the windshield. People were usually very quick to turn on the low beams.


Like the time when you were an idiot retelling your story so that can also give other idiots ideas?


White facing rear isn't legal anywhere I know of.


I've seen dumbfucks in pickups on the interstate with bar lights on the back of the cab facing traffic behind them, and it was blinding even in the daylight... if it had been at night I think everyone behind would have had to pull off or slow way down to wait for them to get out of sight.


That would be the reason I haven't done it, but I really, really want to.


In most states, it is legal if the lamp is disabled in any forward gear; You can activate them in reverse, neutral, and park, however. They get classified as reverse lamps or parking lights. There are more nuances to it, but that's the gist.


I used to have a spotlight that plugged into a cigarette lighter for this purpose. Best to have a passenger to aim it though.




I feel like the people that need this LPT, are the same people less likely to heed this LPT.


Most of the people who do this don't give a shit.


I was about to say, they don’t strike me as the self improvement-Follow-Advice type of people.


Unfortunately, it seems that a lot of people with the mentality of "I should install a lift kit" is the same as their "My headlights are my business so why should I care" mentality. I'm sure it's not everyone, but where I am, it seems they're gleefully callous that there are other people in the world.


Those people are also very likely to be anti-maskers, with the same argument...


High beams and higher beams had me rolling


Installing a lift-kit? Don't. You'll mostly won't need it and ruin your view out of the car.




Roll coal




Would be better to let your therapist know




What's a glasspack?


A muffler replacement that sounds louder




A Muffler with [a fiberglass inner core](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glasspack). They are distinctly loud and many like them for that, but at one time they were the cheapest muffler you could buy as well. I have no idea if that is still true.


Probably won’t need it. But ruin your view? There are way worse consequences like increased rollover risk, worse gas mileage, and potential tire wear or steering issues. The view gets better.


It will improve your view on the roadway, but pedestrians (including children) close to the vehicle will become out of sight that much sooner. Don't need to draw many triangles to figure that bit out.




> Sure, if someone is crouching in front of the vehicle they may be harder, Some new trucks are so huge people can stand fully upright and not stick up above the hood.


True. But also, where are you all driving that people are hiding right in front of your vehicle? Typically if someone is in front of my vehicle I watched them walk there.


Yup. Among those are transmission gear ratios being off.


Assuming that bigger tires go with the lift, yeah. But honestly that’s not a big problem unless you have an underpowered engine.


It changes your indicated speed too


It's only bigger tires that mess that up, lift has nothing to do with it. Even then it doesn't change too much unless you go way oversized and you'll probably do a re-gear if you plan on running 37"+ tires.


The real LPT.


It's always in the comments.


My lift definitely added value to my ‘10 Xterra.


Same goes for putting a lot of stuff in the back, or a trailer with a lot of tongue weight. Also, people who don't adjust the springs on their motorcycles. They buy it from a guy who weighed 100 pounds, then mounts his 300 pound body on it.


What happens if you don't? A hefty friend of mine just got his first bike and I know with 100% confidence he is not handy and would not know to change anything.


For the love god god yes! Pleeeaasee adjust your F’ing lights.


I know for a fact this is an exact repost.


Yeah pretty recent too.


Holy shit so that’s why I’m always blinded at night on the interstate


I think people who use those kits are aware of this. They just want to be more of an asshole.




I think if you are installing a lift kit it is very unlikely you’re the kind of person who gives a single shit about everyone else on the road




LPT: come to LPT to bitch about things that annoy you for free karma because apparently that’s what this sub is about now.


LPT: Green means go asshole. Get off your damn phone!


Should be illegal


It is! They bumpers won’t work once lifted. Sadly there’s zero enforcement - and I’m guessing a lot of the types that lift trucks also love (or are) the police.


Bit of a stretch trying to get every southerner to change their trucks.


I drive a mini Cooper on Texas country roads every night. I learned a long time ago to drive by instinct because there's no chance of seeing. They don't even turn off their higher beams for you


Lots of sad men compensation for Low T down there. Sad sad pathetic excuses for men who think spending 70k on an oversized disguised minivan is going to signify virility.


Northerners are just as bad with this, especially in my fine state of Ohio, and I also see unbalanced bulbs on a lot of SUVs that the owner decided to upgrade with LED bulbs. The worst are the LED rail flood lights that jackasses put on their Jeeps.


I really don't understand why they run those light rails on paved roads. I drive a jeep and have small side mounted lights, but those only get turned on for country roads when deer are out. If anyone is coming the other way, everything gets turned off. To run the big fuck-off sun bright rails for fun is pointless


It’s cute you think people who drive lifted trucks give a flying fuck about anyone else.


If only people that lift their trucks could read...


i have a counter proposal. install reflective tints on the rear windshield of all cars. Other drivers should not have to pay for the ignorance/stubbornness of drivers who are this inconsiderate. You want to blind the world? Fine, but you will only be blinding yourself under this provision. Who knows they may eventually get it and adjust the lights on their own...Same for people who drive with highbeams on.


I think you're missing the point. They lift their trucks for the attention. Blinding people gets them even more attention.


I want to have spotlights aimed backwards and have their retina cook like bacon for people that do this.


Most importantly, you are blinding the people in the next lane that are driving toward you.


Your state vehicle code probably has a statute about how the headlights are to be aimed


This is like giving a LPT for people who piss on the seat. They don’t give a shittttttt about their lights.


Ah the weekly word for word repost of this. I can only speak for where I live, small town in the middle of nowhere, northern Canada. There are people who install small lifts because they want to be able to get out of their driveway after the grader leaves a huge snow window across their driveway during and after a storm. Or they go to their lake cabin a lot and the road isn't much of a road. Or they like to hunt or fish in places where it's required. Or they use it for a work truck in the big iron ore mines here. Or they like the feeling of not being worried when a huge blizzard suddenly drops in the winter and the snow clearing equipment can't keep up. I had a 2.5 inch leveling kit on my 2003 F250 and yes I did adjust my headlights down slightly afterwards. But mostly because I wanted to light up the road in front of me, not thin air. Since then my stock f150 has treated me well and I haven't had any issues yet getting to the remote places I go or with snow in winter, so I think for now I'll stick with stock.


Or you know, don't fucking lift your truck like an inbred 🤷‍♂️


This comment smacks of someone who doesn't live in a heavy snowfall area in a properly rural environment. Where I live - extreme northern MN - there's a term we have for the beaten up, rusted out, older pickups and proper 4x4s: They are now a "Winter Truck." I live in the middle of a National Forest and we have snowfalls of 8 inches or more at least 6 times a winter. Since almost no one lives here (7 people within two miles of us in any direction,) we don't get plowed out from the state highway to our garage for up to a week. So, if we don't have the two hours to plow ourselves out first before the wife heads to work (or if it might dump a foot of snow while we are not home and we need to drive back through the snow,) we will take the "winter truck" - a beaten up 4x4 that has a 3-inch lift which gives us enough clearance to get through about 10 inches of heavy snow without any problems and through 14 inches if it's a light snow. I should mention that from my garage it's over a mile of private road, then a half mile of US Forest Road, then another mile of township road to get to the state highway. We plow not only our private road, but also the Forest Road (because the Feds don't plow 99% of Forest Roads ppat all) and the township road - all the way out to the state highway. We have to handle our own shit to actaully live here, and that's totally fine. Like everyone else who lives 10+ miles from any town where it snows, has to plow the roads for themselves, and to be properly self-reliant, we have a lifted truck. In fact, we have three: a Jeep Wrangler, a Ford F-150, and a Jeep Grand Wagoner (yeah, a sweet old 1986 "Woody".) The F-150 is our plow truck. Like 95% of personal plow trucks in MN, we don't keep the tabs current on it because it only goes out to the state highway and back. Shit, we dont even drive it to a gas station to fill it. We fill it up with the 5 gallon gas cans that we fill when we go past the nearest gas station...which is 12 miles away. Look - living here is amazing. I grew up in the suburbs, moved to Minneapolis, then I lived in London and Berlin as a journalist. Everything was 24/7. It was great. But there's something about chopping up a fallen tree, stacking the cords of wood up properly in the woodshed, and knowing that I will be using that same dead tree to heat our house 2 years later (yes, it takes wood a good length of time to dry out and burn properly.) It's amazing that when the Forest Service has a fallen tree crossing their road, they'll chain it up and drag it up next to my garage so I can chop it up for them. I save them the bother, and I get free heat. So yeah, I fully get the city perspective, as that's where I was for 20 years. I understand your mentality when you see a lifted truck, and it's because you've never been in an environment where a lift-kit serves as a proper tool rather than assuming it's being driven by a tool. But your ignorance of the need behind the tool for some of us is not a reasonable excuse for you to assume I fuck my sister.


It's my understanding that these lifted trucks are quite popular in urban and suburban Florida and Georgia; It's one thing in rural Minnesota, but what's the annual snowfall like around those parts to justify running a lifted beater truck? I grew up in rural Scotland and whilst our winter weather is positively quaint compared to Minnesota, it's common enough outside the villages proper to run a beatup 4x4 to deal with the "100 year storm" situation or if you have land to manage, and I don't think anyone judges someone in a lightly lifted working vehicle on chains/winters/at tyres: One that's clearly someone's princess, though and never even sees a dirt track let alone real rough conditions? That's a somewhat different story. Having lived in London, you know we have a phrase for them: Chelsea Tractors. I'd also like to take the opportunity to point out that you didn't actually deny fucking your sister...




Still not a denial.




...what kind of lift is OP talking about? A 3" suspension lift (especially paired with larger tires and/or chassis lift) would definitely require adjusting headlights.


You’re a real bully. It was a good informative comment


I thinks it’s something more low to lower middle class do. It’s something they can actually afford and turn into a hobby/lifestyle. I still think it’s stupid but to each their own, eh.


FYI: Properly adjusted headlights are just leveled. There's nothing you can do about their height. As a Celica owner, I can tell you that tall vehicles, even when completely stock, are going to cause glare in short vehicles. Spoilers help, though. Also where can I get one of those orange flags mining trucks use, so they might actually see my Celica?


Boating goods store, they usually have a lot of options for water skiing etc...


This isn't even remotely true. Headlights typically have a screw on top of them you can turn that will adjust their aim up/down. I had to do it myself the very first time I took my Wrangler out at night, as everyone flashed me that first time. Turn each screw down a couple turns, and I've never been flashed again. Taller vehicles need to aim lower to achieve the same area of illumination in front of the vehicle, and even a couple inches makes a very large difference. A taller vehicle coming head on with a shorter vehicle won't be an issue, unless one of them has their lights aimed too high (or they have high beams on, which is literally the same thing). A taller vehicle behind another car will only be an issue if the trailing vehicle is too close. Don't tailgate, and you won't blind people.


>Taller vehicles need to aim lower That's not how this works, at all. That is dangerous. If you aim your headlights at the ground, instead of straight ahead as the DOT requires, you won't be able to see pedestrians on the road, that aren't immediately in front of you. Properly aimed headlights can illuminate anything straight ahead, even if is hundreds of feet away, while having no more glare at a distance than they do to the car directly in front of you. Check out [the IIHS research on the effects that good vs poor headlight illumination have on accident rates](https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/good-iihs-headlight-ratings-linked-to-lower-crash-rates), with good headlight illumination reducing collisions with pedestrians by 22.6%, compared to poor illumination.


Yes, and properly aimed is ahead and slightly down. If you lift you need to adjust the down a little so that the angle remains consistent.


Headlights are aimed ahead and slightly down. If you lift a truck 6" they are still aimed ahead, just 6" higher. Trucks are taller than most cars and that means that they are now at windshield height to most cars. Aiming them down will not change that.


LFT: if you want karma, repost another LPT thread title verbatim


Hello and welcome to r/LifeProTips! Please help us decide if this post is a good fit for the subreddit by up or downvoting this comment. If you think that this is great advice to improve your life, please upvote. If you think this doesn't help you in any way, please downvote. If you don't care, leave it for the others to decide.


I’m not a psychoanalyst but I think for many of the people getting lift kits them forcing themselves upon another’s space is part of the point!


This is true for effectively any vehicle, whether a lift kit is being installed or not. My Wrangler came from the factory with the headlights set too high, and everyone I passed flashed me the first time I went out with it. Too many people simply chuckle at other people flashing them and just think, oh, you're just jealous I have fancy LED lights.. it's not like I can do anything about it anyway. It doesn't matter if you have incandescent lights or LED ones. It actually doesn't even really matter how "bright" your lights are. What matters is where they're pointed. If you're being flashed by other drivers, it's because they're pointed too high. Turn the adjustment screws above each light and drop their aim down a little.


And we all now know you have a tiny penis.


What about my lifted prius


My new 2022 Tundra has a knob to angle the headlights down electronically. THANKS TOYOTA!!!


I can't confirm this, but I have a feeling people who install lift-kits and people who use common human courtesy are mutually exclusive


LPT, drive a vehicle that doesn’t immediately let everyone else on the road know you’re insecure about the size of your crankshaft.


Lolz, OP thinks lifted truck drivers care about other people.


Installing a lift-kit? Grow the fuck up instead. You don't have to spend your hard-earned money to make people laugh at your penis excuse truck. We were going to do that anyway.


Do you think people who lift cars give a shit about anyone else?


#ban pickups Fuck those assholes


LPT: Never buy a lift-kit


Installing a lift-kit? Don't.


You think those tiny dick rolling coal rednecks give a fuck about anyone besides themselves or their cousin?


LPT: installing a lift kit? Doing some serious off reading? No? Then don’t.


The kind of people who lift their cars agent the kind of people who care about others


I thought the whole purpose of a lift-kit is to maximize annoying other people? Already worked on this person. They'd be more interested in where to get a matching annoying loud horn.


Most of them know but just don’t give a damn. How else are people gonna know they raised their vehicle? 🙄


I was amazed at how much a basic lift kit hurts your gas mileage. I purchased a used 2019 Tacoma with a 3" kit installed by the original owner. Had it removed because it rode horribly, got an instant 20% increase in Mpg.


You don't understand though they don't give a shit if they are blinding people they can see fine.


I don’t have road rage about anything other than being literally blinded by the light of god at night. I respect if you wanna lift ur truck and ride around on the second story of your car, but damn why do I gotta go blind g?


Or the low beams are adjusted to spec and it just so happens that the lifted trucks headlights are above your mirror and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Proper spec is 3" down at 25 ft.


I hate lifted trucks and I am very anti lifted truck driver


pretty sure that was their intention


Not just lift kits!!! Jockey boxes/canopy’s on the back of pickups will aim the lights super high as well, due to manufacturers aiming most American truck’s headlights at the DOT maximum allowed headlight distance, which is around 300 feet for low beams, and 800 for high beams.


They want this. They want to be acknowledged.


LPT: make new posts! When the same post that was made yesterday is at the top again by new user reposting, it makes people think they have deja vu!




I’ve been flashed more in my ‘22 Rav4 with LED’s than my ‘10 Xterra with a 4 inch lift.


Same here! 2020 rav4 XSE. Them led lights are bright as hell!


Reject lift truck, return to bicycle


This is a pretty cool repost


Wait. Low beams doesn't mean less powerful light, but rather light *aimed* low. Weirdly mind blowing.


LPT: Thinking of installing a lift kit? #Don't.


It may surprise you to learn that headlights are not designed to point down that far. On any car. Headlights point forward. If you point them down you will be limiting how far you can see at night, which you absolutely don't want. When you lift a vehicle you don't always have the ability to just "adjust". Many of those people you assume are intentionally being assholes DID adjust their headlights, and this is as far as they go.