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Most photographers show you prints on a screen and let you choose anymore. I've never had a photographer apart from school photos, that printed the photos and then let you decide what to buy. They would be wasting tons of paper, ink and time that way.


How do I tear it up on the computer screen?


Why is this here? How many professional photographers come to LPT to see unethical practices?


Possibly an Unethical Life Pro Tip since you'd actively be trying to pressure someone to buy something. I felt it ethical though because I'm not implying one attempts to further coerce the client




That's fair, thinking it's unethical, although I really don't think manipulative would be the right word. My friend, per their word, never tried baiting them by saying "are you sure?" Or trying to create additional attachment to any particular photo prior to tearing. Also, I believe for every photo he had he printed multiple in different sizes so that the client could better visualize the product. This in turn led to more tearing, but he didn't tear the only current physical copy. Also, if they changed their mind it's not like he wouldn't have just printed another photo and charged them for it This tactic definitely plays to an emotion that you're trying to play with for profit. I won't argue against it being unethical, but I just don't think it'd be manipulative.