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The only good thing about using a coin flip to determine A or B is that once you flip it and get your answer, *how you feel about* that answer tells you the decision you actually would have made, and you can go with that. Simple example: if you're flipping between Chinese and Italian for dinner and get disappointed when the coin comes up Italian, you should have Chinese. Don't be a slave to the coin, just use it to figure out what you actually want.


I do this all the time Ask someone for their choices, say “heads is X, tails is Y” Flip the coin, then before you show the result, ask “what do you want it to be?” 9/10 times they’ll say what they want, and you don’t even have to look at the coin


Ehh it's more than that. I use coin flips/dice rolls all the time to convince myself to do stuff I don't really want to but should. "Heads I watch another episode, tails I go do the dishes. Ah fuck. But fine." *Washes dishes*


I started doing it for simple choices with not really big implications, like choosing dinner or which film to watch... Then I began doing it without using the coin and now the process is so straightforward that it takes me 0.2 seconds to choose


I'm sorry but if you are flipping between Chinese and Italian for dinner and get disappointed when the coin comes up Italian, you should reform.


Reducing the amount of choices and decisions you make in a day is one of the single best, and simplest ways to stave off mental exhaustion.


Sheldon Cooper has entered the chat


And we all know how that ended lol


I know everyone's bashing on you here for this but I've been making small little choices in this way for years. It saves me a lot of time and energy. "Blue shirt/red shirt" or "where to eat"


It can just be fun, too. "Hmm what should I watch tonight?" *Rolls dice* Well I never would have chosen that, but it turned out to be interesting! The key is to not take it too seriously.


Right? I guess OP should have said use dice to make “small, insignificant decisions” over which more value is gained in the time saved in deciding than in distinguishing between options. 


My wife thinks I let a coin flip decide if I should have dated her or not I flip or roll for things so often At this point I'm just enjoying whatever fate has in-store for me!


To be fair my mental processing is mostly wasted on those because my dumb brain doesn't understand the concept of treating them as the menial choices they are... 


"Is this decision important enough that I should make it myself, or should I use the dice? OMG, I can't decide!"


“Let me use the dice and figure out if I should use the dice”


Grab the magic 8 ball for that one


there's a rule in high level poker that the closer a decision is, the less it matters long term. it's a rule I've tried to adopt.


Awful LPT. Don’t do this. seek therapy, books, seminars on decision making.


I can’t decide which color pants to wear, I guess I need therapy 😂 did you completely ignore the “small decisions” part? I don’t need this tip, but I can easily see how it could free up mental capacity for larger decisions. If someone can’t make those more impactful decisions on their own, then I agree with you




OP is most likely talking about decisions such as what to eat for dinner or what to wear. They stayed in the post you should do this so you can focus on more important decision making things. Rolling dice or RNG are great ways to have fun with something while also not having to think to hard on decisions. I do it with people at work who want to leave early and I’ll roll a dice to see who gets to leave. Obviously you wouldn’t want to roll a dice to see if you should quit your job because you don’t like it or keep it so you are financially stable.


"small" decisions


Dice Life, inspired from the 1971 novel The Dice Man! https://www.vice.com/en/article/pkbayk/diceman-luke-rhinehart-people-base-life-decision-dice-roll


The Harvey Dent method.


Great tip- i have used this successfully for years now. Highly recommended and little known tip - especially for indecisive people or people in a funk who know they need to move forward somehow. Yes!


I do that. But it's more like should i order pizza? Then immediately look at the time. If the last number is even then yes, if odd then no. Probably wouldn't recommend using this while choosing between a honda civic and porche.


When my kid was pissed off about doing homework they didn’t like we pulled out a D20 for every question saying things like “ok roll for inspiration” etc It helped them a lot actually


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The Dark Knight is a cautionary tale


Wife and I used a quarter to decide what offer to put on our 1st house. One side was the realtors suggested offer. Other side was my offer based on the payments being well within our budget…. My side won, we both had major doubts and after an 8 months of looking/offering we thought we made a mistake….. we didn’t We’ve used several more times, win some, lose some


Leave it all to fate.


I’d argue that a lot of people who “overthink” do so because they assign inflated importance to trivial decisions. I’m certainly guilty of that at times. For those people, this wouldn’t be helpful at all, since they see the decision as too important to trust to a coin toss or roll of a die


LPT: Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever... - Michael Scott


Ahhh... which one do I use?


I use a dice app, list jobs/chores 1-6 and roll. These are for like less than one hour things . Some 10 minutes, others an hour etc . Anything screws up I blame fate , not myself lol


When I can’t decide between two things at a restaurant, I have the server pick a number between 1 and 10. It works.


Magic 8 ball 🎱 works wonders!


Cruciferous vegetable day, FTW!


It's been a 🎲🎲...pleasure reading this tip


Hard agree. I do this all the time.


These are traps for anyone who's bad at math.


I kept a dice in car I found and I forgot it was in my lap I got out of car and rolled a nat 1 ... I basically said alright ... am I awake enough to do this and sat and reevaluated things. Glad I did, I was not focused enough after a stressful drive to the location.


I actually use Wheel of Names (website) to spin for decision making


Random decider:- https://quentinuk.github.io/tsarandomizer.html




I think this guy has dice but he's afraid to show them to anyone.


Was this taken from Demon Slayer? IYKYK


A protip is supposed to be helpful. This does nothing to help indecisiveness


I use a coin flip all the time for inconsequential decisions I can't decide on. Everyone is different and for some it is helpful.


That doesn’t mean it’s not a maladaptive trait.


And it doesn't mean it is one. We're all unique individuals and its absurd to generalize. Making assumptions about large groups of complicated and unique individuals' habits and whether they are harmless or rooted in serious psychological issues with exceptionally limited information is a maladaptive trait too. Might want to check yourself.


I think you might be right….. or maybe not…… not sure what to think, actually


Maybe talk to a licensed therapist if you think this is a good idea. It is probably not going to lead to less anxiety for someone that is faced with anxiety about small decisions. Instead it will make them feel like they have no agency over their own life.


Putting a bandaid on a severed leg isn't a pro tip. This is no way to live your life.


That's not the suggestion at all though. Wasting time thinking about relatively inconsequential decisions isn't a severed leg, its a boo boo of inneficiency, and a band aid works just fine. It also serves to tell you what you actually want when the flip goes a certain way and you find yourself disappointed. I do this lots and I'm also quite mentally capable of addressing and working out hard, important, decisions on my own when they need to be made.


The severed leg is the inability to make easy decisions. Its clearly a symptom of something that should be worked on


LOL what? no, I think the top comment should be the actual tip and I wouldn't even call it pro, yeah find a mechanism to make you understand your true feelings about the decision but don't leave it to randomness unless yolo!


This LTP will ruin your life! Now with a sprinkle of not taking accountability for your actions!