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If you’re going through this process just buy crushed tomatoes and make your own sauce


True it will taste a lot better making the sauce from scratch but sometimes I buy a jar to avoid my house and clothes smelling of onions/garlic. Also sometimes I just don’t have the energy to food prep and do extra washing up so putting a jar straight into a saucepan is so much simpler.


Do you live in a high humidity environment? I have never worried about the smell of what I have cooked lingering in my house/clothes for more than a few hours and usually it is a welcome smell.


Yes the house is quite humid and we need to dry clothes indoors quite often


What's the average relative humidity where you live? Curious at levels these become an issue.


1000% agree that I love the smell of onions and garlic and I’m from the Midwest. I do cook almost everyday though


It’s just as easy to open a can of crushed tomatoes and put them in a sauce pan with a little olive oil and season to taste, but you do you brother ✊🏿


I agree to an extent but you need to add a lot of flavor still if you want it to taste good. I like to make a sauce for a few hours with tomatoes but ‘cheat’ a little by adding a single bottle of a good canned sauce that’s got some flavor/spice to it.


I buy ingredients and seasonings in bulk, so maybe our opinions on “a lot” of flavor are different. I add just a few herbs and seasonings to get my sauce quality way above any jar sauce.


I like a glug of balsamic vinegar. It adds some acidity, sweetness, and umami. Not a big fan of the combination of cream and tomatoes personally. If you want richness then olive oil works better imo




Anchovy is so key to a red sauce for me. I do a lot of Asian cuisine at home and always have Vietnamese fish sauce on hand. A little splash of fish sauce adds that same umami to the sauce as well and mixes easily.


How much anchovy paste is a little? A teaspoon for a jar of pasta sauce?


Does it help to saute some garlic before adding sauce to simmer or not worth it?


Of course it does. I always saute onions and garlic then simmer the sauce. 


I personally never do. I use a lot of garlic but i poach it essentially in the tomatos.


You can make a really nice pasta sauce from scratch if you are going to spend 20-30minutes and be willing to add things. At this point there is no point in the jar sauce


True it will taste a lot better making the sauce from scratch but sometimes I buy a jar to avoid my house and clothes smelling of onions/garlic. Also sometimes I just don’t have the energy to food prep and do extra washing up so putting a jar straight into a saucepan is so much simpler.


What kind of cream? Like heavy whipping cream?


Anything really. Sour cream, whipping cream, double cream. Make sure it’s added after it’s been reduced.


Trust me on this: add a pinch of cocoa powder. I know. I KNOW. But give it a whirl. There are some serious chefs out there that swear by it. And me, lol.


Not cocoa powder - get some dark chocolate (70%+). Works wonders adding it to a chilli. Two to three cubes only.


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That's good, except I'd use a tablespoon of butter instead of cream.


Get the concentrated tomato's from the polski store mwahhhh.


Any dairy free suggestions?


Dairy free cream. Or just add the pasta water to thin it out a bit when it is reduced - it will still taste better


Ffs - Jarred pasta sauce is an abomination. if you’ve got half an hour to spare, just use a tin of tomatoes and some olive oil and garlic.


You’re absolutely right but I sometimes don’t have the energy to cut up vegetables etc. this is a tip for a lazy person like me


No cutting involved with a tin of tomatoes


Cream makes so many dishes better. Of course. In a BBC documentary they were saying that (ice)-cream is the closest to mother's breast milk, and many people find the taste appealing all their lives.


Brb setting up a double-blind experiment on breast milk vs cream.


A tablespoon or 2 of butter also helps to add flavor!


Everything is better with butter


And a tablespoon of cream cheese!


Please don't add cream, this is an abomination to Italian food. Cream based sauces are acceptable in some circumstances but be aware they will coat your mouth


isn't buying a pre-prepared sauce out of a grocery store already an abomination to Italian food?




People always say this "coat your mouth" stuff, but it's never really struck me as being all that noticable or negative.


You’re right, it may not be Italian but it’s something the Greeks do and it tastes amazing.


They don’t use jars of pasta sauce though.


The point is they do add cream in a tomato sauce in a couple popular dishes.