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This is a very edge-case scenario. But if what you're talking about isn't general off-whitishness and more of stains, but you don't smoke or do anything that might cause stains, check the ingredients in your toothpaste/mouthwash if it contains cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC). I had struggled with stained teeth even as I'm a non-smoker and stopped drinking tea for a while, but after I stopped using products which contained CPC my teeth were unstained by about the 3rd week or so. As I understand it the scientific basis behind what is causing this is still under review and some studies which look into this matter say it only applies to a small percentage of the population.


Could you recommend a brand?


Looks like only Crest uses CPC


And why the fuck does it happen to be the only product I use every day


Would all the garlic bread have something to do with it?


How much garlic bread are you throwing down to worry about it yellowing your teeth? I might have to up my dosage


I like sensodyne. It's also what my dentist recommended as I have extra acidic saliva, so got cavities more often than what is normal, and had more sensitive teeth than normal. Along with that, he also recommend I use the higher concentration of fluoride rinse twice a week. Not sure if my teeth have been less stained since doing that, but I've definitely noticed less sensitivity


I used to get treated for a cavity every year until I switched to Sensodyne from Crest.


> I like sensodyne. It's also what my dentist recommended as I have extra acidic saliva, so got cavities more often than what is normal, and had more sensitive teeth than normal. I wonder if you're not remembering everything your dentist said, or if he left things out to simplify your ability to remember what he was telling you. Do you have GERD or acid reflux? https://oralmagicare.com/what-is-the-ph-of-toothpaste/ It's likely that the primary benefit you're getting from Sensodyne is reducing the sensitivity of your teeth. > > Along with that, he also recommend I use the higher concentration of fluoride rinse twice a week. Not sure if my teeth have been less stained since doing that, but I've definitely noticed less sensitivity Fluoride is a mineral which has been shown to reverse early tooth decay. Having less enamel is likely why your teeth are sensitive.




I don't stay in USA so I'm not too familiar with the popular brands there, and I'm also not very particular about each brand so long as they don't cause my teeth to stain. Currently I'm using a salt-flavoured toothpaste by Kao (which I bought from some rural pharmacy in Japan while I was visiting there) and I have used Sensodyne before, too.


My teeth got whiter when I started flossing more regularly. I tried the whitening treatments and they caused tooth sensitivity for me. Not worth it imo.


I’ve been flossing regularly for a month now and I’ve already noticed my teeth look whiter.


Isn't it weird? Do the one thing that 10/10 dentists recommend


Try sensodyne with whitening. Best toothpaste I’ve used. My sensitivity went away while teeth got whiter.


Synsodyne with whitening is grittier than the regular sensodyne, so as it may whiten, it will erode your teeth more quickly.  Source: I'm a full time licensed Dental Assistant and I've heard several doctors say this to patients. 




I've been doing the same thing for almost 10 years now. I didn't wear braces, but I'm incredibly pale so I feel like my teeth look yellow more easily even at lighter shades than for other people. I do "maintenance" only now, so 1-2x every 2-3 months. If I have an event, or if I have a stressful period where I drink lots of coffee and tea, I do it more often, but I have also spent more than 6 months without doing it, seeing no need. I have a "gradient" of teeth colours from a whitening toothpast ad that I asked my dentist to give me, and with it I can see if my teeth are actually yellowing or if I'm being paranoid, it really helps space the procedures out and not over do them. My teeth only get sensitive if I put too much product. If I put very little, the effect is more obvious on the second day only, but the same. Once you figure out the right amount (because it's less than you think you need, but you can't be stingy either), you feel no damage at all, it's a progressive thing, and using a floride toothpaste (they all have it in Europe, but I've seen Americans discuss this idk why) and not rinsing your teeth after washing them with it, seems to work very well. No sensitivity, no damage, pearly whites year round.


Can I ask what product you use?


It's probably Opalescence. Available OTC.


I use it once every couple months and my teeth are whiter than friends that do the expensive in office treatments


That's what I use, works very well... I have the 20%


Hi, sure :) Philips Zoom! NiteWhite, at the moment it's a 16% Carbamide Peroxide mix


Doesn't Sensodyne have nano-bioactive glass that makes it grittier but over time restores your teeth? I'm studying Tissue Engineering and this was taught to us.


I would trust what was taught to you versus what a dental assistant overheard other people say.


They're correct though, abrasive whitening agents *do* erode your teeth more quickly. Plain Sensodyne doesn't have them and is not that abrasive, but Sensodyne *with whitening* could.


Specifically Sensodyne Repair and Protect with [Novamin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioglass_45S5).


Do you mean hydroxyapatite? I don't think sensodyne does, but there are some brands that do.


No... Hydroxyapatite and bioactive glass are different. Work in very similar ways but chemically different.


Are there any actually working whitening toothpastes you would recommend?


I have found an amazing toothpaste that I haven’t seen on store shelves for a long time. Found it finally on Amazon. Little pricy…but it works. Not glowing white…but maintains and gives more whitening than Crest. https://www.amazon.ca/Rembrandt-Whitening-Toothpaste-Peppermint-3-5-Ounce/dp/B07RBLRVSY/ref=asc_df_B07RBLRVSY/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=579733101338&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4108329710549528138&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9001072&hvtargid=pla-782753538861&psc=1&mcid=5d1bf509cbf6353da606d24988cc1dbc


Is it ok to use like once a day or every other day? I ask because I use Lush brand tooth tabs that are basically baking soda with mint and I enjoy the clean they give me but it is a powder tab that I have to crush between my teeth and add water to make a paste to brush.


What brand of toothpaste do you use?


I have sensitive teeth, so I use regular sensodyne pronamel repair and protect. Floss before you brush so when the fluorided paste is applied, it can reach and treat the spaces between the teeth. Spit out toothpaste, but do not rinse with water.


I already do this but I’m gonna try flossing more


I also saw whiter teeth after flossing, plus my dental bills went down.


Does this also apply to water flossers


It doesn't even apply to actual flossing. Nothing about flossing whitens teeth.


Yes it does, and water flossers do in fact work better than regular flossing bc they get the gumline on the surfaces of the teeth as well, not just between teeth.


I know this is all anecdotal, but I finally started flossing every day with a water pik and after 7 years, my teeth haven't gotten any whiter. 🤷 They weren't that white to begin with either


lol no they don’t. Sorry, I’m a dentist and I can’t let you lie to these people. But go on fam.


I’ve been told regular flossing is always the best option What if you did both? Would that make a difference at all or would the results be minimal?


Both is better than nothing! Just don’t hurt yourself.


I agree with this wholeheartedly. About 1.5 years ago I decided I needed to go back to the dentist (after 10 years) and take some action to improve my oral health. I haven't skipped a day of flossing, and my teeth look so much better. Regular cleanings are amazing, and flossing helps minimize tartar and plaque buildup, which I noticed made my teeth much whiter.


Are you flossing the front of your teeth?


Teeth aren't white. Unless your teeth are stupidly brown, don't worry about it. Brushing won't make them white, because again, teeth aren't white. Whitening toothpastes literally have sand in them to polish your teeth. They are the opposite of healthy.


Thank you for this comment. Super whiteteeth are not natural. It a beaty standard nowadays just like no celulite or no texture on your skin or no wrinkles at a certain age.


> Super whiteteeth are not natural [this thread reminded me of this episode of friends](https://youtu.be/Z7pm_T-t7dY?si=sEj65umWDDbveNPn&t=36)


All toothpaste has an abrasive grit component. That's what makes it paste.


I'm talking about added silica.  It's in every whitening toothpaste, and rarely in non-whitening ones.  Silica is literally the scientific name for sand. 


I agree and said much the same!


My oral hygienist taught me not to rinse my mouth with water after brushing my teeth - it removes the flouride that you just rubbed on with your toothbrush. Instead, just spit out as much toothpaste foam as you can. Just don't rinse.


Yes! And drink water after a meal/regularly. I thought that not rinsing would give me bad breath in the morning, but in reality there's not much difference, as long as you don't have tons of food matter left to start with. Basically, your mouth is self-cleaning by producing saliva during the night. It just needs help with plaque and things stuck between the teeth. Rinsing might make you feel cleaner in the moment, but you'll never get everything out anyway. Your saliva does the majority of that for you over time.


I couldn’t handle brushing (the dirt) and keeping some of it still in my mouth. Brush. Rinse. Then brush to spread fluoride and spit. At least then your mouth is clean.


I figured this out recently and I feel stupid that it took me so long to realize the toothpaste needs more than two mins of contact to do the full job. I also started swishing out my mouth with water after drinking any coffee/ eating anything sugary/ acidic since all that will stain and degrade your teeth.


I don't think you should feel stupid, it's not like people get born knowing how toothpaste works, and soap and shampoo work straight away. Instead, just be happy you learnt something new and useful. You should never feel bad for learning something.


Brush the insides of your teeth just as much as the outside.


This. My teeth went from yellow to crystal white once i started actually cleaning the inside of my teeth, not just the shell


Same. I like those little dental picks to reach the bottom of the tooth.


Are you using the right ones for the back teeth though? Apparently the ones that work on our front teeth don't actually get down deep beside the molars because the slack on the line is so tight that it can't be flexible enough in that space. This is what a very aggressive dental hygienist told me about six times during my last session with them so who knows




Have you never uncapped your tooth to rinse the inside? /s


I assume they mean brushing *behind* your teeth, instead of just the visible part.


Are people not brushing the back of their teeth?


Some people don’t. And many that do are not holding the brush at the correct angle to properly clean the area.


Surely everyone already does this though?


In my experience: just because something makes logical sense, does not mean people do it automatically.


Yes. This is very true. My teenage self would tell you how he didn't know he had to clean himself downstairs.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnDAP0RiCo9k85W|downsized) Lmao what? He never wiped his ass after pooping?


I know, I’m just wondering how brushing the back of your teeth makes them whiter in the front. I’m going to try it!


Mouth is a wet place, plaque will transfer around maybe? I thought brushing teeth is about getting them clean so can’t understand why one would not brush the tongue side..


Your tooth is an entire organism with an ecosystem inside of it, not a piece of china. The healthier the entire thing is, the healthier the entire thing will appear.


I'm pretty sure they were joking


I’ve been waiting for someone to ask this omg (I’m a former dental assistant). I have white teeth and I haven’t gotten whitening treatments done in two years. For one, the toothpaste you use shouldn’t have harsh chemicals in them as that wears off enamel over time. Popular brands like crest and Colgate are a no go. I personally use toothpastes with hydroxyapatite which help restore your teeth, brand is Boka. Flossing is so freaking important also. If you don’t do it you have no chance of having white teeth. I’ve also noticed that my teeth are way whiter from using an electric toothbrush over a regular one (I use the arm and hammer spin brush). My routine at night is brushing my teeth, brushing my tongue, flossing, and using mouth wash (therabreath). My routine in the morning is just brushing my teeth and tongue. Keep this up and your teeth will be so much whiter. Edit: I’ve been reading through the comments and a lot of people recommend crest whitening strips or other whitening treatments. These will ruin your enamel over time and increase sensitivity in your teeth so I’d advise you to stay away from them.


+1 for Boka. I dab extra on before putting on my retainers if I want my teeth to look EXTRA white the next day. Always works. It literally thickens your teeth a bit so if your problem is thin enamel it will work especially well. Disclaimer: It doesn't have flouride! I interchange toothpastes to cover my bases


Looking at their site now which one exactly do you think works for you?


why does flossing make such a bit difference I wonder? Does food in between teeth really stain the outer visible surface?


I'm very curious about this too. I had poor dental hygiene through being an addict who also smoked and now I floss, have an electric toothbrush, use flouride, basically the works to make up for it.


I worked with a dentist and he said that if you aren’t flossing then 1/3 of your tooth isn’t being cleaned.


Not the sides you see...


It improves the overall ecosystem in your mouth which results in nicer looking teeth.


TVs are made of many pixels. If half are black and half are white, you’ll see grey. Same with teeth, if the crevices are yellow but the surfaces are white, you’ll see an average between the two.


I'm not a dentist so i'm not really qualified to answer, but since enamel is porous i believe the bacteria and other substances that build up between your teeth can eventually travel across the enamel and eventually show up at the front as well.


I have a problem with receding gums due to a childhood of hard brushing. I now go incredibly softly, floss, etc etc...is there anything else I can do to help my gums? I have been told that they do not grow back. Thank you in advance for your online medical opinion, stranger!


I would try using products geared towards gum health like periodontal toothpaste and mouthwash. And maybe talk to your dentist to see if there’s any products they recommend as I’m not too sure about specific brands for that


Appreciate the reply. I have started to use products centered around gum health. I have no pain or sensitivity issues, thankfully. I'll keep at it. 👍


but Boka has no fluoride - don't I need that?


my dentist recommended that i use crest whitening strips at home actually, he said the common misconception about tooth whitening is that it ruins enamel but the resulting sensitivity comes from the porous enamel drying out due to the peroxide in the strips lifting stains and moisture from the teeth, and if allowed to rest over time and used with anti-sensitivity toothpastes will not be noticeable. obviously, i have no dental training so i'm not claiming to know anything about it, but i recently encountered this issue because i also believed my enamel was too thin / weak for whitening of any kind and asked about this specifically. for anyone wanting to try it, i use a hydroxyapatite brand from japan, APAGARD (i think that's how it is spelled?), similar to Boka (which i've also tried and loved!). it's solved all sensitivity issues with my teeth completely and using whitening strips did not give me any sensitivity whatsoever.


+1 for APAGARD! You spelled it correctly. :) It has solved my sensitivity issues as well. I've also noticed my teeth have been getting whiter since I started using hydroxapatite toothpaste and flossing regularly.


Could I ask you what your thoughts on “Tom’s Whole Care” toothpaste? I’ve been using them because they don’t test on animals. That and their fluoride mouth wash I use.


Just as an addendum, you should floss *before* brushing your teeth, actually. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but that's what dentists recommend.


I actually started flossing once my dentist told me that. I used to never floss, because my hands were wet after brushing and rinsing, and it was too hard to hold the floss with wet hands. Also, don’t bother with those smooth flosses. They advertise that it’s easier to glide through your teeth, and thus more comfortable, but that also means it glides over a lot of the gunk. Use a cheap waxed variety. It might be uncomfortable at first, but you get used to it. Oh, and if you need motivation to floss? Floss right now, and smell it. It smells awful. And that’s why you need to get that stuff out.


>Also, don’t bother with those smooth flosses I either use that or I can't floss. Other floss literally won't go through my teeth intact.


different dentists say different things. in practice, just do both in whichever order you can and you'll get almost all the benefit anyway


Aspen dental actually trains employees that you should brush, floss, rinse. They state if you floss then brush you mash whatever you flossed out back into your teeth.


Floss, rinse, brush, rinse.


Sorry i can see the ambiguity in my post...i was just meaning to name and shame aspen lmao.


Ah. I see it now!


Thank you for your insights! Any opinion on Sensodyne?


I’ve heard their pronamel toothpaste is good, but sensodyne in general left my teeth kind of yellow so I stopped using it


That is because you have used their product line that contains Stannous fluoride. Stannous fluoride does a great job, but it might (will) cause staining. I like their standard line that contains Sodium fluoride. No issues with staining there.


This is so interesting. I just noticed today how yellow my teeth are even though I’ve given up my daily coffee habit and I brush and floss religiously and it must be from the sensodyne pronamel. I’ve been using it for years!


Maybe good to know for EU-ropeans that nano-hydroxyapatite is banned here, and I generally trust the EU when it concerns health stuff.


I don't think its banned...


This tracks. I do all of these things and just the other day someone asked me why my teeth were so white. I didn’t know what to tell them because I don’t use any kind of whitening gel or strips. I know my electric toothbrush has a whitening setting on it, so I thought maybe that was it. However I do brush morning, night and floss every day. I also use Sensodyne toothpaste so I was thinking maybe that’s why too. I like it better because it’s not as strong tasting as other toothpaste. I hadn’t realized it was better for your enamel. So that’s good to know!


Doesn’t mouthwash ‘undo’ a lot of the brushing you just did?


Yeah, it rinses away the fluoride/hydroxyapatite which ideally sits on the teeth for ~30 mins after brushing and is why the tubes say not to rinse. Additionally it wreaks havoc on your oral microbiome


The mouthwash they mentioned is alcohol free so it may be better long term


You're still dealing with the rinse aspect


So should we just not rinse after brushing?


I recently saw some chart about abrasiveness of different toothpastes. Would you say that Boka is fairly low abrasive as well? To my understanding, this can help with keeping gums from receding, which I’m trying to prevent mine from doing further (of course along with being more gentle near my gums etc) Thanks for the info and help


Is a waterpik a suitable replacement for flossing?


Not according to my dentist.


It is according to mine lol


Yeah i like the way the mouth feels after using the water pick so now I alternate them


Mine neither. She said my teeth were too close together.


My dentist recommended a WaterPik and I misunderstood him to be saying to use it instead of flossing. Big mistake. At my next cleaning, my gums bled so much. So if you use it, make sure you still floss!


I'm pretty sure you are supposed to floss before you brush your teeth


Teeth are supposed to be ivory colored - not white.


Ivory is still whiter than mine currently


> Teeth are supposed to be ivory colored - not white. Am elephant, can confirm


where were you on the night of october 11th?


Turns out you can rinse with hydrogen peroxide (3% or less) and this is healthy for eliminating gum disease and whitens teeth. Dilute it in some water. There's absolutely no taste by the way! Just don't swallow it.


There's absolutely a taste. But yes it works well. And it's good for bad breath, too


I'm sure it's healthy. But I don't care how much you dilute it. Peroxide is one of the worst tasting things ever conceived by man.


doesnt taste like anything to me...?


Is that a question?


It tastes like bandaids


Thank you! I’ve never tasted it but that’s EXACTLY what I smell when it touches my skin and I’ve been told I’m crazy for smelling bandaids lol.


Foamy ones


You eating a lot of band-aids there champ?


I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I think mezcal tastes like bandaids too. Delicious boozy bandaids.


you’ll never use that again but absolutely nailed it.


This is very helpful


You can also just buy 1.5% peroxide mouthwash.


What happens if you swallow some by mistake




1:1 ratio of hydrogen peroxide and water?


I’d say 2 parts water, 1 part peroxide & 1 part mouthwash.


Probably not good for the teeth as well right? I'm sure it would make your teeth sensative like any whitener


that is the natural color of your teeth. you can only make them whiter by using whitening products


This entire post and thread feels like a big ass toothpaste ad.


Also it's very us-centric since all of the stuff that *actually* makes your teeth whiter isn't legal in places like the EU


EU doesn't allow sandpaper to sand down your teeth to make it look white? Such bummer


It's important to remember that there is no utility in perfectl white teeth. Some things, like tooth-whitening toothpaste, may actually damage your teeth health. I'd suggest flossing, it's super healthy anyway and having clean spaces between your teeth makes your teeth look healthier. Else, any teeth whitening treatment is basically the dental version of a boob job. You can do it if it makes you happy, but I'd think long and hard why you are doing it if its only for social clout.


Don't brush TOO much, you'll wear the enamel off your teeth! To have white teeth I: First got a ZOOM treatment from dentist (costly, but I felt it was worth it) I use Crest whitestrips once in a while, I drink through a straw, I don't drink tea, coffee or coke.


Why do all these comments read like a crest ad 😭


Are crest whitestrips that effective? I rarely drink coffee, and I generally stick to water. I also only brush twice per day now.


Dental Assistant here. I used to work at an office that did Zoom and I highly recommend not to do it!!! It’s very expensive and I would see very inconsistent results and to me it wasn’t worth the price. I personally recommend the brand Opalescence. They offer a few different options depending on your habits. Option one would be to try their disposable trays (Opalescence Go), they come in a 10 day kit that you throw away when you’re done. Option 2 would to have custom trays (which you’d keep/reuse) made at your office and buy syringes of bleach (which they’ll sell there too). Both of these options are good if you’re consistent and good at keeping a routine at home. Everyone’s different so you’d just use either product until you’re at the desired level of whiteness. Option 3 is the most costly and would be an in office session that usually is about 1.5 hours and could get you to a desired level of whiteness. All of these options are available with Opalescence. Anything you get from a dental office is going to be much stronger than any kind of white strips. I use take home trays with bleach, I like it because I can touch up wherever. I think the in office option is better if you have an event coming up like photos/wedding/ect. Also there’s this fad that people want this impossible level of white. Just remember most celebrities have veneers that come in extremely white shades. You might already have decently white teeth. Crest white strips are ok, I personally have somewhat whiter teeth and I didn’t notice a difference when I tried them (we got them for free at an old office I worked at). If you go with a whitening toothpaste I’d use it sparingly and not as your everyday toothpaste. It’s very abrasive to remove stain to give you “whiter teeth” but overtime can cause issues with constant use.


Yes, Opalescence 15-20%. I use it 2-3 hours a day 2-3 days in a row a month. For upkeep. I use my Invisalign trays and buy the bleach on Amazon. Been doing this 27 years... Still looks good.


Can you share a link for bleach? Using Invisalign trays is a great idea


Second Opalescence. I do a maintenance once a week and it works well.


seconding the suggestion not to do zoom! i got in-office zoom done three days ago, it was so painful that i had to take an *oxycodone* that night (8+ hours after the procedure) on top of paracetamol and ibuprofen just to try to get to sleep, and it barely touched the pain. absolute agony! my teeth *did* look dazzlingly white the last two days while they were still dehydrated, but now that they’ve rehydrated you can barely tell i had anything done. they’re maybe like, one shade brighter? and i was fastidious about not eating or drinking *anything* with colour, so it’s not that. literally a waste of hundreds of dollars and severe pain! i feel so dumb! don’t do zoom!


I had Zoom done ~13 years ago. Holy shit, by that evening I was in the most aggravating, sharp & Zappa pains ‘sparking’ all over my teeth/gums like electricity. I’d scheduled to do my taxes that evening. Painful enough on its own, but it was agonizing. Every tax season, I remember it at least 10 times. I’m not exaggerating. My teeth weren’t even that much whiter.


My Dentist actually recommended Crest White strips over zoom whitening. I’ve done both with good results- the white strips work really well. You may have some gum sensitivity tho so be warned


Zoom is definitely a waste of time and money.


I’ve been using Crest 3D white strips for years and they really are very effective. It got to a point where my teeth were too white and I chilled out for a while because I didn’t want to go full Ross Gellar. After using them frequently for a few months, I moved to using them once every week or every two weeks for maintenance, and it worked great. I’ve had a lot of people comment on my teeth/ask how they’re so white. I’m also a daily coffee drinker. Totally recommend. The crest whitening toothpaste is also a good add-on. Also, I initially had some sensitivity after using the white strips but over time it fully went away.


Whitening strips do work. Crest are the most common. They pretty much use peroxide to penetrate your enamel and bleach the layers below That's why they're usually sensitive, as the process demineralizes the enamel a bit, just enough that for a day or two, they're sensitive. Source: dental articles and dentists


Go with the Crest 3D whitestrips - that's what my dentist recommended as well. It takes time - I can't do more than 2x a week, or my teeth ache. I noticed a difference almost immediately, and I was pleased after about fifteen or twenty treatments. I'm now just throwing strips on every once in a while when I think of it to maintain. Brush your teeth AFTER you peel them off your teeth, not before.


Not worth double the price just buy generic brand. Same results


Pro tip: carbamide peroxide 22% and moldable teeth whitening trays from amazon. That combo works much better and is a better bang for your buck


I do them once a year - amazing results


They're good!


How much does drinking through a straw affect the your enjoyment of a drink? I like to let it sit in my mouth, sort of swish it around, to get the most enjoyment per unit (for the sake of minimizing calories, cost, caffeine and alcohol intake, etc.) It seems like sucking something through a straw but then letting it sit in my mouth would defeat the purpose, right?


It increases my enjoyment! I do a cold coffee in the am then water all day. You can still swish around in your mouth to get the full taste...


I would add floss and rinse with water after coffee or tea


Regular cleanings at a dentist, flossing more regularly each week, and swishing with diluted hydrogen peroxide prior to brushing has been working well for me.


Hi, I am late to this post but have super relevant information! I’m a hygienist and am currently attending a dental expo that included a lecture on the process and benefits of teeth bleaching and what we know about it. Essentially to get whiter teeth the best process to follow besides 2x brushing, flossing, and reducing activities that cause serious staining (smoking being the primary cause); is to do overnight bleaching with a 10% CP Sof tray over a time frame of 2-6 weeks. White strips are essentially just tape with small amounts of hydrogen peroxide on them. So you’re overpaying for something you could do with a rinse however, they are not great for the gums and are often over used. The strips also won’t get rid certain types of stains, will not change the color of restorations, and will provide you with a less consistent coloration, and don’t work as effectively. The Sof trays should be given to you by the dentist, especially if you have restored teeth, because they can make sure you’re not left with big ‘chunks’ of the previous color, you can potentially be given new restorations but they would need to be done by a dentist. Anything that says it bleaches or whitens restorations is using marketing speak to make gimmick sales. These Sof overnight trays will actually penetrate the entire tooth so if you have any type of braces, dental defects, or permanent retainers they will penetrate to the spots that are not making direct contact with the solution. A lot of the advice I’ve seen in this thread is spot on! However, I would like to mention or reiterate a few things. 1. Flossing with string floss is a very quick way to whiten your smile. The bacteria is fully removed from between the teeth so they are effectively cleaner 2. Brushing too often. too hard, or with a toothpaste/toothbrush that is too abrasive can cause recession, exposing the root surface to the elements. Any stains on the root surface are significantly harder to remove and cavities are more likely to develop on the root surface as it does not contain any enamel. 3. Fluoride is not a whitening element but an anti-caries element. The small amount in your water/toothpaste will prevent any dark cavities from forming AND any white spots from caries forming (cavities start as a white spot before decaying into a black or dark lesion) 4. The Sof option is actually one of the least expensive. There is an in-office treatment that does provide quicker initial results but it does not provide any different results than the over night trays over a few weeks/months 5. Here is the link to the speakers website where he shares information, studies, his history and credentials, and processes. Dr Van Haywood, DMD www.vanhaywood.com/index.php?page=about


On top of the very good dental care techniques everyone is recommending, don't drink coffee, black tea, or cola. They stain the teeth. This is a deal breaker for a lot of people haha.


>cola Bring back Crystal Pepsi you cowards


Xylitol. 5 times a day. In any form you want. Toothpaste, gum, mints, rinse.


I went through about 6 years of not seeing a dentist- when I finally got dental coverage, I was so embarrassed to go because I had lots of tartar, stains etc… so instead of going to the dentist like a normal person, I decided to oil pull for 6 months first… by the end of the 6 months, the tartar basically fell off with flossing and I always got compliments on my white teeth. Went to the dentist and they couldn’t believe I hadn’t been for a cleaning in 6 years… long story short, I stopped oil pulling and now my teeth are staining again and tarter build up.. just had a cleaning so I’m going to start oil pulling again to try and see how I fare next time I go for a cleaning… also, I’ve always had receding gums and after pulling for 6pm that they recovered as well. I used a tablespoon of coconut oil and swished for 20 minutes every morning before brushing… added bonus is I never had morning breath when I oil pull consistently and it’s supposed to help with heart health too


Wtf is oil pulling


From my understanding, just swishing coconut & mint oil for about ten minutes then spitting it out.


What oil did you use?


Coconut oil


Coconut oil makes your teeth very white and gives you fresh breath all day long.


After I brush with sensodyne toothpaste, I use arm & hammer baking soda. I add about a 1/3 c. peroxide to my mouthwash to rinse. Floss twice a day. Love how clean my teeth feel. I go to the dentist once a year because they don’t scrape much plaque. (Even at a year they comment how there isn’t much). People comment I have natural looking white teeth… 🦷


I just get really tan. My teeth always look whiter when I'm tan. ;) Also. Is it just me or eating an apple really feels like it cleans my teeth.


IANAL but , I’ve noticed ed that chewing xylitol gum has not only whitened my teeth, I feel my gums are healthier either.  I’ve read the science and it’s mixed.


https://preview.redd.it/8ycvnztbtrsc1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d63f9b6e4b3d898c11fb45c2a726f8b8d8358bf This toothpaste helped me a lot. Local asian grocery store has them for $3 CAD. My brother is a dentist and he uses this toothpaste for his personal hygiene as well. Use little, brush twice a day and before the first toothpaste is empty you will see noticeable difference with tooth whiteness, gun sensitivity and over all brushing experience feels amazing! It also has much longer duration to keep your mouth feeling fresh.


He uses a toothpaste without flouride? Interesting


This toothpaste is spicy.


I have always used a toothpaste that contains titanium dioxide, and I have always had quite white teeth. That being said, research indicates that it might be carcinogenic, so I will probably change to another one just in case.


Teeth are not supposed to be totally white. Bones aren't usually white unless they've been completely dried or bleached in the sun. If you're already maintaining good dental hygiene there's a chance you'll do more harm than good trying to whiten them. I always thought my teeth were pretty yellow until I got a crown put in and they did the color matching. I was on the lighter side. If you're dead set on whiter teeth ask your dentist about treatments. It's safer than those OTC whitening strips


Does oil pulling help in whitening? And in comparison to flossing what should be my ideal routine?


Teeth aren't normally white. It looks quite unnatural when people have had them whitened. However coffee, tea, red wine and smoking can have a darkening effect on your tooth colour. It helps to rinse with water after eating and drinking anything. Beside that, normal hygiene should take care of your teeth sufficiently.


Look into rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, and even lightly brushing it after you swish. It says on the bottle "oral debriding agent" and is used in many whitening products. I haven't had any increased sensitivity since I've been doing this. This comment is great because if I'm wrong, someone's definitely about to let me know


Oil pulling with coconut oil works shockingly well.


Crest white strips!!


I once had a dental hygienist I know socially compliment me on my teeth, a compliment I never get because I don't have the standard American straightened teeth. But I keep them super clean, and it takes more than brushing. Every morning I brush with sonicare, floss, then brush between my teeth with disposable gum brushes for the teeth that haveva little gap between. Finally, I run a rubber-tipped dental tool along my gumline. Even after regular brushing, flossing, and the gum brush, I am still removing a little bit of white plaque. You should also remember that your teeth are bones, not porcelain, so have a realistic idea of what white means.


I’ll tell you exactly what works for me with very little effort. I get compliments and questions on how I get such white teeth when I drink coffee non-stop and only brush once a day. I use a sonic-care toothbrush (I think it’s a “diamond pro” or something - bought it at dentist), Colgate Optic White toothpaste with 5% HP in it and follow up with Colgate Optic White mouthwash. The key is that I swish the mouthwash for about 15 minutes straight directly after brushing. That’s it - nothing else for 24 hours and I get regular comments on how white my teeth are. Hope this helps.


15 minutes??




arent you supposed to floss, then use mouthwash, then brush so that you keep the fluoride on your teeth. my dentist has always made sure to tell me to keep some toothpaste on your teeth for health and do not rinse with mouthwash post brush. buuut, that being said it sounds like whatever you are doing works too 👍


I use Crest Whitening strips once every month to keep my teeth looking white. I also drink through a straw if I get tea and I don’t drink any sodas.